  • Report:  #1463683

Complaint Review: Janet Angus Tavizon - ST Loius City Missouri

Reported By:
Atsumasa - Rockville, Maryland, United States

Janet Angus Tavizon
3342 Cordes ST Loius City, 63125 Missouri, United States
(314) 720-2362
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Report Attachments

Janet Tavizon was one of loan scammers' fee receiving agent who worked for David Maier in Las Vegas. Early July, she sent me a text messsage out of blue and proposed that she can provide a long term loan for one of my businesses at 4.0% p.a. as a legitimate personal lender. Then the discussion started. She told here background is in the real estate business and has a good amount of fund available. Being not a real lender licensed, she proposed a personal funding to my business for up to $1.5M with no interest at all because she felt my business is so good as social business helping many immigrant workers able to access to job opportunities.

To provide her "mindful" funding, she requested to pay total $7,300 as upfront fee to be deposited in cash to Catherine W.Barret account with SunTrust Bank. I asked who is Catherine becasue I did not like to make cash deposit somebody else's account and she explained Catherine is a cousin of Janet.

After having deposited such $7,300 in cash to Catherine W. Barret Account with SunTrust Bank, no loan had been disbursed.

Later she started to tell that she was going to transport such cash $1.5M by herself and deliver to me. After some discussion of unrealistic nature of cash delivery issue, she told that she was attempting to fly and her cash was retained by Airport custom and she was custodied for a week or so.

Her explanation of the story did not make sense and was not credible. I started to complain such bad default by Janet Tavizon and then she started to claim some small additional fees before she would deliver such fund. She requested to pay some small fees by iTunes cards and each time I sent to complete the transfer of fund, she complained the sent cards were already redeemed by somebody and requested replacement cards.

This ridiculous communications were repeated several times and finally the total paid fees reached to $9,125 as of Oct. 05.2018. Naturally she has never disbursed her "mindful" funding to us.




7 Updates & Rebuttals

Scammer Buster

United States
Sticky fee scams continued and Janet Tavizon stole total $18,823 140 times over 11 months continued scam operations

#2Author of original report

Wed, June 12, 2019

Janet Angus Tavizon continued contacting me over email everyday telling that she made $100 MM from investment and ready to provide funding for our project. She kept demanding to send small amount of transfer fees via bank wire or via bitcoin fund delivery almost everyday by saying "Oh, my bank demands additional fee for transfer", "My bitcoin wallet to transfer fund was something wrong and I need fee to fix it send $50", etc.

Pretended capable to deliver fund, and deferred always with excuses, and everyday demand some sort of new fee for fund delivery. Never occurred fund transfer over past 11 months. All deals ended as we were totally emptied by this person's sneaky blood sucking scams.

Report Attachments


United States
Total $14,180 was scammed by Janet Angus Tavizon pretending as a goodwill fund provider but never delivered.

#3Author of original report

Tue, January 15, 2019

Janet Angus Tavizon kept pretended as if she were a goodwill fund provider to our project but kept asking many new named fees to be paid by iTunes Gift Cards. As a result, over 65 times fees paid totaling $14,180 as of Jan 14, 2019 but the said fund never delivered.

She still keep claiming more fee for delivery of fund by naming "Bank require more fees". Malicious intention revealed and the deal was ended.


United States
Total $14,180 has been scammed by Janet Angus Tavizon by her pretense as a goodwill fund provider

#4Author of original report

Tue, January 15, 2019

Janet Angus Tavison has never given up! She continuously brought up new fictitious story as if she would be able to deliver our sought funding immediately after our continued upfront fee by sending iTunes Gift Cards. But, after paying such unexplained fees, she never delivered fund by keep telling that banks require more fees for fund transmission in the name of TAXES and Authorization Fees, etc.

So many non-senses made, but she successfully scammed and stole total $14,180.


United States
Janet Angus Tavizon's scam ripped me off total $13,300 as of Dec.28.2018

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 28, 2018

This person continued to pretend as if she would provide most needed funding to our company immediately after we have paid claimed "Bank Transfer Fees & undisclosed charges". During December, she accelerated her push and collected 10 times total $1,150 via iTunes Gift Cards by pretending as if she were totally ready to transfer fund to our bank account. She a few times told 'The transfer was completed" but it had never arrived.

I told her to write a letter of guarantee telling that she would deliver the loan for $1.5M immediately after the last last last fee of $200 paid and she must sign on the letter manually to verify her real signature. She sent a letter with a different signature from that of driver's license she sent.

When accused, she started to make numerous excuses but it did not convince me any more as such pretense did not make sense at all.

As of today, she continues pretending as if she were of goodwill person caring about other people in needs and wants to help my funding. But, despite such goodwill intent shown, she never gives up requesting such last fee from us. Truly ridiculous person trying to maximize her scam money forever.

Having identified this person were not a real person whose driver's license was sent as a part of proof of legitimacy, we stopped communication. But, she continually send messages stickily to take more money. Incredible world of scammers.


United States
Janet Tavizon behaved so wrongly and stole addtional fees via iTunes Card by pretending she were to deliver loan fund

#6Author of original report

Fri, November 09, 2018

After having behaved so sneaky and maliciously, she pretended as if the bank strongly requested to make more fees for wire transfer and requested many times "Please bank is demanding me to pay addtional fees for wire transfer.....I don't know why I am tired..." but not submitted any proofing documentation from the bank and her own written invoice etc. As a result, since July 13, 2018 till November 09, 2018, she scammed total $12,275.00 as loan related upfron fees & fictitious bank wire transfer related other fees. But, the promised loan has never been delivered even a cent to date. She continues soliciting small amount by saying " You need to send addtional $100 iTunes Card which is very important now" without any concrete explanation. I tried to speak over phone, but she refused to speak as she knew she would not able to explain why she were needing additional iTunes Card. Anyway, she used to work as loan fee collector agent for a notorious Loan Scammer, David Maier who suppoded to reside in Las Vegas, NV. Because of history she suggested me not to work with David Maier who was a very bad scammer man, I trusted her she would behave rightly so far, but actually such corrupted and contaminated mindset dedicating to loan fee scam activities, she actually never rectified her wrongful behaviors to date. Here recently used phone number is (314) 720-2362.


United States
Janet Tavizon stole fictitious wire transfer costs by iTunes cards and total amount stolen rose to $11,725.00

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 02, 2018

Janet Angus Tavison after 4 months of loan delivery default, kept asking "bank wire transfer related fees" with unexplained reasons by pretending as if she is going to wire $500K from Wells Fargo Bank and HSBC Bank by having sent two fake wie transfer confirmations that had never become truth.

She kept saying, "The iTunes Gift Cards you sent (as form of payment of fees) are not valid. Send another card asap so that I can complete wire transfers immediately". Such repetitive non-sense solicitations continued and the total amount of fees stolen reached to $11,725.


United States
Janet Tavizon recently behaved truly as fee scammer and scammed over $550 additional fees for wire transfer fees

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 22, 2018

Janet Tavizon for past 10 days revealed herself to be a loan related fees scammer and stole additonal $550 by pretendng as if she were about to send wire transfers. Her common messages have been, "I am now at the bank to complete your pending fund transfers. And I need urgently additional $175 from you to complete fund transer. Send iTunes Gift Cards right now." But, she never delivered the fund. What's worse, she always retuned back to me by saying, "Your cards sent were already redeemed and send another good card so that I can finalize the transaction". SHe never delivered the loan after re-sending new iTunes Card. This person is full of lies and malice minded behaviors although she pretended as a good heart woman and she said many times "I give you my words." Only empty meaningless words delivered and none of most important loan fund.

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