  • Report:  #1363885

Complaint Review: Jeremy T Grabow - Irvine California

Reported By:
BGD - Austin, Texas, USA

Jeremy T Grabow
2 Park Plaza Suite 1200 Irvine, 92614 California, USA
949 232 9869
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Wire fraud, forgery of emails and willful fraudulent inducement

In a March 13, 2017  "signed off" on the Service Agreement between Mr. grabow and my company and the monetary obligations of $350K inherent to that legal binding Service Agreement.

The $150K first tranche was due to be wired to my ASPIS USA LLC account on the 14th of March.   There was some sort of delay according to Mr. Grabow, and the law firm of Gowling WLG in Toronto Canada was to utilize funds in one of Mr. Grabow’s accounts and wire the $150K to his JAYPAC account at Bank of America in Dallas on Thursday or Friday (March 16th or 17th).   

On Friday the 17th of march, 2017, Mark Ledwell, a partner in the law firm of Gowling WLG sent an email to Mr. Grabow, which was then forwarded to me, stating that he "expected" to issue the funds on Monday the 20th to JAYPAC.


  • In a call by Brian Dennard with Mark Ledwell of Gowling WLG on at 11:37 AM CST Wednesday the 22nd of March 2017, Mr. Dennard was informed by Mr. Ledwell that the email that Mr. Jeremy Grabow had forwarded to Mr. Dennard (which is pasted below) is a completely fraudulent document.  He did not author this email, he did not send this email, and further he knows nothing about JAYPAC, a wire transfer and does not know a Jeremy Grabow.  Mr. Grabow used this fraudulent email to induce Mr. Dennard to give you more time to affect a wire transfer of $150K to his ASPIS USA LLC account so as to be in compliance with the legally binding Service Agreement signed by Mr. Grabow.

  • Additionally, the email from Mr. Mark Ledwell / Gowling WLG supplied by Mr. Grabow to Mr. Dennard was then sent to Mr. Dennard’s partner in Korea and associates in a foreign country to demonstrate that the obligated / promised funds from JAYPAC were in fact forthcoming based on the fact that Gowling WLG was transferring funds to JAYPAC on Monday the 20th of March, 2017.  A great deal of work was then done to secure the international Infrastructure project,   all of which was based on our assumption that the email was valid and actually supplied by Mr. Mark Ledwell / Gowling WLG, and not knowing that the email in fact was a forged fraudulent document created by Mr. Jeremy Grabow to trick Mr. Dennard and JK&D.

The follwoing email was fraudulently created by Mr. jeremy Grabow and was NOT authored by Mr Ledwell of Gowling law firm.

From: Ledwell, Mark [mailto:[email protected]

Sent: March 17, 2017 10:09 PM

To: Brian Lillie, Jeremy Grabow

Subject: confirmation

Brian & Jeremy,

As discussed, we are expecting to issue the funds transfer and to arrive in JayPac's nominated account on Monday 20th of March on your behalf. The funds discharge againts obligations USD $ 750 thousand. If you require additional information please advise through proper channels. 


Mark Ledwell


+1 416 862 4652


Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP

Suite 1600, 1 First Canadian Place

100 King Street West

Toronto ON M5X 

Gowling WLG | 1,400+ legal professionals | 18 offices worldwide



Ledwell, Mark

12:02 PM (20 hours ago)
to Brian Dennard

Thanks Brian.  I am sending you a letter confirming our position in this situation.  I haven’t had time to look at the project and will do so on the weekend.  What Mr. Grabow says or believes I suggest is of little consequence at this stage—he committed an act of fraud and seems blind to the significance and consequences of his actions. 


Regards,  Mark


Mark Ledwell


T +1 416 862 4652




On Monday the 20th no funds were wired into the ASPIS USA LLC account as promised.  That evening, Mr. Dennard was informed by Mr. Grabow that the funds from Gowling WLG "cleared" the JAYPAC account and would be wired to Mr. Dennard’s ASPIS USA LLC account on Tuesday the 21st of March 2017.


At 12:32 PM on Tuesday the 21st of March, 2017 Mr. Grabow texted Mr. Dennard to state that JAYPAC CFO would be providing Mr. Dennard with "confirmation" of the wire transfer.  No such confirmation was issued to by JAYPAC..

That evening (CST) Mr. Dennard spoke directly with Mr. Grabow, and was told me that in fact the wire had gone out and that a receipt would be sent out shortly.

Mr. Dennard did not receive any receipts or any kind of verification that a wire had gone out from JAYPAC to ASPIS USA LLC as Mr. Grabow stated it.

At 10:40 PM CST, Mr. Grabow sent a text informing Mr. Dennard that he was out of the office most of the day and requesting a call "tomorrow" for "follow up on the wire".  ("tomorrow" being today the 22nd of Mach 2017).

Mr. Grabow once again lied to Mr. Dennard on the phone on March 22 at 2:40 PM CST.

Mr. Grabow told Mr. Dennard that $150K had been wired to his account and that he would have POF no later than 1:30 PM PST (50 minutes later).

O that call Mr. Dennard asked Mr. Grabow to state clearly, "the $ was sent and I will have proof before 3:30 my time (CST)"?

Mr. Grabow answered "yes, the $ was wired and you will have POF no later than 1;30 PST and possibly sooner".

On that same phone call, Mr. Grabow contended that “the mess Mr. Dennard created by calling Mr. Ledwell at Gowling WLG and ascertaining that the email from Mr. Ledwell was fraudulent, had been straightened out, and that Mr. Ledwell explained that he was blindsided by the cold call from Mr. Dennard, and that he now realized that indeed Jeremy Grabow was the CEO of JAYPAC and that he well understood the circumstances that led Mr Grabow to fraudulently alter the email from Mr. Mark Ledwell to Mr Grabow and Brian Lillie, and that he Mark Ledwell / Gowling WLG was OK with the fraudulent alteration and the use of his name and that of Gowling WLG.

Now today, March 23rd 2017, in that no wire transfer has reached, Mr. Dennard’s ASPIS USA LLC account, Mr. Grabow has sent the following email in response to Mr. Dennard asking for a valid update and reason why the $ supposedly wired on Wednesday the 22nd has not arrived and why there is no receipt validating that the $ had been sent.

 More wire fraud and false statements

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Jeremy Grabow

Date: Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 10:31 AM

Subject: Re: wire

To: Brian Dennard


 My CFO personally handled a deposit and the out bound wire. I just did not get the copy last night.

Everyone has a family life and after 6:00 gets hard to connect with people or staff because I respect that time of theirs.

 I'll follow up and through today.




Mr. Jeremy Grabow - President/Sr Managing Partner

Ph: +1.949.232.9869

Skype: JTGrabow


ProtonMail, is an encrypted email based in Switzerland.








2 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States
The facts are skewed in this report and many named are not party to the report itself.

#2General Comment

Wed, April 29, 2020

Regarding the original posting/report above, I’m providing this comment for two purposes.  1) to make it clear that neither I, Brian Lillie, or any of my companies, had any involvement in the above mentioned transaction or contractual arrangement between the parties; and 2) to support Mr. Grabow as the accusation above is without merit or proof based on my own understanding and experience in the situation.

1) My link to this was merely via a mutual colleague that Mr. Grabow was working with at the time who had asked my company to participate financially in the transaction.  We had originally agreed but when this email doctoring fiasco occurred we opted not to. Simple as that… I had and never had any contractual tie, obligation, or affiliation to any of the transactions described in the above report.

2) As for the email doctoring and the accusation of the original post herein against Mr. Grabow, I am not aware of any email doctoring on his part.  The party that posted this report was not involved in any way, to my knowledge, in the transaction that was presented to me for participation.  When it was requested of me to provide documentation of funds I forwarded a “non-related” email detailing transactional funds coming in to me via my attorney to my colleague.  From there it appeared that this email was forwarded on through a series of others until which time Mr. Grabow asked to receive something more direct and detailed of which I was emailed sample narrative to request of my attorney.  As a non-contracted outside third party we did not supply the requested information or email.  However, it is my understanding that Mr. Grabow’s requested email narrative is what was confused with the actual email that was forwarded.

Lastly, the comment from Mr. Dennard suggesting that Mr. Grabow committed an illegal act seems not only dangerous but not to be fact.  From my understanding of the situation, as well as my communication with my attorney at the time in regards to his communication with Mr. Dennard, I am more of the option that eitehr Mr. Dennard misinterpreted the "requested" email or either him or another party int he middle somewhere most likely doctored the email from my attorney, and then pointed blame to Mr. Grabow.


Salt Lake City,
United States
ASK yourself this and do some real DD

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 12, 2019

I am the owner and named party in this negative posting.  This posting was an attempt to slander my company and personal name after withdrawing from an INVESTMENT my company and another 3rd party was intending to make into Mr. Brian Dennard company.   

A SIMPLE QUESTION TO ASK YOURSELF, … "IF there was any wrong doing why wouldn't Mr. Starr, Mr. Lillie or Attorney Ledwell also post a complaint or file legal action if any real fraud was committed?”   

Below is the TRUE and ACCURATE account of what really transpired and the cause for this negative posting. 

The person/entity who posted the report is Mr. Brian Dennard and represented himself as the Managing Director of: 




Kowloon, Hong Kong

Brian Dennard - Managing Director

The most important fact to note is; JK&D International was NOT DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY associated to the DOA Agreement or the due invoice payment to my company (JayPac) from Mr. Starr and Mr. Lillie. (So why did he communicate with any of the parties mentioned or even get involved with a transaction that had nothing to do with him?) 

Mr. Dennard ONLY represented himself and his personal interest in getting $350,000.00 investment capital injected into his company from JayPac however, when the invoice was not paid and concerns that the investment numbers from JK&D International were heavily padded, JayPac canceled the investment agreement. 

In nothing more than direct retaliation, Mr. Dennard took it upon himself to post a complaint and the claims I doctored or forged Attorney Ledwell signature within an email while representing Mr. Starr & Mr. Lillie.

Witnesses are always the best to help clear truth from lies.  What Mr. Dennard does not know is there was ANOTHER PARTY copied on all my communication between the attorney (Ledwell) and Mr. Starr & Mr. Lillie. This person’s name is Terry and below are just a few of the true email communications she was copied on and will validate that I would never and did not forge any signature or email as depicted from Mr. Dennard.




From: Ledwell, Mark [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: March 17, 2017 5:09 PM

To: Brian Lillie

Subject: confirmation


As discussed, we are expecting a funds transfer to arrive in our firm client trust account mid-week, next week (week of 20 March) on your behalf.  The funds we are tracking will allow you to discharge obligations in excess of USD$3.5million.  If you require additional information please advise.


 Mark Ledwell - Partner



Subject: Fwd: confirmation

Local Time: March 17, 2017 4:04 PM

UTC Time: March 17, 2017 11:04 PM

From: [email protected]

To: Jeremy Grabow <[email protected]


Here is the email from the attorney.  Brian verbally confirmed there is money in the account now just awaiting clearance as we have been discussing. There is also more coming mid week next week.  Brian also verbally confirmed the wire will go straight to Jaypac to save time.   

Please counter sign the DOA agreement and send back.

Thank you,



Begin forwarded message:

From: "Brian Lillie" <[email protected]>

Date: March 17, 2017 at 4:20:03 PM CDT

To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: confirmation


He's an attorney so he hedges on timing obviously.  But this is what he was willing to say under the circumstances.


Brian Lillie




From: Jeremy Grabow <[email protected]>

Date: March 17, 2017 at 7:20:14 PM CDT

To: Terry H <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Fwd: JayPac confirmation of agreement and wire

Terry & Brian, 

Please see the attached executed agreement between the parties for each of your records.

Regarding the email from attorney Ledwell, it was not as specific as I requested.  It did not confirm the direction given to him by you Brian that some or all of the $750k will be transferred to JayPac on Monday and if needed the balance be sent as soon as the reaming funds are cleared mid week. 

This would provide my partners and I the specific intent we are looking for from FSG and Brian to meet what was the verbal understanding of Friday wire and/or the agreed to time frame of three (3) days to deliver the funds as outlined in the agreement. 

Is it possible to have the attorney change the email statement to say that he will transfer X dollars on Monday and the balance mid-week?  Please advise.   



Mr. Jeremy Grabow - President/Sr Managing Partner


In conclusion, I find in extremely difficult for anyone to take reports of this kind and include them as some real due-dalliance (DD). Any Real DD done on d me or my company you will see I have NEVER had a personal or business law suit filed against me! There is also no formal complaints or investigations conducted by the SEC, FINRA or the DOJ where fraud or any other questionable criminal activity was being looked at.

I am transparent when appropriate and pride myself in my honest business conduct. 


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