  • Report:  #669799

Complaint Review: Kramer and Kaslow - internet Internet

Reported By:
Stan - San Diego, California, United States of America

Kramer and Kaslow
1900 Quail St internet, Internet, United States of America
(949) 900-6856
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

KRAMER AND KASLOW is another Law Firm acting as a front for all these ex loan mod shops who no longer are in business. Kramer and Kaslow used to be a intake office for loan modification companies to submit their loan modifications to them and they just took the money. Now all of a sudden they doing this "MASS JOINDER" called the Roland vs. Bank of America but quite frankly I don't believe they have any agreement with the main attorney on this case nor have I ever seen ONE retainer signed by the main attorney on all these cases they are taking money on. They also are advertising that Kramer and Kaslow is doing their own "Litigation". Once again I haven't seen even one case being filed under Kramer and Kaslow. What I do know is this operation is being run by Gary and Chris Fox. Gary is an EX LOAN MOD agent and Chris Fox.. Well I think his name speaks for himself. He used to OWN Green Credit and that got Raided with a Criminal Search Warrant. (See link below) Then he left to work at United Law Group another operation that was raided and shut down. Chris Fox is back to his old tricks and is going around town getting every broker shop to send their previous loan modifications to Kramer and Kaslow and spin it as Litigation now. Well hers the issue with the business. 1) YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FEE SPLIT WITH NON ATTORNEYS. 2) YOUR ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SOLICIT FOR LITIGATION "CAPPERS". These are just some of the MANY rules Kramer and Kaslow are violating. I would stay clear from Kramer and Kaslow as they have no idea how to operate as a law office and are using this name to try and bait new victims. Here is my suggestion to any law firm you go to. BE PREPARED! Ask to speak with the attorney. If you don't feel like he knows anything then don't waste your time. If the attorney is not there dont waste your time. Ask to see the filing of the case. Ask if you join when your name will be added to the case and get that in writing. If they are representing other firms ask to see the agreements between that firm and the firm they so called are working with. And of course DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!

(Here is just a tip of the ice berg about Chris and those running Kramer and Kaslow)





17 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Kramer and Kaslow scam, are being sued by BofA and filed bankrupcy

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, December 07, 2012

By now, this employee who was paid thousands for each false addition to a "mass joinder" which was not filed as a class action but by every separate individual desperate for help with a loan modification, is out of a job.

The Attorney General did freeze their accounts and soon after Kramer and Kaslow filed for bankruptcy even though scamming thousands of people across the country for thousands of dollars each would add up to good chunk of change.
I keep getting reports from Bryan Cave LLP, attorneys for the Defendants Bank of America, N.A. about the filings with the Superior Court of California to go to trial. My concern is BofA will try to sue everyone who was scammed by Kramer and Kaslow and the many many loan mod companies working with them.
I have also received my file back from the offices of Kramer and Kaslow via the State Bar of California. It is seriously a joke. Most prevalent are notations of when and how I paid them.

Hence this was a well executed fraudulent, hurtful scam to most. I suppose some just joined to try and gain something, I know not what, however the rest of us probably are paying interest on the money we panned out to this law firm.

I have also sent the forms to the Bankruptcy Court in June 2012, as they sent a letter saying Kramer and Kaslow did indeed have funds to payback the creditors, that's us, but have not heard back as of December 2012.

So for the person cussing about the ripoff report being well, not valid, and they are such great attorneys from the other reports, I think you need to reassess your evaluations.  This is written with great sorrow and a hard lesson learned.


Laguna Beach,
United States of America
Mitchell J. Stein is a Fraud Consumer Beware!!

#3Author of original report

Thu, September 22, 2011

Mitchell J. Stein is the real target his is the slipperry Bandit! In this whole raid Mitchell J. Stein and Phill Kramer where to greedy about MONEY.. THey where blind bamboons walking into the boobytrapped juggle of fraud. Stein was the puppet Master!! Dont for one second think he is the Good guy. Like in my First post i was right and i said it from the begining! These guys are crocks. They had every chance to do business the correct way with taking advantage of people but out of GREED they choose the QUICK NICKLE over the SLOW DIME! Stein Claims to be a Doberman in the legal worl he is a poodle!! He has his Puppet Eric Davis being his front man as he is to much of a coward to come out and fight his own fights. He is a narcistic liar to himself and everyone he incounters! He is a one trick poney.. He is going down and the old saying of a Doberman is that there Brain outgrows there own skull and it drives them crazy.. SO much where they bite there own loved ones and everyone around them. Sounds like a self fullfilling prophecy for Mitchell J. Stein. THe part the public needs to see is that he is in the CRAZY state of mind.. He is suing the California Attorney General and Acouple Law offices that shows to be doing it the correct way. THe spin tactics are not going to work as this is not a BIG CONSPIRACY THEORY.. Its Not that you where suing the banks it comes down to the old way of shutting any business down and thats called ILLEGAL MARKETING!! No other conspiracy than that.. You dont follow within the guideline than you shouldnt be in that business.. Mesa Law Group is the Same!! I heard they are trying to start up another business. If you are an attorney and you dont know the laws which gave you your license to practice law or have your career than Shame on You! You shouldnt be in business nor an attorney. Mitchell J. Stein needs to be removed as an attorney as he is putting a disgrace on those who value there license and believe in there career.. Not use it to show off or use it as a way to boost your ego.. Cmon Doberman?? How Silly.. Use a poodle and that would fit you better.. Stein has his first court appearance Sept 29th. For those of you who believe Stein to be the Messiah as he would say "Govern Yourself Accordingly"


United States of America
This is some BULLS***!!!!!!!!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

I have been reading up on this lawsuit and it's progression because I need to do something in regards to my mortgage and mortgage company. I have been "Linda Greened". I contacted local attorney's to me and they wanted a minimum 25k plus expenses and fees to sue my bank on my behalf. I was considering the Kramer & Kaslow lawsuits and now I definitely am. Out of all the information I am reading not one thing in the entire complaint nor in the press conference states that this lawsuit is frivolous, or without merit. Nor do they say it is un-winable! They shut all of them down and did all this seizing of computers and bank accounts like these guys were drug dealers (kingpins) or something. All of this for suspect (misleading) advertising. This was done by the Mortgage Fraud Taskforce! Where is the mortgage fraud? And for HUD to say they will sue your lender for FREE!!!!!!!!!! Where is that lawsuit? I would think that the Fraud Taskforce would be going after all the banks for the fraudulent activities that they were doing to us homeowners. But these Taskforces only seem to appear to be going after people trying to help the homeowners against the banks. And, with all that they did to shut down Kramer, it looks like he still appeared in court on the 19th to continue his case. So someone is scared and they are trying to break him (15mil fine) and deter other people from joining his cases. Makes me wonder what's really behind this. One thing I do know is that HUD is a joke saying they will help (do this) for free! That's a bunch of BULLS***! Everyone defrauded by these banks needs to sue..We will win and it will put the banks out of business......And the government will have to bail them out again.........Maybe that's the reason they are going after Kramer........to limit the banks liability so they won't have to bail them out again. "To Big To Fail" just might be "To Big To Sue" as well!


United States of America
Attorney Assets Frozen and Offices Raided

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, August 20, 2011

How do you explain them getting busted in California? Here's the complaint


Here's the press release on the CA AG web site about them being shut down and their assets being frozen


The original poster was right. It was a front. It's unbelievable how they didn't get shut down doing the loan mods. The attorneys didn't get away this time.


United States of America
What rubbish!!

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 09, 2011

We live in a free world; it doesnt mean that you will use your freedom of speech for destroying someones reputation with false allegations. People post their opinions without knowing the details deeply. They form an opinion on the basis of rumors and hearsay. It is not fair at all. My housing society has dealt with www.conlitgroup.com  and I have only praise for them. I admit the process was slow and time consuming, and it was buggy at times, but they are an honest firm who are very truthful and transparent in their dealings. Mr. Kramer himself met our small group and explained the procedure and the expenses that would be incurred. He was very blunt about it and we all know that lawsuits are always time consuming and housing suits are all the more time consuming, so there is no point in grumbling about the legal machinery. Everyone has to run a family and it is no crime to charge a fees for the efforts made. Who can have a living without money and why would anyone work for you free. So instead of taking out your frustrations and false allegations here it would be better if you got into the detail first. I cannot reveal the details of my case being handled by them because of obvious reasons, but I would definitely like to pass on my thanks to them!


United States of America
I dont agree with Stan

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 08, 2011

I have a beautiful house and would never allow letting it go from me.  However, a dispute arose and my lender threatened me with eviction and house selling within 45 days. I was scared stiff and didnt know what to do! Then a friend suggested that I contact the law firm Kramer and Kaslow; and the day I visited them was the best day of my life.
I saw Mr. Kramer talking to someone when I entered the reception area and he looked so different from the stiff attorney image I had in mind. He was friendly and smiling.  He explained to me after hearing my case that the best option for me would be to sue the lender.  He admitted that the issue would take time to resolve but he set the ball rolling.
The sell off was averted and the litigation began. I must admit that Mr. Kramer was very honest with me. He told me that I wouldnt get a free ride here, he also had bills to pay after all, but yeah, the fees wouldnt be sky rocket. I would easily afford it. I have no complains at all and totally disagree with Stan. It seems that he had some other frustrations which he is venting on Mr. Kramer. There couldnt be a better attorney for me!


United States of America
Kramer & Kaslow Commercial litigation Service

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 03, 2011

I pray that nothing bad happens to you and may God forgive you for rejoicing in someone else's misfortune. BTW, I recently hired law firm of Kramer & Kaslow to help fix my credit and do credit repair and I am happy to with his commercial litigation service.


Canyon Lake,
Prior Post Incorrectly Stated I was Company Owner

#9General Comment

Sat, February 19, 2011

I must have checked the wrong box.  I am NOT the company.   I am a concerned citizen that is checking out the company due to questionable advertising and marketing tactics.  

I was attempting to address the posters who claim to be employees of the company and point out that the company websites they posted are on Kramer & Kaslow's Banned list.  

I have a tendency to believe that the posters are actual employees as they claim and that the K2-Law website is being scrapped because illegal activities related  to that website have been exposed.  


Canyon Lake,
Kramer & Kaslow State K2 Law Not Authorized

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 18, 2011

My comment is directed to Employee # 1 who claims his name is Glen.  

Glen, according to Kramer & Kaslow's consumer warning, the website k2-law.com (that you cited as the correct web address in your rebuttal) is not a banned, non-authorized website.  Here is the link:


I have found numerous documents and incidents of affiliate marketing and payment of sizable commissions to non-attorneys that is linked to the k2-law.com website you referenced in your post.  Here is a copy of the Cease and Desist letter that is posted on the website they are now using:



We are hereby demanding that you cease and desist in the use of the name and likeness of Kramer & Kaslow; Philip A. Kramer, Mitchell J. Stein & Associates; and Mitchell J. Stein -- and in the unauthorized practice of law. You have violated at least one or more of the following laws:

1. Unauthorized Practice of Law: No person shall practice law in California unless the person is an active member of the State Bar. Cal. Bus. & Prof. § 6125. The “practice of law” includes giving legal advice and advertising or holding oneself as an attorney or entitled to practice law when in fact such person is not an active member of the State Bar. See Birbower, Montalbano, Candon & Frank, P.C. v. Sup. Ct., 17 Cal. 4th 119, 128 (1998); Bus. & Prof. § 6126(a).

The penalties and remedies for the unauthorized practice of law include (a) being convicted of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $1,000 or both; (b) actual damages suffered by your prospective clients; (c) restitution of amounts paid; (d) reasonable attorneys fees and costs expended to rectify errors made in the unlawful practice of law; (e) prejudgment interest at the legal rate from the date of loss to the date of judgment; and (f) rescission of sales made in connection with a violation of law. Bus. & Prof. § 6126.5(a)(1)-(6). 2. Unlawful Solicitation: Unlawful solicitations include using firm names, trade names, fictitious names or other professional designations falsely stating or implying that you have a relationship with another lawyer or law firm. CRPC § 1-400(E). Additionally, the State Bar Act makes it unlawful for any person to act as a runner or capper for an attorney or to solicit any business for an attorney in any public place or upon private property. Bus. & Prof. § 6152(a)(1). The term “runner or capper” refers to anyone acting for consideration as an agent of an attorney or law firm in the solicitation or procurement of business for the attorney or firm. Bus. & Prof. § 6151(a). It is a misdemeanor for any person to act as a “runner or capper” or to solicit business for a attorney. A second or subsequent offense could be a felony. Bus. & Prof. § 6153.

There you have it.  

Eugene Barash

United States of America
New Fraud Post

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, February 15, 2011

They have filed 4 such lawsuits all over the State, Phil Kramer has tried 200 cases, and therefore, simply, you are lying.  Phil Kramer never worked at United Law Group.  Brookstone Law's Vito Torchia did and thus you are likely from Vito's "shop" and that is all fraud from the get-go.

Eugene Barash

United States of America
Fraud by Your Posters

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, February 15, 2011

I've read the posts by Kramer & Kaslow.  They say that Kramer & Kaslow has not filed one mass joinder lawsuit.  The firm has filed 4.  The poster is not telling the truth.  Phil Kramer has tried 200 cases and is a highly rated lawyer.  As the fraudulent poster said, do your own research.  The research here is that Phil Kramer is clean and is going out of his way to make the banks pay.


United States of America
"Stan's" words give him away...

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, December 25, 2010

"Stan" is obviously a disgruntled bank attorney for BOA, trying to discredit this legitimate firm. Notice "Stan's" legalistic shop words and phrases, that no homeowner 'client' would ever even know to use.

This bank is mad, that their control over the California legislators did not put these legitimate bank-fighting firms out of business, so the banks can molest the people without opposition or notice that they have been wronged.

For PROOF that this is a legitimate firm and effort, go look at the actual 'third amended complaint' Mitchell Stein & Associates filed for these clients. The Case is filed in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Paul Ronald v. Bank of America. # BC409444.



Actually read what Bank of America has done.

Bank of America is desperately trying to cover up their fraud along with the rest of the big banks and the Federal Reserve. I am going to boycott them all for stealing my neighbors houses this way. For more info, get on the below website to see the corruption of these banks and their banks attorneys/employees like 'Stan' here.

http://Livinglies.wordpress.com (Look at the upper right hand corner links for the latest news on bank corruption and cover-ups, like this post).

I would join this lawsuit if I were in California. Is it open to other states?


Mission Hills,
United States of America
Kramer and Kaslow - my attorney

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010

I am, and will continue to be, a client of Kramer and Kaslow for the last 3.5 months and although the process is slow and at times very stressful I have no complaints against them. I did start as a modification with them since I had tried to work with Wells Fargo for about 6 months and there would always be an issue and i9 would get denied. I only contacted Mr. Kramer when my lender told me they would sell my house in less than 45 days.  My negotiator was able to postpone my sale as well as get the ball rolling again. I was called and informed that my attorney had reviewed information pertinent to my case and believed the best solution was to sue my lender. I was very apprehensive and decided that I would come into their Irvine office and speak to someone, especially if I had to make any payments. I came in to the office and I was greeted by a receptionist who knew who Mr. Kramer was and informed me that he and a couple of other attorneys were in a meeting but she would see if he could see me even if it was for just a minute. Needless to say within 30 minutes a middle aged gentleman came to the desk  and introduced himself as Philip Kramer and apologized for not wearing a tie but he was in the middle of a couple of meetings. I was taken aback and actually asked to see his ID, he laughed but he actually showed it to me. Frankly he was very upfront with me about what this suit would involve and what it would require of him and me and actually told me that if I was looking for a free ride on my mortgage then he was the wrong attorney for me since he would work hard for me but we had to be realistic and know that we still owed the lender money for the mortgage. Actually it was very refreshing to hear someone be truthful to me even if it was not we all want to hear. I did ask to see proof of other people having joined but he told me that it would be illegal for him to do that since he would be violating this clients trust, this made sense to me. At this time I HAVE received mail from him as well as a copy of the retainer I signed and there it is, his signature.  Stan, please explain how in the world would an ethical attorney show us other clients personal information and not violate their trust? How do you know what a bait and switch shop is like? and how do you know Chris Fox?  if the attorney is always in the office who is fighting the lender for my home?.  The only organization I came across that reported to have a relationship with the litigating attorneys (Kramer and Kaslow, was a law firm by the name of Brookstone Law. Upon investigation, it was made clear to me by the litigating attorney that Brookstone Law, and their principals Damien Kutchner  and an attorney named Vito had no business relationship with any of the litigating attorneys

Finally Stan, it seems that you do have an ax to grind and it makes me think that you have a different motive for rising peoples fears for your own purpose that actually looking out for our best interest.  You have been wrong in your facts, your sites, your attachments and frankly knowing that there are people like you out there who probably work for a mod shop reassures me more and more that I am at the right place and with the right people.


United States of America
Interesting Rip-Off Report on K2 Law (Kramer & Kaslow)

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010

I too am a homeowner who was contacted by K2 Law (the Law Offices of Kramer & Kaslow) regarding this litigation. I was skeptical at first as always and asked for proof of its legitimacy. I was provided a copy of the filing of the case as well reviewed the attorney's standing with the California State Bar and Martindale-Hubble website (http://www.martindale.com/Philip-A-Kramer/124572-lawyer.htm) which gave Mr. Kramer the HIGHEST rating available as an attorney.

If you go to the K2 Law website (www.k2-law.com) you can view actual videos of Mr. Kramer explaining this case as well as copies of the actual complaint, transcripts and status reports. After doing my due diligence and researching all of this I made the decision to move forward and allow K2 Law to add my name to this litigation to help save my home.

Everyone I have spoken to there has been very forthright and transparent when it came to disclosing anything and everything I asked for. I reviewed the retainer agreement as well as let my brother in law who is an attorney review it, and it stood up to his scrutiny as well.

My question to this guy who posted the original "report" is this? Why would numerous attorneys jeopardize their good standing with the California State Bar, Martindale-Hubble as well as their respective communities to try to "sucker" people into this class action if there was no merit to their case? Just doesn't make sense to me??? Maybe you should put down the axe you are trying to grind and think about what you are going to post before you post it??? Does it make sense?


United States of America
I strongly disagree with Stan

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010

It makes me upset to read comment on people whom are just making assumptions and clearly not having their facts straight. My experience with Kramer and Kaslow has been nothing but wonderful. Not only were we in constant communication with the employees at Kramer and Kaslow but they postponed my sale date and got us an approval for a permanent loan modification.  I am currently enrolled in the litigation and I can tell you for a fact the Mr. Philip Kramer is a part of Kramer and Kaslow as I have communicated with him directly by phone. He and Mitchell J. Stein can easily be found on their web site and any questions relating to the litigation can easily be confirmed with either attorneys. Maybe Mr. Stan if you had patience, faith and did some research instead of pointing fingers and falsely accusing people then things would work out better for you, but unfortunately hate, anger and ignorance will not get you far and will only make you a miserable person.


United States of America
kramer & kaslow client

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010

I am a client of Kramer and Kaslow / MJ Stein and let me say that i feel that Stan is just another person with an agenda to sell. I have hired this attorney to represent me in a lawsuit against my lender countrywide home loans now bank of america. Let me say that M.J. Stein is a 25-year award-winning litigator, and trial lawyer. He has represented many of the world's largest companies in State and Federal Court, and has been involved in some of the highest profile cases in the Nation's history. This law firm deals with you directly and personally, from your first telephone call until your case is resolved. Here is some fact regarding my attorney i have hired to help with a lawsuit against my lender. In the massive case, Ronald v. Bank of America, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC409444, in which the Firm is representing more than one thousand California consumers against attempted foreclosures by Bank of America, the Firm recently -- in October, 2010 -- obtained an order in favor of all clients and against the Bank from Federal Judge Manuel Real. Judge Real referred to one of the Bank's arguments as "absurd" and threw the Bank out of Federal District Court with respect to the case. So yes do your homework i did mine and i couldnt be more satisfied. I feel sorry for people like Stan. May God Bless you.


Newport Beach,
United States of America
Incorrect information provided by Stan

#18UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 09, 2010

Our website is www.k2-law.com. I am an employee of K2 Law. Our address is at 1900 Quail Street in Newport Beach. We are not linked to ANYONE named Chris Fox or Gary. Again, we have no affiliation with anyone by that name. This is a fact. Come to our office if you don't believe me. Ask for Gary or Chris Fox and our receptionist will tell you there's no one here by those names.

Secondly, we are enrolling plaintiffs in the Ronald (not Roland) v. Bank of America ongoing litigation. The attorneys in that case are: Kenin Spivak, Mitchell J Stein, Christopher Tomaszewski and Erikson M. Davis. K2 Law has a referral arrangement with MJS and Associates, the firm owned by lead attorney in the Ronald case.

Thirdly, the author of this post states "I don't believe they have any agreement with the main attorney on this case nor have I ever seen ONE retainer signed by the main attorney on all these cases they are taking money on." Since these retainers would be attorney-client privileged and not for general disbursement to the public, why would anyone other than the client or the attorney have access to them?

The author states "ask to see a filing of the case". I have the filing of the case right in front of me and this is all legitimate. The third amended complaint is 117 pages. The case is currently being heard in California Superior Court, Los Angeles Country Complex Court. The "Complex facility" is for cases involving mass plaintiffs and cases of a more complex nature, such as mass tort litigation. It would seem the author of this post has A) incorrect facts and B) an axe to grind.

Please remove this post due to inaccuracy. You can contact me at [email protected] if you need further factual information. Our website and physical address should be removed from this post lest anyone take this nonsense as fact.

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