  • Report:  #152117

Complaint Review: Marc G. Michaelson - 4play Nightclub - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- los angeles, California,

Marc G. Michaelson - 4play Nightclub
Summit Drive Beverly Hills CA 400 S. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills 2238 Cotner Drive Los Angeles California Beverly Hills, 90210 California, U.S.A.
310-575 0660
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Innocent citizens under attack: This could happen to you!


Reply to: [email protected]

Date: 2005-08-01, 3:00PM PDT


1) False Accusation, Arrest and imprisonment by LAPD and SMPD 5 days at the Santa Monica Jail.

2) FBI NCIC record of arrest

3) Request investigation and prosecution of Complainant and suspected other parties for Conspiracy to interfere with Civil Rights and Title 18 violations.

4)Charges dropped but false record remains on NCIC creating harassment, employment issues and unjustly marred reputation.

Individual was the victim of a false accusation by the Complainant of Robbery. No charges were filed ( individual has no prior criminal record of convictions) and I believe may cause problems in seeking employment etc.

This was a serious miscarriage of justice and a disturbing violation of my civil rights as a U.S. citizen.

Based on the facts this event took place because individual was suing an individual named Marc G. Michaelson residing at Summit Drive in Beverly Hills CA for assaulting individual at KooKooRoo restaurant(located on Beverly Drive) in BH, , office address is Marc G. Michaelson and Associates, 400 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills CA in small claims court.

Description of perpetrator Marc G. Michaelson:


Mid 50s

Height 6'1"

Weight 220

Dark Hair beard at time of his assault

Car: Victim followed him to car after assault. He drove a black mercedes convertible and threatened victim saying he would have his "son throw victim threw plate glass window" while he called son on his cellphone running away from scene of his crime.

Occupation: Believed to be slumlord, real estate speculator

Address: Last known is is believed to be 900 block of Summit Drive, Beverly Hills CA 90210

Office address: 400 S. Beverly Drive Suite 300 Beverly Hills CA

Hangout: KooKooRoo Restaurant on Beverly Drive BH

He assaulted individual and was reported to the BHPD. They said it was my word against his and decided not to prosecute him. Individual then wrote him a letter on about indicating name and address asking for payment for doctors bills due to his assault. This was ignored and had a Summons served on him in small claims court in Beverly Hills.

About a week after the Summons was served my license plate was stolen from car(which reported to the LAPD) and about a week after that individual was at a nightclub called 4play, 2238 Cotner Drive, LA CA 90064 phone is 310 575 0660 where individual was falsely accused by a dancer there who I recall went by the name of "Dreamer"(and is from Buffalo NY I believe, blonde female I recall) of being a guy that robbed her a few weeks before that).

The police, LAPD first and then SMPD arrested individual and imprisoned individual for several days based on this false accusation of a robbery that allegedly took place a few weeks before(I was told) I saw this person at the nightclub.

Again, this all took place shortly after Mr. Michaelson was served the Summons to small claims court by the LA County Sheriff for assaulting me a few months before this event.

After individual was released and charges not filed, individual requested the SMPD investigate, prosecute the 4play dancer for making a false, and I believe intentionally false robbery report. They refused and the officer I talked to made the curious statement that the owner?/manager? of the 4 play nightclub said I was using discount coupons to get in(what relevance that had I do not know, it struck me as a bias towards the nightclub's interests) even though I had evidence of a conspiracy to prevent me from suing Mr. Michaelson and as retaliation for suing him for assault.

I am requesting an investigation of Mr. Marc Michaelson, the Complainant "Dreamer" who made the false complaint leading to my arrest with the SMPD, the 4 play nightclub and possibly the police involved for Conspiracy to violate my civil rights by attempting to retaliate for my lawsuit against him for assault.

I believe he probably paid the dancer to set me up and had someone following me who also stole my license plate that I reported previous to that as retaliation for suing him for assault. As individual has never been in a situation like this and a law abiding citizen, the facts/evidence available to me indicate the hypothesis is most likely correct.

It would be a serious miscarriage of justice for me to be penalized in this manner by having this on my record and the criminals responsible for this get away with this crime.

I believe this 4 play niteclub/owners/management/staff at 2238 Cotner Drive LA CA 90064 should also be investigated for organized crime, extortion, conspiracy and possibly paying off corrupt police to do dirty work for them.

In this case, criminals manipulated the system to protect them and seriously undermine my reputation as an innocent complainant attempting to right a wrong as well as resulting in 5 days of jailtime for something I did not do.

This is happening to other innocent citizens and organized crime and corruption must be addressed or we are all at risk.


los angeles, California

5 Updates & Rebuttals


What are you doing in a strip club? I couldn't make much sense out of the complaint, but I know one thing for sure. No good comes out of those places.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 23, 2005

What kind of woman takes her clothes off and dances for drunks in exchange for money? Would you have your girlfriend do that? Or, your mother? You see the tattoos on the women. The piercings. They try to mutilate their genitals. They spread wide and try to get the tattoo artist to draw right on their vaginas if he is willing. What part of that is normal? They poke holes in themselves. Their genitals. Nipples. Tongue. Anything that hurts. Anything that shows the world that they feel dirty. They want to degrade themselves. What kind of lifestyle do these women lead? Drugs? Prostitution? Arrests? Gang rapes? S+M parties? And, as a customer, what are you going in there expecting to find? Romance? A girlfriend, maybe? What could these dancers possibly show you that is worth the hundreds of dollars that you will end up spending? How much are lap dances? Forty? Fifty? What are the drinks? Ten dollars a bottle? See, I'm asking, because I stay the hell out of these places. If I want to see a stripper, I buy a date a Victoria Secret outfit and ask her to dance for me. Unlike the strippers, a real woman will actually be aroused by that. And, unlike the strippers, you will actually have an opportunity to participate with her. What could you possibly get from the stripper? A lap dance? Maybe you can get a quick hand job in the vip room? For another $150, of course. Boy, that's sure a great deal, huh? You're out $250 to $300 and you didn't even get to have normal sex. The men that go in these places consider themselves players. Yeah, they've been played alright. Played for a fool. And, now one of the whores had you arrested. Now, you should be able to go in and see the action without having that happen. I'm not sure what you did. I can't follow your complaint here. It looks like you got in a dispute with another customer, and he spent money to have a dancer complain. The only thing I can say is to stay the hell out of those places. If you are one of those guys who has trouble with women, join a dating club. Go online. Even total losers can meet women there. Buy a book on flirting and creating romance. Read the dating advice on the internet. Anything except walking into a gentleman's club and handing away your money to women who would gladly flush you down the toilet if you'd let them.


What are you doing in a strip club? I couldn't make much sense out of the complaint, but I know one thing for sure. No good comes out of those places.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 23, 2005

What kind of woman takes her clothes off and dances for drunks in exchange for money? Would you have your girlfriend do that? Or, your mother? You see the tattoos on the women. The piercings. They try to mutilate their genitals. They spread wide and try to get the tattoo artist to draw right on their vaginas if he is willing. What part of that is normal? They poke holes in themselves. Their genitals. Nipples. Tongue. Anything that hurts. Anything that shows the world that they feel dirty. They want to degrade themselves. What kind of lifestyle do these women lead? Drugs? Prostitution? Arrests? Gang rapes? S+M parties? And, as a customer, what are you going in there expecting to find? Romance? A girlfriend, maybe? What could these dancers possibly show you that is worth the hundreds of dollars that you will end up spending? How much are lap dances? Forty? Fifty? What are the drinks? Ten dollars a bottle? See, I'm asking, because I stay the hell out of these places. If I want to see a stripper, I buy a date a Victoria Secret outfit and ask her to dance for me. Unlike the strippers, a real woman will actually be aroused by that. And, unlike the strippers, you will actually have an opportunity to participate with her. What could you possibly get from the stripper? A lap dance? Maybe you can get a quick hand job in the vip room? For another $150, of course. Boy, that's sure a great deal, huh? You're out $250 to $300 and you didn't even get to have normal sex. The men that go in these places consider themselves players. Yeah, they've been played alright. Played for a fool. And, now one of the whores had you arrested. Now, you should be able to go in and see the action without having that happen. I'm not sure what you did. I can't follow your complaint here. It looks like you got in a dispute with another customer, and he spent money to have a dancer complain. The only thing I can say is to stay the hell out of those places. If you are one of those guys who has trouble with women, join a dating club. Go online. Even total losers can meet women there. Buy a book on flirting and creating romance. Read the dating advice on the internet. Anything except walking into a gentleman's club and handing away your money to women who would gladly flush you down the toilet if you'd let them.


What are you doing in a strip club? I couldn't make much sense out of the complaint, but I know one thing for sure. No good comes out of those places.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 23, 2005

What kind of woman takes her clothes off and dances for drunks in exchange for money? Would you have your girlfriend do that? Or, your mother? You see the tattoos on the women. The piercings. They try to mutilate their genitals. They spread wide and try to get the tattoo artist to draw right on their vaginas if he is willing. What part of that is normal? They poke holes in themselves. Their genitals. Nipples. Tongue. Anything that hurts. Anything that shows the world that they feel dirty. They want to degrade themselves. What kind of lifestyle do these women lead? Drugs? Prostitution? Arrests? Gang rapes? S+M parties? And, as a customer, what are you going in there expecting to find? Romance? A girlfriend, maybe? What could these dancers possibly show you that is worth the hundreds of dollars that you will end up spending? How much are lap dances? Forty? Fifty? What are the drinks? Ten dollars a bottle? See, I'm asking, because I stay the hell out of these places. If I want to see a stripper, I buy a date a Victoria Secret outfit and ask her to dance for me. Unlike the strippers, a real woman will actually be aroused by that. And, unlike the strippers, you will actually have an opportunity to participate with her. What could you possibly get from the stripper? A lap dance? Maybe you can get a quick hand job in the vip room? For another $150, of course. Boy, that's sure a great deal, huh? You're out $250 to $300 and you didn't even get to have normal sex. The men that go in these places consider themselves players. Yeah, they've been played alright. Played for a fool. And, now one of the whores had you arrested. Now, you should be able to go in and see the action without having that happen. I'm not sure what you did. I can't follow your complaint here. It looks like you got in a dispute with another customer, and he spent money to have a dancer complain. The only thing I can say is to stay the hell out of those places. If you are one of those guys who has trouble with women, join a dating club. Go online. Even total losers can meet women there. Buy a book on flirting and creating romance. Read the dating advice on the internet. Anything except walking into a gentleman's club and handing away your money to women who would gladly flush you down the toilet if you'd let them.


What are you doing in a strip club? I couldn't make much sense out of the complaint, but I know one thing for sure. No good comes out of those places.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 23, 2005

What kind of woman takes her clothes off and dances for drunks in exchange for money? Would you have your girlfriend do that? Or, your mother? You see the tattoos on the women. The piercings. They try to mutilate their genitals. They spread wide and try to get the tattoo artist to draw right on their vaginas if he is willing. What part of that is normal? They poke holes in themselves. Their genitals. Nipples. Tongue. Anything that hurts. Anything that shows the world that they feel dirty. They want to degrade themselves. What kind of lifestyle do these women lead? Drugs? Prostitution? Arrests? Gang rapes? S+M parties? And, as a customer, what are you going in there expecting to find? Romance? A girlfriend, maybe? What could these dancers possibly show you that is worth the hundreds of dollars that you will end up spending? How much are lap dances? Forty? Fifty? What are the drinks? Ten dollars a bottle? See, I'm asking, because I stay the hell out of these places. If I want to see a stripper, I buy a date a Victoria Secret outfit and ask her to dance for me. Unlike the strippers, a real woman will actually be aroused by that. And, unlike the strippers, you will actually have an opportunity to participate with her. What could you possibly get from the stripper? A lap dance? Maybe you can get a quick hand job in the vip room? For another $150, of course. Boy, that's sure a great deal, huh? You're out $250 to $300 and you didn't even get to have normal sex. The men that go in these places consider themselves players. Yeah, they've been played alright. Played for a fool. And, now one of the whores had you arrested. Now, you should be able to go in and see the action without having that happen. I'm not sure what you did. I can't follow your complaint here. It looks like you got in a dispute with another customer, and he spent money to have a dancer complain. The only thing I can say is to stay the hell out of those places. If you are one of those guys who has trouble with women, join a dating club. Go online. Even total losers can meet women there. Buy a book on flirting and creating romance. Read the dating advice on the internet. Anything except walking into a gentleman's club and handing away your money to women who would gladly flush you down the toilet if you'd let them.


los angeles,
DANCERS HAVE ACCEPTED PAYOFFS TO TRY TO FRAME INNOCENT CUSTOMERS. ...4play strip club 2238 cotner drive 310 575 0660 Marc G Michaelson 1196 Summit Drive Beverly Hills CA

#6Author of original report

Tue, August 23, 2005

4PLAY STRIP CLUB 2238 COTNER DRIVE LA CA 310 575 0660 DANCERS HAVE ACCEPTED PAYOFFS TO TRY TO FRAME INNOCENT CUSTOMERS. IF YOU ARE SUING ANYONE OR ARE IN ANY TYPE OF LEGAL DISPUTE, THE DANCERS THERE WILL ACCEPT MONEY TO TRY AND FRAME YOU!! A DANCER THERE MADE A FALSE ACCUSATION OF ROBBERY AGAINST A CUSTOMER IN EXCHANGE FOR A PAYOFF FROM THE DEFENDANT(Marc G. Michaelson, 1196 Summit Drive Beverly Hills CA) THE CUSTOMER WAS SUING FOR ASSAULT. THE INNOCENT CUSTOMER WAS FALSELY ARRESTED AND JAILED BY THE LAPD FOR 5 DAYS BECAUSE OF THE FALSE ACCUSATION BY THE DANCER THERE GOING BY THE NAME OF DREAMER FROM BUFFALO NY. THE DANCERS THERE WILL DO ANYTHING FOR A BUCK! THE OWNERS/BOUNCERS/STAFF HELPED KIDNAP THE CUSTOMER AND HELPED TRY TO FRAME HIM ON A FALSE ROBBERY CHARGE. THE OWNERS/STAFF/DANCERS AT THIS CLUB ARE OPPORTUNISTIC CRIMINALS AND POSE A THREAT TO ANY CUSTOMER IF THEY THINK THEY CAN EXTORT MONEY OUT OF YOU SOMEHOW OR GET A PAYOFF FOR SETTING YOU UP!!! THIS CLUB IS VERY DANGEROUS TO PATRONIZE!!! MARC G. MICHAELSON IS A DANGEROUS CRIMINAL AT LARGE: DESCRIPTION: mid 50s Caucasian 6' 1" 220 pds may have beard slumlord, real estate speculator address 1196 Summit Drive Beverly Hills CA Office 400 Beverly Drive Ste 300 Beverly Hills CA Hangout KooKooRoo Restaurant Beverly Drive BH CA Car: Mercedes Convertible, black Crimes by Michaelson: 1-Assaulted, kicked another restaurant patron when patron asked Michaelson to remove his foot that was rubbing on patrons knee while patron was sitting at adjacent table. When patron called police on Michaelson, Michaelson ran off. Patron followed to ID Michaelson, then Michaelson got on cellphone and threatened victim by saying "I will have my son come here and throw you through that plate glass window" as they were walking by office bldg. 2-After victim served summons on Michaelson to appear in small claims court revealing victims address, Michaelson paid a street criminal to steal plaintiffs license plate from car. Michaelson then paid a stripper/club staff going by the alias "Dreamer" at 4play strip club to frame plaintiff for robbery charge as plaintiff was a somewhat regular customer at club. 3-Michaelson, staff of club and possibly corrupt police paid off by club conspired to attempt to frame innocent plaintiff in an attempt to retaliate for the lawsuit for assault against Michaelson. This is a felony under Title 18 of the US Code.

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