  • Report:  #695073

Complaint Review: Johnny Lybrand - Internet

Reported By:
AlishaR - Johnstown, Colorado, United States of America

Johnny Lybrand
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
     I met Johnny "Rambo" Lybrand on FB when we were talking about politics, family, and love of country.  He told me he was a disabled vet, married, with two children, working three part time jobs.  He wanted to move because of an over bearing mother in-law.  He started a talk show on BLOG TALK RADIO www.blogtalkradio.com do a search on Rambo Lybrand. 

   Mr. Lybrand started getting on his radio show talking about how he couldn't pay his rent, and was losing his electricity, and his home.  All the while playing the disabled vet card (turns out his disabiltiy is missing part of his trigger finger.)  He took money from a couple of different people for the electricity and still had it turned off.  Within a few weeks he was moving to AZ.  People on the radio sent him money so he could afford this move.  They helped him pay for hotels while he was there.  Several people lined up jobs for him and he wouldn't even go.  Turns out he smokes pot and does not have a medical marajuana liscense, so he's unemployable.  Eventually all the funds ran out in AZ and he decided to move back to Colorado but the Eastern part.  Citing he wanted a job in a dairy.

  Mr. Lybrand showed up in Colorado on or about election day.  We met just before volunteering for a man running for govenor.  (I'm not including this mans name out of respect for the man running, he doesn't deserve to be linked to this in anyway.)  

   I told Mr. Lybrand if they would wait until Sunday evening they could come spend two weeks at our home.  They showed up on Saturaday and my company left in a hurry.  They wanted to keep their two dogs in the car.  I told them that their dogs could not stay locked up in the car for two solid weeks.  To let them roam in the back yard.  They stayed between 8 - 10 days.  I cooked and cleaned every single meal with never an offer of help for anything.  Many times they ignored their children and used the television as a constant companion.  They allowed their children to go to strangers homes without knowing them, or anything about them. 

  I showed Mr. Lybrand about 6-8 dairies within 10 miles of my home.  He never applied for a single job.  They ended up leaving here and going to a hotel in Lucerene, CO.  They were kicked out of that hotel for brandishing weapons, talking about poaching, threating the other guest, and stealing alcohol. 

  They went to another hotel and met up with a man I'll call GF (this man is well known by other names, and I'm not going to trash him either).  This man offered Mr. Lybrand and his family a 2 bedroom apartment with all expenses paid for some work around the property.  They left this apartment totally trashed out within 6 weeks because he was not holding up to his end of the bargin.  When the left it took the owner over a week to clean up the mess they had left their place in.  

  At this time I offered them a place to let the kids stay with me until the school year was out so they could attend school.  They could have breakfast and dinner with the children and stay until bedtime every day.  Provide the kids with stability and still get on their feet.  They left here mad because I wouldn't let them all stay.  They got on their radio program and started telling people I wanted to sell their children into the sex slave trade industry, I'm the town w***e, etc.  When I requested that they stop they continued on, and it got worse from there. 

  I've since discovered that Mr. Lybrand was bringing in between $400.00 - $2,000 a month by running his scam.  At least three people have given this man money to fix his breaks on his car and yet they are still are not fixed.    Mr. Lybrand moved to Leadville, CO for a short time and was investigated by CPS (Child Protective Services).  I don't know what the final outcome is on that but they have since moved to Texas.  With comments like "I'm grateful to God for arriving safely in Amarillo, TX with no breaks.....off to Big D tomorrow morning.  THIS IS CLEARLY CHILD ABUSE! 

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