  • Report:  #311222

Complaint Review: Keen.com - San Fransisco Internet

Reported By:
- Los Angeles, California,

www.keen.com San Fransisco, 94105 Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First of all, I learned the hard way. It makes me sick to think of the money I was fleeced out of trying to find a real psychic. The problem is there are true psychics out there, it is finding one. The last place to look is on Keen, Kasamba, California psychics or any other multiple psychic phone line. 99.9% of these so called psychics are there for one reason and one reason only...to take our money.

For all the bad experiences I have had, it led me to find real psychics. DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE you ever pick up the phone. Search the net. Research how cons do their readings. I found 2 excellent sites that give good sound advice about how to get a psychic reading, whether it is over the internet or local to your place of residence. If you educate yourself and arm yourself with knowledge, you will never be conned again.

Do a web search for Annaellinton dot com. This lady has put together the most comprehensive articles on how to find a real psychic. Also do a web search for scamwatch and read under psychic and clairvoyant scams. Search out as much information on scams and cons as you can.

I also advice you to be proactive against the psychic if you feel you have been conned. Demand your money back or you will report them to the local authorities. Do not be afraid of them trying to intimidate you or scare you. They are the frauds, not you! Go public on every reader that cons you...get their names out there. Keen? The first 10 pages of the so called top rated are all greedy SOBs. Eli Casey and Steven Craig actually laugh at how stupidly easy people are to con. How Spiritual of them. Makes you wanna puke doesn't it.

Stay away from sites that advertise, first clue they want business and money. The real psychics I have found on the net do not advertise. They do not need to!

Finally go search out sylvia browne and help spread the word on this evil hearted woman.

Ok I am done with my rant.


Los Angeles, California


7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Too Arrogant to Consult with

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, October 24, 2010

   I really hate consulting with top-dog psychics on a famous psychic website because they are so much arrogant and delusional. Just doing well on a psychic website is not supposed to give them so much social status and confidence, but because theyve been there for many years giving advice and predictions every day, it seems they misunderstand themselves as greater humans and behave as if they rule the world. They dont hesitate to abandon clients after huring and traumatizing them emotionally, and exploiting financially. The following is my negative experience with a psychic advisor:

   I was consulting with a psychic advisor regularly in the past. I trusted him, and I still believe he was genuine with some psychic abilities, but what mattered to me was his attitude. At that time I was working on a very important project in my life, but I was stuck in a part of it, so I contacted him seeking for advice. But he said You always get into troubles and told me to withdraw from the project completely because he saw me failing if I continued to work on it. But by the time I had already invested huge amount of money on it, so there was no way for me to quit the project at that time. Besides, only a tiny portion of it was not working for me, and I was doing well in other parts. But what made me really furious was the fact that HE RECOMMENDED ME TO WORK ON THE PROJECT. He was continuously saying that I would succeed in my life until we got this matter. And after I told him about this project, he suddenly changed his attitude and started giving me lots of horrible predictions. (He said that I was immature and would fail in my job, spirituality and everything and finally told me not to contact him anymore.) I was so much surprised at his baby-like tantrum and evil-like attitude. Even now I still dont know why he had to give me those horrible predictions when we got confronted each other. Before considering if he is a real psychic or not, I dont like him as a human-being. His attitude is the same as that of so-called baby souls, but he really believes he is a holy mystic or something, or so it seems to me. He talked so many times about his mysterious experiences, but when I told him about my lucid dreams and spirit guide, he said that I was delusional. But I think delusional is about him probably he doesnt like listening to other peoples spiritual experiences because of strong desire to be spiritually more advanced than others. He even said that I would not succeed in my job if I were spiritual.

   Now I was successfully able to finish my project and prove that he was just stubborn and wrong. So much great that I did not ruin my life by listening to him at that time. What I learned from this experience is that Ishould NEVER EVER let others decide what I should do. If they are real psychics or not isnt a matter they will not be responsible and cover up for you when you fail financially or in any way in your life. Even if you die by following their advices, they just say O.K. and get other customers. Your life is precious to you but not to them at all. They dont stay there to help there are there to earn money. And some of them are earning more than enough. Think of how much those psychics earn every year. Many newbies go to top psychics on a famous psychic website seeking for the best ones, but having many stars doesnt mean they are the best. They just have been there for many years caring the reviews and the number of stars while raising and lowering the price to maximize their income. I dont want to consult with any arrogant people regardless of their ability. I dont care if they are planning to go to Hell or go back to the underworld after they die by destroying other peoples lives, but I think innocent people should be very careful so that they will not see Hell while still being alive.


I am not surprised, not in the least.

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 21, 2008

Yes, I was also a victim of Keen.com readers. I recall on being 18 and remember being in very vunerable place, seeking reassurance that everything would be okay. I looked to Some of the Top Rated Psychics on Keen.com and they were all bullsh* t con artists. Now that I look back on it, I laugh my behind off, I remember strongly speaking to angelicpowers4u and steven craig. I have to say steven was the most entertaining, amusing me with lies that someone in my family would get cancer and my ex would return whether i liked it or not. (Of Course neither happened, happily so) AngelicPowers4u harrassed me on aol when I did not give her a 5 star positive rating. I probably spent about 500 dollars like water in one day. Anyhow, I met a wonderful Man whom I am married to and a mother to a beautiful boy named Justice. Soon to be finishing my college degree in Political Science and Psychology. I bet they did not see that coming! Ha ha ha Of Course these Folks are a scam. Especially Sylvia Browne! Ha ha she been debunked numerous of times. She stated that Jennifer Lopez would never have kids and she had twins. Not only that! She Fishes for Information and her answers are very general. Sounds like they have a school deciated to Psychic Coning. LOL Sylvia Browne University! Get your Major in Clairvoyance and Minor in Astrology! And if you are really Ambitious get Your PHD in Spiritual Studies.

Due Diligence

Document that they don't!?

#4Author of original report

Sun, April 13, 2008

Document my statements? I am not sure what you mean? Do you want dates and times and recordings of their calls? I still seek out psychic advice on the net, but now go to private websites. There are more than a few out there that quit working for Keen exactly for these reasons I stated above. They did not want to be associated with that type of site. Now why would these people have any reason to lie about it? They have nothing to gain by it as far as I can see? They don't tell me, unless i ask them? They live all over the US, so it is not like they know each other personally so they could make up the same story? ( I mean that is a possibility, but I highly doubt it.) Are you one of the supposed top 10 on Keen? Did this hit a nerve? Or are you another one that has been fleeced out of thousands of $$$ by these people and now are in denial about the fact that they are not psychics and that means you were taken for an expensive ride too? Rusty


Please Document Your Allegations

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 12, 2008

You guys have said a lot of things about Steven Craig and others on Keen without backing any of it up. How do you know he laughs at Keen callers? How do you know the Top 10 people are greedy and all talk to each other? Please document your allegations.

Due Diligence

How to Clean Up Keen (great post about IRS)

#6Author of original report

Fri, March 07, 2008

First of all is Steven Craig a rip-off? That is like asking do bears poop in the woods? Read very carefully. 99% of the psychics on Keen are RIP OFFS and you could spend literally thousands and thousands of $$$$$ trying to find one that is real! STAY AWAY FROM KEEN, Kasamba and any other internet site with multiple readers to choose from! That simple folks. Now regarding the IRS thing that is a good idea too. I still believe the best is to find out where your telephone psychic is located and call the local authorities in their jurisdiction to report them. Now on Keen or any of the other sites, (this actually makes me laugh, sorry), but if a reader directs you to any site off Keen or asks you to call them personally off Keen and you report them, they are immediately taken of the site. See Keen does not like to lose any revenue either and every caller that is told to call the psychic privately for more 'help' is going against Keen's rules. So report them directly to Keen or Kasamba or the company they work for. As for 'top readers on Keen. People! They have been there for years now and many, many of them know each other personally. I know for a fact that many of them call each other up and confer on clients they share and their details etc. It is really disgusting. They laugh amongst themselves about how pathetic people are and how easy it is to take the money. Go to a local 'recommended psychic or go to single psychic websites where they do not affiliate with the likes of these others kinds of readers. These are all ways to get your money back, keep it in your pocket or get a real reading. There needs to be an expose on online companies like this...but then again what is the use...there was dionne whats' her face, Kenny Kingston, Miss Cleo, Sylvia Brown...all proven scam artists. Still people flock every day to these websites and stand in line to be taken of their money. Educate yourself or be scammed. These psychics can only rip off people who are dumb enough to fall for it, right? Former Dummy Rusty


North Carolina,
What can be legitimately done

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 06, 2008

The Internal Revenue Service wants to help victims of fortune-telling/"spiritualist" crime recover their money. If you've been the victim of a fortune-telling/spiritual work scam, you do have options and both the IRS and gypsypsychicscams dot com are interested in helping you recover your money. To report the money stolen from you, you'll need to contact the IRS using the information below. They'll need you to submit an affidavit attesting to the amount(s) taken from you and by whom. To begin your investigation, please contact the IRS . They will give you instructions for submitting your form. They also have a website that you can access. (THIS DOES NOT PERTAIN TO CLIENTS WHOSE PREDICTIONS DID NOT COME TO PASS. THIS PERTAINS TO SPELLWORK, CLEANINGS, REMOVAL OF NEGATIVITY, CURSES, AND THE BUYING OF CANDLES FOR LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY.)


San Jose,
To Due diligence

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 06, 2008

steven craig is a fraud than?? who else did u call from keen that are frauds??

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