  • Report:  #47808

Complaint Review: JD Marvel Products Inc - Champlain New York

Reported By:
- Tucson, Arizona,

JD Marvel Products Inc
Dept 721-109, Box 3270 Champlain, 12919 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of my mother, Mara Madera who ordered 3 pair of your Doc Marvel Fleece lined soft suede leather slippers. She has not yet received the merchandise ordered.

As you can see, she made the check out in early November of 2002. It was cashed/deposited on November 22nd, it is now March and she has not received the slippers.

I, as well as my mother have made the attempt to call your company to no avail. The phone is constantly busy. If it does ring (on Sunday and evenings) no one answers. I have looked on your website for an e mail address and you have nothing.

My mother is very disappointed and disgusted with your company at this point. If this letter gets no response she will call The Better Business Bureau of NY.

I thank you for your attention to this matter.


Tucson, Arizona

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