  • Report:  #1179595

Complaint Review: Matthew J. Genesio Gina M. Genesio Adoptions From the Heart Mark T. McDermott Esq. - Wayne Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Bring Jonathan Home - Fort Meade , Maryland,

Matthew J. Genesio Gina M. Genesio Adoptions From the Heart Mark T. McDermott Esq.
Wayne, 19087 Pennsylvania, USA
www.genesiocompany.com, www.afth.org, www.theadoptionadvisor.com
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Report Attachments

We are asking for a truthful investigation into the illegal adoption of our son,(((REDACTED))) (Maryland Case # 02-A-11-001354AD / SCOTUS # 13-251).  We believe there was or may have been coercion, fraud on the court, conspiracy to deny civil rights, and the denial of civil rights committed by the following:

Adoptions from the Heart (AftH) - Social workers Danielle Goodman, Kim Whitemore and Michaelina Bendig

Jennifer Fairfax, LLC – A lawyer and associate of Mark McDermott, paid for with “donations” by AftH to complete the adoption on our behalf, but clearly acted in the best interest of the adopting family and AftH, a professional member of Families for Private Adoptions (FPA) through 2012-1013.

Mark T. McDermott, Esq. – A lawyer hired by the adopting family, who we have been informed has been found guilty of adoption fraud in the state of Virginia for such actions as falsification of paperwork, conspiracy to keep parents in the dark, retaliatory lawsuits and fraud on the court (please see enclosed email and statement to Judge S. Michael Pincus), former president of the FPA and on the board of directors through 2012-2013. Admitted to the Maryland Lawboard that Virginia had found him guilty in the Baby Emma Case and that they "privately admonished" him, but he has decided that it is a crime for anyone to talk about what he did to force an adoption in a case where Virginia State decided Emma should be returned to her family and that the case fell under the Parental Kidnapping Act.

Lee S. Ashmore, Esq. – A lawyer we hired to assist us with the revocation, who missed hearings, did not open our file, and blames the court for missing hearings.

Judge Pamela L. North – Judge who presided over the December 29th, 2011 hearing that finalized the adoption without acknowledging our request for revocation.

Judge Nancy L. Davis-Loomis - Judge who initially overturned the adoption, the falsified court records to claim she held a hearing despite being on the record many times that the hearing in question was never to examine the existence of fraud in this matter.

Hunt Reporting Company – Court Reporting and Litigation Support

Matthew J. Genesio - fraudulent adopter

Gina Marie Gensio, CRNP - fraudulent adopter, granddaugher of Judge Armand Pomente (deceased)

Please note our affidavit and that we have signed it acknowledging that if we had lied it would be perjury:


Please also see our request an investigation into Mark T. McDermott's 20 year history of kidnapping children through fraudulent adoption as observed by judges, lawyers, parents and lawboards:


We are also asking for an investigation of the parties below and into the restraining order filed against us in retaliation for exercising our freedom of speech, and our rights to ask for assitance in the fraudulent adoption of our son:

Gina Marie Genesio- alleged victim who we can show has repeatedly lied to us, including making statements that no stalking victim would EVER make to her stalker, including that she could not wait for us to have a relationship if only we would stop asking for the return of our son.

Matthew J. Genesio

Detective  Robert Bostick, Detective Todd Bereda: detectives who rushed to judgement, held a fake 2 week investigation, hid the RO hearings from us, then lied to press about being in contact with our lawyers

Megan Stumpf - former county prosecutor who served as their lawyer, has a history of imprisoning innocent people if they refuse to testify against their spouses in domestic violence cases, had access to our affadavit but decided that without investigating the adoption that she herself could decide it was legal.  She made fun of our affidavit and the lawful investigation into parties mentioned in the affidavit and in doing so proved that she and her clients were willing to perjur themselves and hold themselves above the law as they had no right to interfere with or deny a lawful investigation.  She also told our lawyer that what her clients mostly wanted was for us to be denied access to the internet, and at that points he proved that she herself knew that we posed no bodily harm to her clients and that she herself was enabling to apply for a RO in bad faith.  She and her clients described us to the press as being close to homicidal maniacs who would abduct a child at gun point, and yet their biggest fear was our access to the internet?  She knew her clients were malingering and she was being paid to gain the RO, not tell the truth.  Her clients have repeatedly attacked our freedom of speech, and our attempts to have the fraud investigated, and our appeal which they called a crime and a mental illness (in writing). This RO is nothing more than their attempts to slander us, and to obstruct justice, and Megan's comment to our lawyer shows she was cognizant that we were asking for a legal remedy.  Had we even threatened actual violence, and we never had, then she and her clients and the detectives would not have needed to lie to the judge or hidden the hearings and transcripts from us. 

Cara Fitzpatrick - the court clerk who has made repeated excuses for not sending us our paid for court transcripts.

The Restraining order was granted after 2 days of hearings for which we were never served properly, and despite the fact that the hearing was not held in the arbitrary time limit allotted by Pennsylvania Law.  It should be noted that this contradicts the fraudulent adopters primary reason for keeping Jonathan, in that they said arbitrary court dates should be obeyed no matter what, and they did not care if we were under durress, if our lawyers had been guilty of misconduct and they didn't feel we should be allowed a hearing to prevent evidence or to have an investigation--not even if a child had been kidnapped.

Gina Marie Genesio falsely reported (a crime in of itself) that she had seen us outside her home.  The police detectives involved immediately helped her gain a temporary restraining order from the court.  Although they had been in contact with us, the detectives lied to the press, public and judge complaining that we had not cooperated with their fake investigation and saying that they did not know if we even had a lawyer. We have emails from and to our lawyer where the detectives spoke of an alleged 2 week investigation, but never asked for our alibi, or for any thing else from us or our lawyer, prefering instead to threaten us with punishment for crimes that allegedly had not even been investigated yet---showing a clear rush to judgement---and this was dispite the fact that they told the press we had broken no laws.

They rushed into court having never served us properly.  They presented God only knows what evidence against us.  The restraining order was awarded. It is two months later as we file this Ripoff Report and they are refusing to hand over the court transcripts from the hearings.  They have never given us any of their alleged evidence against us, nor supplied this to our lawyer; they did not give our lawyer their witness list until they day of the 2nd hearing.  They did not want us to be prepared to cross examine their alleged witnesses.  The detective called our lawyer in the evening after the first hearing claiming he wanted to discuss the results of his fake investigation.  He never mentioned the hearing, showing his full intent to hide the hearing from us so that a default judgement could be entered against us, since they had no evidece to support the allegations that we had stalked the habitual liar, Gina Marie Genesio.

Had we been asked, we would have told the police that Gina Marie Genesio lied when she said we were in front of her house.  We have witnesses, bank statements, and socail media posts proving that we were not even in her state when she claimed that we were in front of her house.  She also claimed to have seen a brunette female in front of her house and had the police bothered to check with the DMV, they would have noticed that neither one of us match her description. She also described the drive from her state to ours as a 2 hour drive.  The police should have also noticed this.  It is only a 2 hour drive if the toll roads are taken from Baltimore to Pennsylvania.  Since it was alleged that we have "access to weapons" (simply due to our military service) and attempting to abduct a child at gunpoint during an interstate crime, the police might have thought of issuing an Amber alert, or at the very least checking the security cameras at the toll booths. They did not do this, or if they did they lied.  Our car would not have been photographed at any toll booth, meaning that the trip could not have been any 2 hour drive, but 3 1/2 on the roads without the toll----this means that the impossible trip becomes even more impossible.  We did not have time to make the trip, do all the crap we were accused of doing (despite the press being told we had not broken any laws) and then returned home in time to be where and with whom we actually spent the day.  

Gina M. Genesio's perjorous complaint against us:



Email from the police detectives to us and our lawyers:


Routes from Laurel, Maryland to Tredyffrin, Pennssylvania: 

with tolls:


without tolls:



Report Attachments

2 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Wed, December 09, 2015

Judge Armand Pomante's granddaughter has slandered us as insane in PA in order to uphold the adoption, but in Maryland she testified that she didn't feel the post-natal depression was real and that even if it was that she felt it was not severe enough to interfere with the adoption.  She is unable to tell the same story from one hearing to another.

Judge Armand Pomante has alleged serious crimes all without evidece: that we have physically stalked her and had a plan to kidnap (((REDACTED))) at gunpoint, that we were outside her house but later she and Bostick changed the date, when they could not place a military gun in our hands they changed the story and claimed we hired someone, they have falsely claimed we tried to steal her identity and traffick pharmaceuticals.

None of these crimes were in the fraudulent warrant that Bostick wrote and is refusing to throw out.  Bostick had us declared fugitives from justice in the original warrant. We knew nothing about the warrant and were not fugitives. We did not try to run and we can show that he was lying when he claimed we were not cooperating in a police investigation. Bostick made this claim so that we could be held without bail. He wanted us to be extradited to PA where he may have intended to plant evidence in the form of weapons or pharmaceuticals.  Meghan Stumpf their then layer admitted in the PFA hearing that she had no evidence of these crimes and that the allegations were all coming from Bostick whom she claimed was waiting for evidence. The many statements from Botick were that the case would be closed in two weeks if we gave up our freedom of speech, somthing no ethical cop would say to a violent offender, so the only evidence in a closed case is planted evidence to malciously prosecute us for refusing to give up our freedom of speech.

While the warrant contains no evidence of any crime, it alleges that by publishing evidence that Bostick and Pomante's granddaughter perjured themselves and were coached in the PFA hearing that we violated the fraudulent pfa.  

And because Bostick knew that this lesser charge was not sufficient grounds to hold us forever as futigitves and because he had no evidence of the crimes he wanted to charge us with, he then padded the warrant with made up crimes.  He created a list of vocabulary that we can no longer use PER HIM without being arrested: words such as corrupt, paranoid and infertile. He also claimed that sharing a facebook link from the FBI's own fb page saying they had arrested judges in PA for fixing cases was also just cause to have us arrested.  He also claimed that publishing the evidence that she had perjured herself was just cause to arrest us. He also claimed that publishing the emails showing that he lied about speaking to our lawyers was just cause to have us arrested. He falsely claimed that we refusing to speak with him, but then admitted to trying to question us outside our lawyer's presence over long distance telephone to our house. If our ex-laywer Perry lied to him that we would not speak to him, then it should be noted that we fired Perry and that they tried to force us to contine the case with Perry or have us face sanctions.  We have never been asked by a police officer or a lawyer to speak to the police force concerning this matter. When he walked into court with our affidavit, Bostick knew that we wanted this case investigated by the police and he hid the true nature of that evidence calling it a pile of mere paperwork.  Bosick also claimed that the court documents required by MD to file our appeal were fake, a claim he could not make in a MD court of law.

When we refused to be extradited, the state of PA refused to come down to MD to make their case. The charges were minor and they had no evidence of the serious crimes they were alleging. Because we refused to be extradited they also could not plant any evidence.

Again in their civil lawsuit alleging we have slandered them, Judge Armond Pomante's granddaughter is alleging she has EVIDENCE  of these more serious crimes.  However, if they did then Bostick would have a warrrant for our arrest stating these crimes and we would be extradited. Bostick is still relying on this fraudulent warrant which he refuses to throw out, and the warrant itseslf is proof that he is fraudulent and should be removed from our case and that the entire case against us should likewlse be thrown out.

Report Attachments


#3Author of original report

Tue, December 08, 2015


Fraudulent Adopters File Illegal SLAPP Motion Against Activist Parents

Case # 02-A-11-001354-AD


FORT MEADE, Md. (Nov. 14, 2015) – When(((REDACTED)))’s parents revoked the adoption of their son to a Chester County, Pa., couple, they hired Maryland lawyer Mark McDermott to finalize the adoption.  They did this in secret and in spite of the revocation, above the Stilipecs’ rights to due process.  McDermott compromised the case by cooperating with his partner, Maryland lawyer Jennifer Fairfax, who was hired by the adoption agency to ‘represent’ the Stilipecs, but paid only if the adoption was completed.  On his website, McDermott argues that parents need lawyers, but in court he claimed that the Stilipecs had no right to a hearing and no right to be represented by legal counsel.  Additionally, the Stilipecs’ second lawyer, Lee Ashmore, quit in the middle of the case and would later tell the Maryland bar association that he did not feel the court dates he missed amounted to misconduct, but agreed that McDermott and the Maryland court had behaved erratically.  Despite the evidence of the many acts of fraud committed, the adoption has never been investigated.  Maryland requires adoptions to be overturned if there is a single act of fraud.

When the Stilipecs began speaking out in a blog about the fraud, the adopters repeatedly threatened to sue and indicated that the Stilipecs would never see Jonathan again unless they stopped asking for his return and  stopped blogging about adoption activism.  The adopter’s lawyer forwarded an email where they claimed the appeal and the blogs were a crime and insanity, and demanded that both be dropped independent of a court’s ruling.  They went into court and closed the adoption because the Stilipecs refused to be silenced.

The Stilipecs continued to publish evidence that the adoption was a fraud. When fliers were passed out in a peaceful protest, the adopters then enlisted a police officer who attempted to interrogate the Stilipecs outside the presence of their lawyer. He also threatened to charge them with serious crimes and in a letter to their lawyer, claimed a two-week investigation against them would be closed if the Stilipecs agreed to never again hand out flyers.  Two weeks later the adopters and the cop walked into a court, admitted on the record that they had not legally served the Stilipecs, and claimed that the Stilipec’s military service meant that they had a gun.  They claimed the mother was extremely mentally ill, despite telling Maryland courts that they didn’t believe the illness was severe enough to affect her judgement or revoke the adoption and claimed that they were being physically stalked.  The officer perjured himself and offered no evidence of any credible threat and instead claimed the investigation was still ongoing.  The couple did not provide any evidence but instead attacked the Stilipecs’ right to freedom of speech, claiming that they felt threatened by statements such as “God will bring our child home,” and “…we are so thankful that we can help other parents who have lost children.”  The court records show that the judge repeatedly  coached the couple on the witness stand on what to say and he then granted their wish for a restraining order despite the fact that they had no proof.  The records also show that their lawyer admitted to the court that what they most feared was the blog posts, not the guns they claimed the Stilipecs had access to.

The Stilipecs published proof that the restraining order had been gained through fraud, and that they were in Maryland on the day of the supposed stalking.  The couple and their cop had the Stilipecs falsely arrested for fake crimes by calling them fugitives from justice and holding them without bond at Christmas time. The Stilipecs refused to sign extradition orders and their lawyers had to take time away from their families to dispute the false charge that their clients were fugitives.  72 hours after the arrest, the Stilipecs were released because Pennsylvania refused to come to get them and dropped the charges completely.

In the following 11 months, the adopters have refused to turn over any evidence of their claims or police reports so that the Stilipecs can plan a proper legal defense.  The warrant itself proves the false arrest was made for using words such as ‘infertile,’ ‘corrupt,’ and ‘immature,’ and it contradicts the cop’s earlier court statements while hiding that the blogs and videos showed evidence of a crime.

In June 2015, the couple filed an illegal SLAPP motion against the Stilipecs to attack their freedom of speech, and demanding unspecified damages despite never proving damages.  They are also implying that the Stilipecs sought the aid of their parents in a kidnapping plot, when the Stilipecs have had no contact with their parents in nearly three years. They have yet to turn over any and all alleged evidence to the Stilipecs’ lawyer or swear out an arrest for an alleged conspiracy to commit aggravated kidnapping and identity theft to traffick pharmaceuticals, rather than retain the known fraudulent warrant.

The couple’s motivation is to silence the Stilipecs and gain a court order to force the Stilipecs to remove the published evidence or face a bench warrant of arrest in violation of the court order.  This would also allow the couple to demand the Stilipecs remove any blog on any topic they claim is abusive to them (such as reading the Bible or Martin Luther King) or else face a bench warrant arrest.

The couple are attempting to prosecute the Stilipecs through a civil case rather than filing a lawful criminal complaint and deny the Stilipecs the right to a jury trial. Anti-SLAPP laws in Maryland and Pennsylvania say that this lawsuit must be thrown out and that the couple must now pay the Stilipecs for their defense. 

The Stilipecs have only asked for a legal investigation into the fraudulent adoption, the return of their son, and the ability to participate in peaceful adoption reform.  The Stilipecs are asking that the unlawful investigation under Detective Robert Bostick be closed, that the judges who coached the PFA and signed the fraudulent warrant be recused, that all orders from the fraudulent proceedings be thrown out, and that the court comply with Anti-SLAPP laws in throwing out the illegal lawsuit.

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