  • Report:  #66502

Complaint Review: Kirby Vacuum - Cleveland Ohio

Reported By:
- nothampton, Massachusetts,

Kirby Vacuum
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was promised $475 a week if I attended all 15 demos a week. Then the criteria kept changing and you had to do more to get the $475 a week. The rep. said he never had to pay not once that's when I left. The vacuum is a good product but it's their sales reps who need to be up graded.


nothampton, Massachusetts

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Ripoff in Somerset also. My son also worked for Kirby under false promises.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2003

He was promised money so long as he would go to peoples homes and show their product and they would supply places to go. But after the first week of showing the vacuume to friends and family they had very few people to show. My opinion would be that Kirby uses kids for free to to prey on the parent - sibling relationship for sales. Labor relations in Pa. say that they can'nt do anything because laws on this subject hasn't been changed since 1939.Wish I knew someone who could.


Ripoff in Somerset also. My son also worked for Kirby under false promises.

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2003

He was promised money so long as he would go to peoples homes and show their product and they would supply places to go. But after the first week of showing the vacuume to friends and family they had very few people to show. My opinion would be that Kirby uses kids for free to to prey on the parent - sibling relationship for sales. Labor relations in Pa. say that they can'nt do anything because laws on this subject hasn't been changed since 1939.Wish I knew someone who could.


Ripoff in Somerset also. My son also worked for Kirby under false promises.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2003

He was promised money so long as he would go to peoples homes and show their product and they would supply places to go. But after the first week of showing the vacuume to friends and family they had very few people to show. My opinion would be that Kirby uses kids for free to to prey on the parent - sibling relationship for sales. Labor relations in Pa. say that they can'nt do anything because laws on this subject hasn't been changed since 1939.Wish I knew someone who could.


Ripoff in Somerset also. My son also worked for Kirby under false promises.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2003

He was promised money so long as he would go to peoples homes and show their product and they would supply places to go. But after the first week of showing the vacuume to friends and family they had very few people to show. My opinion would be that Kirby uses kids for free to to prey on the parent - sibling relationship for sales. Labor relations in Pa. say that they can'nt do anything because laws on this subject hasn't been changed since 1939.Wish I knew someone who could.

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