  • Report:  #990799

Complaint Review: Loretta Weldner - Johnstown New York

Reported By:
Brokenhearted Daughter - Somewhere, New York, USA

Loretta Weldner
363 N. Comrie Ave Johnstown, 12095 New York, United States of America
(518) 762-9885
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Loretta Weldner has caused an insane amount of pain to my friends and family and I have kept my mouth shut for too long.  In her line of business, trust and morality SHOULD be of utmost importance.  Loretta has neither.

Back in 2004, my father had recently moved back to Johnstown, NY, to semi-retire.  He had used Loretta as his realtor and afterwards, they began dating.  It was a casual relationship, there were no items of hers in the house, it was not an exclusive relationship although Loretta obviously thought it was.  The truth was that my dad still had a relationship with my stepmother who he had only recently divorced due to their inability to agree on where to retire and other issues that I won't say were insignificant, but the love was still there.  Dad also had a long distance relationship with an old school-mate.  Loretta was not aware of this either.

My father was terminally ill with colorectal cancer and in his will, I was made his health proxy (person to make decisions regarding his treatment when he was no longer able to) and my brother was made executor of his estate.  In 2005 I took a leave of absence to be with my father during his time in a clinical trial with chemotherapy treatment.  Within a few weeks it was clear the treatment wasn't working and my father took a terrible turn for the worse.  My brother had to be summoned from Asia back to the states because our time with our dad was not long.  While we had dad home with hospice, the beginning of the unpleasantness with Loretta began.  She inquired about Dad's will (odd to say the least) and seemed very shocked to learn that he even had one.  She then suggested that the will might be challenged in probate (WHAT?!!..uhh..why?)  Dad had written his will LONG ago and had many discussions with us about it.  Loretta was trying to create problems for us already. 

Dad's death was agonizing for all of us.  It was slow and ugly.  Afterwards, my brother had to return to Asia and I was left to begin to sort his things and plan to empty the house.

My father had two cats that he loved to death.  My brother and I had many people asking about adopting them and we decided my stepmother would get one (dad divorced her in 2001 after 20 years of marriage but visited her often in N.J. and asked us ALL not to disclose to her that he was dating anyone because he was not in a serious relationship and he didn't want to hurt her feelings).   When I had to leave the house a week or so after Dad's death but before any real progress had been made towards clearing it out, it was decided a friend of my father's (Bill VanVoast) would come by the house to feed and look after the cats till we could return and get the cats to their new homes.  When my brother contacted this "friend" another week later, he said the cats had "run away".  This childhood friend, Mr. VanVoast had become friends with Loretta Weldner over the course of a few years, so my brother and I knew exactly what was going on.  Sadly, we had to simply tell our stepmother what Billy had told us, and that was that they had run away. Dad didn't want her to know about Loretta, and we were still honoring his wishes.  

My stepmother, completely ignorant of Loretta went to Johnstown with her 83 year old mother and a cat carrier to look for the cats.  She let Billy VanVoast know she was going to be there.  Well, here's where the real fun starts.  Billy let Loretta know exactly when my stepmom would be there so Loretta STALKED them while they roamed my dad's yard and neighborhood looking for his poor cats.  While at my dad's house, my stepmom picked up a stone that they had had in their garden when they shared a home.  Stepmom and step-grandmom returned to the Holiday Inn after being unsuccessful in finding the cats.  Shortly thereafter they are startled by a knock at the door and even more startled to find out that it was a police officer investigating a report of theft.  I got a call from my stepmom, totally confused and crying, not knowing what the hell was going on.  Well I knew, and I called the police, told them my stepmother had permission to be on the property and Ms. Weldner, well she knew full well how to reach the executor, my brother, or me but that she's a crazy f**king b***h out for revenge.  The police man said she had a history with them...filing reports that never go anywhere..WHY am I not surprised?!!! I called my brother, we said enough is enough, he returned AGAIN from Asia and showed up at Arlene Sitterly Real Estate without notice and said to Loretta "hand over the cats".  Yep, she had them....f**king...wh*re.

The last knife Loretta stuck in my collective family's back was revealed to me when I got a call from my then 75 year-old uncle who is my father's only brother.  He said "Why didn't you call and tell me about the ceremony for your Dad held in Johnstown last weekend?  I ran into the priest who spoke at the ceremony in the airport and he told me about it!"  Well, you guessed it, my brother and I were ALSO not informed that Loretta had decided to organize a big ceremony/fake funeral for my father with herself at the helm...the grieving FAKE and BLACK widow.  They even placed a permanent reminder of the evil this woman did to us at the park...a plaque..I don't know what it says and I have never been back to Johnstown (the place of MY birth as well as my dad's) since this all happened.  My dad was cremated and buried next to his mother in the family cemetery hours away in another part of upstate New York.  Loretta was not invited.  Please do not use Loretta Weldner or Arlene Sitterly for your Real Estate transactions. She deserves some karma justice and I guess the only way for it to happen was for me to have to relive this whole painful story.  Thanks for reading and for those who deserve it, peace.
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New Jersey,
United States of America
I agree completely

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 07, 2013

 This woman did not allow the children of the deceased to mourn him in peace...is there a greator sin known to man?  How would it feel to have to search for the beloved pets of your parent knowing that a psycho stalker had taken them?  What a pity....the only thing she can do is beg forgiveness...or rot in hell.

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