  • Report:  #1161708

Complaint Review: Laurie Paladino Photography - Internet

Reported By:
Cornelius - Los Angeles, California,

Laurie Paladino Photography
Internet, USA
lauriepaladinophotography. com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Bizarre business practices is my  experience with her, I also live in the same community she is known to be vengeful and hateful.  

She has been known to have bizarre fits for no reason, and people have witnessed

her destroying others property in uncontrolled fits of rage.

She constantly harasses her neighbors and  property management company about the smallest of issues,  making them into life and death.  Her business dealings are the same.   

I would be very weary of doing business with her,

  It may be more trouble than it's worth. She is honest in her dealings, to her credit,


 but the constant anger issues make her very hard to do business with.   Ultimately making you feel you've been ripped off. 


4 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Ridiculous Claims Made Against Laurie Paladino Photography Are Untrue

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2014

We have worked with Laurie Paladino on various projects throughout the years and can say none of these statements in this report against Laurie Paladino are factual.

She is not 'prone to bizarre fits of anger' and does not 'destroy others' property.' She would never consider touching the property of another person. We don't understand what these claims have to do with her photography business in the first place as these seem to be some strange made up lies about her personal life.

Her business dealings are honest and she is easy to work with. She delivers on time and has gone out of her way to be helpful. We have seen her go out of her way for others and put the desires of others before her own needs.

The claims contained in this report have nothing whatsoever to do with the experience of doing business with Laurie Paladino or Laurie Paladino Photography and we are at a loss to understand not only what kind of individual would post these kinds of lies in a public forum, but why. None of what was written makes the slightest bit of sense.

C. Bishop

Los Angeles,
Worked With This Woman For Years, Report is Not At All True

#3General Comment

Sat, August 09, 2014


I've worked at her residence while collaborating on several projects (with Laurie Paladino Photography) and this report is completely slanderous and untrue. None of these alleged claims are based in reality.
Her business practices are not 'bizarre'. She's upfront and straightforward. Her business dealings are always ethical.  She's honest, fair minded and has a strong sense of right and wrong. She's gone out of her way countless times for her neighbors. (even when deadlines were approaching and it was inconvenient for her)
Her business dealings and licensing are only with periodicals, galleries etc not the general public or tenants of her building. It sounds like someone wrote this about someone else and listed her name and business by accident.  It's completely unfair and unjust.

Joseph J.

Studio City,
Transparent Attempt to File A Business Report With No Credible Facts

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 01, 2014

I have known and worked with Laurie Paladino on and off for twenty years. She is a trusted professional and has never been anything other than accomodating and easy to work with. I can vouch for her ethics and character. 

Over the course of our business relationship Laurie has worked hard to meet her deadlines and delivered anything requested on time and with an upbeat atttitude. She is honest, even tempered and has a strong moral compass.

The person I know is not reflected in this oddly written report which appears more of a personal attack than a business report and has neither relevance nor a place within this site.

It seems unlikely anyone reading the report will give it any credence as one glace at Laurie Paladino Photography's business website will showcase many of the media outlets in which this photographer's work has appeared.

On a personal note since the attack on this business reads as a personal vendetta, I have had many occasions to spend time in Laurie Paladino's community and have witnessed her behavior as a helpful member of this community. She has been there for neighbors whether it has been to provide free pet care assistance or give rides to those neighbors who don't or prefer not to drive. She has often put the needs of others before her own and I have seen this behavior on more than one occasion in her business and personal dealings.

One reading the report in question is left wondering what exactly the alleged 'rip off' stated in this nonsensical report is.

Laurie Paladino Photography

Los Angeles,
Inaccurate and Questionable Report With Neither Basis Nor Merit

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 14, 2014

Oh dear. Based on the report I've read about my photography website, I'm left with the conclusion perhaps some should not drink and type.  

It appears my photography website is the victim or either a hoax or an unbalanced mind. There are no grounds to the allegations posted regarding my photography website. I have not had any photography/business dealings with anyone residing in my community so that allegation is patently false.

Further, my ethics are not questionable, I tend to play by the rules and touching much less destroying the property of others in a so-called bizarre fit of anger for no reason is simply not on the table. The disgruntled individual who seems intent on besmirching my character has not had reason to have business dealings with me as I license my published photographs to publications and media outlets, not to individuals.

Putting aside that fact for a moment, the untruths contained in this entertaining report would have nothing to do with any business dealings since the attack appears to be personal. (By the way, shouldn't that read "I would be leery of doing business with her" rather than "I would be weary of doing business with her?" A little proofreading on behalf of the writer seems to be in order.)

Although it is laughable and admitedly beneath me to respond, there have never been occasions of my having been witnessed destroying the property of others, beause that is something that would never happen. The phrase "grasping at straws" springs to mind as I read this desperate attempt to create something out of nothing.

Nothing in this report is based in truth. I have more constructive ways to spend my time than the alleged harassement of neighbors. Nor am I ever in touch with the property management company assigned to the community in which I reside. Since I don't engage in business dealings with my neighbors there is no correlation between my relationship with a neighbor and my business dealings.

I won't be losing any sleep over this amusing, untruthful report about my photography website, and in this instance my feeling is -- consider the source.

At least I was described as being "honest in her dealings, to her credit." That may be more than could be said of the poor soul so needy of attention he/she felt the need to post poorly written fabricated allegations on the internet that have nothing to do with my career achievements.

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