  • Report:  #68079

Complaint Review: J.D. Marvel Inc. - Champlain New York

Reported By:
- Denton, Maryland,

J.D. Marvel Inc.
Dept. 721-109 Box 3270 Champlain, 12910 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After 45 years of ordering through the mail, the is the first time anything like this has EVER happened! I ordered 2 pair of moccosins and sent a check for $16.95. The company cashed my check and I never received the merchandise. THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING WE CAN DO TO GET OUR MONEY BACK AND STOP THEM!!! THEY ARE CROOKS AND I DON'T WANT THEIR SLIPPERS ANYMORE . . I JUST WANT MY HARD EARNED MONEY! (If anyone knows what we can do, e-mail me . . [email protected])


Denton, Maryland

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