  • Report:  #1502744

Complaint Review: Lafata Cabinets - Shelby Township Michigan

Reported By:
Nightmare in Michigan - Rochester Hills, MI, United States

Lafata Cabinets
50905 Hayes Rd. Shelby Township, 48315 Michigan, United States
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My family chose Lafata Cabinets in Michigan to provide cabinets for our home remodel. Personally, choosing this company is one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made.

Lafata Cabinets gave us a 6-8 week window for delivery. We are now at 12 weeks since we gave them our initial payment for their product and much of the order is still missing.

When they delivered their product, they required a second payment so that everything was paid in full. They took this payment but failed to tell us that many pieces to the kitchen were missing and not among the many boxes that were delivered to our home. This includes, multiple pieces of glass, and the hood, which was later delivered but had manufacturing defects.

Additionally, other parts of the order had manufacturing defects and were returned to be fixed. No one will tell me when I can have the parts repaired by. No one will tell me when I will have the missing pieces by. No sales people or management, which I've requested to speak with, will take my calls, despite having made half a dozen calls to the showroom during regular business hours.

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Lafata Cabinets is willfully avoiding me, they are not telling me where the product I purchased is or when it will be delivered, and they took nearly $30,000 from me.

Our experience with Lafata Cabinets has caused much stress and anxiety for me and my family and has turned the rare life experience of a getting a newly remodeled kitchen into a nightmare.

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