  • Report:  #25757

Complaint Review: J.D. Marvel Products Inc. - Champlain Florida

Reported By:

J.D. Marvel Products Inc.
Dept 721-109, Box 3270, Champlain NY 12919 Champlain, 12919 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
J.D. Marvel Products, Inc. appears to flaunt their laisser-faire approach to business. If only I had known about this company's reputation before I made my order.... Three (3) months have elapsed since my payment was accepted by J.D. Marvel Products, Inc. However, my order has yet to arrive. Two (2) complaint letters later, all I have received is a new J.D. Marvel Products Catalog and a postcard stating that my order would be shipped promptly (this came close to two months ago). Does this company really believe that one would make another order given their past performance? It just shows what the competence of their marketing department. They should be concerned with disaster recovery regarding customers.

However, my next action is to recommend others like myself to contact the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and the New York State Attorney's office to submit a formal complaint against this company. Should enough of us raise our voices, certain legal actions might be levied upon the management of this company. Furthermore, a class action suite may just be what this organization needs to put those responsible under questioning for their actions and their handling of our monies.


Hollywood, Florida

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Kelowna, B.C. Canada,
No shipment of my order!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, August 24, 2002

I sent an order into J.D. Marvel on June 13th, 2002, and it is now August. 24th, and I have yet to receive my order, or any news of it. It was to be a birthday gift for a friend, and I am devastated that it did not arrive. Can you help me? Thanks,

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