  • Report:  #426590

Complaint Review: Marten Transport - Mondovi Wisconsin

Reported By:
- Moore, Oklahoma,

Marten Transport
129 Marten Street Mondovi, 54755 Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have read your report and thats how it is at Marten Transport. They take all your PRIDE of what you do for them and throw it out the door. Thats why Martens driver turn over is 80%.Think of it this way-Marten has about 3000 trucks-if their driver turn over is 80% then 2400 of their trucks are sitting most of the time- with no drivers in the trucks!!!! Dan Blair and Lyle said that 80% is NOT BAD when the industry turn over rate is 120%. How can you get 120% out of a 100%?? DUH- A 100% is all the drivers(3000).I think these guys need to go back to school and learn math or its that COLLEGE EDUCATION that has them screwed up-no common sense.Marten couldn't get me home for a EMERGENCY so I had to rent a car from Ontario Ca and load my stuff in it and go home to Oklahoma-then they charged me a $176.00 to my payroll for a bus fare that I didnt sign for nor use. Marten NEVER reimbursed me for the tolls I paid driving their equipment-said I was OUT OF ROUTE-how can they say that-Marten DOES NOT ROUTE the trucks like most MAJOR BIG and RESPONSIBLE companies do-since they pay the fuel bill-Thats only COMMON SENSE to route the trucks if they pay for the fuel then theres no DISPUTE or ARGUMENT. Marten has that capability-they just refuse to USE a GOOD TOOL. On that money being taken out of your check on travel expenses to Mondovi Wi think of it this way Marten get a tax credit for business expenses to get you to Mondovi Wi; then if your terminate before 6 months Marten can show that as an expense to get you back home or whatever they label it in their computer.Its a BUSINESS EXPENSE that Marten can claim and you get charged by Marten for the expense. Its a WIN-WIN for Marten-But its a LOOSE-LOOSE deal for drivers.I've talked to some drivers thats been at Marten 15 years to 20 years-they said since Roger Marten(Randy's Dad) passed away in 1993 this company has went down hill as far as RESPECT FOR DRIVERS.Marten is a good company but some of the people thats in that office need to be TERMINATED they are BREAKING this company-they dont even follow COMPANY POLICIES as to driver handbooks.THINK BFORE YOU GO TO WORK HERE. If your not in that CLICK your not going to make it.They will find some reason to either terminate you or make you quit.THINK BEFORE YOU SGN THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Moore, Oklahoma


3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 10, 2010

Benn - Eleva:

I'm going to take your questions one at a time...

The driver threatened to shoot out the windows of the rigs at a customer in another city.  I reported the threat to the terminal manager.  What was done from there I do not know.  I doubt law enforcement was contacted, since no law enforcement contacted me as a witness.  I do not know if the threat was documented, or how.  BTW, contrary to popular belief, verbal threats to shoot out vehicle windows in another state rarely interests local law enforcement, especially in a major urban area with much more immediate criminal activity to deal with.

As for why it took me so long to reply, while really none of your business, I have several reasons.  First there were technical issues with posting, which this site's support helped me with, as well as my cellular carrier.  Second, this is hardly the only site I visit with what little free time I have.  Third, I tend to focus on reports I have filed, or reports of interest at the top of the search list.

I can document where I was when on the dates mentioned.  If ED is willing, I can send him the documentation so he can independently verify where I was when.  Nice thing about electronic logs and scanning my trips from the rig, I have tons of documentation that goes back quite a while, and I can fit years worth on a CD, decades on a DVD.  Where I was when is quite well documented, as well as the equipment I was operating, which customers I was dealing with, etc, going back years.

And I'm very, very careful, not to make public statements in public forums I cannot back up with proof.  I'm heavily involved on several civil rights, political, and social issues sites, and am quite familiar with libel law.

Now, you have made accusations about what I do for a living, as well as regarding my integrity and honesty.  What proof do YOU have?



#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 08, 2010

I haven't worked for Marten now for a few years but I do live out 10 miles to the east and still go to the Mondovi Inn when I am home and hang out with the drivers. 

My question is to both this driver and Deb....if this driver as you claim did threaten you and the company was a proper police report filed on the verbal threats that were made?  I would assume yes....since anyone that has threaten physical violence now days is not something you would just ignore or laugh away. 

BUT....as I am going to assume now if the real truth...why did it take you so long to post a reply to this posting.  You posted numerous other responses to other posts here and now you post eight relies to out-dated posts as "truthful" facts of events?  Personally I think you are full of it.   I don't think you are a driver or if you are, you are full of lies.  Hell I too can write anything on any of this posts and make it sound truthful. 

Personally I think its best if you continue working there in the HR office and making the $8+/hr you make.  As for the any remarks about Randy...he isn't in the office much anymore.  He stops in maybe once a month to "check-in" and back off to the local bars.  Saw him last week in Eleva (will not name the bar) but as usually he is to full of himself.  (I left since his stories and me so "hot" attitude makes me sick.


I was witness to what actually happened

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 10, 2009

Your case I am quite familiar with, and your report is not truthful.

On 02/06/2009, you and I were both assigned loads out of West Branch, IA that delivered in Phoenix, AZ on 02/08/2009.  I followed the standard route familiar to experienced drivers (I80 to I35 to US50 to I135 to US54 to I40 to I17).  The route I chose did not involve toll roads, and was 240 miles shorter than the route you chose (you intentionally chose to route through Oklahoma City, and at the time you were fired you said it was because you wanted to "swing by the house," and never once mentioned there was a family emergency until AFTER you were fired).

On 02/10/2009, we both were assigned to loads that picked up Casa Grande (Arizona City), AZ, and delivered to Southern California.  When I arrived at that shipper, you never once mentioned any sort of family emergency.  You did, however, annoy the shipper with your loud and prolonged complaints of how you expect to be paid for the tolls and out of route miles.  That was unprofessional, to say the least, and the shipper was reluctant to load you as a result, but I convinced him otherwise (he was going to call Marten and request a different driver than you).

After you delivered your load in SoCal, you arrived back at the Ontario, CA terminal about an hour after I did.  You approached a number of us, still ranting loudly about how you had better get paid for the out of route miles and the tolls.  We all tried to explain that you were wrong, and why, but you wouldn't let it go.  You demanded to speak to the terminal manager, and got your wish.  You were fired 20 minutes later.

I continued to try and calm you down.  When the issue of having your personal property shipped separately came up, I referred you to a friend of mine who was the manager of a local car rental company, who gave you MY significant discount.  You did this after signing for the non-refundable bus ticket, which Marten had then purchased prior to you deciding on the alternative I offered through my friend.

How did you repay those of us who tried to help you?  By threatening to shoot out the windows of all the Marten trucks in your home area, at which point we took you seriously and reported your threat.  It was at that point, you may have noticed, we all simply avoided you.

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