  • Report:  #1497099

Complaint Review: Litruv Max Boonzaayer - Unreal Engine Live Help on Fiverr -

Reported By:
Bob - Arlington, United States

Litruv Max Boonzaayer - Unreal Engine Live Help on Fiverr
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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Where to begin? As someone who was looking for some assistance with the Unreal gaming engine for a project that I was working on, I came across a flashy advertisment of what appeared to be a guy in Superman pose promising to be the Unreal "Savior" on the Fiverr platform. His prices started at $25 for 30 minutes, and charged $65 for a two-hour "live session" in which he used Discord for the conversation/call and ParSec/AnyDesk for the remoting so that he could remote/connect over to the clients machine to assist them in-person, anywhere in the world.

Ripoffreport Report Image

At just barely over $30 USD per hour, his two hour live sessions were very reasonably priced, and having actually done a two hour session with Litruv, it appears at least on first glance that for clients that were beginners to Unreal engine that his service is of good value... however that is where it ends and the bad things begin...

Ripoffreport Report Image

Litruv is very "high and mighty" and has a "know it all" attitude. Firstly, no one "knows it all", and it doesn't matter if he knows a lot more than 99% of the rest of the population when it comes to the subject matter of Unreal or anything else, he could still be a little bit more humble and not convey nor project that sort of superiority complex. Speaking of superiority complex, in both his gigs on offer on Fiverr the Litruv has a flashy image of him being portrayed as Superman ripping open his shirt and exposing the Superman logo inside and the slogan on the advertisment establishing him as the "SAVIOR"... This would be funny if it weren't so ironic, lets just say that in a case of mistaken identity I thought Litruv looked the same as another seller on Fiverr but when Litruv sent me an actual picture of himself, his physique was absolutely no "superman" to say the least, the dude had a BMI of way over obese...not even kidding.. and looked nothing like his iconic images that he had associated himself with on Fiverr, on Discord and elsewhere social media on the Internets. 

Litruv also has a nasty habit of bad mouthing his fellow sellers on Fiverr, including telling me how gracjanmyszel (another seller I was working with on Fiverr at the same time on parallel project) was incompetent and couldn't do the job, causing me to get paranoid about his ability and thus proactively booking more sessions and more hours of time with Litruv instead... Litruv also expressed jealousy and envy towards other sellers that commanded a much higher premium pricepoint than he himself.

Ripoffreport Report Image

For example there was the Unreal seller called featuring333 (who was Pro verified on Fiverr) by the name of Robin Zinser and his packages start around $5000 and go up to as high as $9000 per project. Litruv expressed frustration that he could not rake in such large amounts of money and in one test of his off-platform personal site service he sent me a Stripe invoice from his Unreal.guru site requesting in the amount of $1 more than Featuring333's highest offering, sending me a request for $9001.00 USD. 

Litruv is also a very lazy dude... on one of the engagements he admitted that his alarm fell asleep, causing him to sleep past 2PM (his local time) and he didn't wake up in time for a live session. Another time, I sent him a helicopter asset that I had purchased on the Unreal Marketplace and asked him how to get it to fly, the asset already flies, he just needed to tell me how to migrate it into the project, and he either couldn't figure it out or couldn't be bothered to even do the common courtesy of giving it a look or telling me that he didn't have time or wouldn't get to it until later, etc.

That is the other thing, instead of admitting that he doesn't know something, or whenever you question him about something, Litruv will just give you the silent treatment. He ignores you, pretends it never happened. This is not the characteristic of a mature person, much less someone whom claims to be a "savior"...

Litruv also is selfish in the sense that he doesn't have an impartial objective awareness of the totality of reality. Put another way, he isn't empathic of all sides in a transaction and its all about himself. For example, what benefit does the client recieve from going with him on his own personal unreal.guru site as opposed to doing it on the Fiverr platform? Well, Litruv might given them the 10% to 20% discount that otherwise Fiverr would have taken as the fee for the client, and then Litruv gets the to keep the 20% fee that Fiverr gets from the seller, but is doing a project at a 10% discount truly worth forgoing the protection and reputation that an eastblished service such as Fiverr provides?

That is a cost benefit analysis that each individual has to personally make, and mileage may vary case by case, but it seems like giving Litruv money upfront via his personal website by giving him your credit card information to Stripe means that he has zero incentive to continue to provide quality work, and indeed, since he doesn't have any means for past customers to rate / review or comment on his personal site, it also provides no incentive for him to do good quality work nor does it put in place any structure of accountability to deter him against slacking off..

The only recourse a potential customer might have against him would be to formally file a chargeback with the debit or credit card company, and that is a heck of a lot of more work and documentation and proof needed than say simply filing a dispute on Fiverr in which Fiverr has all the evidence and subject matter experts to be able to arbitrate and sort out the dispute, often I would imagine in the favor of the client. 

Anyone can pretend to be Superman online or Savior of the universe, but it takes a lot more trust than a flashy logo that doesn't even represent Litruv's true form for a prospective client to forgo the protections and insurance of Fiverr just for a 10% discount... its a risky bet, its like investing in a ponzi scheme, you might get lucky and make 10% or you might just lose the 90% and be out the principle as well as the promised profit. 

Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 05, 2020

What a joke.


United States
Litruv disparages paying clients with profanity and rage...

#3Author of original report

Sat, July 04, 2020

I will be uploading our entire conversation (voice recorded 100%) as well as screenrecording of the entire sessions that Litruv had access to my computer via Parsec soon. The jury, in this cause the intented audience would be prospective clients of Litruv's, deserve nothing less than the unadulterated complete truth in order to form the most comprehensive picture once they have the full and proper context. In the meantime, I want to make something clear:

Litruv talks the talk about how he was "nice" to me until I went "sour", however the facts, evidence, and documentated timeline which I'll soon proferr with uploaded evidence does not support that contention and indeed I would submit to you that on the contrary it was Litruv himself who "went sour" (for reasons that I've surmised in the aforementioned initial posting but the exact precise causes only Litruv himself would know for sure).

The fact is after our very first 2 hour live sessions I not only left Litruv a glowing full five star review in which I praised his unique format and his subject matter knowledge and the value that such a service provides to new comers of the Unreal engine platform (such as including myself) who wanted to speed up the learning curve etc but I also gave him an extra monetary tip on Fiverr. The same night that he closed out the delivery right after all call, I tipped him and then immediately accepted his second offer of another 2 hour live session on Fiverr.

Between the moment I accepted and paid for his second offer and the date we agreed upon the offer, Litruv unilaterially on his own opened up a dispute against me on Fiverr stating that he had marked the wrong time/date and requested an extension for more time. I accepted this extension without issue and we were set to continue the second live session at 11PM Sunday my local central time zone as stated on this order proposal/offer which I accepted and extended all on his request.

From the beginning Litruv insists that all live session clients communicate with him on Discord instead of Fiverr. From the standpoint of efficiency I also like Discord as its more real-time communication as comparitatively the Fiverr chat/messaging can sometimes have up to 10 minutes or more lag at peak times and often would even go down completely. However one of the caveats of Discord is that unless one pays for a premium monthly service, the attachment limit is at 8MB capped.

This is not condusive to the sort of remote assistance or communication as often clients and sellers have to send screenshots, zip files, video recordings, etc back and forth in collaboration and any of which could themselves easily surpass the 8GB limit. Fiverr attachment allows up to 1GB at a time. Suffice it to say, Fiverr actively discourages off-platform communication and officially mandates communication everything through the Fiverr channel so that there is maximum accountability for all parties involved...

Nonetheless on Litruv's official Fiverr profile not only does he mention clients use Discord, he also says they should use Parsec/Anydesk to allow him to connect and remote over to their machines to faciliate the live sessions. It is important to note that when I did the first order with Litruv he send me his alternative discord username and later told me to use his new discord, so its proven that just on Fiverr along this guy is using multiple discord accounts, if that doesn't raise red flags I'm not sure what does....

So on the same day that we were sceduled to have the 11PM live session for two hours (which would end up running past 1AM on my side) I had asked Litruv about how to install the helicopter or why it wasn't working. Turns out the developer later admitted that he packaged it incorrectly and all the inputs were missing and he would repackage it with the inputs and update it again. Literally Litruv could have figured this out in no time and given me a heads up, or saved it for the live sessions that night, or told me that he would be happy to include that in another scope/project, or told me that he was too busy and didn't have time for it at the moment. Instead nothing of the sort ever happened, Litruv ignored my question, pretended it didn't exists, and had zero communication with me even past the 11PM agreed upon time.

I was online at 11PM and Litruv did a no-show, as it passed into almost midnight on my side, I realized I had to drive in to work (I do alternate day WFH due to the COVID situation in US) the next morning and told Litruv that he could consider the live session "delivered" on Fiverr, I would close out the order and give him full five star review and that if later I needed his assistance again I would contact him with new order. During this period the other seller Grac was working on finishing something that would be a bottleneck on the project anyway, so it made since to wait until Grac delivered his work for me to consolidate on a baseline project source before continuing with Litruv, but since I had agreed upon the date/time, I didn't want to cancel on Litruv, turns out it was Litruv who did the No show and later admitted he fell asleep at 2PM in the afternoon (his local time) or rather blamed his alarm clock for not waking him up in time etc...

So, nonetheless, I told Litruv to consider the order completed and that I would give him good review. He delivered/closed the order, I accepted delivery that same night, and also gave him a full five star review rating. The only thing that changed was I did not give him an extra tip since he did not actually "do" anything to earn it, no tip was deserved and thus none with given. I made it clear that he did not have to rescedule for this order and that at the time grac was the bottleneck...

How the seller grac came into the picture was like this, during our back and forth on Discord I had told Litruv that I have a bottleneck situation due to the seller grac delaying delivery of his project and that it could affect or impact what I would be doing with Litruv, then Litruv tells me that he knows Grac on first name basis and that in fact they were friends on facebook and that he sent Grac a message on facebook (since Grac didn't have discord according to Litruv) to basically ask him whats up and to remind him about my project etc... That is when Litruv voluntarily shared with me how he knew a bunch of other sellers on Fiverr and how he knows basically everybody and that he was trying to set up his own site (Unreal.guru) and branch away from Fiverr and start taking other sellers over to his own service and start proaching etc....

So I told Litruv that he can help me out by pressuring Grac to finish his work and do it on time since I had already granted him one extension and it appears he was going to be late yet once again... That is when Litruv tells me that I should go tell Grac my d*mn self and that he wasn't to do any such thing...

Next morning I wake up and find that Litruv banned me on Discord and on Fiverr... Litruv didn't even give the common courtesty of any reason, cause, nor due process, or any notification nor any warning or anything of that nature. The only thing Litruv does is silent treatment and then BAN. Now you can see why its a danger to give this guy your money upfront by going around Fiverr and doing the transactions directly on his personal unreal.guru site using his own Stripe credit card processing? What is to assure you that he won't take your money and run and come up with some convinent excuse or pretext to shadow ban you after stealing your money?

Litruv likes to call his clients "Karen"s, he repeatedly says I'm nothing but a Karen and has sent me crude pictures depicting female Karen and stating that is of me... he says he found another picture of me on the Internet etc... Is this the proper behavior that a seller should treat his clients whom gave him tips and left high review marks? God knows what sort of shenanigans Litruv is capable of pulling out of the hat when you go with him on his own personal site and pay using his Stripe with no resource nor protection from a platform such as Fiverr!

He will gladly take your money upfront, make fun of you behind your back, act all high and mighty, and then call you a Karen and come up with some pretext and ostensible guise to "ban" you and not deliver the promised service that you already paid for! Litruv is a huge Trump supporter and denounces Black Lives Matter and this guy is extremely racists against Chinese people as well. The moment he realized my project was of a Chinese nuclear launcher he started making fun of the Chinese name and basically started name calling and implying Chinese military hardware is nothing but a joke and a sham etc and he seems very patronizing of ethnic Chinese people, he assumes that all ethnic Chinese should act in a certain 'submissive' way towards him, that we Chinese should accept our place "under the white man" and that White superiority is the natural order of things in the universe etc.

I've worked with dozens of sellers on Fiverr and Litruv was the only one to openly and repeatedly use profanity like a drunken sailor and would set up this superiority complex how other people's blueprint work as "sh1t" how he is the Unreal savior and he always knows best and then make fun of his clients by calling them names, being racists against them, and then labeling them as Karen's both behind their backs and to their faces....


Couple missed images that didn't seem to upload

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 03, 2020

Couple missed images that didn't seem to upload

Report Attachments


Bo Chen, Why you bully me?

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 03, 2020

To begin with, this is Litruv, Directly responding to this Ripoff Report.

I'm going to go through this line by line, with images from this particular persons order + discord messages. as most of this is a fraudulent report. and will be including messages from our conversations. with names blurred out. despite him having a plethora of disposable accounts to post things like this report.

>Litruv is very "high and mighty" and has a "know it all" attitude. Firstly, no one "knows it all",

Yes, with 250+ sales I've been able to complete 99% of them, the other 1% have been:

-Misplaced order

-The person wasn't satisfied with the result they asked for, So I offer a refund.

- The Person ordering while I was sick + refused to reschedule

Your order I came very close to denying as you included C++ in the main description, and as I'm pretty picky with the orders I pick up 

>and it doesn't matter if he knows a lot more than 99% of the rest of the population when it comes to the subject matter of Unreal or anything else, he could still be a little bit more humble and not convey nor project that sort of superiority complex.

I can't exactly list everything in 4500 letters on Fiverr. haha, even has in both the description 'Message me if you have any doubts.' from there I'm very honest with what I will and will not take.

>Speaking of superiority complex, in both his gigs on offer on Fiverr the Litruv has a flashy image of him being portrayed as Superman ripping open his shirt and exposing the Superman logo inside and the slogan on the advertisment establishing him as the "SAVIOR"...

Marketing, it's called marketing.

>This would be funny if it weren't so ironic, lets just say that in a case of mistaken identity I thought Litruv looked the same as another seller on Fiverr but when Litruv sent me an actual picture of himself, his physique was absolutely no "superman" to say the least, the dude had a BMI of way over obese...not even kidding..

Actual Image I sent, as this individual had sent one earlier, to introduce himself

Big burly guy, would be weird some superman figure coming to work on your project though 

>and looked nothing like his iconic images that he had associated himself with on Fiverr, on Discord and elsewhere social media on the Internets. 

My blue one's actually just a picture that was converted with a photoshop filter lol, alright, enough about my physical appearence, which you can catch out on https://twitch.tv/litruv btw ;)

>Litruv also has a nasty habit of bad mouthing his fellow sellers on Fiverr, including telling me how gracjanmyszel (another seller I was working with on Fiverr at the same time on parallel project) was incompetent and couldn't do the job, causing me to get paranoid about his ability and thus proactively booking more sessions and more hours of time with Litruv instead... Litruv also expressed jealousy and envy towards other sellers that commanded a much higher premium pricepoint than he himself.

This is completely untrue, over voice - I stated that it was a method I wouldn't use, and suggested another.

you had a list of things for me to fix in your DF-41 Simulator on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1352740/DF41_Simulator/  that was unrelated to Grac's part

Being friends with grac, and seeing your interactions has been interesting, you might want to see a psychiatrist.

Alongside this, pretty sure you're the one straight-up threatening my friend.

Full image of him being impatient:

Bonus round, image of review left on my own personal gig, threatening grac

>For example there was the Unreal seller called featuring333 (who was Pro verified on Fiverr) by the name of Robin Zinser and his packages start around $5000 and go up to as high as $9000 per project. Litruv expressed frustration that he could not rake in such large amounts of money

I like Rob, he's a nice fellow - I recall defending him for his prices actually - this was the extent of the conversation about featuring333

>and in one test of his off-platform personal site service he sent me a Stripe invoice from his Unreal.guru site requesting in the amount of $1 more than Featuring333's highest offering, sending me a request for $9001.00 USD. 

This was an unrelated interaction, twisted to suit this 'report', I've had people pay those in the past + refunded, so I've gone ahead to make them unrealistic to pay. also, haha funny dbz number https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-over-9000

>Litruv is also a very lazy dude... on one of the engagements he admitted that his alarm fell asleep, causing him to sleep past 2PM (his local time) and he didn't wake up in time for a live session

'lazy' haha I have 20 hour days, with clients over the world, The time I wake up is irrelevant to laziness. 

In this case was out of my control as the power went out overnight and caused my alarmclock to do the dreaded 12:00AM flashing.. Screenshot from before related.

Another time, I sent him a helicopter asset that I had purchased on the Unreal Marketplace and asked him how to get it to fly, the asset already flies, he just needed to tell me how to migrate it into the project, and he either couldn't figure it out or couldn't be bothered to even do the common courtesy of giving it a look or telling me that he didn't have time or wouldn't get to it until later, etc.

Another time lol.. this was the last message this individual sent me and was after threatening my friend grac - which I'm now blocked and couldn't respond to even if I wanted to. Also, he sent me link to the 1* review (that he so commonly leaves) 

>That is the other thing, instead of admitting that he doesn't know something, or whenever you question him about something, Litruv will just give you the silent treatment. He ignores you, pretends it never happened. This is not the characteristic of a mature person, much less someone whom claims to be a "savior"...

I get 20+ interactions with different people a day, in between clients, responding to things I know, I do forget to come back to some after doing any research to it. I'm one guy. 

The following part of the 'report' is very opinionated on the reporter's side, I'll still defend myself from this report troll.

>Litruv also is selfish in the sense that he doesn't have an impartial objective awareness of the totality of reality. Put another way, he isn't empathic of all sides in a transaction and its all about himself. For example, what benefit does the client recieve from going with him on his own personal unreal.guru site as opposed to doing it on the Fiverr platform?

This was a friendly interaction - even going back and forward with a couple of ideas, you know average chat to make anything a humanistic time - I don't know about you, but having social interaction with people is great

>Well, Litruv might given them the 10% to 20% discount that otherwise Fiverr would have taken as the fee for the client, and then Litruv gets the to keep the 20% fee that Fiverr gets from the seller, but is doing a project at a 10% discount truly worth forgoing the protection and reputation that an eastblished service such as Fiverr provides?

Trying to expand off of fiverr doesn't mean you lose protection, you're free to ask for a refund, and you can reverse it at your card company with a dispute payment option if it really goes that far-

But as I'm a per hour model, that's just, in general, a d**k move.

You can ask for a refund, I'm a reasonable guy. I'm not about to risk my reputation to withhold your money.

Fiverr takes 20% from the seller, and also a service fee, from the buyer depending on where you live, can cost between US$1 and U$40 - I provide an alternative to my own service and don't force you to go off fiverr, while eating the 20% myself.

>That is a cost benefit analysis that each individual has to personally make, and mileage may vary case by case, but it seems like giving Litruv money upfront via his personal website by giving him your credit card information to Stripe

As you give your banking information/card information to PayPal, etc.

>means that he has zero incentive to continue to provide quality work, and indeed, since he doesn't have any means for past customers to rate/review or comment on his personal site,

Not yet, getting there. I've had this site for a week and no time to work on it. 

>it also provides no incentive for him to do good quality work nor does it put in place any structure of accountability to deter him against slacking off..

?? Ask any of my clients that don't go through fiverr, people return, over and over again. The incentive to me is people come back and allow me to keep using unreal as my primary source of income, with the satisfaction of helping people.

>The only recourse a potential customer might have against him would be to formally file a chargeback with the debit or credit card company, and that is a heck of a lot of more work and documentation and proof needed than say simply filing a dispute on Fiverr in which Fiverr has all the evidence and subject matter experts to be able to arbitrate and sort out the dispute, often I would imagine in the favor of the client. 

Ask, you can ask for a refund, I'm a reasonable guy. I'm not about to risk my reputation to withhold your money.

>Anyone can pretend to be Superman online or Savior of the universe, but it takes a lot more trust than a flashy logo that doesn't even represent Litruv's true form for a prospective client to forgo the protections and insurance of Fiverr just for a 10% discount...

'Anyone can pretend' - yes, but it takes time and effort to withhold 5 stars over 160+ reviews.

I'm pretty sure that's a really big risk (sarcasm)

>its a risky bet, its like investing in a ponzi scheme, you might get lucky and make 10% or you might just lose the 90% and be out the principle as well as the promised profit. 

Unsure why that's related at all?   People like Bo are the scum of the earth, report trolls, a failed 'social engineer', that bully people like myself, grac, and I'm sure other people have the same issue.   Either way, check out this guy's other ripoff reports while you're at it that I've been linked over the course of my conversations with him, used as a scare tactic.  






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