  • Report:  #3200

Complaint Review: Larry & Gerry Kesselring - Hawkeye Striping Inc. - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:

Larry & Gerry Kesselring - Hawkeye Striping Inc.
7373 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd. Suite 200 Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In February of 1998, Larry & Gerry Kesselring - owners of Hawkeye Striping, Inc. of Scottsdale purchased Tri-City Precast, a company with sales over $450,000. Only five payments were made when the Kesselring's decided to stop paying and wanted to give the business back with all money returned. Their reason - they were not doing the quantity of business that the previous owner had reported, or as they wanted the court to believe. What was determined was that sales were being filtered through their existing business - Hawkeye Striping to make the sales lower for Tri-City Precast.

Also, even though they were told they would not have access to a post office box occupied by the previous owner, they and their attorney, Arley Richau sent false information to the post office, having all personal and business mail forwarded to them, opened, read and never any notice sent to the previous owner.

After 1 year, over $50,000 in attorney's fees to the previous owner, and a judgement against them, the Kesselring's have filed bankruptcy.Though a chapter 13 for reorganization is better than a chapter 7 - which is no obligation - this only shows the stupidity and ignorance of these business owners in not accepting an advisement by the judge to continue paying for the business.

These people have ran Tri-City Precast in the ground by over charging, double billing, and displaying unprofessional mannerism in the construction industry.

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