  • Report:  #238578

Complaint Review: Matrimovie Digital Wedding Cinema - Davad M Davad - Schaumburg Illinois

Reported By:
- Schaumburg, Illinois,

Matrimovie Digital Wedding Cinema - Davad M Davad
1463 Mercury Dr. Schaumburg, 60193 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I met Davad M Davad at my father's BBQ. His sister use to work with my mother. We started talking and realized that we had common interests. Well, he told me what he did for a living and about a year later, when I got engaged, I called him. Davad and I actually hung out together a few times after our initial meeting. He promised me a great video package for an extremely discounted rate. My fiance (at the time) and I went over to their place for dinner and to discuss the contract. He offered this huge package for about $1,000. My wife and I were hesitant to go with it because we weren't planning on spending that much for a videographer. We didn't even want one to begin with. Since he was a friend of mine, I convinced my wife to accept the pacakge even though we didn't want more than half of what he was going to "throw in for free."

First mistake we made was to work with a "friend." Second mistake was that we didn't look over the contract completely before we signed anything. We paid half of the amount up front and agreed to pay the remainding 50% after services were completed (it even states it in his contract). Well about a month later, my fiance receives an invoice for the remainder of the bill. We thought that it was pretty shady for him to contact my fiance instead of me. We contacted him about this and he said that since he was giving us such a great deal, that we would return the favor and pay the rest of the bill. My wife is an accountant and she always deals with vendors and knows that you never pay in full until all services are fully rendered.

My wife tells him this and he blows up on her over the phone and hangs up on her. I then get a long e-mail from him telling me that I "need to set my fiance straight" since he was giving us such a great deal. He then offered for us to pay during the day of our wedding or just forget the whole thing and give us our money back. I thanked him for everything that he has done and accepted his offer for a full refund. He then answers the e-mail saying that he is entitled to the "deposit" as stated in the contract and claims that I was the person to end the contract agreement.

I then contacted my cowork who was once a lawyer and showed him everything I had including e-mails and contracts. He confirmed that not only did I not break any contractual agreement, but the contract itself was extremely poorly written and wasn't valid. Since the e-mail he sent me offered to give me a refund, that would negate any contractual agreement. A few more e-mails threatening lawsuits were sent both by me and my coworker and he responds with pretty much a challenge.

A lawsuit was filed and he rejected every letter that was sent and didn't answer the door every time a sheriff came to serve him the letter.

I was finally talked into giving it up by my wife. The funny thing is, I live about 10 minutes away from him now. I saw him at our local Target store about a year ago and was ready to confront him but my wife begged me to not "bring up bad memories." As far as I know, he still lives in the Schaumburg area.


Schaumburg, Illinois

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Davad M Davad

Fort Lauderdale,
Sam was a friend who lost his way.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 10, 2008

Sam was a person with very serious emotional problems. I tried to help him and he was very upset when I had no choice but to terminate his employment with me and my company. We were friendly until I asked him to my office to tell him that he needed help with his problems. From then on, he and his friend Don went on a very ugly campaign to slander Matrimovie and my good name. Congratulations, you managed to hurt other people as well. People who were good to you, people who gave you more than one chance. That is so sad and so unfortunate that you actually paid money to ensure that your negative remarks floated to the top of any search on Google. I suppose I will have to shell out extortion money to fix all this. I dont know why you did it, but I am too happy where I am to worry about it save the fact that others need help too. You hurt them Sam. Shame on you. Please grow up Sam, get help. At least Don had enough dignity to stay off the internet with his anger. DAVAD M DAVAD Former Owner and Operator of Matrimovie Digital Wedding Cinema (847) 534-1701


Morton Grove,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 06, 2008

my name is Jennifer Kennedy, and I worked for Matrimovie during the time Sam Ven worked for Matrimovie. He worked only three weddings and was drunk or became inebriated at both weddings on wedding stock. He drank in front of customers, tarnished Matrimovie as a duly appointed representative, cost Mr. Davad thousands in recovery costs to appease at least one upset client concerning Sam Ven's behavior at their wedding, and he was terminated from employment. His wedding was to be November 5th that same year, but as he was terminated officially on October 17th, he purposely waited until October 28th to attempt to obtain a non refundable deposit of $500 dollars back and cancel the hired services. this after his fiance Amanda Petersen verbally attacked me over the telephone for Sam's dismissal moments after her pleading to give him another chance and that he had problems but needed the money etc etc. How nice. The Vens attempted to or pretended to or threatened to take legal action, but did not, simply because Sam knew that if Mr. Davad were to show in court, he would be bringing me, affidavits from the customers concerning his alcoholism, and other proofs against his claim. Mr. Davad also warned that he would simply file a counter suit, which Sam knew he would win easily. So, instead, Sam filed all these reports on all these sites to attack, defame, injure, slander, intimidate, and libel Matrimovie and Mr. Davad. As per his usual M.O, he was never to be heard from again. These complaints are faked, repeated with different names, and has his drinking buddies and other fired employees from Matrimovie helping out. Sam had access to and was given names and info from the weddings he worked on, so he had copies of contracts etc and had phone lists and other information he was not to use. It was part of the business to entrust simple info like names and numbers, times and locations for weddings and so forth. So he took that info, created some fake emails, and posted to these sites. If you notice on all the other complaints save Jessica Ramirez (who is a real person but friends with Amanda Ven and was refered to us through Sam) they state the same kind of slurs, the same sort of explanation: "Scam artist, con man," etc. Sam was learning how to sell to people since Frank was teaching him the business at that time, and any sales pitch has some amount of manipulation...even at McDonalds they upsell. So, there it is. I do hope all this is finally over as this is affecting my jobsearch because I was at Matrimovie for over four years until close of business. If you read this far and are a friend or a client (almost all were more than happy and there were plenty of letters to prove it) please post your own comments to show support for Matrimovie's great reputation and Mr. Davad's good name. Thanks for reading, JK


Morton Grove,

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 05, 2008

Hello, My name is Jennifer and I know at least two of the people acusing and abusing Mr. Davad. I not only worked for this man, but Sam did my wedding for Matrimovie. I worked with Mr. Davad for over four years and I was very happy being in his employ. He treated me well, paid well, and was honest and fair in his transactions. When it came time for me to have my wedding, he did not even charge me and gave me "full boat" treatment. Sam was one of the people who worked for him, and he was eventually let go due to alcoholism. He was drunk at my wedding as well. Here is what I would say about all this: Sam and Don are subcontractors who worked very little with my former company, did poorly, and were excused. They are the ones behind these comments and attacks. I was the person doing the books, so I know how many weddings we did in the years I worked for Mr. Davad, how often if at all people complained as if ever there was any problem, they were talking to me, and I saw what he went through. Out of thousands of happy and elated customers, there are bound to be people who dont pay, are unahppy in some way, or generally unwilling to abide by a contract for some reason. People always have a reason. But interestingly enough, Mr. Davad was sued only once in all the years he was in business. The actual "clients" that were unhappy for whatever reason (Sam getting drunk at a wedding, Don forgetting his lights one time) these things happen and Mr. D always helped them to a happy conclusion. refunds, extra DVDs, whatever we needed to do to avoid bad word, we did. Like any good company with high customer service standards. Sam knew that and exploited it out of anger and hatred, I guess. He is a sad person who attemtped to get out of a contract to do his wedding (at an unbelievable price reduction I might add) after he was excused from active roster. Meaning in essence, he was fired for being drunk at two weddings, so he did not want Matrimovie to do his wedding any longer, and the office was unwilling to give back the tiny deposit he left with us. It was just a few weeks before his wedding, and there is something called Expectation of Income for that day, plus it was a non-refundable deposit. I remember this precisely since I was the person crafting their dismissal letters and subsequent Cease and Desist letters. If Mr. Davad is guilty of anything at all, is being too nice and for hiring them both in the first place. But Sam talks a good game, and Mr. D liked him. they were friends for a while, that much of what Sam said was true. He just conveniently left out the information about how he worked for Matrimovie and was excused for drinking and innebriation on the job. He forgot to mention that in his remarks on Pissed Off Consumer as well, I noticed while looking into this. My main reason for commenting and for contacting many of Matrimovie's old customers is that Mr. Davad is still a good friend. I speak to him over the phone often, we talk on the internet, and he and his wife even had me vacation at his home for a week. He is a kind brilliant man who is far too nice to people who have besmirched his good name and the name of a good business that did great service and created great product for many customers and clients. I found this all out after someone mentioned Matirmovie on my resume as being something I should take off. I looked it up and found out why they would say such a thing. I am not sure, but this slander and libel should be investigated. I do hope that those of you who read this on Google will read the rebuttle, and if you were a former customer or client so Mr. Davad's and Matrimovie's, please take a moment to add your own information concerning this travesty of lies perpetrated by a couple of ex employees. As for Jill and Jessica, they both owed Matrimovie's office money, and refused to or could not pay what they owed, a common occurance once the bills for the weddings come rolling in. I worked in the wedding business long enough to note that bigger companies like catering halls, hotels, and the like got paid first because they had bigger law firms, and photographers and videographers were easier to ignore. They were both offered lowered totals and even extensions on their time limits, but Jessica was satisfied with her outcome. She and her husband even came over to the office and left smiling. But Jessica's husband was friends with Sam, so perhaps he was instructed to make unkind remarks long after the conclusion of their contract. I dont know for sure, but I do know that this affects me and my life too. It is unfair that such comments are not checked or have no proof, and that lies can become lore. Please take a moment to add your own comments as well. I and Mr. D will thank you and so will business ethics in general. Jenn K.

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