  • Report:  #746473

Complaint Review: Judge Charles J. Hoskin - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
FathersRights - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America

Judge Charles J. Hoskin
601 N. Pecos Las Vegas, 89155 Nevada, United States of America
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Report Attachments
Judge Hoskin is a family court official for the court house located in the greater Las Vegas area. My exwife who had filed for a divorce had an attorney at the time I did not. I had made court appearances and also filed many oppositions as of course with any legal case your just not going to agree with everything.
What I did not agree on was the fact that this judge placed my son with my exwife yet I had to cover all the health insurance and was ordered that I was not allowed to claim any of my children on my tax return.
At the time of my hearings I was very ill due to gallbladder attacks as my first hearing I was so ill that I was grabbing my chest begging the judge to reschedule. My head was laying on the desk and I just minutes before vomited.
Only a few months later would I be hospitalized from these attacks.
I attended another hearing and a trial was scheduled unfortunately I did not make calendar call. I had gotten legal advice which I was told that it was for attorneys. Months later I find out the case has been closed and that my exwife had gotten everything she wanted. There was no attempt for the court to reschedule despite the fact that my paperwork was very thorough. I was honestly very upset with the errors in the final order. For example it states I must maintain health insurance on a child that is not biologically mine. Just as it states I must pay child support from my disability when I am not even on
disability. I am however disabled to a degree due to a few medical issues and I have some disabilities which a judge of this stature seems to take advantage of.
Anyhow I never received a copy of the divorce as you know by law any copies in family court must also go to both parties. The address that they had on file was wrong so I filed to modify the mistakes. The Clark County clerk found the mistakes however only Judge Hoskin could change them.
Prior to all of this the mother who had physical custody of my son one day told me to pick him because she could no longer provide for the child. The child moved in we put him in school and took care of all his needs. The other child
the same issue the mother did not want anything to do with him said he is mental and would be a better fit with the father which is me. The judge was okay with splitting up the children I am not even sure he has ever questioned her motives
in response to any of the evidence I have sent the courts.
Sadly when the mother barely called or seen the children my fiance' and I decided it was time to move to the country. The Clark County school system is one of the worst in the country and my son who has been diagnosed with FAE and other impairments needed a school where the teachers could work with him and give him what it is he needs.
We moved but prior we filed physical custody papers showing this judge various exhibits to prove he has been residing with us. We also filed a few pieces of evidence on the mother which are beyond a shadow of a doubt good exhibits. I have sent this judge multiple letters and information enough that the case should have went in my favor.
The judge during the hearing refused to modify any of the mistakes in the decree and if I am correct he suppressed me from even being able to defend myself. This suppression has taken place more then one time actually it takes place everytime I am in the court room. What is even worst is that in the decree it states that the plaintiff must do this and must do that. I had sent to the judge evidence to show that the plaintiff did not abide by what was in the decree he had dismissed the proof completely.
Sadly I went through the legal system because I had hoped that a government employee would set things in stone and rule proper. I went to the courts for help on what to do if the mother abandons her child thus my reason for filing for custody so that the mother would have a visitation schedule while during the year this child could continue to reside with us.
The judge sent me a letter stating that I can no longer modify my decree yet this decree has many errors in it. Not to mention how it shows favoritism for only one of the children. The mother who leaves the children unsupervised has a gambling and drinking habit. She often leaves the youngest who is slow with the uncle who according to my son touches him and takes off his clothes trying to get into the shower with him.
The judge was made aware of this and the mother perjured in the court room ranting how she has not heard or seen the kids in over a year. I had sent records of visitations, photos, facebook shots and phone records to the judge to
 show she perjured in his court room. He still favored her and when he asked her why she did not file an opposition she made up an excuse. It is state law that when a motion is filed the other party must file an opposition. Two hearings later the same judge who questioned her about filing an opposition told me she does not have to file anything and awarded her physical custody of my son ranting on about how she won in divorce court.
When I discussed my child's safety and needs his response was yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever I get it. Just as he always interrupts me at every hearing stopping me from presenting any evidence or letting me build my case against the
plaintiff. The hearings that this judge schedules are fixed to a degree where I have no rights and I am not allowed to even exercise my 1st amendment when this pertains to my children.
The child I recently lost physical custody of was recently diagnosed with many medical problems including Fetal Alcohol Effect. The mother drank with the child and he has mental health issues. I have spent months taking the child to doctors and getting tested. Why? Because this is a judge that ask for evidence and thus everytime I present it the evidence is dismissed period. Its as if this judge hates to be wrong or that it hurts his pride.
My point is I filed a motion with the courts it was granted to me the judge turned around and started rehashing things off my old divorce case when this motion is really an entirely new case. The motion I had filed was to retain custody of my child and to show the judge that the mother is not being an ethnical parent.
I came to the courthouse with doctors orders stating my son may have three years of treatment ahead of him as he is on a current treatment plan. Once again the judge ignored these medical excuses and now my son is going to miss his
treatments very soon. I talked to my son on the phone he is in tears, angry, going into abandoned houses in one of the worst parts of Las Vegas and is having everything he knows taken away. This includes him being removed from the best
school in the state. This includes him being removed from his pets one of his only stabilities. This includes him being forced to live with his mother whom he does not want to reside with. This includes him having to stay in a tiny apartment and share a room with his stepbrother who is a teen and hits him. My son and the judge knows this but doesn't care had his own room, pets and is scheduled to play football in two months.
Once again the judge does not care as a matter in fact when I speak the judge tells me to shut up. Judge Hoskin Bailiff almost put her hands on me despite I talked calmly in the court room discussing the child's needs and exhibits which were dismissed.
During a previous hearing the judge asked me to go to mediation and give the mother a visitation scheduled. The mother agreed and signed it. The judge approved it and was neglectful in not reading the entire agreement which states
he must be returned to me 7 days prior to the school year. The judge started my son back out in Las Vegas despite he already is enrolled in a school here, has made friends for the first time in his life and has a very active life. The judge is removing the child from his biological brother whom the mother wants nothing to do with and is placing him with her teenage son so he can babysit him despite the fact that she knows her oldest son is not very mature. You would think a judge would question this type of behavior I know my current attorney has as its in black and white yet this judge again overlooked this.
Despite the fact that no opposition was filed that their is overwhelming evidence against the mother and that a parental agreement has already been assigned the judge has ignored all the legalities placing my son in the mothers
custody. What is even stranger is he signed the order which states the child must come home for school here yet said publicly that he wants the child to start school with his mothers basically committing to a double jeopardy or contradicting actions.

Now I will not see my son for months the visitation schedule was for the mother not me thus my son may not see his bedroom, pets, school or even me for months. In the medical forms I have it states that this cannot be done to this
child as it would be detrimental to his health and well being.  The child receives treatment at a facility that has a long waiting list this judge does not understand that if treatments stop he will have to start all over again.
This judge does not want to hear about any of the abuse nor does he want to see any evidence. As a matter in fact he wants me to present evidence which I have done many times. Technically by law if no opposition is filed and their is a legal parental agreement in place then it is a win by default but instead the judge has taken my son and now is making me travel 600 miles to present evidence which I have already done. So now I have no contact hardly with my son meanwhile I have a valid parental agreement and he has been in my physical custody for over a year. Judge Hoskins apparently does not follow the laws and makes his own laws at least two attorneys at this time have felt the same after reviewing my case.
As of right now Judge Hoskin will be reported to the Judicial Review and a complaint will be filed. We are currently going to be opening up a website to show the evidence and mistakes made by his rulings and negligence. I also have discussed with other attorneys possibly suing the county and the judge. Although if you are reading this complaint and wish to offer legal service please contact me. I would also like to go to the press with this I mean we are talking about an innocent child.
Judge Hoskin is not very ethical in his court room and apparently does not support fathers rights. This may be due to the fact in the past he was a TPO judge which ruled generally against men period. Even if no lawsuit comes of this I plan on embarrassing this judge for his inadequacy to follow state guidelines. Not only guidelines but the ethics of the judge must be questioned. When you are a judge their is no margin for error! We rely on these individuals to help us not hurt us Judge Hoskin has destroyed three kids lives and our family. There is no apology in the world that could ever fix this meanwhile this judge will continue to misjudge or be bias towards single fathers.
I raise all of my kids with love always taking them place and teaching them things. The judge has never once looked at any of it nor has he ever once argued with there mother or questioned anything that was presented. She says I am to busy to file he is like oh okay but then I walk in forget to fill out one little piece of paper and he sticks it to me.
Lets face it if a police officer committed a crime he would be fired if a doctor slipped with the scalpel stabbing the patient he would face a malpractice charge. The same goes for a judge and he is expected to rule proper and set the highest of ethical standards. It is the parents who vote for family judges such as Charles Hoskin and it is the parents that should be able to fire or terminate a judge when he has made errors.
Now I am out thousands of dollars so buying my child a boat will not happen for his birthday and my friends, family including myself are shocked. We are shocked that we came to the court with a motion for physical custody and had it taken away when we have shown nothing but concern for the child's safety and well being. This is common sense and in my last hearing I have presented one hell of a case its all on video and ill be presenting the audio so the world can see how embarrassing this is. When a parent files anything in terms of safety the child should not get sent to the other parent while waiting months for a
trial especially when the case is beyond a reasonable doubt in the other parents favor.
This judge has been very neglectful in my decree and my child custody cases. This judge was not looking at the new paperwork and its obvious he does not read any of what is sent to him. If he read the parental agreement it states
the child is to remain with me and attend school here. These are mistakes made in black and white not to mention stripping my rights to modify my decree which has errors in it.
My recommendation is if you get this judge go to the clerk and change changes prior to any hearings. My advice also is to take action this is not a good judge by any means and not a very favorable one either. Everytime I try to pull out my paperwork and fix mistakes I get brushed off told to shut up. That is not a fair hearing nor is it ethical. A good judge listens to both sides he refuses to hear mine despite that my kids have resided with me and I been providing for them. Can you imagine walking into a court room being a great parent and proving it to a judge only to be told hey I don't like you so kiss your kids goodbye seriously! That is how I feel and ill do whatever it takes to see that his mistakes are aired publicly so the world knows how embarrassing this judge is to the judicial system.
 I have on audio with Charles Hoskin stating one thing at one hearing and saying a contradicting statement the next hearing. Inaccuracies means that someone gets stung and in this case it is the children who are stung by a judge who dismisses evidence, lies, neglectful and bias. When the complaints get filed eventually the audio will end up on youtube and I plan on exposing this judge as much as possible so that he does not get reelected and my aim is to have him removed from his position. I will not compromise the safety of my son and any good parent would do the same.
This is only the gist of it there is much more and now my complaint goes public! What kind of judge tells a father to issue the mother some visitation then the next hearing takes my child away from me. What kind of judge signs off for the kid to come home after summer then puts the kid in another home despite what was already ordered? What kind of judge tells you to shut up when you respond to the other party in the court room with factual information? I know a bad judge that shouldn't be employed through the state of NV I rest my case!
In addition to all of this here is the judges website http://www.hoskinlaw.com/ and honestly I must say that for such a supposed experienced committed judge as he claims his site lacks allot of content. The webpage looks like something put together in a half hour. This judge does not seem to put very much effort into his cases or work period its evident from looking at his site. He grabs evidence flipping pages like a deck of cards then signing it without ever really studying the content just as he did with the parental agreement. If a judge doesn't look at what is presented how can he rule fairly? His site speaks for itself like my case his site presents very little effort likewise.

According to my research as well he goes by the name of Chuck Hoskin. When further research was finished I had realized that allot of complaints are filed under this name. When you type in Judge Church Hoskin the hoskinlaw.com website appears with the judges photo. I am not sure this is a form of evasion as again I have seen some pretty sad complaints from other parties in relation to this judge.  I just wanted to add this in if it will help with this complaint.

Sadly my children have been subjected to all of this despite that the judge is aware of many issues yet refuses to address not one of them let alone question any except subject me to more pain and discontent! Judge Charles/Chuck J. Hoskin courtroom in department E. is just that a circus nothing more nothing less. If you go into that court room seeking help from this judge you will not get it. All the words in the complaint fit this figurehead to a tee and that I can back up if it becomes necessary.

This is the judicial board which a complaint is in the process of being filed: http://www.judicial.state.nv.us/contentsnjdc3new.htm

I need any assistance I can currently receive do not do it for me do it for the love of an innocent child who has been battling to be with his father and have some normality in his life.  As of now I have lost him and I am trying to fix this judges mistakes. Most of my friends work for the government what is this judge going to do when I subpoena them? Deny their freedom of speech also?

But I know that if he isn't returned safely home he will end up getting hurt as he climbs everything, mentally impaired, left unsupervised, left with the abusive uncle and will never get to do the things most normal boys do. The mother does not play much involvement in the children's lives and she doesn't offer them any outlets except locking them up with video games and junk food. All thanks to a judge who told me I was being a selfish father when I have solid proof to show otherwise! The worst judge in family court law in Clark County Nevada!!!
Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Las Vegas,
United States
I am experiencing same thing

#2General Comment

Sun, February 16, 2020

Sorry about your experience, I am exoeriencing the same treatment from this judge. he is horrible without any question of doubt. 


Las Vegas,
Charles Hoskin doesn't care about autistic children!

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, June 27, 2013

My ex-wife and I have two girls, 5 and almost 4. The five yr old is autistic and non-verbal (can not speak). Almost a year ago, my ex-wife's b/f beat my 5 yr old daughter. CPS took the girls away and they plead guilty in juvinelle court. My ex lied throughout the whole process, defending her b/f, trying to put the blame on me, and even trying to take the blame herself to protect him. She completed her plan and filed for the girls back, claiming she broke up with the b/f and he was out of the picture, which was a lie. We (my lawyer and I) presented evidence showing they were still a couple and the consistant patterns of lies she told CPS, Metro, and even Judge Hoskin.

Judge Hoskin took nothing I had into account and without blinking an eye, he gave my ex back her full custody (3 days). My lawyer (who did a great job!) said she had a feeling early on that Hoskin had already made up his mind about his decision. He wass lazy during our divorce case as well. He didn't want to hear facts I had concerning her b/f's temper and anger issues and the fact that she had moved him into the house to ultimately care for the girls. He just wanted us to settle so he could go play golf (which was a quote from my ex's lawyer)

Hoskin needs to be off the bench. My girls are at greater risk of abuse bcuz her b/f is still pending a felony charge for the abuse and there is no doubt in my mind she will allow him to abuse her again to frame me and try and get himself off. And Hoskin is to blame!


Las Vegas,
United States of America

#4General Comment

Thu, October 25, 2012

I understand-I have been there with the "Judge".  He backed off when he knew my case was going to the State Supreme Court.  Nepotism was also involved with my case-my ex's lawyer has a son on the family court.  Justice is getting this man off the bench-can't wait till 2014.  May his family go thru what he did to me tenfold.  May the unknowledgeable arrogance end.


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Never gives up

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, September 18, 2012

 I went through same treatment in 2011 with Judge Hoskin in trying to get custody of my child.  Judge Hoskin was rude and disinterested in my case and my divorce.  I filed for divorce to get custody and Judge Hoskin did nothing.  I had mountains of information and pictures on my ex wife being a bad mother and kidnapping my child which she took out of state.  I was on the stand for 2 hours answering questions and my ex wife was on the stand for 18 mins with her attorney asking questions.  Judge Hoskin gave my attorney one mintute to ask one quistion to my exwife when we had 55 questions to ask her.  All our questions had to do with her carater and lies.  My ex wife's attorney had all the time he want to ask me questions.  How is this justice when the judge hands over your child with out finding out all the fact?  Judge Hoskin goes on record and says to appeal him in his decision as he made a mistake.  He doesn't give a crap about your case, you life or your childs well being.  An appeal coast extra $15,000 in trying to get justice when this man is to lazy / not intrested in doing his job.  I have lost everything due to this man's decision.  He handed my child over to a monster...my exwife who's not even raising my child. I would like to say more about Judge Hoskin but at this point I still have a open case.  I am looking for anyone who has had this judge and has gone through the same treatment.  Please contact me at [email protected]  This judge needs to be kicked off the bench and exsposed to the public as lazy, rude and incompadent!  He does't care about our children!  We can only do this in numbers.

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