  • Report:  #67597

Complaint Review: Karen White - Tronto Ontario

Reported By:
- pleasant grove, Utah,

Karen White
Shephard Ave, Tronto, ON Tronto, M1S Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Being that I am an extremely skeptical person, I check into everything before moving forward - This is one that I very easily could have fallen for but - doing my home-work I discovered that a woman by the name of Karen White (Probably not her real name) but she ran an ad in the harktheherald.com news paper offering personal loans via Citifinancial Company.

I applied, was approved for $6000, got the application and was asked for a security deposit for insurance on the loan of $500 dollars. I began checking because the deposit for insurance was quite stiff and sure enough, citifinancial had no record of approving a loan for me and doing further checking, the address she gives for the business is: 4661 Shephard Ave, Tronto Ontario Canada m1s374 - and there is no such address for citifinancial.

Of course, she also tells you to send your deposit to Rodger Rosensprung via Western Union and then let them know when its sent. When asked for an additional contact number she gave me 519-802-#### which is still her voice but oddly enough, each of these number are in a different area code and one on the west and the other in Tronto...

So... If you happen to run across this scam, please call citifinancial and let them know, as this is not their policy to ask for a deposit at all!... Dont fall for this scam - I am glad I didnt...


pleasant grove, Utah

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