  • Report:  #347034

Complaint Review: Luzerne County Children And Youth - Hazleton Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Hazleton, Pennsylvania,

Luzerne County Children And Youth
10 W. Chestnut Street Hazleton, 18201 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There is something terribly wrong with an agency has full power to steal babies from their parents with no proof and the parents are given no rights what so ever.

On December 22nd 2008 my brother, my sister-in-law and I were sitting at home preparing the upcoming Christmas events. My infant neice had already been put to bed. As we sat dicussing our plans for the weekend we were have a couple of glasses of wine. At approximately 10:30 PM I went to bed leaving my brother and sister-in-law downstairs. At approximately 11:30 PM I heard my sister-in-law crying and yelling. I woke up and went down to see what was going on. When I found her she was in the kitchen crying outloud that if her mother never loved her why should my brother or I care about her. She was saying a lot of stuff and I just tried to hug her and let her know things would be ok. When I did that she pushed me away saying leave me alone. I tripped and fell and hit my head on the corner of a chair. My brother heard the commotion and came in to see what was going on. He also tried to hug her and comfort her, she again pushed him away and he stumbled into a corner curio cabinet. His elbow went into the cabinet and cut him. He then grabbed her and held her to the ground and asked me to call the police. We thought at that point she was experiencing some sort of nervous breakdown. When the police arrived I was sitting in the living room feeding the baby, and they separated my brother and had him join me. The paramedics arrived to attend to any injuries. My brother was really the only one with an injury but they convinced all of us to go to the hospital to be looked at. They explained that once we were medically cleared we would be sent home with the baby.

Once we reached the hospital things took a tragic turn. One of the nurses at the hopital decided to call C&Y. We do not know why but our lives haven't been the same since. We have never been given any type of explaination for why the took the baby except to say we were all drinking. However, we were at home, and no one was charged with any offenses by the police. As a matter of fact the police officer told us he didn't know why they were taking the baby, because they didn't see a need for children & youth to have been brought in. Since then we have all done exactly what has been asked of us however 7 months later and my neice is still in Foster Care. She was 6 months old when they took her. She has missed her first Christmas, New Year, Easter, and First Birthday. Since they took her she began to digress in her moter skills, and she has just began to walk and still doesn't talk. We have had two lawyer and neither have been able to do anything to stop the injustice which has occured. The first lawyer disregarded our requested defense and just did whatever C&Y wanted. The second lawyer tried to appeal the original decision but C&Y continued our court date so many times that we ran out of time to appeal anything.

We did nothing wrong except call for help. The night of the incident my Blood Alcohol level was .082 which is just barely over the legal limit to drive, but I was safe in my own home at the time. My brothers Blood Alcohol level was actually below the legal limit, yet C&Y says the child was taken because we were drinking. Well has it become illegal to drink in your own home? And if there is something wrong with drinking at home why are there 4 wine and spirit stores within 5 minutes of our home. This was just an excuse to steal a baby and try to adopt it out. This is a very sick country when this kind of thing can happen and there is no one to help. I have talked to the police Cheif, the Mayor the State Representative, The Govenor's office, The State Senator and I'm out of people to ask for help. The Mayor, the Police Cheif and our local State Rep have all tried to talk to C&Y to request they return the child and each time C&Y refuses contact, and makes things very difficult for us to see the baby.

Someone needs to put an end to this kind of Abusive system. There is no such thing as due process around here. You are at the mercy of the court and children and youth dictate to the judge what is to be done. No one cares about the facts. They made an accusation and no one would allow any of us to defend against their allegations. Please someone Help us here in Hazleton, this is only one of nearly a dozen horror stories. There is a despirate need for reform in the area. This is the same agency who has allowed children in foster care to be bitten by dogs, injured and just recently two childen died due to improper care by the foster parents. HELP before something happens to my sweet neice.


Hazleton, Pennsylvania


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Child Protective Services

15 Updates & Rebuttals

we see you

United States of America
Kidnapping in Wilkes Barre

#2General Comment

Fri, July 31, 2015

 They are KIDNAPPING in Wilkes Barre , Nanticoke and all over Luzerne County. The Judges must be getting 1 hell of a kick back from CPS to continue letting these A$$holes sell , yes i said sell, the POOR peoples kids in this county. Wake up Judges your pictures will soon be on our local news stations and you will be wearing the same strips as the bums they rounded up last time. I can't wait for you to get your day. Remember God is watching !! So are the people in this County, hopefully your Judgement day comes soon, for those doing the KIDNAPPING , for the crooked so called Lawyers CPS gets for these poor folks, for the paid off shrink CPS uses, and most of all these judges that let CPS run the courthouse.


mountain top,
United States of America
Ptivate Investigators report of similar case

#3General Comment

Sun, April 03, 2011

I found this report while researching for similar cases involving this agency. The current investigation I am researching took place a month prior to this incident and I would wonder if it is the same case worker. This case was a fifty fifty custodial case, after natural father locked the natural mother out of the home because she "disobeyed" his direct order not to visit her family's home.

The agency became involved by the natural fathers request to sex abuse by a very young relative. He told the agency Mom knew and left it happen. The children and youth caseworker came to the mothers home at 11 PM and instructed mother to have no contact with the children. Father then had his attorney file an emergency hearing. Also, this was a holiday period.

The caseworker wrote in her report that there was a PFA issued against the mother to stop the visitation. After providing an investigation I note; there was never an emergency PFA, the caseworker worked with a emergency plan in place prior to interviewing the children, and after being asked to testify for the natural father, not subpeonad, the mother was reduced to supervised visits one hour a week. With in a few weeks the case was closed as unfounded.

Four years later and mother watched her toddlers grow from afar restricted to public visits on a Saturday. We are going to court soon, but as I began this investigation I can confirm that there are at least 140 affected family's by this agency.

One poster suggested it was for funding, that is one possibility. However, there is a pattern I am noticing of rouge caseworkers bolstering, and falsifying information to the supervisors to implement the decisions made.

In this case, there is evidence suggesting the caseworker involved had a relationship to the natural father through his paramour and neighbor.

Where was their investigation? none except a background check, where was the endangerment, mother never had any culpability, in fact there was never finding in this case that the incident happened between the children. Four year later as I restate, the controlling ex still brings the caseworker to testify on his behalf.

Had I not completed a report of finding on this case, the court would only hear this rouge case workers opinion, self reported by natural father. Instead, this trip to court, Mother will have her C & Y  file, with an analysis of the false information case worker presented and testified to in court.

I could not find assistance with a father allowing son to go on drug runs with convicted felons, but they could deny a mother her child an entire childhood.

Accountability, I will take the findings along with transcripts of the hearing to the authorities.  I went through this file with my 25 years of investigative experience with a fine tooth comb. I am befuddled why Mom was cleared 4 years ago, as to why a caseworker is still coming to court this week and why natural mom's fifty fifty visits were never restored.


Locust Grove,
Children and Youth Lawsuit

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 15, 2010

This is an update to this case.  For so long we have tolarated the adverse comments made the various people who ademently suggested there was something missing from our story, or that children and youth were justified in their action, or best yet, you were an aquaintence of our and knew we were lying to ripoff report and really did deserve to lose this child.  You were all wrong, and now it is all coming out in public about the devistating curruption of this agency "Luzerne County Children and Youth".

As of October, 2010 there were over 140 families who have been wrong by Luzerne County C & Y.  Almost all of these family had a very minor incident occur which resulted in the removal of one or more children.  The case workers employed by this agency are so corrupt they openly lie to the courts to acheive the results they want.  They take no concern of the devistation of their actions.  Now, finally the public will know the truth, that all they do is "steal babie" to acheive monitary gain from the government.

As of December 22, 2010 it will be three years since L. C. Children and Youth stole her from us.  On June 3, 2009 Children and Youth dropped their case without a finding of fault against our family, they placed her in the care of her maternal grandmother and within 4 month we were no longer allowed to see her.  If we had money she would already be home, but we are stuggling to bring her home.

To all you nay sayers out there who thought we did something to deserve this, you should remember you are flirting with the devil and God sees all.  Beware of the wrath of the almighty, because according to the bible all bad deed are returned ten fold. 

Finally, regarding the supposed Acquaintance of our.  You are a liar, you don't know us and never will, and you must have a personal stake in this case to make such accusations.  No friend or acquaintance of mine would ever say anything negative about myself, my brother or my sister in law.  As they say on the street, "check yourself before you wreck yourself".  I have moved on to a differant state and never wish to step foot in a county as currupt as Luzerne.  There is something to be said when The police cheif, Mayor, state representative and Govenor plea for a case, as they did for ours and are told to back off.  None of you really know anything about this agency; so before you make any additional comments supporting this agency, do your self a favor and Google "Luzerne County Children and Youth Lawsuit" or "Luzerne County Children and Youth Problems", remember 140 family can't all be wrong, there is a problem but it is with the agency not the parents.

Free cameryn!!

please dont choke on the truth,but...

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 07, 2009

I just want to respond to all the idiots that thought they were intelligent enough to respond to this rip-off report with such nasty comments. Your ignorance to the reallity of what is going on out there is un-excusable. You might as well go stick your heads in sand, and just assume that everything going on around you must be in order and on the up & up, cause the govnmt. wouldnt do that, right? HA-HA LOL!!!!!Your ignorance is the problem!  And I would appreciate it if you would keep your simplified stupidity to yourself, and stop trying to help cover up this problem! And the reason I am so angry at you folks is because, for your information, and this can be found on the internet to prove what I am saying! Luzerne county has dis-barred and jailed 3 judges since Jan of 2009 (this child taken Dec 2007), for taking money for children. This is a big business, and they are getting their cut, just like any other business. These judges are prosocuting children,minors, and teens w/out proper representation, sentencing them, and placing them in the judges chosen facility. They have been choosing the facility based on who gives them a kick back. This is all about funding you idiots, when are you going to get it? We are all targets at some time or another. Your turns will come. And I hope you experience some of the ignorance that is displayed on this page. There are lots of idots such as yourself out there. The big problem is that you dont know that you are so stupid. Cant fix the problem until you face the problem. The judge who finds you guilty is no more trustworthy, then if you were judged by a conman. We can not trust these people anymore. Their are lots of judges who are in it for the money. We have to stand-up and say stop at some time. We are not gonna allow this kind of self preservation continue at our expense, and our childrens expense. Oh and by the way... this family followed every instruction that was given to them, but nothing seemed to matter. They were always silenced in court. It's too fishy to be a lie. It sounds like it makes no sense. But if you knew they were doing it all for the wrong reasons, and took another look at this case you would know exactly why they did things the way they did.(they were after the funding) They cant afford not to get additional funding, they cant afford it. And how do they do that? By showing the need for additional funding.  And if you are another one of the idiots, or another cps worker, please dont waste our time. This is a serious situation that needs to be dealt with seriously. This family wishes someone would Investigate what happened here,they encourage it. They are not afraid of the truth, nor are they afraid of admitting to their past. But in no way do they deserve to have theyr'e child taken, period. Let alone for that length of time.

This case needs serious attention, in order to expose what is going on out there. These cps workers are just doing what they are told (puppets), and their bosses are the ones who put pressure on them to increase their numbers, in-order to have their funding increased. Its a game folks, all businesses practice these tactics. But unfortunately the courts product is human life. and they lost respect for their product just as we do with the products and services we deal with, sell, & manufature in our every day life and jobs. These are not special humans folks. They are flawed just like the rest of us. I hope there is someone out there who has the balls to stand up and fight this case, but in my experience there isnt anyone. It all costs too much!!!!! 

Steve M.

Spanish Fork,
Interesting story!

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

I happened upon this story today, and after reading all the entries feel compelled to comment. Initially it seemed to be about a baby wrongfully taken from her parents.Actually I think the term "stolen" by children and youth was used.Now after a year of perfect behavior on the parent's and aunt's part, the court has decided to,for no reason, give the stolen child to the grandmother.Do you really wonder why no one has written in support of you?This reads like a text book case for a drug and alcohol education class.The level of denial is mind boggeling. Lets start at the beginning.C&Y must have just cause to remove a child.They then had to show their proof to a judge.Guidlines are set up for the parents to follow.When they complete their requirements, they present that to the judge. He or She has the final say.If the parents complete their work, the judge MUST give that child back. You want us to believe that every person from the nurses to the judge were out to steal this baby?Why would they want to do that?There is no gain for them. Then you said they wanted to get money by adopting her out.Did they?No! Here's how I see it. The parents had over a year, by your accounts, to do their work,and they didn't do it.The court got tired of fooling around and getting nowhere with them.They found a family member willing to step in,and placed her so they could get her out of the foster care system.Did you really want your neice to stay in foster care?Have you ever lived in foster care?I doubt it!If you had, you would never have been so ignorant as to suggest that that was a better solution than a family member! As for the grandmother,I hope someone IS helping her financially.How many elderly people can afford to take on that financial responsability?Not many!I couldn't! In your last entry you mention other children.This is the first time you have mentioned them.Were they stolen too?If I was a betting man, I would say that they all live with other family members,and that these parents don't financially support any of them.It's probably the typical-visit when it's convenient,promise them all kinds of trips and presents,and leave the real work to the other people doing their work for them! Unfortunatly your family are a dime a dozen in today's world.It sounds to me like all 3 of you need to grow up-get mental help-and stop blaming all your problems on everyone else! I was greatful to read the end of your story, and find out that there is a happy ending for this child.I think you need to change the title of your article.I don't think "Free Cameryn" fits anymore.It sounds like she finally is free,free from a mess that you and her parents created.Free from what would probably be one screwed up life growing up in such an enviorment! One last thing.I don't know what kind of a professional you have been "all your life".I just hope it has nothing to do with spelling or grammar! I wish this child only the best.Hopefully now she can have it! Oh,and I am not "afraid" to sign my name. Steve from Utah Drug and Alchohol Counselor Seen and heard it all!


Free Cameryn

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, May 30, 2009

I am very disappointed in almost every negative response on this report. You people are really blind to the truth. We have put ourselves out there from the beginning of this case and yet you have people posting annonymus comments. If you are affraid to say who you are then your information must be suspect. First, I have to say that is county is the most corrupt county regarding Children and Youth. They are an agency which is supposed to be protecting children. But when they rip children out of their homes with no reason what so ever, you have to question their motives. As far as the report by Annonymus you are a liar. There was no incident at the hospital. As a matter of fact, the hospital personnel tried to convince my sister in law that she had been beatten up by either myself or my brother. Funny how he and I had injuries but she didn't. Yet she was the only one treated with medicine. The child was not being cared for by the staff at the hospital so I took her back before children and youth showed up. Any this nurse who did call children and youth was actually put in her place by the attending doctor. This doctor actually commented that it was disappointing what they were up to and said I was bearly over the legal limit to drive....082 was my blood alcohol, however, I wasn't driving. My brother, the baby's father was under any bac level to discuss. As a matter of fact, he was so low they couldn't even put a number to it. So even if the mother and myself were legally drunk, he wasn't and he had control of himself. So much so that the two officers who responded to the house, where the incident actually occurred he thank my brother and I for being so calm and cooperative under these condition. He also offered to testify on our behalf. However, when your dealing with corruption at the highest level and your basic civil right to due process can be taken from you. I am a professional and have been my whole life. I have never been in any trouble with the law at all. However, this agency when into court and tried to tell the judge that I was high on extasy in a picture found on myspace. The truth is I was sleeping and my sister in law woke me up by snapping a picture of me. I don't do drugs and have no interest in starting, I have only ever been a social drinker as i'm sure a lot of you are. But none of this should be a reason to take Cameryn. She was a very happy, well cared for 6 month old. She is not about to turn 2, and is not able to spend her birthday with her parents because Cami grandmother doesn't want the parent involved. They have what they want, the baby and that is what it was all about. This grandmother uses Cami as a way to suck money out of anyone who will listen to her poor me story about how she is taken care of her daughters children. But she won't do anything to bring this family back together. I ask you...what kind of mother can't even give her child a hug...or would intentionally hurt their first born child in such a permanent way. My sister in law has repeatedly requested her mother to go to counceling with her to try to work out their problems, but Wendy(grandmother) wants nothing to do with counceling. This is the main reason my sister in law had a bread down that night because she just doesn't understand why her mother doesn't love her. We have been completely straight forward with all the information. But you people just don't get it. We did nothing wrong that night or any night or day since. Yet this corrupt agency is now asking the child be permanently placed with the Grandmother. Yet mom and dad have completed every class requested, gone to all the drug and alcohol classes requested, and have even gone to independant agencies and been completely cleared of all drug and alcohol issues. They have moved from Luzerne County and to Philadelphia but C&Y refuses to transfer their case. The have procured a fantastic home big enough for all their children, and have reliable transportation, and are building a successful business. Cameryn isn't home yet because someone else wants her. This baby need to come home. She loves her parents and misses them when they aren't allow to be there. If only any of you could experience one visit with them you would all understand. Sherry

Free Cameryn!!

"Missing Information" Is the problem

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, January 18, 2009

"Missing Information" from Hazleton Pa, You are correct! There is information missing, and added, and subtracted. I challange you to come sit in at one of this family's court hearings. They will be more than willing to sit down with you, show you all the paper work proving there was NO drugs found in anyone's system that night and never has since then. It's been over a year, don't you think something would have happened in a year if this family had such severe drug and alchol issues! Please I am begging you to call Hazleton police departmen, ask for officer Vilchek. Ask him who he showed up at court to testify for, C&Y, Or that terrible family!? Ask him how many times he was called back? I gurantee you it will be once, oh, and make sure you ask him why. I know you will be disappointed to find out that it was because the social worker wanted to ask him what happened. Which by te way he told Jason (case worker) he saw NO reason to remove the baby but just like Jason said "I drove a long way, I'm not leaving here with nothing" There are camera's all over that ER PLEASE don't you think they could prove that? How come NO one can provide that proof?? Hmmmmm, maybe because it didn't happen. So if you have really thought about this situation for this long now it won't hurt you to go the extra mile to find out the truth and please when you do grace all of us with what you find, I'll be waiting.


Missing information!

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, December 09, 2008

I have hesitated commenting on this report for along time now. I no longer can keep quiet! There are gaping holes in this story that are obvious to anyone reading it. It doesn't make any sense does it? I am an acquaintance of this family. At first I bought into the whole "baby stolen" story. These people are pretty good at spinning a tale. Without getting too personal let me clear up a few facts. The police did not need to remove the baby from the home for any actions there. The real problems took place at the hospital. Lets just say that the police had a busy night with this group there. After learning of long and serious drug and alchohol histories on all parties in that home, I began to put 2 and 2 together! I had to distance myself from the family when they told me there were family members nearby that that baby could have been turned over to immediatly. It was their choice not to. I am thankful that c&y stepped in in this case, and I think that the situation speaks for itself when so much time has gone by and she is still in foster care. I can't speak for the other cases Luzerne County my be involed in, there may be fault there. I really don't have that information. But, I do hope this family seeks help in all avenues possible for their substance abuse problems,violence issues, and start to put this little girls welfare first. At first I did consider them friends of friends. Now I just consider them sick and selfish.


Listen up to the truth

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2008

I just don't understand you people. You read a story like this one and think you have a right to infect your poison to make yourselves sound right and proper. Truth be told, this child should have never been removed. If this family had money they would never have touched her. What you people are saying is that you know better then the actual police who were at the house the night of the incident. It's laughable how far you will go to avoid righting a wrong. For your information, yes Luzerne County C&Y is in the business of taking babies and adopting them out. As was stated by several attorney's in this county, "Cameryn represents the Holy Grail of babies, she is white, never involved in drugs and has blue eyes, brown hair and is very happy. She will be easy to adopt out and imagine all the funds they will receive for her in the meantime. You people need to get a grip on reality...Have you looked at the state of our country lately, there is corruption in every orafice of our county and children and youth is the worst. Points of facts, Luzerne county children and Youth lost their license and have been operating without one for over a year..., The director of this same agency was admonished in the newspaper for hitting children. And, several children in the past year have died while in foster care under the supervision...hahaha of Luzerne County C & Y. When the Mayor of the town, the State Representative and the Police Chief reivewed they care they all agreed that children and youth were in the wrong. But for them to return Cami they would be admitting their wrong, setting them up for a major lawsuit and since there are several already in the works, they couldn't afford another...think about all that before you try to pass judgement on a case you know nothing about. Sherry


A little tip for "joe"

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2008

Learn to spell and use paragraphs - Maybe I could believe your rebuttal Child Protective Services does not go around "stealing" children for profit What a load! Here in the great State of Texas CPS is underfunded, the turnover is high and the case loads are a crime!! And NO I do not work for CPS - But I do care about what is in the best interest of the child(ren) - Often any abused child is overlooked because of case loads and lack of CPS workers which results in terrible outcomes Stop blaming the workers for doing their jobs and start looking at what is best for the child PERIOD! I studied hard to become a Social Worker but I cannot work for CPS with all the red tape - hard to help a child when your hands are tied because of State regulations and parents who refuse to help themselves

Free Cameryn!!

stop protecting the machine

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 26, 2008

As someone who knows all about this case, all of you who have rebuttled to this case before me.... You all sound like robots. It sounds word-for-word what I have been hearing in this case for a year now. I know there is good reason for children & youth in a lot of cases, But definately not this one, or many others that have been heard. The main thing you are all missing in this case is, the husband and sister were the ones who acted responsibly and called the police. Not a stranger, or a disturbed neighbor. They were attempting to "GET HELP" for the mother. The police saw no reason to even make an incedent report in their opinion. The baby was put in bed previously to them having drinks, three days before christmas, while decorating & wrapping gifts. Things happen in all households, things they're are proud of and things they're are not. And that includes (lawyers,doctors,judges,and even c&y caseworkers). This was not an incident that should have taken this infant out of this loving home for almost a year now. These folks never had a problem at their home previously. Check the records. Oh thats right c&y doesn't like to look at the facts in a case. the hospital records showed they were not using drugs, but had been drinking alcohol in the home. The incedent may have happened whether they were drinking wine or not. They just didnt have the funds to adequetly be represented, nor family in the area to lend a hand. There are so many un-heard details and facts that have never been heard. And that is what has been a crime against this family. Nothing was ever looked into. NOTHING!! So i'm assuming thats one good reason why you all sound like robots. You have gotten plenty of funding thru this child and family, now please let this baby be back with her parents. joe


Concentrate on your program.

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, July 08, 2008

I am a retired social worker. I have been accused of stealing many children in my 30+ years as a case worker and department supervisor. Believe me, with tight budgets and overloaded staff the last thing any social worker wants to do is take on unnecessary cases. It looks to me like you have exhausted all your legal avenues. It doesn't really matter now if Luzerne C&Y were right or wrong, they have your niece and the parents need to get her back. The parents need to concentrate on the programs that have been set up for them. Complete all your requirements as soon as possible and stay out of trouble. I would say that your sister-in-law needs some serious counseling to deal with her issues with her mother and some anger management classes to learn how to channel her emotions in a more constructive way. Good luck. Joe


New York,
More to the story?

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2008

I feel like you are leaving out some information. I've had 3-4 glasses of wine before and would be less likely to be able to push someone down at that point. Or is everyone just really clumsy?


South Carolina,
A former ER nurse's opinion

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2008

As a former ER nurse this story is all too familiar. No ER nurse is going to commit themselves to all the hassles that this case, is going to create unless a child is truly in immediate danger. I have been insulted and verbally abused by defense attorneys and parents, when called to testify in these cases. On my own time no less. I have been threatened and intimidated by angry parents. Alcohol, violence and young children do not mix. You need to take ownership of this incidence. Complete your program and stop blaming everybody else. Having to deal with druggies and drunks is the main reason I am no longer an ER nurse. If someone is being ripped off it is this poor child, not her irresponsible parents and aunt. That ER nurse was just doing her job. Now it is time that the parents to start doing their's. SIG


you are not looking at it in the right text

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, July 03, 2008

I've worked with families enough to know if that she was this distraught then she didnt need to be drinking because that only makes things worse. What would have happened if the baby had been there and she had knocked it side winding? or had the baby been in your arms? There was enough chaoas for some one to call the cops. I would follow all the rules and regs to get the baby back, but you have to look at "ok what is in the best interest of this baby"? Apparently there is some type of emotional distress that she felt the need to hit or shove two adult people. What if the next time it is the baby? You could defend yourself, the baby could not. It doe not take much of a shove to seriously hurt a baby by the way. There is always a permanency plan and I would ask for one. Everyone meets at the office of CPS or whatever they call it in your state and they will tell you what needs to occur. Remember its not CPS, but a judge who states where this child will go home or not. They have the final decision. Have you had a foster care review yet? Cause that is another option where they go over what you need to do to get the baby back. I understand your frustration, however, the adults were bleeding in your report and you and one other had been shoved by this woman. So their was concern as to what might have happened if this baby had been close by. If you can not see that then there is a problem. So in the meantime ask for a permanency plan hearing and find out what and how long this process will take. Every state has this. Good luck, Cat

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