  • Report:  #21805

Complaint Review: Louis Mosher - Johnsburg New York

Reported By:
- North Creek, NY,

Louis Mosher
Route 8 Johnsburg, 12843 New York, U.S.A.
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9 years ago Louis Mosher molested my dughter Amanda. Louis is her uncle on her father's side. My daughter never told anyone because she believed if she told her dad, he would kill his brother and she would loose her dad.

September 2, 2001 Louis started hanging out at the bottom of the driveway and down the street watching Amanda. On September 4, 2001 Louis and his friend chased my daughter and her friend to the local grocery store, approched her car and told her he would be watching her, she would never know where he was going to be. He then grabbed his crotch and told her to suck his d**k. My daughter was very frightened and fled the area.

On that same evening she told her dad what happened that day and finally told us that evening that Louis had molested her 9 years earlier. Her father and I promised Amanda we would do the right thing and let the police handle it. We called the Warren County Sheriff's Department and reported the incident of Amanda being chased to the store and harassed by her uncle, but Amanda was not ready to talk to them about what had happened to her 9 years ago. We were instructed to go to the local court the next evening and get an order of protection.

On September 5, 2001 we went to the Town of Johnsburg court, filed a complaint and asked for an order of protection for Amanda. We were informed by the local Town Justice we had to call the police first, we explained to him that we had called the police and were instructed to come to court this evening. We were told we were misinformed and had to file a report first. We spoke to the assistant district attorney who was in court that evening and she instructed us to call the State Police and file a report. We called the State police and filed a report. We were told by the state trooper, she would talk to Louis and warn him to stay away from Amanda and her house.

5 days later we had not heard from the trooper and later found out she had not talked to him yet. I requested someone else talk to him and was told she would have to do it herself because she took the original call. Trooper Beadnell called Louis on the phone and warned him to stay from Amanda. BIG DEAL! He continued to watch her, phone her, follow her and harass her. Amanda started hiding in her house and would not come out.

We urged Amanda to tell the trooper what Louis did to her in the past. She wanted to talk to a female and had to wait until September 11, 2001. On that day Trooper Beadnell came to my house and took a full report on the accounts that took place in the past. Every ugly, discusting detail of what he had done to her. Trooper Beadnell reported the details to her superior and was infromed because of the statue of limitations they could do nothing. I was later informed by the District Attorney that Investigator Meechum did not give DA Goodspeed the details of what Amanda had told the trooper. Investigator Meechum told DA Goodspeed, "in a one on one conversation all Amanda would admitt to, to the trooper, was Louis touched her leg". There was never a one on one conversation with Trooper Beadnell, Amanda's father and I were by her side the whole time Amanda gave her statement and it was the worst thing I have ever had to hear. A mothers worst fear. Trooper Beadnell called us to give us the bad news about the statue of limitations.

Amanda was very depressed and would not leave her home or go to school. Amanda is a senior in high school. We tried everything to stop Louis from stalking my daughter. We called the troopers everytime he would call the house, sometimes 20 times a day he would drive by the house, beep the horn to let her know he was out there. We tried to have him arrested but we were imformed it was not a crime to drive by her house. We couldn't prove he was calling because he would hang up. The phone company put a trace on the phone but the local sheriffs department went to Louis's house and warned him not to call her house and told him a trace had been put on the phone. Their reason for telling him about the trace was, by law they had to tell him. That is bullshit.

In the mean time all the females in the family came forward and for the first time confessed Louis molested them also. Louis has 8 brothers and sisters, all of their girls were molested by him. Floods of phone calls came into the DA's office reporting the molestation. For the first time all these girls finally opened up, some of them are in their 50's now, Amanda is the youngest of the nieces, she is 18 years old.

On September 19, 2001 I called Investigator Meechum and asked for help in protecting my daughter,his responce was, "keep her inside". I responded by say, ' Oh, lock up Amanda and let the child molesting, stalker roam free. I asked, "what does Louis have to do to my daughter before someone will help us". He responded by saying, "He'll have to do something first". I told him if anything happens to her I will hold him personally responsible. We couldn't even get an order of protection for Amanda because the state police wouldn't arrest him for stalking or even try to catch him in the act. The District Attorney encourged the state police to make an arrest and he would handle the rest but they refused.

Amanda decided she wasn't gonna let Louis ruin her life and decided to go back to school. On September 21, 2001 Louis and his friend drove by Amanda's house, Amanda was outside getting into the car, she saw them and paniced. When they left she got into the car and drove to my house.

On the way to my house Louis followed her, chased her, she lost control of her car and totaled her vehicle. She was left in the ditch to die. A local resident heard the accident and called 911. I arrived on the scene just in time to see them covering Amanda up with a sheet as she laid on the ground and her father being held up by 2 EMT's. I thought she was dead. I ran to her and collapsed on the ground over her and she spoke one word, "mommy" What a wonderful sound that word was. Amanda was rushed to the hospital.

Amanda recovered, I thank Jesus alot, but we were not able to prove Louis did this to her because he had an alibi. The investigator said he had no reason to believe Louis did this to Amanda because he never did it before, he doesn't believe Louis chased her on Sept. 4th and the trooper wouldn't question her friend that was in the car with her at the time because he is a friend. The Investigator also stated Louis's car was not at the scene of the accident so why should he believe he caused the accident. As if he would have hung around.

Because the investigator and State Troopers neglecting to do their job in the first place, they placed Amanda in grave danger and almost cost her, her life. Investigator Meechum stated Amanda made up the molestation charge to cover her a*s after her accident on September 21st. The investigator was informed by trooper Beadnell about the molestation on September 11th.

The investigator must have been pleased Louis had an alibi to protect his a*s and would not do a further investigation. Amanda was given several tickets in the emergency room by Trooper Miller. I begged him to wait to question her when she was coherent, she was given alot of medecine and had a severe concussion. He refused to wait and questioned her anyway. She was confused and couldn't think given the situation. Who wouldn't be? He later stated to me, "she's confused and doesn't know what happened so I'm ticketing her. I begged him to talk to the EMT first, in the ambulance Amanda was telling the EMT what Louis did to her 9 years ago and that he caused the accident. The trooper refused to talk to the EMT.

I told the investigator to question Louis's sister, Amanda's aunt, she called me when she found out what happened to Amanda and could place Louis at her house about 15 minutes before the accident banging on her door and trying to get in. He left her house went to his friends house and called her on the phone, she hung up on him then watched him drive by her house in the direction of Amanda's house, she lives about 5 minutes from Amanda. Louis's alibi was given by his niece which claims he was at her diner at the time of the accident. There is no phone in the diner so Louis didn't call his sister from there. Without further investigation the case was closed.

Louis started harassing other family members including Amanda's father and myself and was finally arrested. Orders of protection were given to Amanda's father, and myself. As hard as we tried we could not have Louis arrested for stalking Amanda.

Assistant District Attorney said if the police will make an arrest and charge him with stalking 4th degree she would procecute. Still no arrest. At this time Louis has 3 counts of harassment and 2 felonies for violating the orders of protection, but to this date no arrest has been made against Louis for stalking Amanda. I video taped him hanging around Amanda's house since he has been warned repetedly to stay away from her by Law inforcement. I have taped conversations of Trooper Beadnell, Trooper Miller and Investigator Meechum refusing to help. I have given the tapes to the district attorneys office along with the video tape and Assistant DA is trying very hard to get convictions and stop this monster.

Louis's lawyer keeps getting ajournments in court, this has been going on since September 5, 2001 and Amanda just stays in her house most of the time. She will not graduate with her class in June and no longer goes to counselling because she doesn't want to talk about it anymore she just keeps to herself. Louis has ruined my daughters life and I see no end to the legal bullshit...

I would never have believed our state troopers and local sheriff's department could be so corrupt. One of the Local town justice has let Louis walk out of his courtroom twice with "a warning" after Louis was arrested for violated the order of protection. They can stop this monster, they could have stopped it along time ago. Our new District Attorney wants to plea bargain so she can get her 5 conviction on lesser counts and make her record of convictions look good. I tried to warn her if Louis gets away with this he will be more dangerous than ever and he will go after Amanda. Louis will feel untouchable by the law and I don't even want to think of what he will do next. I have contacted so many people to try to get help with protecting my daughter and get this monster taken off the streets. No child is safe, no one is safe as long as he is able to walk the streets a free man.

Americans are talking about FREEDOM! Famous Singer/songwriters are writing new songs about FREEDOM. Amanda also has the right to live in FREEDOM. Freedom to live in peace at her home without be stalked or harassed. Freedom to leave her home and walk the quiet streets of Johnsburg, drive to the local store and shop without being followed or harassed, visit anyone, anywhere at anytime without being stalked by the man who violated her in the past and changed her way of life. As americans, we are ALL intitled to FREEDOM. Amanda is entitled to FREEDOM. Without FREEDOM, nothing matters!

I am warning the public. Louis Mosher is a child molester! Louis Mosher lives in Johnsburg New York. Louis Mosher has confessed to Trooper Miller at the Glensfalls mental health unit that he did indeed molest family members but knows the law can't touch him. Local law inforcement treat us like criminals and Louis like the victim. Victims don't have rights, criminals have rights.

New York State statue of limitations is 5 years from the time the molestation occurs. New York State did not grandfather the law so a child molester could be held accountable no matter how many years had passed. New York State is more concerned about the money it would cost to procecute the cases than protecting our children from these monsters. I urge all parents to never make the statement we have all made at one time or another. "If anyone touches you I will kill them". Children take this literally. Tell them you will do the right thing and let the police handle it. New York State law for child molesting must be changed. No one should get away with this crime no matter how many years it takes for a child to open up. Child molesters never stop! Amanda has been in and out of counselling for 9 years. She has been to mental units, has seen many doctors and never told anyone of the horrible secret she held inside until she was old enough to stand up to this creature.


North Creek, New York

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