  • Report:  #426685

Complaint Review: Magic Jack - Internet

Reported By:
- Raleigh, North Carolina,

Magic Jack
Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Like many others on here I was ripped off by MagicJack. I saw the tv advertisements and checked it out on the web. Since I had used internet phone services for the last few years, I thought this would be a great thing to have. Man I could not have been more wrong. I never actually received the device to see if it works but from other reports on here apparently there are issues there as well. My beef is in billing support and being ripped off by the company itself.

I use a throw away debit card for all internet purchases so in case the card gets compromised i don't lose everything, and I minimize the damages. I simply go to WalMart and add funds enough to cover the amount of purchase I am going to make. Then I go home and make the charge.

When I placed the order online I was billed for 39.95 for the magicjack and 6.95 shipping. I was then asked if I would like express shipping for an additional 3.95 I checked yes on that box and approved a charge of 50.85

That was on Friday 2/13/09. Yeah I know I should have known doing it on that day. Anyhow, On Monday I thought I would follow up to see if it had shipped and to get a tracking number. I quickly found out I could not call, they sell phone systems but do not do business with phones, so no phone number. No email either. They do have a chat line so I tried that.

After about twenty minutes of mostly waiting and about two minutes of actual communication with an agent I was told my purchase was on hold due to my charge being denied by my credit card company. Like I said earlier, I use a throw away card and it showed the charge of 50.85 on 2/13/09 leaving me a balance of less than 2.00. Since the charge 50.85 included all shipping charges including the express shipment, I tried to explain to the agent this charge must be in error and that I was already billed and the amount was deducted from my card for express shipping. She would have none of that and after an additional twenty or so minutes she finally put me through to the "next level" of support. I re explained everything to this person and eventually she understood and told me she would bump this up to the billing department and that my product would ship that day Monday. Total time wasted on chat just over 1 hour. I asked to speak to someone in billing and was told that is not possible. I asked for them to call me, and was told they do not have phones (odd a phone company would not have phone lines, and a BIG RED FLAG I might add.) I was reassured the product would ship and all was taken care of. I asked that at least I be emailed when billing had released the product for shipping. No email, nothing came back to me. Not an hour later a day later or even by the end of the week.

On Friday, I clicked on the chat link again and here is my conversation. This company is a complete rip off. They went out of their way to talk in circles, not directly answer my questions and to for whatever reason not agree I had been charged the initial 50.85. Please note addresses and order numbers have been changed for privacy reasons

?Please wait for a site operator to respond.

?You are now chatting with 'Maynard'

Maynard: Hello, how may I help you?

Ken: We are on the second attempt at this

Ken: I order a MagicJack about a week ago

Ken: I paid for express service

Ken: twice

Maynard: Thank you for addressing your concern to us. I'll be glad to assist you with that.

Ken: When I chatted the first time with your online tech

Ken: I was told it was on hold because the express shipping charges did not go through

Ken: it was returned as dissapproved

Maynard: Please confirm if this is correct?

Maynard: 3117 XXXX XXX DR

Maynard: RALEIGH, NC 27604

Maynard: US

Ken: that was not the case in fact it was the second attept by your company to bill me for the express shipping

Ken: yes it is

Maynard: 02/13/2009 [N]ew Pending [N]ew Pending Order#: DTXXXXXXXXX

Maynard: 02/14/2009 [A]uth Failed [A]uth: Amt: $3.95 Code: 999

Ken: I still have not received the magic jack

Ken: What is wrong with you people

Ken: look at the price you charged me

Ken: the original charge to my card was 50.85

Ken: the magicjack costs 39.99

Ken: the original shipping was 6 and change

Maynard: You will not receive any magicjack because your order did not went through.

Ken: and 3.95 for express shipping brought the charge to 50.85

Ken: that charge went through

Ken: the second 3.95 charge should never have been charged

Ken: we went through all of this the last chat

Ken: I was told by you that my product would ship that day

Ken: I want a full refund of 50.85 please

Ken: I have never seen a company as bad as yours

Ken: and I will be sending this chat to the Federal Trade Commission

Ken: along with a complaint to the attorney general

Maynard: Please click for the status of your order

Ken: exactly so why has it not been shipped

Ken: are you people nuts

Maynard: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.

Ken: you billed my card 50.85 and refuse to ship the product

?Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.

?You are now chatting with 'Ashton'

Ashton: Hi , Please hold on for a while and allow me to review your chat so that I can assist you further. Thanks.

Ken: Befopre we begin I want to inform you that this conversation is being recorded and will be turned over to the attorney generals office

Ashton: Okay.

Ashton: Please wait while I check that for you

Ken: This is the second time I have wasted my time spending hours in chat with you only to be told last time it would be taken care of and the product shipped that day

Ken: It has not shipped and I want a full refund immediately

Ken: When I spoke to the expedited chat rep Monday I was told it would ship that day

Ken: you have now wasted another week and nothing has shipped yet

Ken: Hello I am waiting for a response

Ashton: Are you done?

Ashton: May I ask for your sales order number?


Ashton: Thank you.

Ashton: Please wait while I check that for you

Ken: You said that ten minutes ago I am still waiting

Ashton: Shipping Address

Ashton: First and Last Name

Ashton: 3117 XXX XXXX DR

Ashton: RALEIGH, NC 27604

Ashton: US


Ashton: Please confirm the address above.

Ken: everything is correct

Ken: we went through all this last Monday too

Ashton: Okay.

Ken: So what is your excuse why it has not shipped

Ashton: I do apologize but your order was not yet shipped because there is an error on the credit card you used. Please check your credit card if you have enough balance on it or you may use different credit card. Please try to update your credit card as well by using this link.

Ken: I want my money back

Ken: Are you dumb

Ken: look at the bill

Ashton: Please click here and update your order. Thanks.

Ken: you charged me 50.85 which included express shipping

Ashton: I'm not dumb, Ken.

Ken: you then attempted to bill me again for express shipping

Ashton: Please try to minimize your words here.

Ashton: Please try to be more professional.

Ken: it did not go through because I only use a debit card with the required amount on it for internet purchases

Ken: the one not professional is you

Ken: you are stealing from me 50.85 and not delivering the product

Ken: so I want my money back today

Ashton: The best that you need to do is contact your back if the authorization of your card was successfully went through.

Ken: Do you not read what I wrote

Ken: the card went trhrough fine

Ken: you charged me a second time for express shipping

Ken: how hard is this to understand

Ken: trust me the attorney generals office will understand this fine as well

Ken: you are a rip off company

Ken: and I will do everything in my power to get you shut down

Ken: you have probably ripped off millions from customers like myself

Ashton: Please try to listen, we haven't charged you anything yet. Please try to contact your bank company first before confronting us.

Ken: You have charged my card and it has been deduct 50.85

Ken: Do NOT sit there and tell me that is has not been charged because it has

Ken: I have been reading the reviews opnline about how you guys scam people

Ashton: You're using debit card, right?

Ken: but this is out and out theft

Ken: yes and the debit card shows payment was made

Ashton: The difference is, if customer pay with a Debit Card, we automatically get the money since we can't put a hold status for such transactions. But, even if we got them billed we will still keep that bill as hold or pending on our end. If you decide not to continue with magicJack and they're still under the 30 day trial period, then we will give back the charge as "refund".

Ken: You are not listening to what I am saying

Ken: I want my refund NOW

Ken: you have not shipped my product and my card was charged

Ken: either you issue the3 credit today or I will turn this over to the attorney general

Ken: are you going to issue my credit

Ashton: I would suggest try to contact your bank company.

Ken: I would suggest you credit my card right now

Ken: Who the hell do you think you are

Ken: remember ashton your name is on this chat and the attorney general will be following up as well as local law encforecement

Ken: you have stolen 50.85 from me

Ashton: Please...Please try to contact your bank company for this issue. I can't see it here , that we haven't charged you anything. Infact, the card did not went through successfully. The authorization of your card was failed.

Ken: So we are perfectly clear here my records show you billed my card and payment was approved for 50.85 on 2/13/09. What exactly do your records indicate regarding the 50.85 charge

Ken: the card did not go through from your end for how much?

Ken: 50.85? no for 3.95

Ken: why is that so hard to understand

Ken: I have emails from you showing the card was charged

Ken: the issue was not and has not been the card not being charged for the proper amount which would be 50.85

Ken: which is 39.95 for the magic jack, 6.95 for shipping, and 3.95 for express shipping

Ashton: 02/14/2009 [A]uthorization Failed [A]uth: Amt: $3.95

Ken: somewhere in your system you attempted to charge the card an additional 3.95 for express shipping which was declined because as I said I only add exactly the correct amount

Ken: Yes, 3.95

Ken: that is an express shipping charge

Ashton: Then, if you want to cancel your order. We can do that and get your refund.

Ken: you do not sell magic jacks for 3.95 do you

Ken: I want to cancel my order and get my 50.85 refund now

Ashton: No, that's the amount for rush shipping.

Ken: read above please

Ken: 39.95 for the magic jack, 6.95 for shipping, and 3.95 for express shipping

Ashton: Please try to understand that you need to wait for 3-5 business days for you can have your refund.

Ashton: Okay?

Ken: 3-5 days and if it is not there I will send this to the attorney general

Ashton: Okay.

Ken: there is nor reason it should have to be 3-5 days however

Ashton: Should we can it now?

Ken: This is unbelieveable

Ken: refund the 50.85 immediately please and let me know when that has gone through to the credit card company

Ken: what the hell is can it now

Ken: I have to be very specific with you due to the fact this will be used as evidence

Ashton: As I have said, it will take 3-5 business days for you can have your refund.

Ashton: Is there anything else I may help you with today?

Ken: Have you credited my account 50.85

Ken: Let me ask you one more thing is there a supervisor I can chat with available

Ashton: You're talking to one now, Ken.

Ashton: I'd just said that your refund will be credited within 3-5 business days.

Ken: what is preventing you from understanding that the second charge of 3.95 was billed erroneously by your system and the 50.85 was the correct charge

Ashton: I'm not preventing anything, Ken. I'd just telling you the truth.

Ken: what?

Ken: do you not see

Ashton: What?

Ken: you agree that I was charged 50.85 correct

Ashton: No.

Ken: well then how are you going to iussue a refund for 50.85 if you don't agree to that

Ashton: Just the $3.95 did not went through successfully. The authorized was failed.

Ken: What are you talking about

Ken: Let's start again please

Ken: because right now I have no faioth that you will credit my card 50.85

Ashton: Sure. Go ahead.

Ken: And I am not getting off this line until I get you to agree you are issuing a credit to my account for 50.85

Ken: So did you charge my card 50.85 for a magic jack

Ken: http://my.magicjack.com/[email protected]&ordernumber=DTXXXXXXX Login=Find+Order

Ken: please look at that link

Ken: and tell me if you see a 3.95 charge for express shipping on it

Ashton: Please wait while I check that for you

Ken: e

Ashton: I see it.

Ashton: It was just a summary of your product ordered.

Ken: ok in that charge there is 3.95 for express shipping correct

Ashton: I can't see any charge payment from your account, Ken.

Ken: well there is

Ken: let me ask you this if that charge had not gone through why would your decline show as a charge of 3.95

Ken: so when you told me you were going to issue a credit for 50.85 that was BS

Ken: If you can;t as you say see the charge how would you have issued a credit for 50.85

Ken: Be very careful how you answer

Ashton: That's why I was trying to assist you to update your order. But you didn't do it. How can we ship your order.

Ashton: I am.

Ken: what are you talking about

Ken: you have not assisted me in updating any order

Ken: I have asked for a refund and cacelled my order

Ken: that oprder was paid for

Ken: and charged to my credit card which you have the number on file

Ken: 50.85

Ashton: The difference is, if customer pay with a Debit Card, we automatically get the money since we can't put a hold status for such transactions. But, even if we got them billed we will still keep that bill as hold or pending on our end. If you decide not to continue with magicJack and they're still under the 30 day trial period, then we will give back the charge as "refund".

Ken: so what nhave I not done to update my order

Ashton: Please try to read above.

Ken: I have not received the magic jack

Ken: You refuse to ship it

Ashton: I know.

Ken: I am reading above and it does not answer the questions

Ken: it is the same thing you said before

Ken: I want a refund now

Ashton: Okay.

Ashton: Please do wait for 3-5 business days for we can adjust your account and credited back the amount.

Ken: so send me an email showing you have credited my account 60.85

Ashton: What $60.85?

Ken: typo

Ken: 50.85

Ashton: Okay. Thank you.

Ken: when I go to your change page

Ken: it shows 50.85 being held

Ashton: You will received an email confirmation after 24 hours.

Ken: and it asks me for a new credit card

Ken: there is no way in hell you are getting a second card from me

Ashton: Yes, just don't proceed because you don't want your product anymore to be ship.

Ken: this is absolutely nuts

Ken: It's worse than who's on first skit

Ken: How do I insure a refund is being done

Ashton: Please try to check your bank company from time to time.

Ken: Oh trust me I will be checking that but I want a response from you and not in 24 hours I want it now

Ashton: I do like it but that's the stated time, I can assure you.

Ashton: It is impossible to send a email confirmation right away.

Ken: If there is no refund credited to my account in 3-5 days I will be forwarding this to the attorney general to go along with the other 50 or so they have

Ashton: Okay. Please try to check from time to time.

Ken: And I have already filed a complaint protesting the charge with the credit card company

Ken: Have a nice day


Raleigh, North Carolina


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