  • Report:  #1246279

Complaint Review: Jasmin - Internet

Reported By:
Angels_Paradise - Snellville, Georgia, USA

Internet, USA
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Jasmin is HORRIBLE! Their site lists requirements for machines supported and models.


Let's start with the machine - I had a computer that was at the lower spectrum of being acceptable. But they first suspended my account for the quality of my cam telling me to upgrade and all will be good. So I upgraded. Then they suspended my account because again - the quality of my image telling me that my computer was not fast enough for their system. So, I spent $2500 on a MAC that was listed as supported. Then I got on, and it was saying that I was being deducted 5% of my meager earnings - I contacted "support" again. Keep in mind, I've spent HOURS, literally HOURS dealing with "support" at this point. They said that my image was pixalated, and that it was my internet and that if I upgraded that it would fix everything. So, upgrade I did! I logged back into "support" and was told that it still was not good enough, that it was my lighting, so - upgraded that as well. So - again, hours and hours with support just to be told that my image was still pixalated. I hit the fan - was LIVID - I was told that MAC did not support their "Jasmin cam" software. I expressed to these people that I spent over $2,500.00 in computer and other supplies. The supervisor "Clark" responded that everyone knows that just because you spent a lot of money that it's not the best and that I just needed to buy a windows machine. "Clark" ten told me that I was not cooperating. How can I not cooperate after all the upgrades and $ I spent trying to fix an imaginary problem? Since I was upset - he suspended my account for 24 hours just to be spiteful.


Then, after the 24 hours, he literally made me beg to re open my account. Once he did I begged to speak to someone else - where I there begged to get a supervisor of the dept name just to be transfer back to Clark. Clark then told me if I did not do word for word what he said he would suspend my account. I was treated worse than a rented mule. After HOURS, literally HOURS he told me that my image slowed just the tinest bit and that he could not give me a "good" rating meaning that they would continue to scam 5% of my earnmings. He then told me I needed to purchase new lights - giving me a link to something at walmart. I was dumbfounded and in tears at this point. I was telling "Clark" he was making me sick and that I suffered from a disability from learning difficulities. He told me again I was not cooperating. I told him I had all new lighting, and he then, told me to move them. I did as he dictated and wow - the lighting I have was more than enough!


It's a scam - it's HORRIBLE. No matter how glossy the pages look - the support is so bad .....words cannot describe how I felt when I was done. I was crying and shaking terribly. Needless to say, I was so upset I couldn't work that night and in my email in the morning I was told my account was closed forever! And they're scamming $ from my pay - but I don't know for what since I can't even see my earnings anymore!






I'm sure I'm leaving a lot out - but you get the idea. Shame on me for not researching this site more throughly first. 

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