  • Report:  #917775

Complaint Review: Judge Howard Tygrett Atty Eric Williams Linda Duggan Counselor Kaufman County Fraud - Kaufman Texas

Reported By:
JWP - , , United States of America

Judge Howard Tygrett Atty Eric Williams Linda Duggan Counselor Kaufman County Fraud
100 West Mulberry Kaufman, 75142 Texas, United States of America
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Judge Howard Tygrett has a long history of doing hurtful things to people for no apparent reason. In this report, I want to bring to the surface just a few of the unthinkable things Tygrett is doing.

If you will google "eric Williams kaufman" or something near that, you will see that Williams has been convicted of two felony charges and has another worse one pending. This is a man whose word was gold in Howard Tygrett's courtroom. That is what Tygrett is on record as saying.

Counselor Linda Duggan of Forney Texas was also someone who often frequented judge Howard Tygrett's corrupt courtroom and who is reported to have destroyed relationships between children and parents for many years at the facilitation of Howard Tygrett. For many years now Duggan has been arrested numerous times for driving under extreme intoxication. All this while maintaining "good standing" in Tygrett's courtroom, if you can believe that!!!!!!!!!

In many cases, Tygrett turned over the cases to CPS Kaufman which is nothing but a bunch of wicked witches who get paid to steal children from their parents!!!!!! It's legalized kidnapping happening right at the center of the gov't in Kaufman county and it must be stopped!!!!!

Howard Tygrett needs to be investigated and fired!!!!

I also found other sites exposing the eerie injustices being dealt out in Tygrett's courtroom:
kaufmancountycorruption DOTTT com   KaufSyrup  DOT com

Long live the truth and may the new DA in Kaufman and others bring this all to the light and get rid of all the good ole boys in this network of family destruction.

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