  • Report:  #59260


Reported By:
- Morrow, Georgia,

1396 South Lake Plaza Drive Morrow, 30260 Georgia, U.S.A.
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JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER's ripped me off for more than $6,200.00

I signed up for three certification courses at JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER's Morrow,GA location. I was enrolled by the Director at that location, Josh Taves. I specifically informed Mr. Taves that I had no Oracle or DBA experience. I asked if this class was designed for beginners and he assured me that it was. The program offered to me was supposed to provide appropriate training for:

1. Certification in Oracle 8i with a course for a version 9i upgrade.--OCP certification

2. Certification for Microsoft SQL database administration. I only required two test since I already possess a Windows 2000 MCSE certification.--MCDBA certification

3. Certification for Cisco Certified Network Associate--CCNA certification.

The problems began on the 1st day of scheduled training. I arrived for my Oracle class and was informed by Mr. Taves that without his knowledge the instructor had extended the previous class by two (2) weeks. Despite the fact that Mr. Taves had my home, work and cell telephone numbers neither he nor any staff attempted to contact and inform me of this delay. I informed Mr. Taves that this was unprofessional and that at least a courtesy call would have been appreciated. Mr. Taves claimed that he was unaware that the instructor had changed the class dates. It began to concern me that the Director wasn't aware of the start and end dates of classes that he was enrolling students in.

I now had to reschedule to begin training in another two (2) weeks.

Let me state once again: I specifically informed Mr. Taves that I had no Oracle or DBA experience. I asked if this class was designed for beginners and he assured me that it was. This just doesn't seem possible when the text books provided do not match the software provided for the "Hands-on-Training" that was promised and is even mentioned on their website. This inconsistency made it impossible to do homework or the examples in the book in the classroom. I questioned the Instructor about this and he acknowledged that it didn't match up and wasn't quite sure why some of the information was in the book since it didn't match the software he provided.

This lack of consistency and the instructors poor knowledge of the material I feel led to my fellow classmates dropping the course, leaving me the only remaining student for that course for a period of time.

About two (2) weeks later Mr. Taves made a decision to add two (2) more students to my class. This meant that my class had to start at the beginning once again. Now my Oracle class scheduled end date was delayed by a total of four (4) weeks. I went to Mr. Taves and told him that this was not acceptable and asked to drop the class at that time. He insisted that he would work something out that would be acceptable, such as private tutoring. I told him that I was very hesistant to continue with the courses and told him that while I would continue with the Oracle classes including the private tutoring I wanted to drop the other two (2) classes for MCDBA and CCNA.

While Mr. Taves dropped the courses he did not give me a refund for the certification tests for those courses. Mr. Taves informed me that the school purchased the test in "my name" when they were paid by the finance company and that I could use the vouchers to take the test on my own. Since I had intentions of taking the tests I didn't argue the point. I viewed it as an investment in myself and motivation to get the certification on my on. However now that I am no longer enrolled with Javelin they will not release the vouchers or the money to me. This is confusing to me since the school purchased the vouchers in "my name" and can not use them.

I continued with the Oracle class. The software and textbook inconsistencies were never addressed. The instructor missed our Sunday private tutor session despite the fact that I called him repeatedly on his cell phone....per his request.

After the 2nd week the instructor no longer came prepared for class. He simply came to class and read from the book. The instructor was not Oracle 9i certified at the time despite the fact that he was supposedly training students for the 9i upgrade exam. The instructor provided a copy of Real-Exams test documentation which is basically a copy of the test. When I would ask a question that the instructor couldn't answer he would respond that if I memorized the Real-Exams document he provided I would have all the answers to the test. "Real-Exams is a cheat sheet."

I explained that my concern was that I wasn't learning, but instead memorizing. My instructor would then tell me the things I was concerned or asking questions about weren't a concern in the "real world".

On several occassions the instructor commented that his superiors were "bugging" him to get more people to take the certification exam. He allegedly responded by telling his superiors that he had given his students the exam and asked what more did they (his superiors) want him to do, take the test for the students? So it would appear that his superiors knew he was giving out cheat sheets and didn't care that students were being shoved through the class. All they were concerned about were the numbers that they could generate to attract more students.

I un-enrolled from JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER and requested a refund. The school refused claiming that I used more than 50% of my time.

1. How is it possible since the class was pushed back by four (4) weeks.

2. When I dropped the course the class was still using the first (1st) book out of a set of three (3).

Javelin will not even release the vouchers which I paid for to me. The same vouchers that Mr. Taves claimed were transferrable to me.

In addition to the rip-off that I feel occurred in my case I found the following information on the Rip- OFF Report (http://www.ripoffreport.com) website:

[Josh's complete name is JOSH TAVES, a clerk in the admission's department of JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER. MS. ROBYN TAYLOR is the owner of JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER. Lenders refused to provide non-recourse loans for the students of JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER because of misrepresentations by JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER concerning their length of time in business, financial stability and completions of the program by current students. JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER also failed to make payments on a written, legally binding contract executed by ROBYN TAYLOR.

Potential students are cautioned and advised to seek information about any complaints made against JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER from the Proprietary Education Licensing Division of the State of Georgia BEFORE they enroll.

Schools that might be interested in our student loan program should feel free to fax a written request to me at 210-408-6069.

-Laurence R. Beneke

President, Beneke Financial Group

Laurence - San Antonio, Texas]

The bottom line is that JAVELIN TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER got took my money (I currently owe more then $6,200).

For $6,200+ all I received was:

1. An instructor incapable of teaching the subject matter at the introductry level.

2. Textbooks valued at $77.00

3. Software which was useless since in could not be used with the textbooks.

4. A cheatsheet valued at $39.00


Morrow, Georgia

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