  • Report:  #893306

Complaint Review: Magnetic Consulting Group - Sacramento California

Reported By:
Ex-Employee - Sacramento, California, USA

Magnetic Consulting Group
9343 Tech Center Drive Sacramento, 95691 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is my second and more detailed RipOff report about this company. They are called Magnetic Consulting Group, Inc. They are based in Sacramento, and they are another Cydcor satellite office. This office is headed by a loser named Eric Dvorak, a possible college dropout. Yet, just like other Cydcor owners, Eric keeps claiming that he finished university and quit his
WELL paying job to open this office. Haha. Surprise!!! In this report, I will be writing my experience in full detail.

I was unemployed and wanted a job so badly that I fell into this employment scam. I was contacted by their assistand manager/HR personnel Dasha and scheduled an appointment. Dasha kept repeating that I should be wearing business
attire. Ok, that was no problem. I put my suit on and went to the interview. Their office is very small and they share the space with another DS-Max or Cydcor company called Frontline Sacramento who promotes Quill office supplies. Anyway, I was interviewed by one of their leaders Kumar and he kept everything vague by telling me how TV ads, flyers, and radios were ineffective marketing and that face to face marketing was the new successful method. He was telling me that they promoted AT&T U-verse service face-to-face. He told me that their office upgraded existing customers' services. Ok,
I thought. This is not so bad. And I asked I've seen those people at Best Buy who wears AT&T tag and walks around promoting the service. Ok, everything sounded great. How about pay? I asked. Kumar also dodged the question by saying, If you are chosen for second interview, pay structure will be explained to you in detail during lunch. Ok, I will give it a shot, I thought. Nevertheless, I received a call that evening inviting me to second interview. I showed up to the second interview 20 minutes earlier and heard bunch of screaming and chanting. I didn't understand what was going on. I was to shadow one of their ametaur leader. He had a beater car and we started driving to his assigned territory. In the car, he started
asking me bunch of questions trying to make it seem like important interview. We got to the territory and surprise!!! we started knocking on doors. This was too bad since I needed a job badly. I still thought I would give it shot if it pays that is. He could not sign anybody up, and we went to lunch. He just showed me printed paper stating the different stages like Sales Rep ($300-$500 weekly) Leader ($500-800 Weekly) Assistant Manager ($60,000 yearly) Manager ($90,000-$120,000 yearly). Just bunch of B.S. numbers now that I think about it. So I was at the bottom stage which is Sales Rep. I asked how much I will be making a week. At least, $300 dollars just like it says on the paper here, plus paid training bonus of $200 he replied. I thought Ok, this is not bad at all. and we started knocking on doors again. He still could not sign anyone up, and we headed back to the office. Back at the office, I was interviewed again by Kumar and was offered the job. Having no
other jobs available to me, I accepted the job, thinking that I would be making at least $300 weekly. I had to show up at 11:00 am at the office. Everybody stood around the office with no chairs or nothing.
Shortly after, the new guys were separated from the leaders into a different room. An idiot named Sam kept telling the new guys that how cool and professional this job was and bla bla bla. He really seemed to think and believe that he had accomplished something big. Everyone played dress up, and I noticed most of them had only one suit, and leaders had about 2-3 suits that they keep swapping and wear it to work. After spending the painful 15 minutes in a tiny room with Sam,
we joined everybody and Eric came out of his tiny office and started reading some success story that he found on the internet. Everyone was like Oh Yeah! Hey Guys!! Hey WHAT!!! HEY GUYS!! HEY WHAT!!! and they were chanting and screaming. My training started, and my trainer started to practice his pitch on me. I was to memorize bunch of useless crap out of my handbook. We spent more than 2 hours practicing and playing stupid games, all unpaid. We went out to the
field and could not sign anybody up. He explained his failure as this was just a bad territory and Eric should assign us a better territory soon. No one wanted to talk to us, they slammed the doors, and threatened to call the police. This is when I realized no one expected us to come and we were soliciting. We went back to the office and everybody was like Shhh, we don't talk about production at the end of the day. There's no such thing as a bad day. Keep the positive attitude up. bla bla bla. This is when I understood that they did not want to talk about production because it will scare the new guys. Everybody was to pretend that they had successful day. So everybody circled around and the guys who made the sale started to
ring the cow bell in the middle and started running around hi-fiving everyone. This was a bit silly and weird but I disregarded it believing I was getting paid at least $300. The leader who I was shadowing had no car, he kept riding in my car. We drove 20 miles one way. Walked for 5 hours in hot sun. Made no sales. Drove back another 20 miles. All unpaid again. I expected him to give me some gas money because I was in training, but NO. The next day I followed a woman named Cristy. We went around and I managed to sign up one person under her name and number, thinking I would get bonus. Cristy never
gave me any money even though I signed the guy up. I was mad. Cristy also had no car. Bunch of them lived together somewhere in Sacramento, CA. Even the owner guy Eric Dvorak lived with two of his leaders and his assistant manager. They explained their living together as saving money so we can open another office and put one of you guys as a manager. I decided to stick until payday to see how much I would get paid. I managed to sign 3 people up during my one week of solo field performance. And you were lucky to have 3 sales in a week. Some people had none for the entire week. Payday
came I had made only $300 for 2 weeks of period. That is $150 for one week. I raided Eric's office to find out where my at least $300 was. He showed me the paperwork that I signed which said in a fine print that I was exempt from hourly minimum wage or overtime because I was considered outside sales person. That's when I quit on the spot. I quit and never looked back. I had wasted 10 business days of my life that I could have been using to look for real job. I had
wasted so much gas because leaders were broke and kept riding in my car. I had worked over 60 hours/week for only $150. Oh yeah, and they will tell you that they offer medical/dental. Haha! Fat chance on that! They will actually encourage you to get onto your parents health care plan if you are under 24 years of age because they have none. They barely pay their rent, office rent, and pay their bills. The owner drives old beater SUV. Do you really think if the owner was making $120,000 he would be driving a beater car? Today, I have a better job that actually pays for my work and I am much happier. Run
like hell from this company.

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