  • Report:  #37944


Reported By:
- Darlington, South Carolina,

P.O,BOX105271 P.O. BOX4600 IOWA CITY, 52244-4600 Iowa, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am so glad to find that there is some hope that these people can be found out and stopped so they cant keep on ripping honest people off. I recieved a long distance card from these people. I recently moved about 60 miles from where the rest of my family lives. I could not afford to have long distance added onto my reidential phone.(the only phone i have) When I recieved the card in the mail,I called to inquire about it. When I called to inquire about the card that offered 200 minutes a month for $12.95 there was a recording that said that this phone call may be monitored. I had no problem with that, I was kind of glad.

I talked to a representative and explained to him my situation. I told him that I only had one home telephone and that the only long distance calls I made was to my children that live in a nearby county. I also explained to him the reason I didnt have a long distance carrier at this time was because I could not afford alot of long distance charges and I purchased pre-paid long distance cards to keep my finger on my budget.

This representative explained to me that thie card was just what I needed. In fact, there was an additional 200 minute card for free for promotional purposes but just only for 3 months. That was okay but I knew that I wouldnt need that many minutes.

I used the card for about 1 week and I got a bill for $5.oo. I sent the $5.00 in and before the month was up my card was cancelled.When I called to inquire about it, I was told that my service was disrupted because I was making the long distance calls from my home. I couldnt believe it!

I was told that I had to use the cards away from my home. I had never heard of anything like this before, especially when I went to great lengths to explain what I needed. The representative knew that I only had a home phone. There would have been no need for me to get these cards if he had told me from the beginning that I couldnt use my home phone. How ridiculous can you get. When a bill came to my house it was an astonishing $359.31. Thats nothing, A month later I recieved another bill for $618.89 and I never even used the card for one month.

I know that this is got to be wrong and I know that there must be something we can do about it. I dont know how these people can lay down and close their eyes at night. As of 12/02/02 this is on my credit report and the collection agency that they use calls me every week. I finally got someone to listen to my side and I was informed that they get this exact same complaint from at least 500 people a month. I think we need to get together and put a stop to this corruption . I would be more than happy to pay my $12.95 that I agreed to but no more.


Darlington, South Carolina

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Lake Mills,
How about the telemarketers who lie over the phone before they turn on the recording devices

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Here is another person who works for the phone co and has no clue what the telemarketors do. they lie to you after they get you to agree to their lie and you say yes I will switch over you are then sent to another person to verify you want to change services. I was out right lied to. You also need to be careful who you agree to because MCI has other lil companies they are the parent of the lying companies. I will never pay mci the money I owe them because they shut my service off for 68 bucks while I was gone on vacation. My deposit for the long distance was 75 bucks at the local phone co. I paid the 68 dollar bill that was stated on my online account and when I went back to look later to see if it was credited they had taken my account off line and sent it to a collection agency. AFTER I PAID THE BILL FROM MY ON LINE STATEMENT! Now they want 22 bucks for the collection agency. good luck getting it MCI. YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOT HAVING A HOME PHONE AND LONG DISTANCE AND SHOULD START USING A CELL PHONE. There soon will be a way we can get internet service with out these companies and they will all go out of business. At least you are not charged for calls made after 7 on most cell phones.


Lake Mills,
How about the telemarketers who lie over the phone before they turn on the recording devices

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Here is another person who works for the phone co and has no clue what the telemarketors do. they lie to you after they get you to agree to their lie and you say yes I will switch over you are then sent to another person to verify you want to change services. I was out right lied to. You also need to be careful who you agree to because MCI has other lil companies they are the parent of the lying companies. I will never pay mci the money I owe them because they shut my service off for 68 bucks while I was gone on vacation. My deposit for the long distance was 75 bucks at the local phone co. I paid the 68 dollar bill that was stated on my online account and when I went back to look later to see if it was credited they had taken my account off line and sent it to a collection agency. AFTER I PAID THE BILL FROM MY ON LINE STATEMENT! Now they want 22 bucks for the collection agency. good luck getting it MCI. YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOT HAVING A HOME PHONE AND LONG DISTANCE AND SHOULD START USING A CELL PHONE. There soon will be a way we can get internet service with out these companies and they will all go out of business. At least you are not charged for calls made after 7 on most cell phones.


Lake Mills,
How about the telemarketers who lie over the phone before they turn on the recording devices

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Here is another person who works for the phone co and has no clue what the telemarketors do. they lie to you after they get you to agree to their lie and you say yes I will switch over you are then sent to another person to verify you want to change services. I was out right lied to. You also need to be careful who you agree to because MCI has other lil companies they are the parent of the lying companies. I will never pay mci the money I owe them because they shut my service off for 68 bucks while I was gone on vacation. My deposit for the long distance was 75 bucks at the local phone co. I paid the 68 dollar bill that was stated on my online account and when I went back to look later to see if it was credited they had taken my account off line and sent it to a collection agency. AFTER I PAID THE BILL FROM MY ON LINE STATEMENT! Now they want 22 bucks for the collection agency. good luck getting it MCI. YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOT HAVING A HOME PHONE AND LONG DISTANCE AND SHOULD START USING A CELL PHONE. There soon will be a way we can get internet service with out these companies and they will all go out of business. At least you are not charged for calls made after 7 on most cell phones.


Lake Mills,
How about the telemarketers who lie over the phone before they turn on the recording devices

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Here is another person who works for the phone co and has no clue what the telemarketors do. they lie to you after they get you to agree to their lie and you say yes I will switch over you are then sent to another person to verify you want to change services. I was out right lied to. You also need to be careful who you agree to because MCI has other lil companies they are the parent of the lying companies. I will never pay mci the money I owe them because they shut my service off for 68 bucks while I was gone on vacation. My deposit for the long distance was 75 bucks at the local phone co. I paid the 68 dollar bill that was stated on my online account and when I went back to look later to see if it was credited they had taken my account off line and sent it to a collection agency. AFTER I PAID THE BILL FROM MY ON LINE STATEMENT! Now they want 22 bucks for the collection agency. good luck getting it MCI. YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOT HAVING A HOME PHONE AND LONG DISTANCE AND SHOULD START USING A CELL PHONE. There soon will be a way we can get internet service with out these companies and they will all go out of business. At least you are not charged for calls made after 7 on most cell phones.


New Mexico,
I Sure Didn't Get A "One Time Credit" !!!

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2004

Hey There "D"... What's this crap about MCI being sensitive to their customers?? I was a long time, loyal MCI customer. I paid my bills every month BEFORE the due date. However, when I called their so-called "customer service" department to lodge a request for assistance...I was given the runaround and when I persisted, I received the most rude and uncaring treatment I have ever encountered from a business of any kind. I most certainly was never offered one of those "ONE TIME CREDITS" you mention in your rebuttal. Read my report. BEWARE OF MCI !!!!!


Iowa City,
Reading everything is key - The telemarketers don't send those out themselves, they actually come from our systems.

#7UPDATE Employee

Mon, July 05, 2004

Reading everything is key. Even when you receive a credit card, you should read the small print and everything else that comes with it. I work for MCI. Most of the escalated customers that we deal with are customers that don't read what is sent to them. Then they call in demanding that we issue credit. Issue credit for what? The customers sense of sight? MCI is the only company that will issue credit for stuff that isn't our fault. I worked for AT&T also as a supervisor. We didn't issue credit for issues that we sent the information on. MCI shouldn't either but we do. It's called a one time credit that AT&T never had. MCI takes care of their customers too well. Read everything you recieve, write everything down, get documentation, have everything explained to you, and please stop blaming the high rates on mci. You were given the information in the welcome package. The telemarketers don't send those out themselves, they actually come from our systems.


Virginia Beach,
Comment on employee rebuttal... the "threat" is something I wouldn't stand for if I ever got treated like such over the phone

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

Well, way to try to show your point then make yourself look worse instead. This employee's rebuttal is clearly quite rudely delivered, and the "threat" of sorts at the end is something I wouldn't stand for if I ever got treated like such over the phone. MCI's telemarketers are also very rude, and it's overall a poor company. Go with AT&T, or even Sprint. At least their employees aren't rude and uncaring.


Please listen... in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 18, 2004

I work for mci , in iowa city. I know there are some telemarketers out there that do bad things. But in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen. I know for a fact that all information on how cards work are sent to the home. And are explained well, most people are tired of waiting on the phone and do not listen when things are explained. I have personally explained things to customers , checked the accout to follow up with them a few days later. And boom , they have called in and told some other rep I explained this issue differently than I had said. Most people are quick to blame the company but do not hold themselves acountable. Many times I have seen people call in over and over to get credit and tell a different story each time . Wake up people, we not these accounts. We cover our butt as a company. When you threaten to sue us , yes we will get the recorded tapes, you had better hope you are telling the truth . Maybe we should start prosecuting the customers for trying to extort money . All I ask people is hold yourselved acountable on listening , and if you don't understand , ask again . I'ts not rocket science. ...


Please listen... in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen

#10UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 18, 2004

I work for mci , in iowa city. I know there are some telemarketers out there that do bad things. But in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen. I know for a fact that all information on how cards work are sent to the home. And are explained well, most people are tired of waiting on the phone and do not listen when things are explained. I have personally explained things to customers , checked the accout to follow up with them a few days later. And boom , they have called in and told some other rep I explained this issue differently than I had said. Most people are quick to blame the company but do not hold themselves acountable. Many times I have seen people call in over and over to get credit and tell a different story each time . Wake up people, we not these accounts. We cover our butt as a company. When you threaten to sue us , yes we will get the recorded tapes, you had better hope you are telling the truth . Maybe we should start prosecuting the customers for trying to extort money . All I ask people is hold yourselved acountable on listening , and if you don't understand , ask again . I'ts not rocket science. ...


Please listen... in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen

#11UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 18, 2004

I work for mci , in iowa city. I know there are some telemarketers out there that do bad things. But in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen. I know for a fact that all information on how cards work are sent to the home. And are explained well, most people are tired of waiting on the phone and do not listen when things are explained. I have personally explained things to customers , checked the accout to follow up with them a few days later. And boom , they have called in and told some other rep I explained this issue differently than I had said. Most people are quick to blame the company but do not hold themselves acountable. Many times I have seen people call in over and over to get credit and tell a different story each time . Wake up people, we not these accounts. We cover our butt as a company. When you threaten to sue us , yes we will get the recorded tapes, you had better hope you are telling the truth . Maybe we should start prosecuting the customers for trying to extort money . All I ask people is hold yourselved acountable on listening , and if you don't understand , ask again . I'ts not rocket science. ...


Please listen... in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen

#12UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 18, 2004

I work for mci , in iowa city. I know there are some telemarketers out there that do bad things. But in this case it sounds like there is a customer that did not listen. I know for a fact that all information on how cards work are sent to the home. And are explained well, most people are tired of waiting on the phone and do not listen when things are explained. I have personally explained things to customers , checked the accout to follow up with them a few days later. And boom , they have called in and told some other rep I explained this issue differently than I had said. Most people are quick to blame the company but do not hold themselves acountable. Many times I have seen people call in over and over to get credit and tell a different story each time . Wake up people, we not these accounts. We cover our butt as a company. When you threaten to sue us , yes we will get the recorded tapes, you had better hope you are telling the truth . Maybe we should start prosecuting the customers for trying to extort money . All I ask people is hold yourselved acountable on listening , and if you don't understand , ask again . I'ts not rocket science. ...

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