  • Report:  #1150598

Complaint Review: Jon Clarke - Select State/Province

Reported By:
I Hate Olive Press - Kentucky,

Jon Clarke
Urb Casares del Sol Bloque 21 Portal 40 Casares 29690 Select State/Province, Spain
0034 691 831 399
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Rogue Reporter

Jon Clarke t/a Olive Press SL Spain (Luke Stewart Media SL) beware of this man - he has published a long string of unsubstantiated lies, untruths, inuendos and defamatory statements against me and others in his rag 'The Olive Press' and thinks he can get away with this because I have previous (spent) convictions in the UK dating back to offences which ocurred in the 1980's

Jon Clarke enlists the assistance of Tom Powell, the beer swigging alcoholic who lives in a bed sit in Estepona, and Imogen Calderwood who spends her time telephoning coin dealers in London and elsewhere pretending she has inherited a coin collection from her Father and wishes to get hold of the phone number of specific coin dealers for her to pass on to her Editor Jon Clarke to enhamnce his stories.

Clearly Imogen Calderwood doesn't abide by any code of ethics by trying to obtain information by deception, and the Olive Press itself doesn't abide by any code of conduct whatsoever and think they are imune from Court action or prosecution.

One only has to look at the scathing report published at the end of 2013 by FAPE, the International Press Center in Madrid which heavily censured the Olive Press and especially Jon Clarke for his handling of the Madelaine McCann story where he pitched outside a family home and took photos for days assuming that this family's daughter was the missing Madelain McCann. Finding Clarke and his 'newspaper' had violated Articles 4 and 13 of the Code of Ethics, they demolished his rag as a paper which relied on the flimsiest of evidence to print a sensational story in order to reap the rewards of advertising.

I will come to the question of advertisering in the Olive Press later, but meanwhile here is a list of the violations which have occured since December 2013 in Clarke's vendetta and camapign against Nigel Goldman and others.

The Olive Press broke the story about the 'missing broker' on 23 December 2013, although like most things, they got the dates wrong, as I left Spain in September, not November.

Victims number dozens, reaching millions of euros. This figure changes regularly, and in Antonio Flores's blog, Clarke estimates the money stolen to reach 'tens of millions'. When challenged over this figure Clarke blames Flores who apparently says only a very small percentage of clients come forward in such cases, so the overall figure is always 20-40 times the size of the evidence. Mmm

The true figure on the denuncia is 650,000 euro. Still a large sum, and regrettable, but hardly 'tens of millions'

Claims I owned a red Ferrari when in fact this car was hired for the day for a photo shoot for the poker at Marbella Casino.

Jon Clarke says I 'liked' a story he published about me on Facebook. I have evidence to support Clarke (or his staff) hacking into Facebook to do this, and uplifting photos from there to enhance his articles.

States I promised clients a minimum return of 11% per month. Really?

Claims that I had numerous properties in Spain and Morocco worth millions of pounds. Go and sell them Mr Clarke, help yourself to 10% commission, repay the losing clients out of the sale and then send me the balance. I will give the bulk of it to charity.

Clarke mentions in his 'paper' that I have strings of bank accounts in Germany, Spain, Isle of Man, Tanger and the UK. Untrue.

He has manipulated stolen photographs of me.

Claims I used a false name and was in disguise. My name was changed by deed poll, and I have not disguised myself at all.

Jon Clarke says that he sent journalists to my home for an interview. Nobody from the Olive Press has ever been here. Also claims that emails and phone calls remained unanswered. Also untrue, and he has a history of this as disclosed by FAPE's investigation into the Olive Press, where he made similar claims against the hapless family who he harassed.

Links me to a convicted lawyer in Florida named Hartman who I have never met.

States that all my friends were convicts, specifically in his article 'Company Men' claims that Laurence Levy, Roy Dinsdale and Richard Pope were villains when they appeared in articles written for the Euro Weekly News by me when I reveiwed restaurants. I wrote for the Euro Weekly News in a freelance capacity and was never employed by them or paid. At the time, all three dining companions had not been convicted, let alone accused of anything.

Jon Clarke even stated that I was a close friend of Max Clifford and a dining companion of him as well, when in fact I have never met the man. I am amazed he didn't use photo shop to uplift a photo of Clifford sitting next to me in a restaurant somewhere for use in his 'newspaper'.

Refers to my close friend David Bark as a school friend I whiled away the afternoons with swapping stamps and coins. David Bark is 13 years older than me, and has never had any interest in stamps. Clarke made this up as when Imogen Calderwood telephoned the coin trade in London to attempt to get hold of David Bark, she told a pack of lies claiming that her Father had died and she had inherited a coin collection he had purchased from David Bark 5 years earlier and that it was her Father's dying wish that it be re-sold to David. The coin dealer was supicious of this phone call, and asked for an email address. She provided a false email. She also provided false contact information when she telephoned Lawrence Chard in Blackpool seeking similar information. Hardly ethical journalism from this girl who has never held a job down for more than 4 months at a time.

Also states I went to school with Philip Green from Top Shop. False.

Clarke is obsessed by my book High Stakes, which he variously claims was published in 2009 and 2011. It was actually published in 2004 by Mainstream Publishing and won the Arthur Koestler award.

Jon Clarke sold his stories to the UK Press for large sums of money claiming all the content to be true, and the UK press had a field day, sending journalists to Suzanne's mother's house, and hounding her on the telephone. They reprinted his stories under the false impression that he had done thorough journalistic investigation into his claims. At least one newspaper is suing him for the return of their fee.

He then went on Talk Radio Europe (TRE) where he read from his paper fortnightly. He lied on air stating that 'many clients had commited suicide.'

Clarke then went on to publish a photograph of the house where we live and a description of our vehicle, against all publishing guidelines and etiquette.

Jon Clarke even telephoned eBay and Pay Pal and pretended to be an employee of our business 'Bensons Emporium' and attempted to get the eBay site and Pay Pal facilites closed down. When that ruse failed, he hacked into the eBay acocunt and wrote to all the clients who had purchased gold coins to enquire if they had received them. This caused Pay Pal to freeze our account while we provided tracking and delivery information on these transactions, and some 10 days later when this was safely received and reviewed by their trust and safety department the account was re-instated.

Unsatisfied with this, Clarke then contacted Pay Pal a second time and forwarded them all the articles he had written. This time Pay Pal got scared of a run on the money and froze the account for 180 days and reversed 3 bank transfers on their way to me. Hence the Leon Shepherd incident.

Clarke then paid Leon Shepherd, a creditor because of this, to spend 12 hours outside my house filming me for Clarke's use on his website and on You Tube with credits of course to the Olive Press..

Jon Clarke makes up the name of Carol Lewis and claims she was a friend of Suzanne when she has never heard of her and now publishes untruths about her as well.

Claims I was banned from Frankie's Poker Club in Marbella Port for marking cards when I have never been there or ever marked cards.

Clearly this man has an unhealthy obsession with telling untuths about me, and also Talk Radio Europe who have banned him from their studios after 4 years of reading the news from the Olive Press. He has also trashed Barrie Nathan in his 'paper' and Maurice Boland as well as David Klein (Dave the Dogman)

Worked it out yet?

Got the connection?

All the above persons, including me, are Jewish. He referred to us as the "Jewish Mafia" in an email he sent to my former chauffeur where he begged him for help revealing the secrets of myself and Barrie Nathan - proof provided to this publication

And why the vendetta against me which seems to have consumed him? Simples! When I was flying high in Spain Clarke asked me to finance his paper to the tune of 50,000 euro. Much to his annoyance I refused, and he was also turned down by his bank Unicaja as well.

Jon Clarke also lost a large client in November when a bank transfer from the clients bank to the Olive Press's bank was intercepted by the Spanish Tax Office and held.

This month The Olive Press was to hold a large luncheon at the Beach House and a Road Show. He has been forced to cancel these events because of lack of support and lack of funds. In his recent paper he blames me for the cancellations, stating that he took advice from lawyers.

He also lies about a phone call I made to him where I requested he respect the privacy of my Fiacee's daughter. He ignored this request, and twisted this around to say I threatened children.

Jon Clarke is an anti semite. A racist. An inciter of racial hatred. A Jew hater who will leave no stone unturned to fuel his thirst of his hatred of Jews. Hence his vendettas.

Formerly a sympathiser of the BNP and Combat 18, Clarke had a reputation in Fleet Street for his anti-sematism.

To all advertisers and would be advertisers in the Olive Press please take note of this. Jon Clarke claims he distributes 200,000 copies of the Olive Press and that he has 500,000 readers. Request he provides you details of his print run from the printing house in Malaga. We have sight of these. You will find that his distribution figures are as exagerated as the other numbers he makes up about me in his 'small inland newspaper'.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Anti Olive Press Group

Jon Clarke Banned From Talk Radio Europe

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 05, 2014

Jon Clarke has been banned from going on Talk Radio Europe Marbella who have sensibly severed all ties with his toe rag 'newspaper' The Olive Press.

Clarke and his side-kick Imogen Calderwood (Yellow, Lying Journalist) exposed elsewhere on this site for what she is used to go on air at Talk Radio Europe's Marbella Studios to read excerpts from The Olive Press every other Wednesday for the past four years.

Despite this, the radio stations owner, Mr Martin Nathan, has suspended Clarke with 'immediate effect' and barred all contact and association with The Olive Press.

As the leading Radio Station in Spain for ex-Pats, it is refreshing to see that common sense has prevailed here. Nathan had been thinking about banning Clarke for some time, and the straw that broke the camel's back was when Jon Clarke went on air and stated, falsely, that 'many of Nigel Goldman's clients had commited suicide'. This now turns out to be an untruth, as has so much of what Jon Clarke has had to say on the subject both verbally, on air, and in his toe rag 'newspaper' The Olive Press.

Advertisers and followers of Jon Clarke are now seriously questioning the circulation figures claimed by him. In an email to Goldman dated November 2010 (proof to this publication) Clarke claims to publish 15,500 editions, with less than a 1 per cent return rate.

This figure has now soared to 500,000 readers at latest estimates by him, an extraordinary figure for a 'small inland newspaper'.

Advertisers are now pulling their contracts with the Olive Press at an alarming rate as they can no longer trust the man behind the paper, Jon Clarke.

Indeed, most of his articles have targeted the Jewish community in Marbella who he describes in an email to one of Goldman's employees (proof to this publication) as 'The Jewish Mafia'.

How on earth a man with such a racist profile can be allowed to continue publishing a 'newspaper' is beyond most people.

At least Talk Radio Europe have seen sense and barred him from going on air again at their studios in Marbella ever again.








Anti Olive Press Group

Jon Clarke t/a Olive Press cannot face the closure of his newspaper

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 04, 2014

A very interesting statement from Jon Clarke of the Olive Press

He singularly fails to address any issues I have raised, so he obviously feels he is entitled to lie as much as he likes in his 'newspaper' the toe rag Olive Press.

If he were to look at every single point I have made he would realise he doesn't have a credible reply or response to any of them, because, quite simply, he made them all up.

I find it incredible that he thinks Ripoff Report will remove my postings when they never remove any reports, not even for 'small inland nespapers' - these postings are here to stay Mr Clarke. The truth hurts.

I find it incredible that Jon Clarke thinks the British Police Force will arrest me for posting the truth on the internet. Makes a refreshing change from the drivel written in the Olive Press.

And why, oh why, did Jon Clarke cancel his presentation luncheon at the Beach House which he peddaled tickets for at 10 Euro a piece and took payment via Pay Pal? Advised to by lawyers and the police! Rubbish! He cancelled it because he knew he would be served with legal documents for defamation, and a winding up petition against Luke Stewart Media SL.

The next event will have similar treatment Mr Clarke, so be careful what you book up in the future. Ever watched Rogue Traders where men with megaphones burst in to tell the truth to the asembled guests? That's what will happen to any presentation you try and make in Spain or elsewhere.

This is the end of the Olive Press. It will soon be wound up as a liability to the English ex-pats in Spain. FAPE have already heavily critcised the 'newspaper' at the end of 2013 for Jon Clarke's lies and sending photographers to pitch up outside a family's house.

Every single piece of evidence I have presented against Jon Clarke is true and can be proven (in Court if necessary) His refusal to address these issues and back up what he had to say is further proof that everything he has written about me and others is made up.

What a scum bag liar gutter press journalist.


The Olive Press

Olive Press statement

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 30, 2014

PLEASE NOTE:  Nigel Goldman is a convicted criminal exposed by the Olive Press newspaper in Spain as a repeating fraudster. He has twice been imprisoned in the UK for fraud and by his own admittance has twice, if not three times, cheated other people in other countries.
His Rip Off report is a total fabricated attack on the Olive Press with a series of absurd lies following its exposure of him.
Follow-up and independently researched  reports have been published in a number of leading British newspapers (including the Daily Mail, Telegraph and the Birmingham Mail). 
We can also confirm that Goldman is now under further investigation by Thames Valley Police in addition to the Spanish National Police Force.

We do not feel it appropriate to address each of the bizarre and untrue accusations, but would like to publicly state that our investigation has been thorough, professional and extremely popular with readers. 

If anybody has any issues then our legal team will be happy to set the record straight.

Please contact the Olive Press on [email protected].
Our lawyers are also demanding removal of this website post and the British police are investigating it. 
We seriously question the purpose of this website, especially given that within hours of the Goldman claims appearing on this website, individuals named were approached by ‘reputation experts’ offering to damage-limit personal reputations for a fee.
In addition the Rip Off report offers an Arbitration service – again for a fee - as a way of potentially removing or reducing the vagrant lies. 
It is ridiculous that we would pay to remove the words written in vengeance by Goldman, an unstable criminal fraudster who hates the Olive Press and others that stand in his way of cheating innocent people.

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