  • Report:  #4660

Complaint Review: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

by Gary Busselman

Abuse in the name of God i.e. SPIRITUAL ABUSE;

My core beliefs were the result of phobia indoctrination by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (New World Society) of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, reinforced by my parents and the collective efforts of the local members of the group, including most of my relatives.

My father's parents were Jehovah's Witnesses. He was baptized in 1935. When I was seven (second grade in school) the Watchtower organization became the primary focus in my parents life.

I tried to simply "walk away" from the control of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1974. I knew I had left Jehovah's Witnesses but I had no idea that the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses had not left me, but were in fact my core beliefs that I was using to run my life.


When I tried to be a part of the Watchtower organization I experienced dissonance, that is an inner conflict which caused me discomfort and at times outright pain. Consonance, dissonance, as described by Leon Festinger, Henry W. Riecken, and Stanley Schachter in their 1956 book; WHEN PROPHECY FAILS, p.25 -30, is what happens to me when my beliefs and my actions are in conflict. Thus if my core belief is that The Watchtower, Bible, and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses is God's only means to communicate with all the people on the entire earth , that the only way that I can merit God's favor is to attend 5 group meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses a week , distribute their literature, try to recruit my friends, non-witness relatives, and everyone else I meet into the group, and to believe whatever is the "present truth", when I , for whatever reason, can not do these things I feel, on some level, like a failure, a traitor to God and, at times, unworthy to live. When I tried to "just get on with my life" and simply deny my Watchtower training I experienced a dissonance (pain). When I experience the pain of internal conflict I will always eventually try to resolve the conflict or medicate the pain.

When I feel like I am a failure and rejected by God then I probably feel like a failure, unworthy, and rejected by any and everyone. If I try to run, I can't run fast enough or far enough so I'm always restless. If I try to change the cause of the dissonance when I don't understand what the cause is, I almost always change the wrong thing. The last thing I can look at is my core beliefs. My core beliefs are my reasons, my tests, my justifications, my security, and my very foundation. So I try to change my environment. I change jobs, houses, towns, friends, wives, and everything around me. To the world I appear radical, inconsistent, restless, irritable, and discontent. I have relationship problems and there always seems to be 3 crisis's, the one I'm just getting out of, the one that I'm in the middle of, and the one I'm working to create. The worse my life goes, to a degree, the less the dissonance because, in a sense, I am proving the Watchtower right when they said if I ever left the "organization" I would experience similar fates to others who left. The Jehovah's Witnesses I remember had a rumor network that would keep the members up to date on the terrible things happening to group members who were disfellowshipped or dared to quit "Jehovah's Organization". I never heard of anything good happening to a former member while I was a practicing member myself.

When I could not accept the behavior of the members toward me and each other, or accept all of their "present truth" teachings and when the pain of staying got greater than my fear of leaving I had to leave. I believe that I was set up by Jehovah's Witnesses to self destruct. When I try to change people, places, and things around me and nothing works, I only have a few choices. Go back to the Watchtower organization and see if the mind control works this time.

Go on trying to change people, places, and things around me, stay in turmoil. Sink deep in depression and possibly commit suicide. Medicate my feelings with alcohol, food, work, sex, or prescription drugs. Get in recovery , accept what was done to me, overcome it, and help others.

I choose to get in recovery. I choose to accept what happened to me as unchangeable by me now. I choose to get some power in my life by facing my past and actually changing most of my core beliefs. Before I can start to change I must accept some things about myself. Perhaps among the hardest things to accept about myself was my lack of personal boundaries, my lack of self esteem, and my almost compulsive attraction to people who reject and abuse me.


My lack of boundaries caused me to do things to other people that were inappropriate. Since I didn't have my own boundaries I could not see and respect other people's boundaries either. If I crossed a boundary of another person and they were healthy enough to tell me, I would take their action personally as a rejection ? and I can not stand rejection! Having been rejected and abused by my Jehovah's Witnesses mother and father, I seem to be drawn, actually attracted, to people and institutions that abuse and reject me. I seemed to keep setting myself up. My lack of boundaries caused me to set myself up for invasion, rejection, and abuse by any and all.

I set up a dangerous cycle for myself that I'll try to describe. If I was lonely ,for example, I would seek out a companion. The companion would be walking in an emotional mine field. Since I could not define my boundaries, my friend would go way past. Since I was inconsistent, what was OK yesterday was not OK today. Eventually my anger or fear would build up until I blew. My behavior would drive people away from me and I would become lonely, starting the cycle over again.

It feels good today to be able to keep relationships healthy and enjoyable. Today I can say "You called at a bad time, can I call you back?" or "I feel bad when you do that." or the big one "No".


My lack of self esteem was power. It was like rocket fuel to a fire. It was my security blanket. It was my identity. It made me omnipotent. I was justified! The absolutely worst thing that could have happened to me was success. If things were going good, look out! I would sabotage my best deals. Relationships, jobs, whatever, if it went good, it was doomed. I would make sure it didn't last. Then I would say to myself in my pity, "See! I told you. You can't do anything right." or " Everything you touch turns into garbage".

As a victim of both abusive parents and the other Watchtower corporation representatives I now am realizing I have much in common with all abuse victims. I thought of myself as bad, worthless, hated by God and "His people" i.e. His "earthly organization". If I believe, really believe, that I am cast out by God, I bet my life doesn't run too smooth, and mine didn't.


If you reject me, I'm drawn to you just like a moth to the flame. The worse you treat me the more I feel safe and comfortable with you. I love chaos. I'm comfortable in chaos. Here is, I think why.

My mother, after she became indoctrinated by the Jehovah's Witnesses, beat my younger brother and me. We were forced to meet tough standards and we couldn't do it. The more she beat me the harder I tried to get her approval.

I tried to protect my 2 year younger brother from my Witness mother's rage. When he did something to incur her wrath I would do something worse so she would forget about him and come after me. I got all of my beatings and a lot of his too. I ended up resenting him. I blamed him for the beatings that I took for him and I blamed myself for my own beatings. To this day I just fill with fear when a young child misbehaves or causes a disturbance. As a Jehovah's Witness child when that would happen, someone got a beating. I was a victim and a witness to a lot of child abuse at Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls and small group book study meetings in members homes. At one group home meeting I don't ever remember a week that this Witness man did not beat one of his children in front of all present. Never do I recall anyone speaking up in defense of the children. On the contrary, group members would reinforce the behavior and since he had been with the group longer than my parents, I believe his behavior probably served as a model for them and justified their beatings of my brother and I.

My Jehovah's Witness mother would tell me she loved me while she beat me, screamed, and raged at me. She told us we would turn out "BAD" if she didn't discipline (beat) us. She would quote scripture while in a furious rage, yelling and beating us until the veins in her hand and arm would break and then she would scream "Look what you made me do". I remember telling her "I hate you" after a beating. She turned me into my Jehovah's Witness dad when he got home and I got it again. Then they would be overly nice to us. We got a lot of guilt gifts. We also got guilt gifts when they would leave us with relatives while they went to Watchtower conventions when we were younger. When they went to New York in 1953 I think it took us most of the 2 weeks they were gone to read all the comic books.

My brother and I were, at times, praised at Witness group meetings in front of the "friends", then beaten with yardsticks and fly swatters in the privacy of our own home. Home for me was not a safe place. Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls were not a safe place for me.

Often, after giving my brother or me a beating, my Witness mother would go into a chant, "Where did we go wrong? Where did we fail?" On and on! My dad would rarely talk to us as children except on mothers orders or to punish us on his own.

The real healing today comes from my non - witness friends (my former Witness "friends" shun me today) and my wife and 2 of my 4 sons. Life as a castaway or walkaway Witness can be lonely.

Regular contact with people with the same experience has been a real benefit to me. My social network doesn't allow time to be lonely. The Jehovah's Witnesses, one piece at a time, threw away their power over me. All their enforced unity did was drive me away and ultimately free me.

In 1971 my first wife, who was a Jehovah's Witness, died following the "present truth" which was "All organ transplants are cannibalism" and "Even if you do die now , you will be resurrected shortly after 1975". She spent her last energy and time witnessing to people that Jesus has been judging the sheep from the goats since 1914, and that the generation who was of the age of understanding in 1914 would still be alive when Armageddon breaks out in the near future (1975).

If you need more information from me or if you just need to talk please write or call.

Gary Busselman

PO Box 88641

Sioux Falls SD


JW Recorded Message Line 605-373-0144

Live line 605-334-5692

[email protected]

(Ministries to cult victims have my permission to reprint this document in their newsletters and to photocopy for distribution connected with their ministries.)

7 Updates & Rebuttals


West Islip,
New York,
Heather stop being a Gary basher

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, August 16, 2005

Heather, Every scripture you took from the Bible is true. God is the truth. But, Gary was not saying he doesn't believe in God, from what I gathered. He can follow Christ but he doesn't have to follow Jehovah Witnesses to do that. You seem to have turned it on Gary as he is a deciever of Christ. I don't think that at all. You seem to be a deciever. He had some bad expierences and whether you are a religious person or not you don't ignore someone and sneer at them for not attending your church anymore. That sounds like a cult and an ungodly thing to do. He never said he did not believe in Jesus. He may or may not. But he did say why he didn't want to be part of the Watchtower church and it had nothing to do with the Lord. You may know the Bible word for word and think that's all you need to know. But, do you know Jesus? That's what you need!!! You shouldn't be following a church. You are supposed to be following the Lord, Heather. There is nothing wrong with church, but their is more to it. Like recieving the Father, Son and Holy spirit. Now that's what I'm talking about. Hey Gary, thanks for sharing your past with us. I hope you figured everything out okay and that you are on the right path now. It's really sad when people put this know it all bible stuff out there, but yet they don't know Jesus. Hey, it's just a SPIRIT THING!!! And GOD do I love it!!!hehe...


San Diego,
A comment to HEATHER - Goodlettsville, Tennessee

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 19, 2004

Heather, You have used many scriptures in your response to Gary. In a way you have attacked him with the scriptures. This is a very common thing amongst us has Jehovah's witness's to do to another person that is down or that is no longer within the organization. Gary has been abused from his parents and religion because of the hypocrisy. The scriptures you have used make sense, and I will not argue any of what the bible has to say. However, we as Witness have overlooked a very soon to be alarming problem. We have used scriptures as such in your response to everyone but our religion and ourselves. The books of the Hebrew prophets contain detailed judicial denunciations of numerous nations of the ancient world, but more especially the prophets directed God's judgments and counsel to the only physical nation on earth that Jehovah God has ever called his own--- Israel. Jehovah was their Lawgiver, King, and Judge. And judge them he did on numerous occasions. Over the many years that the Watchtower has been teaching Jehovah's Witnesses God's Word, the overwhelming tendency has been to cast ourselves in the best possible light by applying all of Jehovah's scathing rebuke to Christendom, and all of the positive aspects of prophecies to ourselves. On the rare occasion that we do admit that a certain prophetic censure applies to us as an organization, we invariably connect it to the past period of 1916-1919. In deflecting and nullifying God's own Word directed against his spiritual organization, we have tragically blinded ourselves to Jehovah's coming judgments upon his people. Many of these scriptures you implying to Gary also apply within Jehovah's Organization. I am sure you know nothing about the Societies involvement with the United Nation for 10 years (1991-2001) as an NGO with DPI. An NGO must agree with UN charter, or basically agree with every thing the UN stands for. Their job as an NGO is distributes public information about the on goings of the UN, or to inform the public through literature. If you know nothing about this you need to do research. You may need to apply the very scripture you used on Gary to your self. 2 Thess. 2:3: Let no one seduce you in any manner, because [the day of Jehovah] will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. or 1 Tim. 4:1: The inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons. Is Gary proclaiming to speak with an inspired utterance? The Societies excuse for their involvement is an absolute Lie, with many documents and proof that it is. My reason for writing this is because we as Witness's have accused so many people and organizations as hypocrites or apostates, that we who bare his name will be the first he will punish, let history prove that. What Jehovah's Witnesses have lost sight of is the fact that God disciplines his people. The Hebrew Christians in Paul's day similarly forgot just how God deals with his children, which is why the apostle felt the need to remind them: "but you have entirely forgotten the exhortation which addresses you as sons." Paul went on to write to them, and us, saying: "My son, do not belittle the discipline from Jehovah, neither give out when you are corrected by him; for whom Jehovah loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son." As an example, the Watchtower Society would never assent to applying the prophecies of Isaiah's 28th and 29th chapters to Jehovah's Witnesses, yet there is every reason that we should humbly do so. Consider the not-so-flattering description of Ephraim in the first few verses of the 28th chapter of Isaiah. "Woe to the eminent crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, and the fading blossom of its decoration of beauty that is upon the head of the fertile valley of those overpowered with wine!" Naturally we imagine that this is describing Christendom, but is it? If the above verse applies to the corrupt denominations of Christendom, then we must conclude that at one time Christendom stood before God as a beautiful floral decoration, which has now become wilted and lost its beauty. That doesn't seem reasonable, but spiritual Israel did indeed have a glorious beginning in the 1st century, just as did physical Israel when it came into the decorative Promised Land. But, the question is what will be the condition of Jehovah's spiritual nation when God makes his inspection of it at the close of the Christian era? Well, that seems to be what Isaiah is describing. In many respects the Watchtower Society fits the description of a once-beautiful "fading blossom" of decoration. We, who once fearlessly announced Jehovah's coming judgments upon Satan's world, must now contend with the embarrassing reality that the system has not ended so promptly as we had advertised. To our shame, the courageous stand Jehovah's Witnesses took half a century ago against n**i tyranny is now overshadowed by the Watchtower's unseemly NGO affiliation with the United Nations. We, who have chided Christendom for her dwindling numbers, must acknowledge that many churches have experienced a revival. Instead of Babylon 's religious waters of support drying up, it is we who must reckon with low meeting attendance and a public that no longer responds to our not-so-urgent-as-before kingdom message. Inasmuch as Jehovah's Witnesses used to gloat over Christendom's corrupt condition, in recent years it is we who have been forced to acknowledge that our own house is not in order. Not so many years ago we used to boast that divorce was unheard of among Jehovah's Witnesses, now the sad truth is that a large percentage of our marriages end in breakup. We even immodestly refer to ourselves as "Jehovah's clean people" in spite of the well-known fact that every year tens of thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses are disciplined as immoral fornicators, while countless others live double lives. Whereas we used to pour out our derision upon the Catholic Church for shuffling her pedophile priests from parish to parish, now, the Watchtower must contend with the public relations nightmare of having been accused by many of our members of covering up child abuse in the congregations. No wonder our God addresses himself to the not-so-humble leaders of his spiritual nation in the following manner: "Therefore hear the word of Jehovah, you braggarts, you rulers of this people who are in Jerusalem ." (Isaiah 28:14) Jehovah's depiction of his own people as spiritual drunkards is an accurate one. The very fact that we are spiritually drunk inhibits us from grasping God's judgment of ourselves. That's because an inebriated person cannot reason very well. Oftentimes an intoxicated person is unaware of just how impaired they are, even though it is obvious to sober observers. In a similar manner, we have been unable to soberly evaluate our true spiritual condition in Jehovah's eyes. From God's standpoint his people are incapacitated in that we imagine that we understand God's Word, when in reality we do not. The Watchtower is intoxicated with the power of God in that we administer his judgments against everyone but ourselves. That's why God says: "Linger, you men, and be amazed; blind yourselves, and be blinded. They have become intoxicated, but not with wine; they have moved unsteadily, but not because of intoxicating liquor." (Isaiah 29:9) Because we have become habituated to the idea that Christendom is the spiritual drunkard of prophecy, Jehovah's Witnesses will chaff at the suggestion that it is actually we who are labeled by God as blind, spiritual drunkards. But reasoning upon the following question that Jehovah poses to us should help us to see things from God's vantage point: "Hear, you deaf ones; and look forth to see, you blind ones. Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah?" (Isaiah 42:18) Those whom Jehovah is referring to as his servants, and the ones rewarded by him, are those whom God describes as deaf and blind. If, therefore, we claim to be an organization that is serving Jehovah, and if we in the past have been blessed and rewarded by him, then it is we whom he is describing as being deaf and blind. Indeed, the context of the 42nd chapter of Isaiah has to do with Jehovah repurchasing his people, whom he calls his witnesses, from the pitiable situation brought on by our now impending disaster. The fact that we are deaf, blind, and intoxicated prevents us from discerning the very future that we claim to be privy to. My reasons for writing this is not mislead any away; it is to prepare those of for Jehovah's oncoming discipline. So we may not be caught off guard putting too much faith in what the watchtower says over Jehovah himself. Of course there is allot more to what has been written above, and many other scriptures that clearly show the points made above. Instead of pushing men like Gary away, who have been damaged from the organization, we should offer our support in helping him regain faith in Jehovah God himself because that is were it begins. This man was stumbled, not only from only his family but also his religion. Yes, it is possible for the Watchtower to stumble someone, and yes they can be at fault. Do not be deceived in your thinking that the Watchtower or Governing Body is beyond discipline from Jehovah. It is Jehovah himself that will gather men who have good hearts that have been lead astray by Sheppards of the flock in Jehovah's Holy Mountain.


New York,
PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE ..It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally.

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2004

Dear Gary, Sir: You mention being severely hurt from your experience. It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally. I for one, know about religion and religuous avenues of pressure as well as governing people. However, you make an astounding statement within your comments about someone close to you, and I quote your exact words: "Having been rejected and abused by my Jehovah's Witnesses mother and father, I seem to be drawn, actually attracted, to people and institutions that abuse and reject me." Now, I wonder why or how you could make such a statement and then place the blame for your own parent's faults on an organization! Are you therefore attempting to say that your parents are the reason that the JW group is faulty and this is why you personally were abused?!? What you claim has little substance since it certainly appears from what you claim and make accusation about, is that it was YOUR PARENTS who were actually the ones at fault. Right? This is the way I see it. I personally know of a family, the father being a very severe man towards his children and those children all turned out having severe emotional scars. Now I know of no one, who is blaming nor has blamed, the religion of that man (the father) in the family of two sons and two daughters. Personally I know about this because the family members are friends of mine. None of the children that I know blame the mother and father because of their RELIGION, but rather because of THEIR father's physical abuses only. Concerning your other comments, it seems certain that you are struggling with some sort of attempt to blame a religion for things that you may have created for yourself. You mention this in your own words by stating that: "When I feel like I am a failure and rejected by God then I probably feel like a failure, unworthy, and rejected by any and everyone." -- and: "When I tried to be a part of the Watchtower organization I experienced dissonance, that is an inner conflict which caused me discomfort and at times outright pain." You present your assumption about the religion based upon a so-called compiler or author whom you either personally know or have reliance on for support of what you attempt to claim and thereby making accusations without fact. You further make claims that are based on your personal and internal anger, which truly has no substance for helping you. You blame the wromg poeple and in turn you have animosity towards whomever you feel it's necessary to strike out to. Those procedures do not work in human life. I'm sorry for you.


New York,
PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE ..It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2004

Dear Gary, Sir: You mention being severely hurt from your experience. It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally. I for one, know about religion and religuous avenues of pressure as well as governing people. However, you make an astounding statement within your comments about someone close to you, and I quote your exact words: "Having been rejected and abused by my Jehovah's Witnesses mother and father, I seem to be drawn, actually attracted, to people and institutions that abuse and reject me." Now, I wonder why or how you could make such a statement and then place the blame for your own parent's faults on an organization! Are you therefore attempting to say that your parents are the reason that the JW group is faulty and this is why you personally were abused?!? What you claim has little substance since it certainly appears from what you claim and make accusation about, is that it was YOUR PARENTS who were actually the ones at fault. Right? This is the way I see it. I personally know of a family, the father being a very severe man towards his children and those children all turned out having severe emotional scars. Now I know of no one, who is blaming nor has blamed, the religion of that man (the father) in the family of two sons and two daughters. Personally I know about this because the family members are friends of mine. None of the children that I know blame the mother and father because of their RELIGION, but rather because of THEIR father's physical abuses only. Concerning your other comments, it seems certain that you are struggling with some sort of attempt to blame a religion for things that you may have created for yourself. You mention this in your own words by stating that: "When I feel like I am a failure and rejected by God then I probably feel like a failure, unworthy, and rejected by any and everyone." -- and: "When I tried to be a part of the Watchtower organization I experienced dissonance, that is an inner conflict which caused me discomfort and at times outright pain." You present your assumption about the religion based upon a so-called compiler or author whom you either personally know or have reliance on for support of what you attempt to claim and thereby making accusations without fact. You further make claims that are based on your personal and internal anger, which truly has no substance for helping you. You blame the wromg poeple and in turn you have animosity towards whomever you feel it's necessary to strike out to. Those procedures do not work in human life. I'm sorry for you.


New York,
PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE ..It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2004

Dear Gary, Sir: You mention being severely hurt from your experience. It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally. I for one, know about religion and religuous avenues of pressure as well as governing people. However, you make an astounding statement within your comments about someone close to you, and I quote your exact words: "Having been rejected and abused by my Jehovah's Witnesses mother and father, I seem to be drawn, actually attracted, to people and institutions that abuse and reject me." Now, I wonder why or how you could make such a statement and then place the blame for your own parent's faults on an organization! Are you therefore attempting to say that your parents are the reason that the JW group is faulty and this is why you personally were abused?!? What you claim has little substance since it certainly appears from what you claim and make accusation about, is that it was YOUR PARENTS who were actually the ones at fault. Right? This is the way I see it. I personally know of a family, the father being a very severe man towards his children and those children all turned out having severe emotional scars. Now I know of no one, who is blaming nor has blamed, the religion of that man (the father) in the family of two sons and two daughters. Personally I know about this because the family members are friends of mine. None of the children that I know blame the mother and father because of their RELIGION, but rather because of THEIR father's physical abuses only. Concerning your other comments, it seems certain that you are struggling with some sort of attempt to blame a religion for things that you may have created for yourself. You mention this in your own words by stating that: "When I feel like I am a failure and rejected by God then I probably feel like a failure, unworthy, and rejected by any and everyone." -- and: "When I tried to be a part of the Watchtower organization I experienced dissonance, that is an inner conflict which caused me discomfort and at times outright pain." You present your assumption about the religion based upon a so-called compiler or author whom you either personally know or have reliance on for support of what you attempt to claim and thereby making accusations without fact. You further make claims that are based on your personal and internal anger, which truly has no substance for helping you. You blame the wromg poeple and in turn you have animosity towards whomever you feel it's necessary to strike out to. Those procedures do not work in human life. I'm sorry for you.


New York,
PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE ..It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally.

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2004

Dear Gary, Sir: You mention being severely hurt from your experience. It certainly is evident that you have been severely damaged emotionally. I for one, know about religion and religuous avenues of pressure as well as governing people. However, you make an astounding statement within your comments about someone close to you, and I quote your exact words: "Having been rejected and abused by my Jehovah's Witnesses mother and father, I seem to be drawn, actually attracted, to people and institutions that abuse and reject me." Now, I wonder why or how you could make such a statement and then place the blame for your own parent's faults on an organization! Are you therefore attempting to say that your parents are the reason that the JW group is faulty and this is why you personally were abused?!? What you claim has little substance since it certainly appears from what you claim and make accusation about, is that it was YOUR PARENTS who were actually the ones at fault. Right? This is the way I see it. I personally know of a family, the father being a very severe man towards his children and those children all turned out having severe emotional scars. Now I know of no one, who is blaming nor has blamed, the religion of that man (the father) in the family of two sons and two daughters. Personally I know about this because the family members are friends of mine. None of the children that I know blame the mother and father because of their RELIGION, but rather because of THEIR father's physical abuses only. Concerning your other comments, it seems certain that you are struggling with some sort of attempt to blame a religion for things that you may have created for yourself. You mention this in your own words by stating that: "When I feel like I am a failure and rejected by God then I probably feel like a failure, unworthy, and rejected by any and everyone." -- and: "When I tried to be a part of the Watchtower organization I experienced dissonance, that is an inner conflict which caused me discomfort and at times outright pain." You present your assumption about the religion based upon a so-called compiler or author whom you either personally know or have reliance on for support of what you attempt to claim and thereby making accusations without fact. You further make claims that are based on your personal and internal anger, which truly has no substance for helping you. You blame the wromg poeple and in turn you have animosity towards whomever you feel it's necessary to strike out to. Those procedures do not work in human life. I'm sorry for you.



#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 07, 2004

Gary Busselman - AN APOSTATE! DEFINITION: Apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of God, actually a rebellion against Jehovah God. Some apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible but reject Jehovah's organization. SHOULD WE EXPECT THAT APOSTATES WILL ARISE WITHIN THE CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION? 1Tim. 4:1: The inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons. 2Thess. 2:3: Let no one seduce you in any manner, because [the day of Jehovah] will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. SOME IDENTIFYING MARKS OF APOSTATES- * They seek to make others their followers, thus causing sectarian divisions. Acts 20:30: From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. 2Pet. 2:1,3: There will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them ... Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. * They may profess to believe in Christ but treat lightly the preaching and teaching work he assigned to his followers Luke 6:46: Why, then, do you call me Lord! Lord!' but do not do the things I say? Matt. 28:19,20: Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them ... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. Matt. 24:14: This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. * They may claim to serve God but reject his representatives, his visible organization Jude 8,11: These men, too, indulging in dreams, are defiling the flesh and disregarding lordship and speaking abusively of glorious ones. Too bad for them, because they ... have perished in the rebellious talk of Korah! Num. 16:1-3, 11, 19-21: Korah ... proceeded to get up, together with ... two hundred and fifty men of the sons of Israel, chieftains of the assembly ... So they congregated themselves against Moses and Aaron and said to them: That is enough of you, because the whole assembly are all of them holy and Jehovah is in their midst. Why, then, should you lift yourselves up above the congregation of Jehovah?'... [Moses said:] You and all your assembly who are gathering together are against Jehovah. As for Aaron, what is he that you men should murmur against him?' When Korah got all the assembly together against them at the entrance of the tent of meeting, then Jehovah's glory appeared to all the assembly. Jehovah now spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: Separate yourselves from the midst of this assembly, that I may exterminate them in an instant.' * Not only do they abandon the true faith but they then beat their former associates, using public criticism and other methods to hinder their work; the efforts of such apostates are devoted to tearing down, not building up Matt. 24:45-51: Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? ... But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, My master is delaying,' and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. 2Tim. 2:16-18: Shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, and their word will spread like gangrene. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of that number. These very men have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred; and they are subverting the faith of some. WOULD FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS WELCOME APOSTATES INTO THEIR PRESENCE, EITHER PERSONLLY OR BY READING THEIR LITERATURE? 2John 9,10: Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. ... If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. Rom. 16:17,18: I exhort you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. ... By smooth talk and complimentary speech they seduce the hearts of guileless ones. WOULD ANY SERIOUS HARM COME FROM SATISFYING ONE'S CURIOSITY ABOUT THE THINKING OF APOSTATES? Prov. 11:9: By his mouth the one who is an apostate brings his fellowman to ruin. Isa. 32:6: The senseless one himself will speak mere senselessness, and his very heart will work at what is hurtful, to work at apostasy and to speak against Jehovah what is wayward, to cause the soul of the hungry one to go empty, and he causes even the thirsty one to go without drink itself. (Compare Isaiah 65:13,14.) HOW SERIOUS IS APOSTACY? 2Pet. 2:1: These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Job 13:16: Before him [God] no apostate will come in. Heb. 6:4-6: It is impossible as regards those who have once for all been enlightened, and who have tasted the heavenly free gift, and who have become partakers of holy spirit, and who have tasted the fine word of God and powers of the coming system of things, but who have fallen away [if they then commit apostasy, RS], to revive them again to repentance, because they impale the Son of God afresh for themselves and expose him to public shame. Agape

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