  • Report:  #467766

Complaint Review: Jesse Flash Rodriguez FLASH)JJ Johnson - New York New York

Reported By:
- New York, Texas,

Jesse Flash Rodriguez FLASH)JJ Johnson
sites.google.com/site/jflashrodriguez/ New York, 10451 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Jesse Flash Rodriguez a.k.a JJ Johnson is a scammer, do not date him or do business with him, he will use you, he will give give you a fake engagement ring to get your trust and use you to get money. Jesse Flash Rodriguez claims to be a music biz promoter from NY, its all BS. Save your self a headache and dont give this *** the time of day. No job loser, freeloader. He is abusive with children espesialy little boys. He brags about never working a day in his life also.

He uses a 100%fake ring that looks like a 40K ring and a Fake Rolex to back up his con artist stories. Dont Fall for Any Of that. He tries to secure business deals or loans or at its lowest find a woman and uses that ring as proof he can pay all the money back.

Do Not do business with him (Jesse Flash Rodriguez), he is 100% Fake He will talk a big game, uses his NewYork accent and charisma to cheat people out of what ever they have. He will spend hours on the phone pretending to be speaking to real business people setting up a huge big money deal, when in fact its just a buddy on the other line.

He (Jesse Flash Rodriguez) has even screwed with people such as Beyonce and Vida Guerra, or such he claims.

Beware He claims to have Mafia Connections. The Mafia would be ashamed of such cowardly cheating individual, so probably not. He claims to have strong bonds to La Cosa Nostra, but if that were so why does he need to scam on a small time scale ripping off girlfriends, families and small business. Otherwise he is flat broke, so Mafia connections probably not.

He coaches little league base ball to scrounge up a few hundred bucks to get him by while he finds his next target.

He will use his daughter and sister as human shields when he feels threatened or confronted about his scams to avoid getting beat down. He is a Coward.

He drives a Pearl White Mercury Mountaineer, which is stolen.

Real Estate Fraud, Jewelry Fraud, Auto Theft, Child Abuse, Property Theft Extortion, Larceny, Racketeering.


New York, Texas


10 Updates & Rebuttals

The FEAM Group

New York,
New York,


Wed, September 02, 2009

FLASH RODRIGUEZ FLASH RECORDS THE FEAM GROUP THE VICTIMS OF MALICIOUSLY FALSE STATEMENTS AND CHARACTER ASSASINATION ATTACK BY FORMER GIRLFRIEND, VERONICA SARABIA & BROTHER, CHRISTIAN DUFRANC ALL STATEMENTS AGAINST CEO ARE 100% MALICIOUSLY FALSE AND FABRICATED .   WE AT THE FEAM GROUP ARE OUTRAGED BY THE LIBELOUS, DEFAMATORY AND SLANDEROUS ACCUSATIONS AND FALSE STATEMENTS LEVIED AGAINST BOTH, OUR CEO AND PRESIDENT, FLASH RODRIGUEZ, AND OUR COMPANY, THE FEAM GROUP. THESE STATEMENTS ARE UNFOUNDED AND WITHOUT MERIT. ONCE AGAIN, THESE STATEMENTS, BOTH PERSONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY, ARE 100% INACCURATE, FALSE UNTRUTHS MALICIOUSLY, AND ADMITTEDLY, POSTED BY A FORMER GIRLFRIEND, OF A RECENTLY ENDED ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR CEO, AND HER BROTHER WHO HAVE NO PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL, OR  BUSINESS  RELATIONSHIP, OR AFFILIATION WITH ANY BUSINESS VENTURE OF OUR CEO NOR DO THEY HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF ANY PRESENT OR PRIOR BUSINESS SITUATIONS NOR BUSINESS PRACTICES OF OUR CEO OR THE COMPANY.     MR. RODRIGUEZ ABSOLUTELY  HAS NEVER  BEEN CONVICTED OF THESE CRIMES FALSELY LISTED AS FACT ON ANY OF THE RIP-OFF REPORTS, OR ANY OF THESE ONLINE POSTINGS THESE TWO HAVE POSTED !    THERE IS NO $2,000 REWARD FOR HIS ARREST , as Veronica Hernandez-Sarabia and her accomplice have falsely posted on multiple sites. They have digitally manipulated photographs of our CEO with heinous 100% fictional information claiming to be fact and have saturated the search engines with these images.    ALL OF THESE STATEMENTS ARE COMPLETELY FABRICATED!   YOU MAY EASILY VERIFY THESE MATTERS ARE UNTRUTHS, SUCH AS THE STATEMENT THAT MR. RODRIGUEZ IS A CONVICTED RAPIST OR CHILD MOLESTER, BY VISITING ANY NATIONAL SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY OF YOUR CHOICE ONLINE AND AT NO COST TO YOU.    THESE HEINOUS FALSE STATEMENTS AND MISREPRESENTATIONS OF MR. RODRIGUEZ WERE INTENTIONALLY MALICIOUS AND POSTED WITH NO OTHER INTENT BUT TO DESTROY POSITIVE PUBLIC OPINION OF MR. RODRIGUEZ AND HIS COMPANY .  Their additional motives were to disrupt current and future business ventures with colleagues of our CEO and / or his corporation.   What YOU, the reader, must understand is that these comments have been posted by a very briefly dated former girlfriend of our CEO. These websites on which they have chosen to post these false statements require no burden of proof and have no fact verification protocols in place to prevent them from executing this type of malicious character assassination. Therefore, allowing any bitter or sullied individual to achieve this goal through blatant lies and false claims without  presentation  of fact or editorial review. Information listed in these libelous and defamatory posts are simply the result of a month-long failed romantic relationship. Veronica Hernandez-Sarabia admittedly made the initial post and her brother decided to assist in this character assassination.   VERONICA HERNANDEZ SARABIA  AND HER ACCOMPLICE HAVE CREATED MULTIPLE USERNAMES AND POSTED RESPONSES TO THEIR OWN POSTS, EVEN IMPERSONATING AN ATTORNEY IN ONE POSTING, IN AN EFFORT TO VALIDATE THEIR FALSE CLAIMS, LIBELOUS AND DEFAMATORY STATEMENTS, AND INNUENDOS .    This woman and her brother have gone as far as to call for the death of Mr. Rodriguez through euthanization, pleading to the general public, If you see him please euthanize him.   If you are a colleague, associate, or friend of Mr. Rodriguez, or the company, know that we are pursuing every remedy possible, including civil and criminal investigations with both local and federal law enforcement, as recourse to this unfortunate matter. A complaint has been filed with the U.S. Attorney's office and FBI New York office.    The woman and man involved in the postings of these comments are:   Veronica Hernandez-Sarabia  of Addison, Texas. Veronica is 29 years old and dated Mr. Rodriguez for approximately one month. Veronica is a beautician apprentice at Salon 13500 in Dallas, Texas and, as of July 2009, had a warrant for her arrest for a violation in Dallas County. Mr. Rodriguez ended the relationship with Veronica, and she began posting these false statements shortly thereafter. These comments have been posted on approximately ten different websites to date.   Christian Hernandez Dufranc , the older brother of Veronica Hernandez-Sarabia, also of Addison, Texas, is also involved in the multiple postings of these false and malicious statements and is suspected to be responsible for the altered images, of our CEO, which appear on a number of posts, as he is a computer savvy graphic artist. He is also suspected, along with Veronica, of the vulgar comments directed towards our CEOs daughter, which solicited inappropriate sexual acts from our CEOs thirteen year old daughter.   The woman, and womans brother, making these anonymous posts have also harassed our CEO via text message, email, and even a company MySpace account. This woman and her brother have collectively plotted and executed this plan to destroy his personal and professional reputation. These two have escalated their attack on our CEO to the extent that;    ON AUGUST 15, 2009, MR. RODRIGUEZ RECEIVED TEXT MESSAGES TO HIS CELL PHONE FROM A (469) AREA CODE (WHICH HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A TEXAS CELL  PHONE NUMBER ) MAKING VULGAR COMMENTS ABOUT HIS THIRTEEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. THESE COMMENTS CONCLUDED WITH THE SUSPECT REQUESTING TO HAVE SEX WITH HIS UNDERAGE DAUGHTER. TEXT MESSAGES, FROM PREVIOUS DAYS, HAVE IDENTIFIED THIS NUMBER TO BE LINKED DIRECTLY TO VERONICA HERNANDEZ-SARABIA.   Our company continues to be a member, in good standing, with the  Better Business Bureau  and Mr. Rodriguez and our organization continues to maintain the respect of the music and entertainment world. While the accusations are false, the woman and her brother behind the accusations would have you believe otherwise. So much so, that they refuse to use their OWN names and would rather hide behind aliases, false  email accounts  and have even stooped so low as to defame Mr. Rodriguezs young daughter, who is simply an innocent child in this matter. If any company acted as unethical and immoral as these two have falsely stated and would like you to believe our organization has, we would no longer be in business and rightfully so.    We continue to stand by our Investors, Clients and Partners and are thankful that they have committed to do the same. We will continue to entertain the world with hot, new artists hungry to make their mark on the musical and entertainment world.    THIS IS TO SERVE AS A FORMAL CEASE AND DESIST TO ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO; POSTING PARTIES, WEBMASTERS, DOMAIN OWNERS, SUPPORTING CORPORATIONS, UNDERWRITING  INVESTORS  AND WEBSITE OPERATORS. YOU ARE TO REMOVE ALL POSTINGS, RESPONSES AND PHOTOS IMMEDIATELY OR SEVERE LEGAL ACTION, BOTH CIVIL AND CRIMINAL, WILL BE PURSUED AGAINST YOU AND YOUR AFFILIATES.    Under Federal Law 18 U.S.C § 2261A(2) the Federal Interstate Stalking Law, it is illegal (A) to kill, injure, harass, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States;    This will be our only public statement regarding this matter.    FOR RELIABLE COMPANY INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT   WWW.THEFEAMGROUP.COM  .  


New York,
Jesse Flash Rodriguez Knowingly and willfully obtain or attempt to obtain Legal Counsel through a false Claim or Statement

#3Author of original report

Sat, July 25, 2009

As communicated to me by an attorney that has dealt with this situation in the past. After coming into contact with alleged victims of this individual, I was asked to post a clarification as to the matter to help others feel free to come forward and express their opinions in a public forum. This is my legal opinion as to these matters. ..................................... What the suspect/client/individual Jesse Flash Rodriguez does: Knowingly and willfully obtain or attempt to obtain Legal Counsel through a false Claim or Statement and or accusations of Libel. After which he fails to continue subsequently a lack of payment(s) for service. Criminal background checks reveal numerous offenses. His usually equally accused of Criminal offenses that include, false statements relating to Internet Fraud, Identity Fraud & Assault.. etc As an attorney I am most concerned with his failure to pay attorney fees. A note to this individual Jesse Flash Rodriguez and other Aliases "If your lawyer has taken your case on a contingency fee basis, the attorney is entitled to payment for the time spent on your case, plus any costs and expenses. If you have not paid your bill, your ex-lawyer can sue you for unpaid fees. Firing does not mean you don't have to pay a bill that you have already run up" Fellow Colleagues The client will attempt to secure counsel by Contingency, If you lose the claim you don't get paid at all, we all know that. In this case you will always lose. This individual knows this, and uses attorneys as a way to further intimidate and frustrate his victims. A Lose /Lose situation ......Online Libel The victims report merely laid out her/their experience(s) with you and your company and postulated as to why her/their experience(s) went the way it did. Slander and libel both require 'material mis-statements of FACT.' The client Jesse Flash Rodriguez has no basis to say that the victim didn't experience what she or he says happened, so the client Jesse Flash Rodriguez has no basis to say that she or he slandered him or his company. TRUTH is an ABSOLUTE defense to defamation of any kind, and opinions cannot constitute slander or libel. Suing for gossip on an online forum is not a great use of time and money. It would be like suing over a Craigslist personal ad. Just flag it and move on. Maybe the client should address their past with his victims and make restitution. Stopping the posts, not likely..as for cease and desist...You'll have to find out who it is and pay for someone to track them. I guess if it's worth the clients time and money, go for it, but IP addresses do not reveal the exact person, so if that's all the client has...then skip, It would be a frivolous case..and Judges typically frown upon that. Maybe if the client went to college he would have learned all that. You can't sue for anything if it is true. It would be a frivolous case. ! NOTE PLEASE BE ADVISED! "Local attorneys and law firms are urged to use extreme caution and exercise diligence when presented with a situation similar to the one described above," This individual can and will damage your credibility and will waste your time.


New York,
New York,
I am a victim as well!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2009

I filed a ripoff report for this same individual at: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/470/RipOff0470345.htm


New York,
New York,
I am a victim as well!!!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2009

I filed a ripoff report for this same individual at: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/470/RipOff0470345.htm


New York,
New York,
I am a victim as well!!!

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2009

I filed a ripoff report for this same individual at: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/470/RipOff0470345.htm


New York,
New York,
I am a victim as well!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2009

I filed a ripoff report for this same individual at: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/470/RipOff0470345.htm


New Jersey,
Jesse Levi Johnson, Flash Rodriguez, Jesse Flash Rodriguez, Flash Jesse Rodriguez, Career Criminal, Insurance Fraud, Identity Theft NY and Texas

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2009

I have also been a victim of this life-long CONMAN. If he comes into your life, you should run in the opposite direction as fast as you can! It won't take long for his stories to not quite add up to you. You should trust your gut on this one. Everything about him is a lie. He moves quickly. Once he picks you as his next victim, it is not long before you are in a full-blown relationship with him that is moving much faster than you expected. Be aware..this is his CAREER. He is very good at what he does!!! LIES vs. TRUTH Name This man uses many aliases. His legal, birth name is Jesse Levi Johnson IV. Other names he is known by are: Flash Rodriguez, Flash Jesse Rodriguez, JJ Johnson, J.J. Johnson, etc. He also steals other people's identities for his own benefit. (DO NOT let him get access to your SSN or any other confidential information)! He does use other people's credit to buy things for himself. Age - This man's age changes every year. The last update I heard was that he was saying he was born in 1984 (making him 26 years old). His correct birth date is September 11, 1969. The funny thing is.he looks every bit of his REAL age (currently 39). Race The depths to which this man hates himself are very evident in his lies about his race. He will tell you that he is any of the following races: Italian, Spanish, Puerto Rican, Latino, Caucasian, Hispanic. His correct race is African American! Career history He will fill your ear with all kinds of stories about his superstar past. He will tell you that he went to UCLA, that he played for several professional sports teams (football and baseball), he will tell you that he is a music producer, he will list off for you many A-list stars that he has worked with. ALL of this is false. He never went to college. He tried out for an NFL team. He's attempted many times to work in the music industry. He has created many websites that look so professional, that it is easy to believe that he is legit. Use your head heredo the math. Based on whatever age he tells you that he is, there is NO possible way that he could have accomplished all of the things he will tell you he has. He uses all of these lies to show you where he has been, so that you might believe that he will possibly be great again one day. Family He may tell you his family is dead. He may tell you stories of a horrendous history/childhood with them that has caused them not to associate with each other. The truth is that they are alive and he has caused so much drama in their lives that they also do not deal with him regularly (by his choice and by theirs). Marriage He will tell you that he has never been married and that he wants to get married. He will move quickly towards marriage with you. He will propose to you, he will give you a ring, he will take you to try on wedding dresses, and he will take pictures of you in these dresses. The truth is that he has been married 5 TIMES now! Background He may tell you he was born and raised in New York. He is originally from Kansas City, MO. The majority of his childhood was spent there. He then lived in the Arlington, TX area for over 10 years. Then he moved to New York for 5-6 years. SEXUALITY - Questionable, insecure & impotent some deep rooted deviant homosexual pathology aimed at little boys. VIOLENCE/ABUSE This man is extremely violent. He is physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. Don't be surprised if you end up in the emergency room when dealing with this man. Many women have experienced broken bones and bruises, as a result of his temper. He will tear you down emotionally. He will make you believe that everything (including his violent temper) is your fault. He will tell you that he has never acted this way before you. Run his police record or a background check, and you will quickly learn that this is his way of life. CHILDREN Everyone that is involved with him knows about his daughter, T." He has used her as a pawn in his game since her birth. Many women fall for the single father, struggling to take care of his only child" routine and he plays it up for his own benefits. What he will not tell you is that he has fathered so many children that you would be appalled. I know of 13 total children. Yes, 13! One of those children is mine. Surely, if I have researched and found 13, there are many..MANY more out there. His oldest child was born in 1989. So, as you can see, this man's career" began decades ago..and shows no sign of slowing down. His goal is to get you pregnant quickly. Once pregnant, this allows him to manipulate you even further by constantly accusing you of cheating and saying the child is not his. If you are a new woman in his life, and you know anything about any of his possible other children, the story he will tell you will always be the same: the mother of that child is lying! She is crazy! He caught her cheating on him. He already had a paternity test done and the results were that the child is not his." He is so adamant with his lies, that although almost ALL of his children look JUST like himhe will almost have you convinced that his story is true. Don't expect any kind of financial help from him once you do have the child either. He walks away from you and your child and could care less about rather the child is taken care of financially. He is even bold enough to call you and ask to get back together, but never even ask about your child together. HIS PREY The younger the girl is, the better (even if it passes into the territory of breaking the law). He targets young women and girls because they are easier to manipulate. They fall for his lies easier. They also usually have good credit, which he will ruin as quickly as you allow him to. He seems to coward from men, talks big but will not get physical with most men, unless they are smaller than him. HIS PURPOSE To live off of women. While he is with you, he will be working on starting a relationship with another woman. This is so that he is always prepared. Once the relationship with you is over, this prevents him from being stuck out in the streets. The other woman will take him in, being completely unaware that your relationship just ended. Don't think that the break-up means that you are through with him yet, though. He can't stand to lose. He will continue to try to win you back (for years!). Even with new women in his life, and new babies being made, he will call you and beg to be back with you. He will deny that he has any other relationship going on. SCAMS His life is a constant scam. He is always looking for the next way to scam a large amount of money out of a business or a person. He always seems to have some big lawsuit" pending. He will convince you that his large payday will be coming any day (another way he keeps you around longer. You feel like staying with him is about to pay off). He will also figure out ways to file claims on your car insurance or home/renter's insurance. He will convince other people to believe in his big dreams, which will cause them to sponsor/finance him. All of these are ways that he keeps a small flow of income coming in sporadically. FINAL THOUGHT This man needs to be dealt some sever retribution. For your own physical and financial safety, get away from him quickly! Jessethefraud new york, New York U.S.A.


New Jersey,
More about Flash Rodriguez aka Jesse Levi Johnson IV, Child Abuse, Molestation and Physical Abuse to Women

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2009

See these Links: http://dontdatehimgirl.com/posts/222407/ Flash Rodriguez (Jesse Flash Rodriguez), or JJ Johnson.. (What the JJ stands for, he won't say.) He will twist words and phrases around to avoid being caught in a lie. He is verbally and physically abusive towards women and children. He starts businesses so he can ask people to invest lots of money in them and just uses some money to make the businesses look more legit and the rest of the money is for personal use. Well it looks like someone had the courage to out Mr. Flash Rodriguez. He is truly a scammer who lies about his age. He claims to be in his 20s when actually he is in his early 40s. He also claims to be from Italy, Spain and even Puerto Rico. When in fact he is African American. He goes by various names. He abuses women and has various children all over the world. He claims to have played ball, been a music executive all lies. He can give Bernie Madoff a run for his money. He uses websites to get women. He actually has a match.com and mingles2.com website in which he claims he works for NCAA. He is very good at what he does!!! [[reach me @ ROR redacted]] My other page for him is http://dontdatehimgirl.com/posts/224065/ http://dontdatehimgirl.com/cheater_view/224065/ PART 5:CHILDREN Everyone that is involved with him knows about his daughter, 'T.' He has used her as a pawn in his game since her birth. Many women fall for the 'single father, struggling to take care of his only child' routine and he plays it up for his own benefits. What he will not tell you is that he has fathered so many children that you would be appalled. I know of 13 total children. The truth is that he has been married 5 TIMES now! Background '" He may tell you he was born and raised in New York. He is originally from Kansas City, MO. The majority of his childhood was spent there. He then lived in the Arlington, TX area for over 10 years. Then he moved to New York for 5-6 years. VIOLENCE/ABUSE This man is extremely violent. He is physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. Don't be surprised if you end up in the emergency room when dealing with this man. Many women have experienced broken bones and bruises Part 2 LIES vs. TRUTH Name '" This man uses many aliases. His legal, birth name is Jesse Levi Johnson IV. Other names he is known by are: Flash Rodriguez, Flash Jesse Rodriguez, JJ Johnson, J.J. Johnson, etc. He also steals other people's identities for his own benefit. (DO NOT let him get access to your SSN or any other confidential information)! He does use other people's credit to buy things for himself. Age - This man's age changes every year. The last update I heard was that he was saying he was born in 1984 (making him 26 years old). His correct birth date is September 11, 1969. The funny thing is - .he looks every bit of his REAL age (currently 39). Race '" The depths to which this man hates himself are very evident in his lies about his race. He will tell you that he is any of the following races: Italian, Spanish, Puerto Rican, Latino, Caucasian, Hispanic. His correct race is African American! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


New Jersey,
I have had a very similar situation with this individual. Misrepresentation of his business capabilities, scammers

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

There are two posts about Flash Rodriguez, I have had a very similar situation with this individual. The football thing is right on, total scam. Links here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/467/RipOff0467766.htm I lost money and reputation thanks to his misrepresentation of his business capabilities. Is there a way we can all put our info together and share what info we have? We need to bring the authorities into this. Im pretty sure scammers don't pay taxes and the IRS would love to get some valuable info as to this person. Please contact me at [email protected] I need to know where this person also please notify. Also there is one other website I have found that seems to be related to this individual. See link: http://www.myspace.com/feamgroup See Pics, look for > Bald, tan skin, blue sweater.


New York,
100 % True

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

Jesse Flash Rodriguez a.k.a JJ Johnson is a known con artist from Missouri, all the way to Texas and even in NY and NJ and probably many other states. Everything that is written in the report is 100% factual and commend the person who stood up for themself against this man. He has lied about playing football amongst other things. He actually has a wikipedia site stating all false information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._J._Johnson_(wide_receiver) He is also known to sue people in order to get money from them. If you have been in any type of contact with this man the best thing is to look up all the information you can regarding him. The information you find amounts to years and years of bad business.

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