  • Report:  #752630

Complaint Review: Kherson Girls - Kherson Internet

Reported By:
I Speak The Truth - Richmond, Virginia, USA

Kherson Girls
Suvorova 31, Apt 1, kherson 73025, Ukraine Kherson, 73025 Internet, United States of America
(352) 505-8211
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Report Attachments
It is time to uncover the lies of Kevin Hayes and the site Kherson Girls and expose the truth:

Truth 1.  Kevin Hayes does not know the difference between allowance of other races and projection of other races.  The lame excuse by sites of this nature is that they think that by allowing other ethnic groups onto their site that they are actually projecting equality on the site!

Now who may I ask is projected on the site on its front homepage?-its one race while conveniently tucked away somewhere Kevin Hayes will pull out of his site's back pocket in answer to a former posting these other races who are not even projected at the forefront (unlike Match.com of course)

Great work on promoting "supposed equality" Kevin and Lana Hayes-Yeah Right! and why are they not at the front of the site anyway?

Truth 2.  Kevin Hayes is part of the system where money is the ultimate goal of course and he would not want interference of his monetary gains from "clients" he thinks will provide him much monetary profit.

These clients are of course those of who belong to the racial composition he is part of which he displays on the site's frontal view of its homepage.

No wonder the majority of his "clients" are those majorly of the one ethnic group he himself belongs to because he is promoting his site via his homepage predominantly to them!

Truth 3.  The poster does not call one a racist because one is "white" but because rather Kherson Girls caters to the one ethnic group which Kevin Hayes belongs to in an overemphasized imbalanced fashion designed nonetheless by Kevin and Lana Hayes of course!

This overemphasized racial imbalance of the site's design showcases clearly racial intent that no matter how one wishes to divert others away from the truth of this reality such diversionary tactics will not hide nor cancel the truth about racism on this site that is adequately exposed!

Note:  Also Kevin Hayes in his former postings says this:  "I can only guess the poster is either. 1. competitor. 2. Racist or 3. Someone trying to get me to pay to remove this comments."

No Kevin Hayes!-No matter how much you think you can pay to remove these comments or think that others who expose the darkness of racism on your site are racist or a competitor which this poster is none of the above you and your site cannot get away!  Why?

Liars always will be haunted by the truth till they become exposed and the truth about the racial inequality on the site called Kherson Girls has been exposed and that which you and your site have been permanently blacklisted for cannot be removed.

For truly this post has lived up to this site's credo which correctly says:  "Don't let them get away!"  We can arbitrate all we want but we cannot arbitrate the truth away!


6 Updates & Rebuttals

I Speak The Truth

if the shoe fits wear it: That which has been identified is the truth

#2Author of original report

Mon, July 18, 2011

How ludicrous to identify the African-American race with such a debasing and shamefully ridiculous absurd, ignorant, dumb and stupid comment coming from one with a similar brain and brain wave pattern that it is full of unintelligence it seems!

This is called racial labelling and one who clearly practices such is in fact  operating with a twisted mind full of racial challenges!

P.S.  You have called yourself that which I have not called you Tobyhana and if you wish to wear those pair of shoes then by all means feel free to wear them-it seems you are comfortable in them!

That which has been identified about this site has rightfully been identified and no matter one's "other" comments are the truth cannot be altered, changed, interfered with or explained away even by Kevin Hayes

I speak the truth and I spoke only the truth in the article that was rightfully and correctly explained above


I guess I'm racist too.

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2011

I would not date or marry black or African-American because I don't understand the language or the gestures.  Unlike most races such as asian, they do not conform or adapt through exposure to whites and the ones that have are few.
I can not conform or adapt because it would limit me at my job and if I just did it in order to be gracious I would be ridiculed for 'passing' or some such.
There are many other reasons but, communication is the most important.

I Speak The Truth

I grew up and I spoke the Truth

#4Author of original report

Thu, July 14, 2011

Highlighting racism or racist intent does not make one a racist and it makes one courageous and brave and truthful and those who are against the truth will always call it otherwise!

P.S.  Stupid Stacey - Dallas (U.S.A.)-You are racist-Yes you are.  Racism is indeed an imperfection you need to wipe away from yourself because it clearly shows that you measure men by the content of their color or skin and not by the character of who they are!

Racists are one who use these measurements and those who declare they use these measurements are in themselves racist!

No matter what you say Stacey - Dallas (U.S.A.)-this report is not coming down.  Try harder next time because this time you really exposed yourself for who you actually are-a racist nonhuman it seems


I don't know about anyone else..

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2011

but your posts are making the site sound more appealing each time.  Think I'll check it out.


Stupid person.

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2011

I just love this persons selective bellowing outrage. Jeez, do you want to see REAL racism? Go to Africa. Lets just mention one of many such incidents in which one African ethnic group massacred another African ethnic group. The Hutus and the Tutsis - leaving 800,000 brutally murdered. Talk about xenophobia Africa has it! The black woman politician who led the massacre is at the moment before the International Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity.
Why dont you bellow on and on about that?
Oh! Look! My cable company is racist! I see BET (Black Entertainment Television) but no WET (White Entertainment Television) on my channel line up. The likes of you would say its racist to have a WET channel but ok to have a BET channel.


Get over it!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2011

The only racist on this site is YOU! You have proven that over and over with your mutiple posts.  Grow up! The World is not perfect nor are you - as I am.  I do not prefer to date Black men so does that make me a racist?? Do I need to produce my KKK card to you?? I suggest you find a hobby or take a vacation.  I hear Syria is nice this time of the year.

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