  • Report:  #400494

Complaint Review: Kasamba Liveperson Fruno - Internet

Reported By:
- SF, California,

Kasamba Liveperson Fruno
www.liveperson.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The expert Fruno is one of the biggest con artists on Kasamba, aka LivePerson. He is a top-rated psychic who scams his clients into believing that he has a real gift by using scripts that feed on their vulnerabilities. He uses a script that applies to almost anyone, yet somehow seems to get his clients coming back for more. Here are a few familiar statements that if you have ever had a session with this crook you will recognize immeditately:

The first thing he tells each and every client is that he has a good connection to them and their situation.

Next he tells them there is an obstacle in their present relationship and that this obstacle is related to outside influences.

Then he says the person in question does have strong feelings, emotions and desires, but that there is confusion and that he's meditating on this confusion attempting to regain the strength and wisdom to overcome these obstacles.

Then he also assures the client that the other person does have feelings for them, and that he thinks of him or her often, reflecting on his feelings and trying to come to terms with his own confusion. He states that the loved one will overcome his fears and embrace the love, despite what other people or their own logic is telling them.

He tells the client to throw logic out the window and to follow their heart, to trust in the love, and to let their heart lead the way. He says that this is a powerful emotional connection that will deepen because it is destined to do so.

He says (to each client) it is not a question of if but of when, and that all that is needed is faith in the love that is meant to be and that this will all happen at the right time and right place for the right reasons.

He says that the other person is a good person with a very loving and generous spirit and that their fears have held them back but with patience and faith that love will overcome those fears so that the two of them can be together as they are meant to be.

This goes on and on and on for however long the client can stomach it, usually over sever sessions during which the timing gets pushed back until it either comes true or doesn't -- and when it doesn't it's because the other person "chose a different path" end of story.

If you have ever had a reading with this crook you will surely see yourself in these statements as the script never changes! If anyone has anything to add here I'd love to see it, but so far every single transcript with him has said the same thing and I have seen many.


SF, California


24 Updates & Rebuttals


Honest Lucy

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 24, 2008

Those two were honest with you, but they lied about themselves and the persona they presented to clients. You're not bothered because you knew. But every one else is a fraud and shares information... uh huh. Just like everyone posting here is a client... right. Nice piece of backpedaling.


Honest Lucy

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 24, 2008

Those two were honest with you, but they lied about themselves and the persona they presented to clients. You're not bothered because you knew. But every one else is a fraud and shares information... uh huh. Just like everyone posting here is a client... right. Nice piece of backpedaling.


Honest Lucy

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 24, 2008

Those two were honest with you, but they lied about themselves and the persona they presented to clients. You're not bothered because you knew. But every one else is a fraud and shares information... uh huh. Just like everyone posting here is a client... right. Nice piece of backpedaling.


If a pic should be true, what of the names?

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

How many of them go by their true name? They change their names just as frequently as they change their photos and, in some cases their sex. And no, I am not feeling uncomfortable, but thank you for asking.



#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 24, 2008

I am not interested in their photos, but only in their accuracy and honesty in their readings. Both the readers you mentioned were accurate and honest with me.


Repsonse was to Patti

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

My mistake, sorry.


North Carolina,
Excuse Me

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 23, 2008

I meant LUCY in my previous post and not S. Don't want to drag the person into lucy's bull. Excuse me.


Telephone Psychics are a RIP-OFF! And these guys don't seem any different...

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

P.T. Barnum, the all-time champions of hustlers and hucksters and FRAUDS said it best when he allowed THERE IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE. Well, if you waste your time and money on so-called telephone psychics, YOU ARE THE FOOL! These people are hired by a telemarketing - like company and they get a base salary and a PERCENTAGE of the take if they can keep some fool who calls them for advice on the phone for a LONG TIME! I think the minimum before the percentages kick in is TWO HOURS! SO THE LONGER THEY GET YOU TO TALK TO THEM ON THE PHONE, THE BETTER FOR THEM AND THE MORE MONEY THEY MAKE OFF OF YOU! SO OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR AND THEY WILL BE VERY NICE TO YOU AS WELL. And I think they get a bonus for REPEAT CALLERS WHO WANT TO SPEAK TO THEM and not whatever "psychic" is on call... I had friends who worked for a certain psychic hotline and they also worked for the XXX Adult Conversations hotline. In case of the psychics, THEY HAD A SCRIPT THAT WAS THE SAME FOR ALL CALLERS. All of the female callers got a script that was written according to their age group and I think their ethnic group as well and all of the male callers got a script that was written according to their age group too. WHICH IS WHY ALL OF YOUR SO-CALLED READINGS WERE THE SANE! You guys were RIPPED OFF! And you will be every time you use one of these services because THEY ARE ALL SET UP ALONG THE SAME LINES... Ray Buckland wrote a book that described how crooked fortune tellers usually work so they aren't much better than the ones on the phone... DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DON'T GIVE ANYMORE MONEY TO THESE SO-CALLED HUCKSTERS OF THE ALLEGED OCCULT. THE REAL PSYCHICS ARE NOT GOING TO BE ON THE PHONE AND YOU WOULDN"T BE ABLE TO AFFORD THEM ANYWAY...


North Carolina,

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 22, 2008

Worry about yourself S and stop worrying about ME!! Take your own advice and STOP OBSESSING OVER ME!!


Feeling uncomfortable?

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 22, 2008

Lucy, that doesn't mean she does'nt know someone who does. Or found the equivolent of a babelfish translator. I found it. I'm sure Janice did too. Oh and Lucy, how uncomfortable are you feeling since you listed Karma Apple as one of the best readers back in August 2007 under the thread "Kasamba Christopher P Christopher P is a FAKE Save Your Money Kasamba Fans!! ripoff Internet". The same Karma Apple that went from a young Mexican girl to an older mexican woman to a guy? Or how about Psychic Marshall who you listed on that same list who went from a young hunky model type to a picture of a middle aged man that was clearly taken 20 or 30 years ago. Then again there's all those readers you list that changed their names so they no longer appear on Kasamba. Can you say "like an idiot"? Lucy, you really need to stop throwing stones when your own roof is so fragile.


Karen, stop obsessing about Janice

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

NZ Client is not Janice. NZ client can write fluent Maori, a native New Zealand language. An Australian would not know this language.


Karen, stop obsessing about Janice

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

NZ Client is not Janice. NZ client can write fluent Maori, a native New Zealand language. An Australian would not know this language.


Karen, stop obsessing about Janice

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

NZ Client is not Janice. NZ client can write fluent Maori, a native New Zealand language. An Australian would not know this language.


Karen, stop obsessing about Janice

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, December 22, 2008

NZ Client is not Janice. NZ client can write fluent Maori, a native New Zealand language. An Australian would not know this language.


North Carolina,
NZ Client

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 20, 2008

It is said that NZ Client is Janice. Read the other post.



#17Consumer Comment

Sat, December 20, 2008

Excuse me? You are quite the quick one to say such nasty things as not having a soul etc. My "lol" was to show my sarcasm of the read I got, how all these same things were said to me and never happened. If you want to read into that, that it was referring to you friend - that is quite a stretch. Based on your quick and impertinent judgment I will leave the first question unanswered.

Nz Client

New Zealand
Augusta-2 questions

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

What is the yahoo group? How can you laugh when my freind got so hurt? Are you associated with Liveperson or Fruno or just dont have a soul like that criminal?


Yes NZ Client

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Yes, Fruno is stupid (though he might call clients seeking HIS advice stupid for believing him); And YES, Liveperson is corrupt, most definately.


Same for me

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Oh yes, I had the same reads...same words. I already knew this recently by checking out the yahoo forum...a client posted the gist of her read and it was word for word the same as mine. It is why cold reads work so well in similar situations and boy did I become an "expert" on that. But yes, believe in the love, have faith in the love...it's meant to be, someday he will have to express it all, he cannot fight it. The love is real. Others may tell you to give up, don't listen as they are not happy in their own lives....and as it didnt turn that way, it was how disappointed he was but in time it will happen...but in the interim a new person would come along and then the choice will have to be made...LOL


Same for me

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Oh yes, I had the same reads...same words. I already knew this recently by checking out the yahoo forum...a client posted the gist of her read and it was word for word the same as mine. It is why cold reads work so well in similar situations and boy did I become an "expert" on that. But yes, believe in the love, have faith in the love...it's meant to be, someday he will have to express it all, he cannot fight it. The love is real. Others may tell you to give up, don't listen as they are not happy in their own lives....and as it didnt turn that way, it was how disappointed he was but in time it will happen...but in the interim a new person would come along and then the choice will have to be made...LOL


Same for me

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Oh yes, I had the same reads...same words. I already knew this recently by checking out the yahoo forum...a client posted the gist of her read and it was word for word the same as mine. It is why cold reads work so well in similar situations and boy did I become an "expert" on that. But yes, believe in the love, have faith in the love...it's meant to be, someday he will have to express it all, he cannot fight it. The love is real. Others may tell you to give up, don't listen as they are not happy in their own lives....and as it didnt turn that way, it was how disappointed he was but in time it will happen...but in the interim a new person would come along and then the choice will have to be made...LOL


Same for me

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

Oh yes, I had the same reads...same words. I already knew this recently by checking out the yahoo forum...a client posted the gist of her read and it was word for word the same as mine. It is why cold reads work so well in similar situations and boy did I become an "expert" on that. But yes, believe in the love, have faith in the love...it's meant to be, someday he will have to express it all, he cannot fight it. The love is real. Others may tell you to give up, don't listen as they are not happy in their own lives....and as it didnt turn that way, it was how disappointed he was but in time it will happen...but in the interim a new person would come along and then the choice will have to be made...LOL

Nz Client

New Zealand
OMG - ours were the same

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, December 17, 2008

A couple of years ago my best friend and I both met guys we liked around the same time. We decided to have a psychic reading to figure out like if they were worth shaving our legs....lol... The guys we met were super cute but lived in another part of NZ. They were in our city on an end of season sports trip or something. Anyway we all hung out for a few days and then we were messing around and came accross this website called Kasamba. We picked Fruno, well because we figured that he had just been through the hurricane and had all these credential. His biography made him look like he was a moral and honest dude. We decided not to have the reading that night but the next week ny freind fessed up and said she had asked him about the guy and she showed me a printout of the trabnscipt. She was really raptand was already designing her wedding dress. I couldn't resist it and had a reading and it was EXACTLY THE SAME AS HERS. hE WAS ALSO WRONG. WE TRIED TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE GUYS BUT...WELL...ONE WAS MARRIED (FRUNO DIDN'T TELL ME THAT PART).. ANYWAY, i ACTUALLY BELIeVE IN PSYCHIC ABILITY AND JUST MET SOMEONE WHO REALLY LIKE. I surfed a lot of sites and found out that Kasamba is now a company called Liveperson....anyway, when I googled Fruno guess what came up. This post and another one by someone else on this site. THE AUTHOR POSTED THE EXACT SAME READINGS THAT ME AND MY FRIEND GOT FROM THIS RIP -OFF CON ARTIST. I wrote to Kasamba support about us being given the same readings when but they emailed back some BS which basically meant we did our money. WE HAD A LOOK AT THE SITE THE OTHER DAY. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHY THIS MONEY GRABBINBG, DISHONEST DIRTBAG IS NOT ONLY STILL ON THE SITE BUT AT THE TOP OF THE FiRST PAGE?. iS HE STUPID OR IS THE COMPANY CORRUPT, OR BOTH? bEFORE i POSTED THIS i READ aLL OF HIS REVIEWS AND THE SAME PHASES ARE SAID BY CLINETS AS WELL AS OTHER FRIENDS WIN THE FEEDBACK THAT HE GIVE EVERYONE THE SAME READING READ HIS REVIEWS AND YOU WILL SEE. mAYBE WE SHOULD START A GET FRUNO OUTED <\mOVEMENT HE REALLY HURT MY FRIEND - SHE FELL IN LOVE...fTUNO PROMISDED THAT IS SHE 'THRE LOGICAL OUT OF THE WINDOW' SHE WOULD BE OK, WEL HE WAS SO WORNG AND SHE WAS A WRECK FOR A LONG TIME THING IS, HE DOES IT FOR MONRY0HOW SICK IS THAT


Funny? my reading looked exactly like this..........

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

You have not seen my reading but yes, almost word for word the same. Surprise, surprise, nothing ever came to pass.

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