  • Report:  #1470992

Complaint Review: Little John Transportation Services (LJTSI) - houston texas

Reported By:
anonymous - Houston, United States

Little John Transportation Services (LJTSI)
701 N Post Oak houston, texas, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

LJTSI routinely posts job ads about a freight broker/sales person/telemarketer position via Craigslist and Indeed. The turnover rate is extremely high and when you begin working there you will see why. Read the job post very carefully, as it is full of inaccurate facts, including the claim that top salesmen make $100,000.

I began working for this company a while back and lasted less than a year. Vince O'Bar and I got along great and he was an excellent boss and mentor as far as sales jobs go. He, however, loves younger beautiful women and will think nothing of openly flirting with or playing favorites with the women he admires (he is also married and a devout Irish-Catholic family man with 4 children in ranging ages).

There is also a ton of politics in the office and with a room full of sales reps, Nelson Nguyen, his protege/assistant manager however, is a very cocky and opinionated bully who will openly lambast and curse at his employees if they do not get a concept as soon as he feels they should.

These managers would routinely tell the employees to lie to get a sale or to get out of a sale and we were promised a salary of $400 a week before taxes were taken out. But what they do not tell you up front, is that they hide the commision they claim you will make so much of in the fine print.

They actually pay 1% commission and force you to sign a 10 year non-compete, which I was told by an attorney is actually not allowed. Vince O'Bar and the owner/CEO Chris Dale are old chums from back in Arkansas and routinely have private phone calls in the office with the door shut.

Vince allows an “open door policy” for his employees, however, and you can rarely, if ever have a private conversation about your sales performance or work-related business without others that have no scruples or manners interrupting the conversation and bursting into the door.

I do not think I ever really got to finish a private conversation about work, due to the needy girls in the office needing to have their hands held by Vince or Nelson because they were too incompetent to be able to properly get their job done. They did not properly train new employees, since they usually had several new hires (found through Craigslist with little to no experience practically) to train at once.

Favoritism and competion were commonplace at the office and management routinely wrote employees up for expressing discontent with their own performance or chastised employees without reason or proof because “someone told them you said something inappropriate outside the office”. The type of employees that this office hires are incompetent and virtually uneducated.

I witnessed several co-workers getting into heated verbal quarrels over a sale or over something they heard someone said about them. There were two ladies in the office who regularly had verbal arguments and everyone knew about them, which was very unprofessional. I watched a person quit after a week or less and if you got sick and missed 3 days or more (even if it was due to a court date, medical appointment, etc) you were terminated or forced to quit.

You could never make acquitances with the co-workers, because the turnover was so high that you would never see the person again and the management was not talking when you asked “what happened to so and so, I have not seen him in a while”. If we screwed up on a load (because we were not usually taught how to properly put the freight bill or documents together, we were yelled at by Nelson and told that we did not organize the paperwork to his specifications (Vince admitted that this is Nelson's method and is not a company policy, actually).

We also were routinely yelled at by other brokers or clients if we screwed up, because, we were not taught what to do thoroughly beforehand. Also, it must be stressed, that you are required to use your own personal mobile phone to conduct business and that phone had better be on 24/7 to dispatch drivers.

You are to be on call and if a driver or 3PL (LJTSI double brokers, if you dont know what this is, look it up) calls you in the middle of the night or on your weekend, you are required to drop everything and conduct business. But, because you already clocked out at the office, you will not be paid for working on your so called “day off” because “its part of the job”.

You can and will be fired for any thing and if you bother to complain to HR or to management, you will be written up in retaliation and they will take the side of the management, because,afterall, the CEO is best friends with Vince. I urge you to flag any job ads for this company for the purpose of protecting other innocents from this sham of a job.

Please also do an internet search of Vince O'Bar and Little John. This is not a job you will be at long-term or learn any lasting sales skills from, its a job that you can be mocked at and treated poorly at, worked over 60 hours a week, and paid like you are working 7-4. Oh, if Vince likes you and you are a cute girl, he will make you work longer hours and work harder in his office, usually alone or with 1-2 other people who are about to leave in the office. You, afterall, had better close that sale at any and all cost, even if it means sacrificing your personal/family life.

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