  • Report:  #1175733

Complaint Review: Karim Khashan Lauren Khashan Beatrice Manning Horus - Nationwide

Reported By:
SSanonymous - Grandville, Michigan,

Karim Khashan Lauren Khashan Beatrice Manning Horus
Nationwide, USA
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Report Attachments

This report concerns the individuals Karim Shawki Khashan and his wife Lauren Khashan (Lauren Beatrice Manning pre-marriage) is closely associated as he has used her identity to hide his bad credit. Karim Shawki Khashan is the owner of the online store ‘Horus Yacht Club’ and ‘One Global Mall,’ hosted by Shopify.com. Karim Shawki Khashan has been guilty of lying, breaching a contract, committing identity theft and attempting to evade financial responsibility. As of the time of this posting, according to one of the reviews on his online store Horus Yacht Club’s Facebook page, a customer ordered something and never got anything.


I met Kharim on April 2013 and he proposed starting a business, as franchisees for the company We Go Shop. In addition to starting a business together, he suggested we move in together to make things easier. Therefore in June Karim Shawki Khashan, Lauren Beatrice Manning, Steve Manning (father of Lauren) and I moved into Waterbrooks Apartments, located in Rancho Cucamonga CA, in an agreement to run this business (long story short, this business never ever took off). The base rent for the apartment was $1431 and we agreed at the signing, that I would be responsible for only $500 per month and they would pay the rest. We moved in on July 7th and I paid the first month of $1015, Karim promised that I would be repaid on July 22nd $500 and an additional $100 for helping them rent a moving truck. They did not pay a cent on July 22nd but assured me they will pay August’s rent in full to repay me.


On August 3rd, Karim Shawki Khashan and Lauren Beatrice Manning got into a domestic dispute to the point that the Rancho Cucomonga police was called on them. I was present through the entire ordeal and saw Karim was even temporarily handcuffed. I was completely disgusted with them and I would have left at this point and cut my losses if I were not bound to a rental contract, furthermore I had to go overseas within 12 days so I had no time for anything. The following day they told me they were still short $400 for rent so I reluctantly wrote them a check for it, we also got a three day notice that day to pay rent or be evicted. On the evening of August 7th I find out from Steve Manning that rent was still not paid, Karim was not home at the time and I got tired of the whole situation so I reluctantly got a money order to sort it all out myself. Karim promised me to give me $1000 cash the following morning. However the next morning, he tells me he lost his wallet with all the money in it so I got squat. At this point they owed me a total of $1600.


When I returned on August 31st from my trip, they told me rent is all taken care of and suprisingly they did, they also paid October’s rent too the following month. Since they paid September’s and October's rent, they've paid me back $1000.


On October 27th Karim asked if I could help with rent because they had $2000 invested in stocks and was expecting a big return mid-November. I agreed to give them $500 since they showed some proof they can be trusted. November 1st was on a Friday and that was my payday, I was also working that evening and when I was working. I kept getting calls and texts from Steve Manning that evening when I was working asking when I can get the money and when do I come home because it was urgent. When I did get home that evening Karim and Lauren’s bedroom door was open, they saw me but said nothing. A moment later Steve Manning told me that Karim took out a $200 car title loan on Lauren's car at some place in Hollywood and had to be paid back that night. My pay check did not cash until the following day so I told him no but kept asking if I could take out cash on my credit card or something. I've no idea what they did that night but I did give them $500 in cash the following morning. Lauren’s car was worth way more than a mere $200 and I couldn’t believe that anyone could be this stupid to do something like this.


On November 4th we get a notice again that rent was not paid and had to take action within 3 days. On November 7th I asked Lauren at 7pm if rent was taken care of and she said yes and that they’ve spoken to the accountant. I no longer believed anything they’ve told me but Steve Manning keeps trying to reassure me that everything is fine and that I will be paid back. When November 15th approached neither one of them gave me a cent as promised, by then Steve Manning also moved out. On November 19th I got a call from the leasing office at around 11am telling me if rent was not paid by tomorrow morning eviction will begin. I immediately went to the leasing office and asked them what had happened, they told me they received nothing at all and neither Karim nor Lauren ever saw them. I immediately went back to the apartment, confronted and dragged both of them into the office. Karim kept trying to talk around about making payments, forgiveness, etc. to the accountant and he obviously was not having any of it. When both of them left I had a good talk with the accountant and we agreed to terminate the contract on December 3rd with minimal penalties. Moments later Karim messaged me on Facebook, trying to tell me everything will be fine, thinking I’ll fall for his idiocy. I was forced to pay the rent in full - $1600 including penalties. This added another $1600 on top of the previous $600, totaling $2200.

A few days later, Karim’s car gets towed from the car park because of an expired registration since December 2012. Yet he manages to pay the fine and gets it fully up to date with registration and insurance - that's where the money (assuming they had any ‘stocks’) went instead of making any effort on rent. All he gave me back was $200 in cash before moving out, leaving the debt to $2000.


That's not the end - when I was cleaning out the apartment I found a piece of paper in their room with my full name and social security on it. I immediately ripped it up and threw it away. It turns out he used my identity to open the Charter internet for the apartment. I found out about this after checking my credit and it was done two days before I left for my trip in august. My full name on the account wasn't spelt anywhere close to correct either. I ended up filing a case of identity theft to the Buena Park Police Department and got in touch with Charter Communications to terminate the account and any bills associated.


Neither Karim nor Lauren would tell me where they moved to then and blocked me on social media shortly after. They were complete fools to think they could get away, I found out where they lived after discovering Karim opened the fictitious business name ‘Horus Yacht Club.’ When they were served their court papers on February 4th 2014, the funny part was that it was the owner of that household that took the papers in - I’m sure she was thankful to see the papers first!


Neither Karim nor Lauren showed up to court in April and the judge granted me an additional $200 to the case. About week before the court date, Karim unblocks me on Facebook, saying he wants to start pay me back through MoneyGram but 'needs' information like my name, address, birthdate and phone number. This was really funny because of the timing because it’s as if he knew the court date but made no attempt to show up and most of these information are something lenders would ask for. Steve Manning has told me how Karim used dollar loans centers and cash advances all the time so it’s very likely he was trying to do something like this, especially since he has very bad credit.


While I had little knowledge about what he was doing since we moved out of the apartment, according to another Ripoff Report here, it reveals that he has ripped off another individual in Dana Point, California and he has more insight on the people he’s scammed from before them such as getting a co-sign on a car loan and made no payments (link below).

Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Tue, September 30, 2014

Karim has indeed reached out to me on September 20th 2014 as he stated in the rebuttal and as of now, we have come to a peaceful resolution.


Overall, the main problem that eventually led to I, the author to make this report was due to a lack of communication. The problems we faced in communication was primarily what led me to make this report, as not knowing the full scenario made me speculate negative motives in play. However since Karim has reached out to me and gave me his side of the main story, especially clearing up certain things that made me suspect foul play, it has created a MUCH better picture of the whole scenario and made me realize he's not who I thought he was.


One other motivating factor that led to me making this original report was that an individual named Patrick who he had a run in with, had also made a RipOff report against him and his business. I found out about that report pretty early when it was posted and since it was left unresponded (until recently) and there were still communication problems between us at the time, I took that report as the truth about him and his business. However after Karim revealed the full details of what happened, that also debunked all my speculations, especially how his business had NOTHING to do with it. Therefore making that report made false.


While there are indeed a number of 'could ofs' or 'should ofs' that could of avoided this entire ordeal, I am willing to excuse the unusual and extreme circumstances and put all of this behind us and move forward. It's better late than never and nobody is perfect.


In conclusion:

I am happy to RETRACT ALL negative statements (direct or implied) that have targeted Karim's reputation, affiliates and his business, I also extend my apologies for any harm or damage done.


Personal issues turned into a giant lie to slander my company

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 24, 2014

Response to: "Karim Shawki Khashan has been guilty of lying, breaching a contract, committing identity theft and attempting to evade financial responsibility."

Answer: First of all, I never signed any contracts with you, or anyone in Dana Point. I never commited identity theft, that is just absurd. Never breached a contract with you since I never signed one, and did not evade any financial responsibility, since I was not resonsible for any of it.

Sam Liang decided to join me on a franchise that we were supposed to work on together, and he left town to China a couple of weeks after we paid for the franchise licensing (Which was all done legally) Check with www.WeGoShop.com and contact their team for furthur proof of the nonsense in this report. After Sam left to his home country leaving me with all the responsibility of running the franchise, I had a very had time keeping the company afloat, and we had to shut down due to the lack of man power we had to get our name out there. I spent a very long time conducting a business plan in which he and I had very important roles, and with one half of our operations being completely haulted until Sam came back, no work was getting done. Sam had no experience in business and didn't help whatsoever with creating the business plan, which if he did know how hard it was, would've made him understand how bad he was hurting our 1 month old company by leaving town.

Sam did come and live with me, but only because he had run out of time in his current lease, and didn't want to be left out of the company, yet he made no effort to make the We Go Shop franchise work. I told him I had no money at the time and will be cashing out of my investments later on and that I would help. So he decided to sign the contract with my at the time girlfriend who he knew didn't work, and has no money. She was only 19 and just barely getting into college with no financial help from her family. Sam decided to take responsibility of the rent if we can return it to him later on. Whether we had a domestic dispute or not was not something that he should have looked down on us for, especially that what we were arguing about was money. Stuff happened and me and my girlfriend worked it out, and ended up getting married a year later thanks to the help of my family.

Response to "Since they paid September’s and October's rent, they've paid me back $1000."

Answer: Our agreement was that we paid Sam Liang his money back gradually over a year period because our contract was that long. After paying him a lot more than we thought we could pay him back at the time, he wanted more. And at the time I was paying for a car I financed a year before which was a BMW and had $500 monthly payments. By paying him that $1,000 I had to stop paying for my car which ended up with me loosing my car.

Response to "Not paying anything towards my car which I co-signed"

I did decide on buying a car from www.Carmax.com in which my friend helped me co-sign it. I had two jobs at the time and honestly thought I could afford a BMW, but when I relized that the parts where very expensive, I couldn't replace my headlights, get oil changes, or maintenance the car at all. At the time I had paid $3,500 out of the $3,500 owed by carmax and my standings with the company were in good shape. I had missed a 3 payments of $500 in which Ian my friend helped me pay for since it was under his name too and he didnt want his credit to be ruined. I ended up paying Ian back his $1,500 and my car was completely debt-free when it came to late payments. I was on track finally. Then I started working with Sam Liang on a franchise in which he bailed on me and left me with all the bills for Paid Advertising, door to door marketing, and actually meeting the orders we were getting. Sam decided to leave the country, and our company fell under wasting all the money that I would have used for my car. Since Sam never helped me with the business after we paid franchising fees together, I started accumulating debt again after working so hard to eliminate it. I paid a total of $3,500 for my car to Carmax.com which can be confirmed with them, while Ian, my co-signer picked up the remaining payments which was another $2,500 until my car got repossed and sold to auction.

Response to "Ripping some one off in Dana Point"

I had met a guy name Patrick Ingram through his girlfriend at a get together I hosted. He quickly became my friend and gave me his number. My girlfriends mom was moving and Patricks girlfriend had told me he was struggling financially, so I got hiim a temporary job helping my girlfriend's mother move in which he got paid for in addition to 2 meals a day that he received since he mentioned he was starving when he first arrived to work, and I didnt want him to work on an empty stomach.

A couple of months later patrick was looking for a roommate and I was looking for a room to rent temporarily until I traveled to visit my ill father. I had to find someone honest enough to look out for my two cats which were only 4 months and 6 months, so me and patrick decided to meet and see if it would work, and if we were going to get along.

Patrick went ahead and told me I should stay with him for a couple of days so we can coordinate the move and get to know each other on a roommate to roommate basis. I loved the idea and said I would be there with my girlfriend and two cats.

After I arrived to Patrick's he told me he had no where for me to stay but the floor, which was hardwood floor. (The most uncomfortable situation ever!) I asked for blankets and a mattress or something but got a couple of sheets and had to settle. I already started thinking this will not work out. Me, my girlfriend, Patrick, his brother, and his roommates hung out and they all said that they would love it for me and my girlfriend to get a place with Patrick. The very next day, Patrick started acting out and fighting with his girlfriend due to personal reasons that I do not want to get into. He became very violent and started knocking things around and screaming cuss words at the top of his lungs. My girlrfiend was so freaked out and scared that she just wanted to get out of there, and I was thinking he must be on some sort of drugs. The following day, Patrick woke us up frantically and said pretty much that if we do not go sign the lease today, he was going to be very angry with us. So we went along to avoid drama and arrived at a leasing office. After speaking with the sales lady, we found out the price, filled out the paperwork, and told the lady to just check if we would get accepted. We then went back to Patrick's where we decided to pack our belongings and move to a hotel which was a much better solution until we found a place for just me and my girlfriend (who became my wife now). Upon arrival and deciding to pack, Patrick took me to the balcony so we could speak were my girlfriend wouldn't hear us and he told me that he needed his brother to move in with us. I met his brother.. He was a drug addict, on formal probation, and was open to the idea of being high on crack throughout the entire day. I told Patrick I wouldn't want that but he was very pushy, and I knew the kid had mental issues, and decided to tell Patrick that although I don't support the idea, i'm not against him living there as long as he stays away from drugs and pays rent.  Patrick swore to me that his brother was clean, yet to me he looked like he was so high on crack that he didnt at times know that he was speaking to himself. 

Patrick that day calls me and tells me that since his brother would be staying in our living room ( which I never agreed on fully but was open to the idea) he should be paying only $50 in rent! That is ridiculous when the rent for the place was $1,700 not including utilities. That wouldn't even pay for electricity.. I told him no but he kept arguing until I said whatever, although I completely disagreed with him and knew that I would never live with that person.

Later on that day, Patrick had two girls over when his girlfriend was away, and when the girls showed up they kept acting weird until they decided to leave. When they tried to leave, Patrick completely lashed out on them and started using every word in the book to describe them in the most disgusting way. Patrick and his brother were on crack, and the two girls just knew that something about them was off. I saw how the two acted and I also told Patrick that I could tell he was on drugs. He brushed me off by telling me it was just ecstasy, and that they were just having a good time. I have had it right there. He's on drugs. His brother is on drugs. His brother is on formal probation! Something bad was bound to happen.

The two brothers stayed up all night and me and my girlfriend had to sleep with one eye open in case the two decided to have another anger fit and start breaking stuff. Thank God they went to bed at 9am! My girlfriend and I got up as soon as they went to bed and went to Starbucks to buy coffee. When I came back surprisingly Patrick was somehow awake. It's like he only slept for about an hour.

Patrick then asked me to talk to him outside in the balcony again. This time it is was about money! The kid had $300 and his brother had $50 and they were trying to move in an apartment? The downpayment alone was double rent which was $3,300 and I knew we had no chance. I didn't want to cover his rent because I really didnt have the money. I told him i'd ask my mother for a loan, and after telling my mother about the situation, she told me that we should be by my fathers side instead of trying to get a new apartment.

I waited until Patrick left to the gym, then I took my stuff, my girlfriend, my cats, and left the place in a hurry.

Final Statement: Although I might have been wrong in leading Patrick on, the guy was unstable and if you met him, you would also decide that you better keep people like him away from you.

Sam Liang cost me my first franchise business, and he only claims I owed him money when I don't because we didn't want to live with someone who would just bail out on the business whenever he felt like, leaving all the responsibility to me.  I completely lost my business and my investments hadn't been cashed yet.  I lost my car because of this, and now he is slandering my business because he was unprofessional in running one with me and I had to cut him.

From Sam Liang: "I agreed to give them $500 since they showed some proof they can be trusted."

From Karim today: "So you knew I had money being built up in investments,and knew that I couldn't access it yet, and knew I could be trusted. I was always trustworthy, especially with you, but you decided to cost me a business, and I decided if you are that lazy, then I don't want to be in business with you.


I just hope that after all the slandering and all the drama, you can act professional. This is personal and has nothing to do with my current business.

I even offered you profits in my new company, and you decided against it yet you want to post something like this?

The only person that I owe money to is Ian Frank for helping with my car payments and standing by my side in times where I thought that I would be homeless with my girlfriend and my two cats. I have made ammends with Ian Frank and I have offered him my services in web design in a way that would not pay him back everything in one day but eventually pay him back and make him money for the rest of his life through making him a business website and giving him all my connections with suppliers ad doing all of the hard work myself and he only gets the profits up until my debt is settled and then he can continue to keep the website going for the rest of his life by simply paying for the hosting space which comes out to 1% of the amount of work that I had to put in to create his website, logo, brand, and everything in between.



#4Author of original report

Sat, September 20, 2014

Karim has indeed reached out to me on September 20th 2014 as he stated in the rebuttal and as of now, we have come to a peaceful resolution.


Overall, the main problem that eventually led to I, the author to make this report was due to a lack of communication. The problems we faced in communication was primarily what led me to make this report, as not knowing the full scenario made me speculate negative motives in play. However since Karim has reached out to me and gave me his side of the main story, especially clearing up certain things that made me suspect foul play, it has created a MUCH better picture of the whole scenario and made me realize he's not who I thought he was.


One other motivating factor that led to me making this original report was that an individual named Patrick who he had a run in with, had also made a RipOff report against him and his business. I found out about that report pretty early when it was posted and since it was left unresponded (until recently) and there were still communication problems between us at the time, I took that report as the truth about him and his business. However after Karim revealed the full details of what happened, that also debunked all my speculations, especially how his business had NOTHING to do with it. Therefore making that report made false.


While there are indeed a number of 'could ofs' or 'should ofs' that could of avoided this entire ordeal, I am willing to excuse the unusual and extreme circumstances and put all of this behind us and move forward. It's better late than never and nobody is perfect.


In conclusion:

I am happy to RETRACT ALL negative statements (direct or implied) that have targeted Karim's reputation, affiliates and his business, I also extend my apologies for any harm or damage done.



#5Author of original report

Wed, September 10, 2014

Here is the other report on this individual here on Ripoff Report:


Online stores opened by Karim:




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