  • Report:  #102898

Complaint Review: Kelly Advertising - Anaheim California

Reported By:
- fountain valley, California,

Kelly Advertising
Orangewood Ave Anaheim, 92856 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Went in for what I guess you could call an interview with these guys. Oh man, where do you begin!! :)

Right when I walked in, alarm bells start ringing in my head! It is a mass interview with about 7-8 people in the lobby. Maybe its a good job with several interested people. Wishful thinking!

By the end of the night everyone was hired and invited back the next day. Oh well, decided to see what its all about anyway. They take you on somthing they call a 'day of observation.' Don't go! The guys I went out with were supposed to be the top salesman in this area. I had to drive. (Why don't either of the top salesman have a car?) :) Where were we going? On a sales call to one of their clients, the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Anaheim Angels. Holy crap, this is knocking on doors!!!

On the drive out to god knows where, I learned these two guys live with three other Kelly advertising reps. I made some small talk and eventually found out that they are all crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment. I know rent is expensive around here, but come on. They kept saying little catch phrases like JUICE and JUICY. I am a big movie buff. I recognized this stuff from the movie "Requiem for a Dream."

Does anyone know if this is a direct goof on this company? Respond to this of anyone knows... :) We finally arrived to our territory. It looks like we were to be pushing water coolers. After a couple of hours watching this guy fumble around trying to sell these things, I asked if I could give it a try, just to make a couple of bucks, and not totally waste my entire day. "JUICE by you for your excitement," he says. But I still needed to learn the techniques. Not only is this a cult, not only is this guy a crappy salesmen with no car who sleeps in a bunk bed. But he has to lecture me on salemanship also. We had stopped for lunch, I wanted to get a sandwich at Chili's but that was seen as too expensive. Chili's, too expensive?

Geez, I can't win. Lunch time is where I was taught this pyramid scheme I could become a part of. Why not just start a normal pyramid scheme and save yourself 15 hours a day, then maybe you could afford a delicious Chili's lunch. Some other complaints claimed they were told to wear comfortable shoes. I was not.

By the end of the day, I not only felt like I was walking around with a panhandler all day. I had some huge blisters on my feet. I wanted to ask for a band-aid when I got back to the office, but I had a feeling they would charge me. :) When I got back I was really ready to get the hell out of there. But there was more fun. The end of the day meeting. 'Atmosphere' they call it. It is where all the panhandlers get together and ask each other about the day. I accidently brought a Snapple into the 'atmosphere' room. I was quickly surround by 4 of the managers and told that it was not a good idea to have that in here. d**n, its just a snapple. (That was really creepy.) Another 5-6 people asked me where I was going when I walked down the hall to use the restroom. Everyone leaves out any negatives that may have happened during the day.

The number one question was "What was working for you today??" I don't know, we were smiling and trying to sell water coolers. What else is there to say??? This was construed as negative. "JUICE to YOU!" was the response to everything. They spent alot of their meeting bad-mouthing education. What is the negative if having educated people working for your company? These guys sleep in bunk beds for christ sake! The 2 guys I drove around that day made a total of $70..........combined........I spent half of that in gas. By the time it was time to go it was 9:30pm, a 12 hour waste of time. When it was time to leave I was escorted down to my car?? :)I never got most of my questions answered about that place. Do they pay ever pay for your gas? Even when I delivered pizza when I was 16 they paid for my gas. Is there health insurance there?

This group of people scared me a little bit. David Koresh would be proud. The whole day actually opened my eyes. I never knew companies like this could operate for any considerable length of time.


Santa Ana, California

7 Updates & Rebuttals


San jacinto,
United States of America
Yes the lowest of low

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 08, 2012

I worked for this company barely eating for over a year. While there I was taught just how many people were stealing social security numbers to sign up fake cell phone accounts through sprint. Even though the manager looked like she was making a good living, it was because her fianc made all the money not her. Now the owner was nice, but completely full of crap. And after I had to take a couple of days off due to finding out I was pregnant, they told me not to come back. Which I found out isn't illegal since I was an independent contractor and it was their product. No loss for me, I found a real job 2 weeks later. Just stay away from this place. They don't pay for anything including these BS trips they say they go on. It's been the same song and dance for years.


United States of America
Nu image not so bad

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 04, 2012

I am a currently employee of Nu image and would to just address the inaccuracies in the above report. i have been working there for the better half of a year and from what I read, sounds like you guys didn't last long to see what it's all about.

First off, the gas money thing. I agree that on day 1, you shouldn't have to pay for gas but once you've decided to commit to a sales job, paying for gas is not and should not be the companies responsibility. It's a business expense, tax deductible business expense, and goes along with being an independent contractor. With the exception of a few businesses that do offer gas reimbursement, the rest of the world has to pay for their own gas for their own car. If you want to be a door to door sales rep, you need to pay for gas. At the Nu image office I work for, we all pitch in money and give it to the drivers as a courtesy. If you can't afford gas or don't want to pay or gas, find a new job that doesn't require you to drive around.

Regarding the $1,000.00 savings account where all your paycheck goes until it reaches $1,000-BULLSH*T. The $1,000.00 is called your retainer and is in place for a good reason. Money gets added to your retainer weekly, they take 10% of your commissions and move it over to your retainer and once it reaches $1,000 they stop taking the 10%. The retainer is in place in case one of the orders you place get cancelled or the customer breaks the contract. So lets say, I sign someone up (customer must stay for 3 months to get full commission) an I make a 100 commission, they'll take 10%, which is $10, out of my check and put it into my retainer ... And let's say next month, my customer cancels their service, I am not entitled to full commission since the customer didn't stay for 3 months - rather than taking the money back out of net commission, they take it out of my retainer. It's more comforting to know the money's not coming out of your net pay. When you leave Nu Image, you get your retainer back.

As for management saying all of the orders get cancelled, I don't know how that can happen because I call in my own deals and know immediately if they pass credit risk or not and as a good salesmen, I stay on top of my customers and know who cancels and who gets their service installed. I monitor every deal I do from sign up to install to monthly follow ups. I have had a deal or 2 missing from my paycheck before, but I advise them of the error and get the money the week after. Not only do I always get paid in excess of 1,000 a week but I've web gotten 800 & 1000 bonuses just for selling a lot in a week. Oh yeah, did I also mention they take the sales reps out to 5 star dinners, outings and vacations (even international trips) all expenses paid at least 2-4 times a year. Compensated very fairly from Nu Image.

As for the JUICE thing, it is silly but hey - ill say whatever they want me to say as long as I keep getting treated and paid so well.


United States of America
Nu Image Marketing - don't fall for it - slave labor

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 22, 2010

Here's how this place operates....

They keep help wanted ads up on craigslist because they go through employees like a box of Kleenex.   Every Monday they have a group interview after which they congratulate the latest batch of suckers on getting the job.  They promise the moon and stars to the new recruits, but really they aren't going to even pay for the gas.   The first couple of days the suckers spend "in training", which means that any sales they might land will go to their team leader.  Once off on their own, the people in the main office tell the suckers that their sales fell through or the customer didn't pass the credit check, often enough to keep the commission away from the worker, but maybe they'll let them keep a few sales to keep them baited.  Then the bosses will reveal that the worker has to fill a $1000 "savings account" with commission before they'll actually pay any of it.  As soon as you realize that you've been working over 12 hours a day for ZERO pay and start to get suspicious, they'll fire your a*s....which doesn't bother them a bit because there are plenty of other slaves in the sea.  This is how the people at the top of this scam get money, they take the commission money from all the stupid people underneath them making deals for no pay. 


New York,
United States of America
Nu Image Marketing

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 24, 2009


I worked for a company a few years ago called Nu Image Marketing in Anaheim and they worked the exact same scam too, only they sold spa packages. They even used the exact same lingo ie: "Juice by you!"



#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 07, 2006

I also have a Rip Off Report filed for Boomerang Marketing Group, another one of this pyramid scheme's subsidiaries. This is definitely a national problem, if not international (the guys at my interviews kept telling me that they had offices in Japan and South Africa, so it might be international as well). If everyone could send a message to Monster, or Career Builder, or HotJobs or something, to let them know about these scam artists that are posting jobs on their sites, maybe we could prevent this from happening again. I already have done so, but nothing has been done about the problem. Maybe a large presence will help the cause? All I need to say is THANK GOD I didn't sign a contract.


Newport Beach,

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 19, 2004

It was in Riverside,CA...Same Bull...We work for the Anaheim Angels...Yada Yada...Not told to wear good shoes...I was driven...No way to escape...If I was you I would have just ditched the cult group! I did sell two cards and I made out with $50...I never went back again...Thank God! Spread the word these guys are brain washed!


Yes Brian

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 08, 2004

To your question on whether that movie was loosely based on D. S. Max/Kelly Advertising, the answer is yes. I have yet to see it but when I worked at D.S. Max, people were talking about that movie and how it was made by a former distributor and got into leagal trouble with D.S. Max over it.

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