  • Report:  #1244515

Complaint Review: Jeffrey Wilens - Yorba Linda California

Reported By:
John - Los Angeles, California, USA

Jeffrey Wilens
18340 Yorba Linda Blvd Yorba Linda, 92886 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
A while back I was solicited by Jeffrey Wilens who bragged he can make me lots of money if I will join a fake class action lawsuit. Jeffrey Wilens said he will be “representing” me in this fake class action lawsuit. He tried to convince me he is always going after bad guys with deep pockets and therefore they deserve to have their arm be twisted by him and maybe even their insurance will pay for it. 


Jeffrey Wilens who explain to me that I need to use a company's services and claim I was harmed in some way and than he will file a class action against this company, claiming that all the other customers of the company were harmed in the same way (same fake harm that I was supposedly harmed ).  


Jeffrey Wilens explained that these cash rich companies will pay 6-7 figures to get rid of the lawsuits and I will get part of the payout. When I spoke to this slimy Jeffrey Wilens I started to hesitate, Jeffrey Wilens is very smooth talker but have eyes of a mad man, really creepy character.


I read more on the internet and Jeffrey Wilens is apparently a real scumbag that managed to lure other individuals to participate in his scams suing companies. There is a whole dirt going around on the internet about Jeffrey Wilens’s scams. I thought the world should know and beware not to sink into the quicksand of getting involved with this scammer Jeffrey Wilens.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Got scam email from Jessica Young Jeffrey Wilens Paralegal

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, June 19, 2016

This attorney sent me 2 emails, last one this week, trying to lure me to participate in his scam. It was sent by Jessica Young his Paralegal at Lakeshore Law Center

What a creepy man, I google his name and found what a scammer he is, read here who is Jeffrey Wilens  classactionscams.com/

I found here that this scammer is also a wife cheater, Jeffery Wilens (((REDACTED)))

He is suing so many, Jeffrey Wilens even sued google techdirt.com/blog/?tag=jeffrey+wilens

Lakeshore Law Center

Yorba Linda,

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 08, 2015

The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin features a thoughtful piece discussing the Internet smear campaign launched by a criminal being sued by Jeffrey Wilens and the Lakeshore Law Center.  None of the posters on the Rip Off Report are legitimate clients or potential clients.  They are all fabricated or bribed by the owner of Explore Talent and Michael Roberts, his hired gun. 


Liars always accuse others in lying and cons always accuse others in conning

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, August 30, 2015

yea, that's right, when you lose judges "make bad ruling", you are always right - yea right, but the reality is that you are always just trying to play dirty tricks on the judges like inflating your bills according to court records reviled on your other haters websites  - and according to lawyers on the  Netfilx case you played many dirty tricks to get your brother Gary Wilens as a fake objector in the Netfilx class action ...
Usually people that think like you need to be in some m. institute and not practice law since in their mind evil and malicious is just fine because they feel they are always right and its OK to be malicious too.
All lawyers that ever dealt with you say that you are evil, unethical malicious and a nut case and full of yourself, but you keep on living in your own denial, typical behavior of a sociopath.
Proof... how about Teresa Ann Martinez that could not take being a fake plaintiff in your fake case ... 
Sure, you trying to convince the world that every one you sue is a criminal just like your latest project, this talent company you just announced, so you try to sell the world your regular fantasy that because they are criminals their money is better of in your hands than in their hands, so if they are criminals in your sick mind why should you be entitled to their money?  How did they take your "client's" money?
You believe that you are the one "the saint" "saving the poor" that is why you believe it is ok to cheat, lie and fabricate lawsuits and invent plaintiffs just like the other scum class action attorneys. Your abusive actions are just as dirty of the dirtiest lawyers in the class action racket. Plenty of articles about in all over the internet.

Lakeshore Law Center

Yorba Linda,

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 14, 2015

What a whining little b**** this "Anthony" is. 

Let's look at the original false statement, which was that a supposed potential client was solicited by Jeffrey Wilens to join a "fake" class action and the client would make lots of money.

That is a blatant lie.  No such client or potential client exists.  If he does, what is his name?  Phone records should show this conversation if it occurred telephonically.

Now, does Anthony even attempt to justify or prove the original lie?  Not at all.

Instead his proof is that a long time ago, a lawsuit on behalf of victims of Directv was dismissed by the judge.  Note the judge did NOT find the lawsuit to be frivolous.  Yes, the plaintiffs were ordered to reimburse the defendant's legal fees under a law called the "anti-slapp" law.  However, that is not the first time persons bringing a legitimate lawsuit and had to pay the other side's fees, it can happen.

Everyone knows Judges make bad rulings and that was a bad ruling.  In fact, if you read the article quoted, you will see it is very sympathetic to my legal argumetns and my clients and my client who was quoted does not blame me for the unfair ruling.  Ultimately, a reasonable compromise was reached by the way and he did not pay that entire amount. 

However the statement that I lost 16 class actions against Directv is a complete lie.  In fact, I won the vast majority of my litigation against Directv defending many victims of Directv's attempts to extort money from people who it suspected were stealing Directv services.

There is no "trail" of clients who hate me.  In fact, Anthony does not identify a single client who is dissatisfied with my services, much less hate me.
It is true that a small number of defendants who are breaking the law resent my lawsuits.  But the one that comes to mind, and the one with the greatest motive to stage an Internet smear campaign, is Ami Sharfrir, one of the owners of Explore Talent. Because Ami has testified under oath he does not know how to "use the Internet" (even though he runs an internet based business with a local office in Nevada), he hired a professional "reputation destroyer."  That person is Michael Roberts.






Truth and nothing but THE TRUTH + Why Jeffrey Wilens has haters

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 13, 2015

First amendment is freedom of speech, Jeffrey if you don’t like what the world is thinking about you don’t read it. But Jeffrey Wilens manipulated  the courts with his lies to shut his victims from their right to freedom of expression.
Jeffrey Wilens is evading, changing the subject and is contradicting himself here, maybe he got confused from juggling between the lies... he think he can confuse the readers just like he confuses the court with his class action racket shenanigans.
Jeffrey Wilens asks for proof...  here is one case he lost with DirecTV and caused the court to order the plaintiffs to pay $100,000 to DirecTV paying the price for Jeffrey Wilens’s fails in his frivolous class action. See evidence and full story here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2003/07/17/directv_dragnet_snares_innocent_techies/ and there are 16 more class action lawsuit with DirecTV he lost. 
Jeffrey Wilens has a trail of victims. Let’s look at this objectively, who are Jeffrey Wilens’s victims/haters ?
1. His “plaintiffs” “clients” hate him  because he lured them to get involved with dirt and got them little or no money.
2. His defendants hate him because he harassed them with his baseless class action “settlement extortion” money he got out of them and made them spend 6 figures in legal bills.
3. The boyfriends / husbands of the women Jeffrey Wilens has extramarital affairs with.
Jeffrey Wilens business is Class action “legalized” extortion, this is how it works: https://rationaloptimist.wordpress.com/2011/09/15/class-action-lawsuits-legalized-extortion/
People like Jeffrey Wilens should not be allowed to be out there abusing the legal system!

Lakeshore Law Center

Yorba Linda,

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 12, 2015

The "Anthony" making the consumer comment is the same person as the original poster who is the same person making all the posts about me on Rip Off Report.  He is a professional Internet "hitman" hired by the owner of Explore Talent to defame me because I threaten to shut down his illegal business. 

This comment does not present any evidence that he or the supposedly different original poster were ever contacted by my office.

Moreover, the federal court judgment is against a "Doe Defendant" because he went to great lengths to conceal his identity, including using fake email addresses and a Russian server.

However, the court ruled that I validly served the defaming b****** by email.  He knew about the lawsuit and even bragged that there was nothing I could do to enforce my judgment.  He even posted on his website that I was trying to shut him down by means of the federal court lawsuit and whined about his "first amendment rights."  How could he even make that whining statement if he was not aware of the then pending lawsuit?

It is true the judgment was only $20,000 when the judge could have imposed stiffer penalties but subsequently this idiot violated the court order by creating more bogus websites.  I could pursue additional monetary sanctions if there is a point to doing so.  But it may not be worthwhile since the coward won't even pay the $20,000.




How Jeffrey Wilens hides his class action scams.

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, August 10, 2015

Jeffrey Wilens blaming others to be liars but based on the facts Jeffrey Wilens appears to be the liar, read below and decide for yourself.

Jeffrey Wilens claims in his above post that he got a “$20,000 judgment plus a finding that his postings on other websites were defamatory”.  Reviewing the court documents in that case, it shows although Jeffrey Wilens claimed the websites were defamatory and requested $100,000 per site,  the Judge did not rule or awarded anything about the websites being defamatory but only awarded $20,000 to be paid by an anonymous party for 2 alleged trademark infringements of the name “Jeffrey Wilens” and “Lakeshore law Center”, $10,000 per name. 

Jeffrey Wilens lied to the court in the lawsuit alleging these websites were used by a competitor which would violate the trademark, although they are not from a competitor but from his victims. The fact here is Trademark infringements claims are only valid if the trademarked name was used by competitor, but the reality is these “trademarked names” was used only to voice freedom of speech by victims who are clearly NOT a competitor.

Furthermore by causing the websites to be taken down, Jeffrey Wilens violated the first amendment civil right for freedom of speech of his victims by hiding the truth from the court and causing the court reach a decision based ONLY on Jeffrey Wilens misrepresentations to the court (without the court even having any proof that the defendants being aware about the lawsuit) . Jeffrey Wilens misrepresented issues to the court knowing the anonymous victims did not have ability to oppose or contradict his misrepresentations. 
Doing so Jeffrey Wilens also caused the court to violate the anonymous victims civil right for due process under both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments http://civilrights.uslegal.com/due-process-violation/. So now Jeffrey Wilens is bragging here how he obtained a “Judgment” against helpless anonymous victims by violating 2 of their civil rights.
This is how Jeffrey Wilens is working the court system in order to hide his class action scams.

Lakeshore Law Center

Yorba Linda,

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 28, 2015

The person who posted this complaint is the owner of an illegal business who was sued by my law firm and another law firm.  In preliminary rulings by the Judge, the case has been found to be meritorious. 

He is NOT a client of the Lakeshore Law Center.  He is not someone who spoke to me or anyone else in my office about becoming a client.  He is a liar.

He is the same person who I sued in United States District Court and obtained a court judgment for $20,000 plus a finding that his postings on other websites were defamatory.  In that lawsuit, the exact same "fake client" complaint was made.

Notice he does not identify himself or present any proof he is a real client.  He does not produce a single email, proof of a phone conversation, a retainer agreement or anything else.

Eventually I obtained a court order to shut down his websites (he created over 10 of them to defame me). 

So now he is hiding behind anonymous postings.

This is my challenge:  If this anonymous poster will identify himself, I will present solid legal evidence to prove he is operating an illegal business and is motivated by his greed and desire to continue to rip off California consumers.

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