  • Report:  #288634

Complaint Review: Kaplan University - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Orlando, Florida,

Kaplan University
www.kaplanuniversity.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have my A.S. degree in Criminal Justice and was looking to advance my eduation with a B.S. degree in Psy/Substance abuse. I work with Addicts and Alcohol already and know the field very well, but I figured an actually B.S. degree in Psy/Substance abuse would look lovely on my resume to my current employer now or future employers.

I was contacted by Eugenia Hester who painted a wonderful picture about Kaplan University. I went through the free application online and some common sense test which I passed; and what was holding me back from enrolling was my FAFSA aid I had to renewel for 2007-2008, After sending me to look for my tax papers that I had file for 2006, I got back on the phone and told her that I couldn't find anything cause I had just moved from Florida; so she gave me IRS number to ask for Gross Income, Adjusted gross income, tax paid, and any tax credit applied so she can have me enroll by Sunday Dec 2nd 2007. I was thinking that's wierd. She contacted Sat Dec 1st 2007 and she was pushing me to enroll and actually have me start my classes the next time. I'm glad I had some issue with my FAFSA or I would of been scamed.

Later on that night I couldn't sleep so I went online to do more research about the school. I decided to go to this website and check what student had experience with their school. That's when I discover the scam, fake degrees and so on...

I sent her an email, and it reads: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 23:33:42 -0800 (PST)


Subject: Re: Provided wrong SS#

To: "Eugenia Hester"

Eugenia I made some changes to the enrollment form, I put down the wrong SS# and changed my last name, and also change the high school name that I graduated from.

I don't want to start on January 2008, I'm leaving the country Dec 15th 1007

My uncle, father's dad has fallen sick; I heard his on his death bed.

I'll summit the Financial Aid confirmation and website to you and a meanwhile, when I return in the country I'll let you know when I'm ready to start.

I haven't made any written agreement or commitment with Kaplam Univerity yet, so please do not enroll me in any of the classes unless I agree to it.


I changed all the information because I had read what this school had been doing. Anyway she called me today to discuss the email and she was very convincing, but the scam I've read from you guys that they had pulled was more convincing enough. After we got off the phone, I decided to talk to a live advisor and the question you guys had been asking them I acutally was going back and forth to this site and asking Sid the question read carefully.

Below is an actual conversation I had with Kaplan University so call Advisor. He told me he was at a call center and but later said he's at his actually home. Read on please.

The online advisor was Sid.

Welcome to online chat at Kaplan University. An Admissions Advisor will be with you momentarily.

You are now chatting with 'Sid'

Sid: hello Meagan

Sid: how can i help you

Meagan: I had some questions since I'm very much interest in the school.

Sid: fantastic

Sid: have you spoken to an advisor yet?

Meagan: No, but arent you one?

Sid: i sure am

Sid: my name is Sid

Sid: If anyone calls you from Kaplan, let them know you are speaking to me. OK?

Meagan: Nice to chat w/ you Sid.

Sid: I am happy to help you with whatever i can

Meagan: I will.

Meagan: My question to you is, why do you guys have a private bank?

Sid: you are not required to use it

Sid: we just use Citibank as our lender

Sid: you have the option to use any source you like though

Meagan: What if I don't want to use your lenders?

Sid: what program were you looking to study?

Sid: that's fine

Meagan: Government Aide

Sid: you can use any source you like

Sid: absolutely

Meagan: Criminal Justice

Sid: have you completed a 2007-08 FAFSA yet?

Meagan: Yes I have.

Sid: fantastic

Sid: i can have you complete a free online application and show you all of your financial aid options

Sid: let me tell you about Kaplan and how we do things first though

Sid: We are regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Sid: that is the highest accreditation there is

Meagan: Are advisors change every week?

Sid: not at all

Sid: i am your advisor from now until when you start classes

Sid: then your academic advisor will work with you until you graduate

Meagan: So I'll have you till I'm done with the program?

Sid: I am your admissions advisor and i am here to help you through the entire ENROLLMENT process

Meagan: Until I start classes, what if I want you till I'm done w/ the school?

Sid: once you enroll you get assigned an academic advisor who helps you select your schedule > and they will be with you until you graduate

Sid: does that answer your question?

Meagan: How long will I have the next advisor for?

Sid: until you graduate

Sid: i help you through the ENROLLMENT process

Sid: once you ENROLL > you get an academic advisor to help you plan your course schedule until you graduate

Meagan: Go ahead while I think about new questions to ask you. Tell me more about the school and the programs,

Sid: does that make sense?

Sid: ok > great

Sid: In a recent independent study by R.W. Baird & Co., Kaplan University was ranked Americas # 1 online university for quality of education, student recommendation rate and cost versus benefit among more than 40 online and traditional institutions surveyed. Kaplan University has always been committed to providing our students with the finest in academic programs and support. Click here to read about how we ranked.

Sid: We use a 10 week quarter system, which is shorter then a 16 week semester system, in order to make the credits transferable we use a higher credit system of 5 or 6 credits per class. This allows for credits to transfer, however in order to award 5 or 6 credits per class, you can guarantee that you will be doing 5 or 6 credit hours worth of work.

Sid: Our classes are 10 weeks long (typically 2 at a time). Students have weekly deadlines for their assignments. Assignments consist of multiple choice quizzes, written essays (based on learning materials), message board postings and (in some courses) a one hour, weekly, online seminar.

Sid: When students pick their classes they also pick their seminar time. It is the same time for the 10 weeks. (Available from 9 am EST- 11:30 pm EST - Monday through Sunday). Students can access their classes from any computer with an Internet connection, from anywhere, 24/7.

Sid: does that make sense

Meagan: Yes.

Sid: terrific

Meagan: Go on

Meagan: Question: When I default on a government student loan, do I go to a website called directloans.com

Sid: now lets discuss the criminal justice program

Sid: are you currently in default status with FAFSA

Meagan: How much is it and how many credit hours per semster?

Sid: All undergraduate programs are $320 per credit. Tuition includes textbooks. There is also a technology fee per term that is included in the free financial plan projection we provide. Financial aid is available to all students who qualify.

Sid: each class is 5 or 6 credits each

Meagan: No, my husband had some problems, I just want to cover myself

Sid: were you looking for an Associates or a Bachelors degree?

Sid: I understand

Sid: i know you can call 1800 433 3243

Sid: they can look up your file

Meagan: B.S.

Sid: and direct you in the right direction

Sid: terrific

Sid: we have many choices for emphasis areas for you to chose from

Meagan: How much will that be?

Sid: law enforcement

Sid: corrections

Sid: that depends

Meagan: Both

Sid: Do you have any prior college credits to transfer, or are you just starting out?

Sid: private security

Meagan: Depends?

Meagan: 96

Sid: on transfer credits

Meagan: credit

Sid: Up to 75% of the total degree credits can be transferred in; you must complete at least 25% of your degree here to graduate from Kaplan University. Grades must be a C or better, credits must come from an accredited school, and the credits must fit into our curriculum to transfer.

Meagan: I would say the general core credits and etc..

Sid: terrific

Sid: take a look at our catalog

Meagan: I have an 4.0 GPA

Sid: see what we have for you to chose from

Sid: Click here to access the Kaplan University catalog and addendum information.

Sid: fantastic

Meagan: I'm book smart though.

Sid: take a look at our Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice in the undergraduate comlumn

Meagan: Bare w/ me, my laptop is slow.

Sid: take as much time as you need

Sid: i am in no hurry

Sid: let me know if you have any questions

Meagan: I do, but I haven't think of any yet.

Sid: understood

Sid: i am here to help and happy to do so

Sid: would you like to complete a free application and see what your options are?

Meagan: Before I start clases, just to let you know that I can not afford to have any out of pocket expenses during the time that I would be in school.

Meagan: Is that ok.

Sid: we can have you review all of your options with a financial aid officer

Sid: it is quite possible that can be the case

Sid: lets access your FAFSA and see

Sid: Click here to access your 2007-2008 SAR (student aid report). Let me know when you get past the page where you entered your personal information.

Sid: You should now see your EFC or Expected Family Contribution Number. What is it?

Meagan: It can be. I don't know, but I'm counting on you to help me so that won't happen.

Sid: i will certainly do my best

Meagan: I've asked for a duplicate of my pin since I forgot it. Is that a problem.

Sid: not at all

Sid: once you get your pin we can access it later

Meagan: I really want to attend the school so bad.

Sid: in the meantime i can have you complete a free application

Sid: i would need your full name

Sid: address

Sid: and phone number

Meagan: If I requested a duplicate of my pin if I remember it can I still try to log on?

Meagan: Meagan Price

Sid: once you get your duplicate in 1-4 hours you can access everything

Meagan: 8300 S. Rio Grande Ave Orlando, FL 32809

Sid: and phone number please

Meagan: I just got my new cell phone and the number was written down, I have to look for it and the meanwhile I'm looking on that site you gave me.

Sid: ok

Meagan: Do the school have a direct number?

Sid: yes

Meagan: Where are you located?

Sid: you can call me at 866 527 5268 xt 92027228

Sid: we have a residential campus in Iowa

Sid: but i am in Rhode Island

Meagan: Is this a call center?

Sid: yes

Sid: but we are a regionally accredited University

Sid: our admissions office is a call center

Meagan: You not at the actually school?

Sid: i am not there but i work for the school

Meagan: How do you know what the student need and want, if you're only a call center?

Sid: by discussing what you want with you

Sid: what area of emphasis did you want in the criminal Justice program

Sid: what sort of job are you looking for?

Meagan: And what I want is to have a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice where I don't have to pay out of pocket expensive.

Meagan: Forensic

Sid: terrific

Meagan: FRAUD

Sid: we have Forensic Psychology program

Sid: we also have a Fraud examination program

Sid: what is more appealing to you?

Meagan: Oh great! Both sound good. B.S. in Forensic Psy program and later a M.S. in Fraud Examination Program.

Sid: terrific

Sid: would you like to start your free applciation

Meagan: How much for the B.S. degree in total?

Sid: 320 per credit

Sid: 180 credits

Sid: but that doesn't include your transfer credits

Sid: Up to 75% of the total degree credits can be transferred in; you must complete at least 25% of your degree here to graduate from Kaplan University. Grades must be a C or better, credits must come from an accredited school, and the credits must fit into our curriculum to transfer.

Meagan: Why 180 Credits?

Sid: because we are on a 10 week quarter system

Meagan: Don't you need 90 credits to graduate?

Sid: our classes are 5 or 6 credits each

Sid: and 10 weeks long

Meagan: How much in total will the B.S. cost me?

Sid: this way you only take 2 classes per term to have Financial aid available

Sid: that depends on how many of your credits transfer

Meagan: I can handle 5 classes.

Sid: you cannot take more than 3 per term

Meagan: Let say the school accept 28 credits, how much?

Sid: each class is 5 or 6 credits each

Sid: we will likely take much more than that if you have 96

Meagan: What's much more, give me a number?

Meagan: And tell me how much the actual degree will be in total?

Sid: it is hard for me to say exactly with out seeing your transcritps

Sid: however we convert credits from semester to quarter credits

Sid: for example if you earned a "c" or better in a 3 credit college algebra course

Sid: it transfers to 5 credits here

Meagan: Can you use an example of a previous student so I'll know. I really want to attend this school and I heard good things. I like that.

Meagan: I have all A's I stated before. Remember?

Sid: i understand that

Sid: but i cannot say without seeing your transcripts

Sid: i have no idea what course you have already taken

Sid: i can give you examples

Sid: for instance if 60 of your credits transfer from your previous school

Sid: they would convert to 90 credits here

Sid: does that answer your question

Sid: would you like to complete a free online application

Meagan: Hold on.

Sid: ok

Meagan: I'm sorry my mom had bad news and she was explaining something to me on another house she has.

Sid: I am sorry to hear that

Sid: click here > application

Sid: your username is your email address

Sid: your password is 11720750

Sid: once you log in you will be asked to provide some personal info about yourself

Sid: please take as much time as you need

Sid: and let me know if you have any questions

Meagan: Ok, I'm on it right now.

Sid: great

Sid: let me know if i can help at all

Meagan: I will

Sid: great

Sid: that is why i am here

Meagan: It ask: Have you taken any college-level courses? Ahould I say yes or no?

Sid: you should say yes

Sid: and include all of your previous schools you attended

Meagan: ok

Sid: you do not need to have exact dates though

Meagan: i do

Sid: if you have the dates that is even better

Meagan: Secondary Education Graduation Date is required. Where I do put that information at?

Sid: fill it in as best you can

Sid: if you do not know exact dates you can estimate

Sid: let me know when you get to step 5

Meagan: ok

Meagan: That's the questions right?

Sid: the questions are on step 3

Sid: you are almost done

Meagan: I'm done

Sid: you are at step 5?

Meagan: Yes

Sid: great

Sid: you are done

Meagan: What's next, does that mean I've enrolled?

Sid: once you get your FAFSA pin > we can access your FAFSA application and review your financial aid forms

Sid: not yet

Meagan: What do I have to do?

Sid: i am going to send you an email with my contact info and some general info for you to reveiw

Meagan: I thought the applicaton process you've enrolled?

Sid: once you get your FAFSA pin

Sid: come back here or call or email me

Sid: that was the first step

Sid: you will still need to review your financial aid options

Sid: we don't sign any one up with out them understanding financial commitments

Meagan: What if I'm not qualify?

Meagan: What can you do for me?

Sid: we will know as soon as you get your pin

Sid: then we can discuss all of your options and see what to do from there

Meagan: You haven't told me how much this degree will cost me, the example you use I didn't understand.

Sid: i will try to explain again

Sid: the tuition is $320 per credit hour including your textbooks

Sid: the entire degree is 180 credits

Meagan: I'm still curious on why do you guys use a private lender, cause I don't want to get a loan w/ your lenders.

Sid: $320 x 180 is 54,900

Meagan: How long will it take for me to complete the B.S. degree?

Sid: however for every course you have taken you can deduct $1600 from that

Sid: that also depends on your transfer credits

Sid: i do not know what classes you have already taken

Meagan: Why $54.900 is this a private college?

Sid: yes it is a private University

Sid: however you will not need to pay $54,900

Meagan: That's why its so expensive. Wow!

Sid: as i have been trying to explain to you > you will have many transfer credits which reduce the cost

Sid: in a best case scenario 75 % of your degree can be transfered in

Sid: and you would only need to take 45 credits here with us

Sid: which is about $13000 including your textbooks

Sid: Click here to access a transcript request form. Submit it to you prior school(s) to request your transcripts be sent to Kaplan University.

Meagan: You private lender, Citibank; what do you do to get the loan for the student

Sid: once we have your transcripts you will have more choices

Sid: i am not permitted to discuss that with you

Sid: once you complete your financial aid forms

Sid: i will transfer you to a financial aid officer

Meagan: What are you permitted to do then?

Sid: they will discuss all of your options with you and can explain that better

Sid: discuss the program

Sid: and the enrollment process

Sid: it is against the law for me to discuss financial aid specifically

Sid: however i can help you complete the forms and connect you to someone that can speak freely

Sid: this is standard at all Universities

Sid: online or residential

Sid: fianncial aid is always separate

Meagan: Online.

Sid: this program is 100% online

Sid: is that what you were looking for?

Meagan: You said Citibank is your private lender, so you can discuss or give me an example, can you?

Meagan: Yes

Sid: unfortuanately i can not

Meagan: Do you take the loan out under the student name or on behave of the school?

Sid: i am not permitted to discuss specifics of your funding

Sid: that would also be discussed by financial aid

Meagan: How well do you know your employer?

Sid: let me transfer you to a financial aid officer to discuss these questions

Sid: Kaplan University is owned by the Washington Post

Sid: we are a fortune 500 company

Meagan: Go ahead, but don't stray to far, I have more questions for you.

Sid: ok

Sid: no problem

Sid: they will not be able to discuss your financial aid options however until you receive your pin

Sid: but they can answer these questions concerning our lender

Sid: but i can tell you it is a better rate through FAFSA

Sid: and hopefully you won't need a private loan

Meagan: Your manager told you to tell me that?

Sid: my manager is not in the room with me

Sid: no one has told me anything

Sid: i am an admissions advisor

Sid: i have been doing this for over 4 years

Meagan: But you're at a call center, that was my first job.

Sid: it is my job to find qualifed students and place them in our program

Sid: you cannot enroll with out my recommendation

Sid: this is education

Sid: i am not selling anything

Sid: you cannot sell education

Sid: this is a Unviersity

Sid: i think you have the wrong idea entirely

Sid: you keep asking me questions i am explaining it is illegal for me to answer

Sid: you have gone to College before and i am sure your Admissions advisor didn't discuss funding there either

Sid: i do not know what you expect from me

Sid: i am trying my best to help you

Sid: and answer your questions

Meagan: When I hear call center, I know there's a manager behind you pushing you to close the deal.

Sid: maybe if you are selling a product

Sid: again you cannot sell education

Sid: i am actually working from my home today

Sid: and there is no one in the room with me

Sid: no one is telling me to say anything

Sid: i am a trained admissions advisor

Sid: and my role here is to find qualified students to for a degree

Meagan: Oh. I've attend private college, I never hear their advisor at home.

Sid: this is a private University

Sid: i am NOT a salesman

Sid: i do NOT make a commission on enrolling students

Sid: if you chose to not go here you are not taking any steaks out of my refrigirator

Sid: there is no SALES manager telling me to say anything

Sid: and frankly i am a little offended by the way you are making these statements

Sid: i am trying to be professional and answer your questions

Sid: i cannot tell you the exact cost because i dont' know how many classes you have taken

Sid: i cannot tell you how long it will take because i do not know what classes you have already taken

Meagan: I've given you my entire information, apparently I'm well interested w/ your organization. There's so much scams out there, especially institution that claim to help student get their degree and found out it's something different.

Sid: i cannot discuss your funding options because you have not completed your financial aid forms

Sid: I understand

Sid: We are regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Sid: click on the underlined and see all of our credentials

Sid: this is not a scam

Sid: this is a real regionally accredited Unviersity

Meagan: I never say that it was a scam.

Meagan: After graduation, then what; any job replacements?

Sid: we have a career resource department

Meagan: How's the successful rate?

Sid: we help you do practice interviews and prepare your resume

Sid: we make you aware of job opportunities in your area

Sid: we do NOT guarantee placement

Sid: we have no way of knowing how you will behave on your interview

Meagan: I understand

Sid: we will however train you in the skills you need to find a good job in this field

Sid: how about this

Sid: i know it takes 1- 4 hours to get your FAFSA pin

Meagan: Sound good!

Sid: how about i call you back in 2 hours and i will go over everything with you

Sid: maybe something is getting lost in the chat

Meagan: Like what?

Sid: and i can answer all questions and transfer you to a financial aid officer

Sid: is that ok with you?

Meagan: Yes it's ok.

Sid: great

Sid: what is the best number to reach you?

Sid: i will call you at 5

Sid: does that work for you

Meagan: I have to call you instead, what's your direct number? My husnband went with our cell phone and I can only use my internet phone.

Sid: i understand

Sid: no problem

Sid: you can reach me at 866 527 5268 xt 92027228

Meagan: You don't have a direct number?

Sid: i look forward to speaking with you soon and seeing what sort of financial options are available to you then

Meagan: The extention is too long

Sid: that is my direct extension

Sid: i agree

Sid: but that is my number

Sid: lol

Meagan: I'm using a computer phone, it hungs up after 4th number

Sid: ok

Sid: well just come back to the chat platform and ask for me when you get your pin

Sid: then we can sort through all of your options

Sid: I will be here today until 6

Sid: you can come here and ask for Sid

Meagan: I'll go search for my pin number and If I'm unable to find then I have to wait for tomorrow.

Sid: i am the only one with that name

Sid: no problem

Sid: i understand

Sid: i am happy to help

Sid: i will email you some info to look over with all of my contact info as well

Sid: hopefully everything will fall into place for you

Meagan: Ok... I can't wait to start.

Sid: glad to help

Sid: have a terrific

Sid: day

Sid: Thank you for chatting with us today. To help us serve you better in the future please take a moment to fill out the exit survey after you close out of the chat.

Meagan: You too.

Sid: thanks


Orlando, Florida


8 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Kaplan university DO NOT GO

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, May 14, 2014

Kaplan University is a rip off, I agree with everyone that has made any comments on here. I have written to five different places hoping it would help me but finding out might be no where with two classes left to get my Bachlors degree in CJ with a gpa of 3.65 but Kaplan let me take two of my last four classes, finish the two and then tells me they did not approve my Kaplan choice loan (by the way they stopped that loan now), and that I owe 10,000 and have to pay it in full until I can take my last two classes. I owe 90,000 in loans plus now this 10,000 with what, NOTHING because Kaplan University made all this money off of me from my loans and financial aid and at 50 years old I have nothing except these loans. There should be a law against what they did to me. I did not sign anything stating that I have to pay the 10,000 and that I was not approved the Kaplan choice loan. I truly believe that the CEO or who ever is the big man sitting in Boca Raton Sunny Florida off of my Money Karma is a hugh biter and hopefully will come back to get you. You should be ashamed of yourself congress and my Senator that you would let these people get away with this. Don't you read these reports of all the people that have gotten beaten from Kaplan University????

If anyone has any suggestions for me or if you need anyone that I contacted please email me at [email protected]


Kim F. (NJ)


Saint Augustine ,

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2014

First of all, I am surprised that the writer of this report, Meagan, has any degree whatsoever. Her entire line of questioning was full of grammatical errors and atrocities. It was clear she was defensive from the start and was looking for a way to impeach the admissions advisor. I think the advisor did a great job at answering questions asked, besides the ones that were completely ridiculous. She obviously started the conversation not because she was interested in Kaplan, but to find "holes" in their identity. Instead, it seems like Maegan created holes in her identity and what she was actually looking to accomplish. Towards the end when she was asking questions about the total, Sid had already answered the question on numerous occasion. Anyone with sense could multiply the numbers given by Sid to get the total amount for the Bachelor's program. Meagan seemed untrusting and indiscerning from the start, probably a good reason she seemed uncredible and like it was her duty to catch the advisor in a lie when she clearly did not. I have attended Kaplan for one term, currently in my second. Never have I felt lied to or taken advantage of. 

This made no sense and I think Maegan was overly distrusting and argumentative. Meagan seems less credible throughout this transcript than the employee of Kaplan, Sid. 

How ridiculous. What a waste of time. Thanks, Maegan, you wasted about an hour of my life. 


United States of America
Kaplan Student

#4General Comment

Fri, March 01, 2013

I am currently a student of Kaplan University getting a BS in CJ with an emphasis in Juvenile Justice. When online schools first started becoming popular a lot of companies were not accepting degrees from the online schools because of accreditation. Some online schools are not accredited by the same places that regular state and private ground schools are. However, I was inquiring at different law schools and have come to find that the accreditation provided by Kaplan is an appropriate one and will allow you to attend graduate school and it is a real degree. Kaplan University is a physical school with an online degree program. It isn't like online schools such a Pheonix that only exist online. It would be the same as getting a degree from Penn State University or Princeton University online. Online schooling has become extremely popular. All three of my younger brothers attend an online high school. It's just not a commonly known university. 


United States of America
I attend Kaplan University

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, November 02, 2010

I attend Kaplan University and taking my B.S. in IT and have been attending the online School since June of 09 and love the school. They helped me in learning the ins and outs of the Information technology field. You take up to 3 classes per term and the terms are 10 weeks long. Books are covered by tuition and shipped within a week of the start of each term.


It just doesn't add up

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, July 25, 2008

I am replying mostly because I think the other rebuttals are unfair to the consumer. I also have some concerns regarding the mathematic calculations. I.e., in the above online discussion "Sid" tells "Meagan" that $320 x 180 is 54,900 - ($320 per credit multiplied by the maximum number of credits for her to take) on my calculator it's $320 x 180 = $57,600. $2,700 is a lot if it's coming out of your pocket. Also, it concerns me that the representatives of this college or other "private universities" are not bothering to use correct spelling and / or grammar. One of the rebuttals stated something to effect that he was especially patient because she was trying to catch him in a lie. In fact, she did catch him with at least one lie. First he said he was at a call center, next he said he was at home. Either way, from research of several of the "private universities" the "enrollment advisors" are nothing but salesmen with extreme pressure to make a sale. I had interaction with several of the large online private universities myself while researching how to best achieve my own educational goals. I also found upon further research that my LOCAL colleges (both the State University and the Community College) were a lot cheaper and if the need happened to arise, that I would have to transfer to another college at least the credits would be accepted. Some local colleges (like mine) offer a few courses online for your convenience. Bottom line, do your research, Meagan. Good Luck.


sid seemed much more patient than i would have been

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 09, 2008

first off i work in the financial aid sector of the world and they are correct in saying that different jobs are handled by different people, while i personally feel Kaplan is questionable, i am impressed at his profesionalism and patience. you failed at proving anything, i actually think you made them seem more legitimate.


I agree with Janie -I would have hung up, too!

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, June 28, 2008

I'm a financial aid administrator at a highly regarded private college in Florida and I applaud Sid's patience with this "potential" student. It's clear she was trying to "catch" him in a lie. He was very professional and his answers were quite correct. If I had any question about Kaplan University's legitimacy, Sid cleared that up for me. Students don't realize that there are a lot of factors that go into quoting a price for college; and only the a financial aid professional should be advising students on financial aid matters. This student wasn't prepared and had not done her homework. This student may want to consider a different major or spend more time in Criminal Justice classes; because her "sleuthing" abilities are questionable, considering she listed her home address on this website. I'm still trying to figure out why she thinks she "outed" Kaplan University as a scam operation.


I would have hung up on you...lol

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, February 02, 2008

From reading the transcript, there is nothing shady about the conversation or Kaplan University. Also, they are NOT a diploma mill which you said you heard rumor of. I attended Kaplan University personally 2 years ago and you WILL work for that degree. I was in the Master's in Criminal Justice program and it was alot of work. The only thing with them is, I'm not quite sure that employers are accepting their degrees like they are accepting UOP right now. Only time will tell. It's obvious that you didn't do your research before you called these people. There is nothing wrong with asking questions of them because that's what they get paid for but you went way overboard with the poor guy. Also, there is nothing wrong with being a representative out of your home. It's obvious that you haven't been keeping up with what goes on in the United States. People work from home all the time in order to reduce overhead costs in the company. I suggest you do better research than you did because you believed some very bad information. Call different schools and see if they will give you the same answers. Also, you needed to be proactive in regards to your FAFSA. I always did my FAFSA before I even called a school for information so they wouldn't have to waste my time and theirs walking me through it. Also, all universities have different people that answer questions about different areas of your education. An enrollment advisor cannot answer questions about financial aid because that's not what his job is. There are financial counselors for that. Your enrollment counselor cannot set your semester schedule for you because that's not his job. There are academic advisors for that. If you call other schools, you will find the same thing even at traditional universities. Please do thorough research before you make such silly judgments. And please remove your address from that transcript. I live in the Orlando area, so I am familiar with that address. So please remove it for your sake. You tried to be so smart with that poor counselor, and you didn't even notice that you put your address on the internet for all to see.

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