  • Report:  #1439769

Complaint Review: Mauricio Gonzalez 11 - Nevada

Reported By:
Becky - United States

Mauricio Gonzalez 11
Nevada, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We spoke 4 a while then he got real nasty and weirded me out. Hes a fruit loop.

12 Updates & Rebuttals

a concerned citizen

United States
Their attempts at stalking and possible premeditation for committing crime

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, June 17, 2018

  Here are some rather disturbing pics that had been gathered recently which would suggest possible premeditation for committing crime against this young man who more than obviously exposed their illegal activities, albeit in a rather blunt and unprofessional way. Everyone can view these pics for themselves as soon as it goes through approval.

Report Attachments


Las Vegas,
United States
But they're so amusing :)

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, May 18, 2018

Lol. What a fruit-loop  minamotonoyashitsu.wixsite.com/mauriciogonzalezii/single-post/2018/05/18/Mauricio-Gonzalez-II-is-a-fruit-loop

Mauricio Gonzalez II

Las Vegas,
United States
[PICTURES] Looks like fake social media profiles aren't enough?

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 14, 2018

 After your blunder at that fake FaceBook account, it looks like you pathetic lot of degenerates had actually taken towards going on an other whole extreme measure of insanity. Of course, what is to be expected from those who are in the business of stealing identities & making fake profiles. You lost, admit your own failures & get back to your sad pathetic life of degeneracy like the chicken-scheiße "HOT-TOPIC" pozers/lozers you really are! 3:).

Report Attachments


New York,
United States
Poor blue baby :(

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, May 13, 2018

'must terrible having people post things about you on the internet. :( minamotonoyashitsu.wixsite.com/mauriciogonzalezii/single-post/2018/05/13/Beltane-Celebration


New York,
United States
For someone who hates angels

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, May 13, 2018

I have to ask: you do realize why Enochian is called *Enoch*ian, don't you? If you don't yet, you're in for quite a surprise when you do finally figure it out. Rest assured I am laughing at your inevitable realization well in advance - especially in light of the fact that it's inked into your flesh! :D Your naivety is priceless.

Mauricio Gonzalez II

Las Vegas,
United States
[PICTURES] These here "Revenge Post" culprits impersonating me on the internet...

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, May 12, 2018

These here degenerative "Revenge Post" culprits are on A personal mission to create fake profiles & accounts with as many things to identify me as possible, even taking the extreme measure of harassing my family *via "Private/Unknown Number" or "0-000-000-0000" ever since I (& some trusted friends) exposed their deceptive scams! They would much rather prefer being "Chicken-Sheiße" cowards & stay sitting on their FAT lazy butts, even "AK" admits before erasing all evidence (which of course, we already collected more than enough). Let the record be known that these degenerate lozer RETARDS have absolutely no *real* sense of life & purpose other than being parasites up on society, no thing but POZERS who are far better off going back to *HOT TOPIC* with the alcohol/drug/woman abuser: *Zachary Christopher Schroeder*! Me & my friends are going to have A big laugh once all our images we submitted on here get approved, thus further exposing your ill deeds! 3:) P.S: Your pathetic Hebrew (as well as other stupid dabbling you do) has no power over Enochian & "Our Benefactors" continue to work against you, enjoy what is coming: ****EOPHAN OD TELOC NIIS OL LONCHO****.

Report Attachments


New York,
United States

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 03, 2018

 I'm not sure Chicken S*** is the phrase I'd use to describe someone who can't be bothered to even consider flying 2,600 miles to take some incompetent clod of a girly boy who can't even so much as change a tire without risking grievous bodily injury on themselves up on their oh-so-bold "dare" to come to their house and fight them, Gomer.


New York,
United States
Pictures? Looks like there's plenty of them floating around on the internet ;)

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2018

A quick Google search of your name turned this website up. Copy and paste the link into your browser: *clicking it just redirects back to this report, but well, what can you expect? It's Rip-Off report. https://minamotonoyashitsu.wixsite.com/mauriciogonzalezii/single-post/2016/05/03/Brainstorm-howto-the-wall-of-ideas It sure makes for an interesting read concerning you and your Pinoy friend.

Mauricio Gonzalez II

Las Vegas,
United States
The proof is in the pictures...

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, May 02, 2018

 Self-explanatory, you paid crony retard. Give the lozer *Pyro* & that alcoholic/drug/woman abuser "Zachary C. Schroeder" my regards. As for "AK/Antikarmatomic", tell him to stop being such A pathetic chicken-s***!

Report Attachments


New York,
United States
Blue Baby

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, April 30, 2018

It would've been better for everyone if you were never born at all. Your best intentions always end in failure and disillusionment, because you always were, always have been, and always will be broken and defective - unfit for this world. Beltane is coming. End it. Lady Astorath awaits you on the other side of the living. Prove your dedication to her.

Mauricio Gonzalez II

Las Vegas,
United States
[PICTURES] You got caught in your own lies, "pal".

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 23, 2018

 These four picture images (one of which, is A repost) are proof that the individual who posted this IS (in fact) the same person from the sham of A web address so-called: "www.SatanicInternationalNetWork.com". As you view the evidence, pay special close to the guy's favorate term: "Fruit Loop". Further indicating this as A *Revenge Post* against me for having exposed their deception, lies & trickery! Let the record be known that any further out-landish *Revenge Posts* designed for defamation against me is to be regarded as "slander", "libel" & possibly even "identity theft"! I have typed it before & I'll type it again, this is to all who would dare cause disunity/in-fighting amongst the people of our faith: ****EOPHAN OD TELOC NIIS OL LONCHO****.

Report Attachments

Mauricio Gonzalez II

Las Vegas,
United States
PICTURES, An other "Revenge Post" from the so-called *Satanic International NetWork*. PURE LAME!

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 22, 2018

 This is just plain lame, even the mis-spellings & using the term "Fruit Loop" to describe me is VERY reminiscent to that of what my picture image evidence shows. You have done this before & now do it again?, here are two *links (one is my report & the other is their prior attempt at defamation): " ripoffreport.com/reports/satanic-international-network-sin/san-diego-california/satanic-international-network-sin-zach-c-schroeder-zach-schroeder-zach-schroder-1431644 " " https://m.ripoffreport.com/reports/mauricio-gonzalez-ii/las-vegas-nv-89121/mauricio-gonzalez-ii-minamotonoyashitsuneyahoocoukminamotonoyashitsunegmailcomdevi-1439246 " Using my neighbor's name (ever since you got my address)?, pathetic...just wait until the *Real* Becky hears about this! There are A few picture image examples here, but you can find A lot more evidence of my grievances in those two *links.

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