  • Report:  #1056273

Complaint Review: J.B. Hunt Transportation - East Brunswick New Jersey

Reported By:
New Jersey - New Jersey,

J.B. Hunt Transportation
19 Edgeboro Rd East Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If the upper level managment wants you out they will find a way to get rid of you.  They will set you up for failure and find the most ridiculous things to terminate you for.  They expect you to work a 50 hour work week but you end up working close to a 70 hour work week.  They have no respect for thier employees and show it on a regular basis. 

I was terminated for a very small mistake because they didn't like me and that I stood up for myself and others.  The gave me a write up and in that meeting I complained about having to work 12 hours or more a day and it making hard to take care of my medical condition and they told me that this might not be the right career for me.  Unfortunatly the write up says almost nothing about my medical condition and points out minimal things that I clairified in the reply to the write up. 

When I gave the response to my write up is when things got very hostile.  In the response I wrote about the poor managment and the lack of job training I recieved.  I also called HR and told them that I felt discriminated against.  HR did not seem to take me seriously and did not have the proper disscusion with me about my condition.  With in a week of the response to the write up I was terminated. 

It seems to me that I as well as others in my possition in the company were over worked and under paid.  Being paid salary for working 80 hours in two weeks and actually working double that.  They work you until you burn out and leave or if you try to stand up for yourself they find a way to terminate you.  Upper level managment thinks its above everyone and every thing and the Litigation department is full of the most unperfessional people I've ever found. 

There is no Work/life balance in this company and they expect you to give your all for peanuts.  While working for this company my heath declined and my stress level was through the roof.  Employee beware!!!  Working for J.B. Hunt is not worth it. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals

New Jersey

New Jersey,
I'm not a driver I was an office employee

#2Author of original report

Wed, June 05, 2013

I know very well that there are no 8 hour truck Driver days. If you know that then you should also know that truck drivers hardly ever get paid salary. Its either stops and miles or hourly. Drivers do not qualify under the exempt position in NJ so salary is a definite no. Also it is very hard to get your CDL if you have any medical condition.

 I was an office employee and the only reason I posted this was for other people to beware of working for JB Hunt. They work you until you burn out and either you quit or they fire you if they want to get rid of you. Maybe I should have been more clear when I wrote that but I did not want to give too much info and be identified. 

I hope that I cleared that up a little. Thank you for your well wishes.


More of the same.

#3General Comment

Tue, June 04, 2013

 I don't know what kind of medical condition you have because you didn't mention it, but usually when you mention medical condition companies won't even hire you. But just the fact that they are so big and can't keep drivers is probably the only reason they hired you to begin with.

Another thing you have going against you is, you said you where paid salary, so in the trucking industries eyes, as long as you have the hours to run they are going to run you and there are no 8 hour days in trucking unless you have that in writing which I'm sure you don't.

As for the part about what they will do if they want to get rid of you, there is nothing to low for these people to stoop to, I often wonder were they find so many people without a conscience.

So, unless you have a lot of proof you where harassed out of your job, you may as well just move on, the Hunts are billionaires and they didn't get that way by caring about the little guy.

If you don't want this to happen again I would suggest you do something else, because the trucking industry is full of these same types of people.

Good luck and God Bless.

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