  • Report:  #709171

Complaint Review: Kimberly Dawn Carty - San Francisco California

Reported By:
Beware of Kim Carty - Napa, California, United States of America

Kimberly Dawn Carty
6508 California Street San Francisco, 94121 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a victim of Kim Carty.  It is nearly impossible to catch up with her.  Carty speaks with confidence and sophistication and is very believable.  When I tried suing her, I discovered the line was too long and I would likely never get repaid, so I thought I would share my story to prevent other employees, vendors, businesses, friends and family members from having their lives destroyed by Kimberly Dawn Carty.

Ms. Carty blames everything on other people.  But it was her and nobody else who bounced a check on me the week my spouse died can you believe?!  She pretends to be a victim, if you can imagine!!  In my case, she blamed her ex-husband (Rich Rifkin).  But when I contacted him, I learned the truth.  He did not avoid me like Carty instead, he met with me and showed me documents.  Carty destroyed that guy beyond measure.  She took everything from him - money, assets, reputation, and is trying to take his son.  He introduced me to other people who had identical stories about Kim Carty.  There are so many other people I havent even spoken with. 

What I found out about Ms. Kim Carty is so alarming that I feel compelled to let others know to avoid her. Carty has finally been charged for at least one crime that will likely land her in prison, and there are probably other charges out there that I haven't found yet.  

WARNING: This is one of the most outrageous cases of an evil women you will ever hear.

Kimberly Dawn Carty has been running from creditors for more than ten years.  Carty uses nearly ten (10) aliases and at least two (2) social security numbers (that we know of).  Ms. Carty

destroyed the lives of family members and hundreds of employees.  She has embezzled from at least three companies and has screwed dozens of vendors and customers out of millions of dollars. Nobody is exempt she forced an >65 yr old couple into bankruptcy and devastated the life of her own son. 

Carty grew up Christian but in 2007 converted to Judaism to marry Rich Rifkin.  Carty is presently hiding among a Jewish orthodox group in San Francisco.  Check out Carty's Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/kimberly.rifkin).  She is using her ex-husband's last name but she never changed her name (see Aliases below).  Carty latched onto her Orthodox husband and wears Judaism as a fashion statement.  But don't be fooled - she has her own agenda and it ain't Jewish.

THE FOLLOWING IS COMPILED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS (most of which are signed by Ms. Kim Carty) and interviews with some of Carty's victims.

        GRAND THEFT against the People of California (2010)

        FRAUD against the People of California (2011)

        TAX EVASION against the IRS and State of California (2005 2010)


        EMBEZZLEMENT against RSI Drilling (2005)

        EMBEZZLEMENT against RR PARTNERS (2006)

        EMBEZZLEMENT against Blank and Cables (2010)

        FRAUD against Mark and Yvonne Kelley (2009)

        FRAUD against Circle Bank (2009)

        FRAUD West America Bank (2009)

        FRAUD Bank of America (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

        FRAUD Rich Rifkin (2006  2009)

        FRAUD Leonard Rifkind (2010)

        FRAUD Phil Boland (2009)

        FRAUD Roy Davi (2009)

        FRAUD Social Services (2006  2011)

        FRAUD MediCal (2006 2011)

        IDENTITY THEFT against Richard Ross (2006  2009)

        IDENTITY THEFT against Rich Rifkin (2006 2010)

        KIDNAPPING / CHILD ENDANGERMENT against Taylor Brook Khaleel and Jonathan Khaleel (father Steven Khaleel) (2001)

       FALSE POLICE REPORTS against her ex-husband, Steven Khaleel (2000)

       FALSE POLICE REPORTS against her ex-husband, Rich Rifkin (2009)

        FALSE POLICE REPORTS against her son, Jonathan Khaleel (2006 2007)

        FALSE POLICE REPORT against Eric Norton regarding Bank of America (2008)

        FORGING CASHIERS CHECKS against Bank of America (2005)


        ALIASES Kimberly Dawn Carty, K. Dawn Carty, Kim Carty, Kim Khaleel, Kimberly Gordeau, Kim Rifkin, Ariella Rifkin, Ariella Chava, Ariella Carty

        ALIASES for her children (changed the name of daughter of one husband, changed the name of son of another husband)

        FAKE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER  Advantage Credit (2007)

        FAKE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER  Advantage Credit (2008)

        PUTATIVE (FRAUDULENT) MARRIAGE against Rich Rifkin (2007  2009)

        FALSIFIED FINANCIALS (2006  2009)

        FALSIFIED W-2s (2006  2008)

        FALSIFIED TAX RETURNS (2007, 2008)

        FALSIFIED STATE FILING  Contractor State License Board (2006 2009)

        FALSIFIED STATE FILING  Articles of Incorporation (2006)

        FALSIFIED STATE FILING  Statement of Information (2006)

        FALSIFIED STATE FILING State Comp Fund (2009)

        FALSIFIED STATE FILING  Navigators Insurance (2009)

        FALSIFIED STATE FILING South Coast Surety (2009)

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Creditors Trade

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Circle BankVerification of Deposit

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Bank of America

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Washington Mutual

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Victoria Financial

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  1ST Mortgage application (Blackfield Dr, Tiburon, CA)

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  2nd Mortgage application (Blackfield Dr, Tiburon, CA)

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  1ST Mortgage application (Mt. Tallac, San Rafael, CA)

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  2ND Mortgage application (Mt. Tallac, San Rafael, CA)

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Mohawk Factoring

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Fortuna Equipment Financing

        FALSIFIED LOAN DOCUMENTS  Victoria Vinancial

        FALSIFIED RENTAL APPLICATIONS  (2008, 2009, 2010)

        FORGERY Economy Lumber

        FORGERY Ashby Lumber

        FORGERY MacBeath Hardwood

        FORGERY CPS/Garten

        FORGERY Shamrock Materials

        FORGERY General Plumbing Supply

        FORGERY Northstar Credit

        FORGERY Evolution Window and Door

        FORGERY Victoria Financial

        FORGERY American Technologies

        FAKE breast augmentation

        FAKE HAIR wears a blonde wig (she has black hair)

        FAKED PREGNANCY - (2009)

        ABORTION (2010)

        COMPUTER THEFT (2010)

        ELECTRONIC THEFT (2010)

        BOUNCED CHECKS in excess of $500,000 ( 2004  2010)

        PERJURY nearly every loan document listed above was signed under penalty of perjury

If you or someone you know is a victim of Kimberly Carty, list it here.

Maybe someday a State or Federal attorney will criminally prosecute Carty, but until then, we can only tell our story.  However, we predict it won't be long ...

To be continued ...

Kimberly Dawn Carty Kim Carty USES NEARLY 10 ALIASES, NUMEROUS

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Legal consumer

Ms. Carty is being victimized by her ex, a vexatious litigant

#2General Comment

Mon, March 09, 2015

Contrary to what the original, fact-free report attempted (and failed) to convey, Kimberly Carty is a decent person (not the hellspawn of satan as portrayed).   Anybody can recognize this hate-filled diatribe and wild accusations as the spewings of a spurned male.  Note to Richard:  Living well, and with dignity, is the best "revenge" against an ex.  (As to why you need revenge against the mother of your child who is caring for that child, having been granted sole custody by the state, and whether it is in your child's best interest for you to threaten to "grind [Ms. Carty] down", those are points for you to ponder.)

California court case showing how angry Ms. Carty's ex is, and how the ex (Richard Rifkin) has been unsuccessful in the courts, here http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/documents/A139484.PDF

Beware of Kim Carty

Don't be a victim. Facts you should know about Carty.

#3Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2014


Whoever you are, I am sorry to inform you that you are very mistaken about Carty.  It sounds like you're one of her pawns, or you may be Carty pretending to have a dear friend.  Either way, the public needs my response:

When I wrote my report years ago I hoped never to revisit it again.  When you, the anonymous friend of Mrs. Carty (or whatever she calls herself these days) filed your rebuttal I was notified via email.  I feel compelled to set the record straight because although you are friends with Kimberly Carty (Kim Rifkin, Ariella, whatever she goes by now), you probably are not like her because thankfully, few people in this world are sociopaths like Carty.

I have been a senior manager of retail operations for most of my professional career, therefore I have met countless thousands of people.  I have worked with so many people there's no way to possibly recount them all.  The one who stands out most is Kim Carty.  Why?  Because she is the scariest person I have ever met.  I worked directly for Kim and her former husband Rich and got to know both of them very, very well.  Carty, not Rich, was fully in charge.  In fact, she instructed me not to disclose her business decisions to Rich (especially the fraud that I caught her doing).

I apologize and regret disclosing some of the things in my report, but the Ripoff Report does not allow me to change it.  First, all the things I wrote are completely accurate.  I checked each one personally.  That does not make it right for me to have told the world about Carty's abortion or breast implants.  I was (and still am) upset with her because she bounced my paycheck the week of my husband's untimely passing, and caused me to bounce a check to the funeral home.  Carty has never answered any of my emails or phone calls, and I wanted to make the point of demonstrating the fraud she commits in both her business and personal life since she puts on a show of being a religious woman.  

I also felt sorry for Rich (he calls himself Aria now) because I saw what she did to him. He is a good man with a conscience.  I knew him well back then, and for a while after I left Carty's business.  Rich is a dreamer and wants to believe everybody is good and that made him a target for Carty.  How well do you know him?  I am guessing you only know him through stories that Carty tells.  Carty did to her husband what she does in business - she sets others up to fight her battles so ultimately she pays nobody back.  

You asked a good question: why is Carty not in jail?  Carty knows the system.  She is strategic and cunning.  I personally went to both the Marin County Sherriff and even the FBI.  Both have files on Carty as there have been numerous complaints.  In truth, I was told that "white women who have families and newborn babies are almost never prosecuted for white collar crime because it could mean political suicide for the prosecutor if he does not get a conviction."  I tried pursuing Carty with a civil lawsuit for a few years, as did dozens of others, but that requires I know her address.  Carty is unable to be served because she claims to be a victim of domestic violence by Rich.  I would bet my last borrowed dollar that Carty fabricated that because she did the same thing to her first husband to avoid creditors in Florida.  

Rich was certainly not a "wrong man" as you say.  He was set up by Carty.  Everybody saw it coming, and Rich was warned. She is an expert at setting people up and insulating herself against blame.  She tends to make friends who will defend her, and she uses people like a queen uses her pawns. But she will sacrifice any player on the board for her own survival.  In a way I admire her ability to survive, but her ethical and moral compass is twisted and dark.  Me and other employees warned Rich about Carty, but he would not believe that about his wife. 

I can't do much for Rich but I wish I could.  I will send him an email and see if he wishes to also respond, but one thing I will tell you with complete certainty is that Rich wanted to divorce Carty from the beginning of their marriage.  Carty held onto Rich very tightly because she had been fixated on him for many years.  Rich tried divorcing Carty for more than a year, but she kept him tied to her with the newborn baby and by holding his money and the financials of his business hostage.  Rich divorced Carty and everybody knows it.  You were not there but I was.  Carty is devious and a liar.  She will hurt you.  Don't be her pawn especially against Rich (AKA Aria) because what you are doing is making yourself a victim of Carty.

Whew!  That was SO much more than I wanted to write.  I guess this was built up for many years.  I may need to call my therapist after that one :)  

Bye, and please take to heart what I said because it's all true.  I really, really don't want to revisit this again.  If you want, you can contact me directly and I'm happy to talk for a short while.  

Very Sad

Pray for her ex

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, November 30, 2014

Wow you would think if someone actually did this they would have locked her up and throwen away the key. lol 

Lets face it no person is perfect but this is what happens when you marry the wrong man and get up enough courage to leave. I have to say she is far for this report. What bothers me the most is that anyone could ever put personal info like abortion or breast augmentation... What kind of a person would have it in their heart to write such a thing. I will keep them in my prayers and Thank God tonight that even after me and my ex divorced we are still good to each other and wonderful parents.


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