  • Report:  #471875

Complaint Review: LS Enterprises - Lance Schroeder - Kirby Vacuum Sales - Lincoln Nebraska

Reported By:
- Lincoln, Nebraska,

LS Enterprises - Lance Schroeder - Kirby Vacuum Sales
2949 N. 27th Street, Suite 100 Lincoln, 68521 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If you work selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door-to-door, you will work 12-13 hour days, 6 days a week, and be screwed out of your base salary. Don't believe for a second that you are going to see any type of salary.

In addition, you will be forced to go out of town on road trips to some hayseed town out in the sticks. Once there, you get to stay in some flea-bag motel with your other crew members. You get to share a room with others in your crew, because they are too cheap to let you have your own room. They won't tell you all of this during training. If they did, would you work for them?

Hope you enjoy working 12-13 hour days with no breaks for lunch or dinner. No time when you have to knock on doors to get a demo. Doesn't matter if you are sick or it is 120 degrees in the shade; you work.

Enjoy the company of convicted felons; they all seem to find there way to LS Enterprises, LLC. Not only are they Dealers, but they are Team Leaders (Sales Managers) as well. Wonderful company with foul and obscene language the norm.

Lance and his puppets will tell you that you are guaranteed $1,600 per month in base salary, yet you will not receive any payments when you start going door-to-door after your training. If you don't do 48 "demos" your first month, they have no obligation to pay you. If you do more, then you will find they will question the demos you have done as "not counting" because you didn't pull enough dirt pads or some other bogus reason.

If you don't start selling immediately, then you aren't going to get any base salary. IT IS A TOTAL LIE!!

I'm trying to save all of you in the Lincoln, Nebraska area a bunch of heartache. Do NOT work for Lance Schroeder and LS Enterprises, LLC, selling Kirby vacuums. You will work for way less than minimum wage.

If you have the audacity to ask them where your salary is at the end of the week, you will be warned that your "attitude" is not right and that you should concentrate on selling.

Team leaders will sell a Kirby vacuum where you make NO money. Oh, don't worry - everybody else gets a cut, including Lance and his puppets - but you get nothing. You'll end up working 70+ hour weeks and not getting a thing at the end of the week. In fact, you will owe them; after all, you have to pay for the roach motel you stayed in during the last week.

Do yourself a favor; stay away from Kirby, Lance Schroeder and LS Enterprises, LLC.


Lincoln, Nebraska


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