  • Report:  #478336

Complaint Review: Kirby Company Of Burton - Burton Michigan

Reported By:
- Grand Blanc, Michigan,

Kirby Company Of Burton
G4099 S Saginaw St Burton, 48529 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Job seekers beware and be warned of the Kirby company of Burton (AKA EAGLE ONE DISTRIBUTING) located on S Saginaw near Bristol. I worked for them for about two weeks and put in over 80 hours plus gas and travel expenses, all for nothing. The company never paid me a dime for my time, but they made all types of promises to me and the other recruits from that week.

If you see an ad in your paper or on the internet (craigs list) that looks something like this as follows, it is most likely a Kirby vacuum ad.

Must work well with the opposite sex

Must like loud music

Fun work environment

College scholarships

Carpet shampooers needed

Fast paced enviornment

$400 a week/ $1600 a month

Eddy lost his job, would you like Eddy's job?

5 people needed to start as soon as Monday

And you see here people, nowhere in there did it say:

Kirby vacuum rep needed

Door to door Kirby salesperson needed

Work out of our Kirby van for 12 hours a day


You pay us to ride on our vans

Door to door solicitor needed (We never use permits)

You will clean our dirty office for free as part of your UNPAID training

Once again training is 40-50 hours of UNPAID WORK

I was one of those people who needed money bad, and the company knew it, so they made all kinds of promises to me and the others that if we just do exactly as they say, we will make all this big money. Well that is a load of crap!! I made 3 sales within the first week and a half and put in over 80 hours of my time working for them, plus gas and other expenses, all for a big fat check of $0.00.

When I asked what happened to my check and that I made them 3 sales, they told me that the people who bought the vacuums from me didn't have good enough credit. Maybe they did have bad credit, but why then did you finance them for $2000 each and have me drop them off a new vacuum? I found out that's what they told some of the other new recruits from the week also. I guess that's why out of 9 people who started at the same time, all 9 had quit within 2 weeks, no one was fired, everyone quit.

So here is the bottom line. Kirby of Burton has to recruit weekly because it cannot retain employees, most likely because almost everything they say is a boldfaced lie. They recruit mostly younger type people say who are just out of school and don't know any better. They will pretty much hire anyone who applies. They do not do background checks at the one in Burton.

Here is how there system works. They find a new recruit, pump them up with all these thoughts of big money and lavish vacations, then talk about how your going to be an advertiser for there company (all you have to do is demonstrate the kirby, NO SALES),then you do some training and learn how to use a kirby vacuum, then(here comes the big one) before you can start making money you need to practice on 9 different people, they suggest your friends and family. They want you to show all of your friends and family so you can "get comfortable" at making other people uncomfortable.

Here are some truths to Kirby of Burton

They know before hand that you have a very slim chance of staying with them for more than a few weeks. They only sell there vacuum through in home demonstrations, with most of the sales coming from there door to door sales. So Kirby is sold mainly door to door, exactly what you will be doing when you run out of friends and family.

They know your family is respectable and is not going to let a person who has had no background check, going door to door soliciting the Kirby into they're home, so there only chance is you.

You finally found a job so you need to "practice"(UN PAID), "sure you can show me, since your just practicing", and "they don't have to buy anything". But that's one of there tricks to get into a persons house. The don't worry "you don't have to but anything" pitch, all they need is for someone to swing. That's the thing, they just want to get into your house so they can pitch your family. Because if they were going to buy one, they would buy it from you right.

When you go through the training they tell you things like "your just a demonstrator or an advertiser for us, someone else does the selling" "you do 30 demos in 2 weeks you get $800.00""you don't worry about the selling" "we have pre-set appointments for you""we have company van's to travel in""we have gas cards for when you drive to an appointment"

All of those statements should have been followed by a * and some fine print.

More like your a door to door Kirby salesman. That 30 demo's stuff is crap, if you show my vacuum 30 time and have no sales your out of here no pay for any of your time or effort. If your here for demo pay you need to leave. When you ask for a gas card they say they don't know what you are talking about. We charge you gas and maintenance fee's for riding on our vans. They also don't tell you that is extremely hard to even do 15 appointments/demo's a week (but they can sure make it sound easy when they're standing in front of a chalkboard drawing big dollar signs talking about big money down in they're filthy basement, you would think for being people in the cleaning industry they would have had higher standards of cleanliness).

Once they get you into someones house, the games really start. Hey, if Im just the demonstrator and not the seller, how come you guys gave me credit applications and legal contracts? Then when they wanted to buy, it was me who was filling out the contract and applications. I sure felt like the salesperson.

So, once you get to a "practice house" you will have to phone in and say a script of lines such as "Mr.Errickson I'm here at so and so's house and just set up my kirby and am just about to show all the great things that it does". And he will say "great buddy, THATS POSATIVE, make sure to do a good job, and call me when your done". Before you go into a house, they always tell you never to put the kirby back in the box or pack it up until you have called when you are done. Even worse if this someone was let in off the street and was a cold calling canvasser in your neighborhood, they have the crew leader aka person who drove the van that day and picked your lovely neighborhood who has to come in and make sure this person has done there 5 musts in the home. Then he will offer the people a deal, and if the person says no to the deal, he will make another offer, and another, and another. The vacuum price starts off at $2400.00, but can go as low as $1000 or under. Id be pretty mad if me and my neighbor bought one at the same time and there was a $1400 difference in the cost of a vacuum. So how do you get yours for $1000? Keep telling them you like it, but not today. They want to sell it to you today, not tomorrow, not next week or month, today price only (LOL).

So that's the way it goes in kirbyland. Your the only chance they have getting into your family's homes, and they will feed you a lot of lies to get you into the home.

After you call in to tell them your done and they like it but don't want to buy it, they just do the same through the phone, tell them this tell them that buy today this deal that deal. Remember that part about no selling when you keep asking your friends and family if they could afford one would they get one today from you. They can become very aggressive and even get insulting to people when they say no.

Here is how they stay in business. They constantly have different ad's all over craigslist, recruiting new young people who need work(and we all know there is a lot of people who need work, Kirby does too). They know you wont be able to do the 30 demos in 2 weeks because you will probably quit within one week, so they know beforehand you will probably show most of the 9 "practice shows". Henceforth they have a chance of selling one on your "practice" friends or family. I guess that out of 9 one or two of your f/f will buy a Kirby from you if done right.

Since its just your practice, they tell you if you get someone to buy they will give you a $150 bonus for each sale. Well, I never got a bonus for making them 3 sales. $0.00 for 3 sales. That means they pay me zero while I made them $6000.00 plus I made there finance company $1800, in less than 2 weeks. They do that to the few recruits they get each week, so they pay the people doing all the work nothing, and keep all of the profits and everything else to themselves. WHAT A COMPANY. Hats off to you, then stomped on the floor you low life dirt suckers.

So people of Michigan, please be warned of ED Errickson and his Kirby company of Burton, located on S Saginaw near Bristol.

Homeowners, do not let them into your house unless you have 3 hours to spare, and dont mind that this person may not have had a background check done and is desperate for money. Once they get into your home they will not leave til you force them out. They do not take no for an answer. No to them means they need to make another offer, and another, and on and on, until you have to say "Im going to call the police if you dont get your crap and get out of my house you low life carpet cappuccino drinker".

If you really want a Kirby, they're always at pawn shops for less than $100. Or you can buy them from someone like this loser on the internet after they're business closes.

You've been warned, Kirby of Burton is more than just a ripoff, its a cult.

I wont go to far into it but these people worship the vacuum. They stand in a circle and clap and sing songs about the Kirby(CREEPY). They start off by going "Hail hail the Kirby" They will try to brainwash the young ones who don't know any better.

Please if you get them on the phone hang up.

If they come to your door, slam it in they're face.

That's all you have to do is not let them in your house at all costs.

Show your family member this post if they are thinking about going to work for the Kirby company of Burton, and they will thank you for some saved time, money, effort exc...

The truth seeker

Grand Blanc, Michigan


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Eagle 1 in Burton michigan

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 26, 2012

I do work for Eagle 1 in Burton Michigan. I have worked for the Company for a couple years and its a great place to work. Its to bad people like you have to put up crap about a company when you dont have the facts right! I do make great money here and i always get paid. The difference between me and you is that i come to work every day and you most likely didnt. Its the lazy people like yourself who complain and say ooooo i didnt get paid and how long the hours are. Kirby is the best opportunity to make some real money and enjoy a great career at the same time. Mr Erickson is a great Distributor who cares about the people who come into his business looking for career instead of those of you who would rather live off the state with our tax dollars. Pull your big boy panties up and stop being a baby. I bet you still dont have a job or wait let me guess McDonalds is hiring. By the way you seem to know a whole lot of nothin being with the company for an entire week! HAHAHAHA! One more thing Mr know it all NOT! The Kirby system is the best out there and has been around for almost a hundred years. Mr Erickson is still in business and i dont see him going out of bussiness anytime soon. He growing bigger all the time and his organization is awesome. Hats off to you Mr Erikcson for giving me and many others the opportunity of a life time. 

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