  • Report:  #67934

Complaint Review: Mesa AZ Police Dept. - MESA Arizona

Reported By:
- MESA, Arizona,

Mesa AZ Police Dept.
130 N. Robson MESA, 85201 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hello ,

im not sure im doing this right ,but here it goes..excuse my spelling and puncuations.. It all started about 4-5 mnths ago when i broke up with an ex.

He became obssed with me and didnt want me to leave him. he became crazy, stalking me,watching me,spying on me with binoculars in park across st.sending people to my home to give me messages,calling me ,knocking on my door and bedroom windows all hrs of the night,sending bogus cabs to pick me up at my house.making a scene in front of my new apt,i was so scared i was gonna get evicted cause of him.

anyways first violation from mesa pd happen about 4 months ago when my ex came to my home very drunk(hes a severe alcoholic)wanting to talk with me ,i had company at the time 3 people were helping me move in ,i opened the door cause he was swearing and mank noise .he then pushed his way in ad we started arguing,my friends didnt do anything they were just near incase he tried to hurt me but they didnt want to say anything cause he might get worse .

so i picked up the phone and dialed 911 and told operator what was goin on.she was on the phone and heard all of it ,me yelling to him to get out and him not wanting to. finally the cops came and i told them what happen and they question my company and they told them same thing ..my ex was sitting on the curb in front of building cop was talking to him.

a few days before i called the cops on him but he left on foot before cops came,the lady cop that day told me to get an order of prot,i said i would,but i didnt get one by that day.anyways she was very rude and ditn wanna listen to me ,i said i want him arressted for breakin an entry and harrasment and she basically said why didnt you get the oreder i said i didnt ,i still want him arrested ,i even have 3 witnesses and also the 911 operator.

they said no they werent gonna arrest him cause my company was bias,i couldnt believe it

I demanded he be arrested,i said ask the 911 operator she heard it all ,they didnt do anything. they let him just walk away,i was in shock.

ok i let it go took a while i was furious they let him go and he was very drunk too. next violation was about 3 mnths ago maybe im not sure,i got a new apt cause i was sure i was gonna get evicted cause of him so i left before i did .

he was so jealous i was seeing someone else ,he went mad. around 1-2 am not sure of date i was awakend to someone knocking on my door,i looked out window and saw a cab there ,i though s**t here he goes sending another bogus cab.

i opened and said yes i kinda knew the lady,i said hi whats up..she said a man ask me to come get you its an emergency ..she couldnt remeber name then we figured it out it was my ex..like an idiot i went thinking maybe he was hurt and needed my help or his roomate mary(BIG MISTAKE).

i got dressed fast still had my night shirt on,got in cab and went to his house. i arrived went upstairs and walked inside. walked to his room and said hey whats up ?whats the emergency? he started the i love you and cant live without you and if i cant have you noone can...but i noticed him diff this night i got a bit nervous he was clunching a fist the whole time he was talking to me. i said look i dont have time for this s**t im tired and im leaving so i pretend to look in my bag for change and walk toward door but before i could step foot out of his room he grabbed me threw me on the bed and procceded to punch me in the face and head over n over .

i felt my eye swell shut and my cheek got large ..he hit my jaw and my nose and kept hitting me i was screaming And fighting but covering my eye cause i didnt want him to hit it again ,he prob would have knocked it out.finally i thought im not gonna go out like this at least im gonna get in a good punch or kick or scratch on his face before he kills me.

so i finally got up and started turning the table and went mad on him and he backed off and i grabbed my stuff and told him stay away from me or im gonna kill u ..oh by the way mary woke up and tried to get him off but couldnt so she went back in her room and let him do it .

i finally got out of house and he stated crying ,i got a neighbor to call the cops .he did in meantime he gave me water and aspirin and ice for my face.the cops finally arrived. i told them what happen exactly.

they said stay here and well go talk to him. they talked to him a few min and came back down and started questioning me saying he told them i arrived there like that that it was a drug deal gone bad and i came to him for support he also told them i had drugs on me. they believed him for about an hr they question me in parking lot yelling at me to shut up. i was crying in shockin pain i didnt know what the hell was goin on .

i was the victim....then the next thing that happend bleww my mind,they placed me under arrest for tresspassing and didnt do anything to him.omgggggggg i couldnt belive they were doing this ,i was screaming you r crazy,i called you im the victim i want him arressted,i said find the cab driver she can tell you he sent for me and i was fine when i got here,they didnt,i said go find the shirt with blodd on it ,he changed his clothes,they didnt..they believed his story over mine even with my face looking like the elephant man.i was in pure shock.

they took me to the police station ,i was devastated,in shock in pain ,i couldnt believ i was in handcuffs. they fingerprinted me and took my photo,and guess what they did next?they open the back door and said go home..just like that . i had no money i didnt know where i was ,im new to az.omg i felt raped, violated, shocked, dizzy. i thought i was dreaming.

again they failed to arresst this man when they were suppose to. well it gets better,about 2 days later i was sleeping and i was awaked to my ex standing over me in my bedroom.he broke in threw back window and came in my room and locked my door.held me prisoner for about 2 hrs im not sure.he looked at my eye stated crying ,he lied next to me i said get out ,i hate you.he didnt .he held me down started kissing me ,licking me ,telling me he loves,grinding me ,he was getting aroused ,i was trying to fight but i was in apin from the beating and very tired,he held my wrist down and kept at it and he took my underwear off and started touching me and entering me he was very aroused ,i was saying please dont do this ..

he got mad and ripped clock out of wall ,made fist to hit me and saying things ,like this time it will be worse and one of us is gonna die and it aint gonna be me.he went on n on saying i know you love me ,you want to be with me .i said no i dont ,he then kissed me harder and touching me said he was gonna take me ,he opend his pants and put my hand there ,i looked to the left while he waslicking me and i saw my golf club i had there for protection ,i reached for it a few times ,while doing this i started to hug him like i wanted it and moving,finally i grabbe a hold of it and started swinging it at him he jumped off me i put on my clothes and told him if he came near me i was gonna knock his f***ing head off,if anyones gonna die today it will be him!

he got the message and left saying hed be back,oh the day before i went to court and got the order of protection for me and my daughter ,im a single mom.

i called the cops ,they came and guess who it was ?the same lady cop ,i gave her the info ,i had sunglasses on the whole time i was embarrassed about it ..then i forgot about ti and took them off for a min and she said omg who diud that ,did he do that i said yes he did this ,,if he was arressted maybe this all never would have happend,she called it in ,they came and took pictures of my face again and my room she out me in her car and me n her aklong with sevral other cars looked for him..we didnt find him.

she handed me a paper and said write down what you remeber and ill be back to pick it up ,they were gonna go look for him. now after the first beating ,i didnt think it possible but.i was afraid to be in my own home,scared,nervous,sounds were diff.shaking.on edge. do you know that cop never came backand took my statemnt,noone ever did. i called to find out if they got him few times,the didnt and it went away just like ti never happedn.i felt like i didnt exsist,these cops were just walking all over me and i didnt know what to do about it ,they are arrogant,rude,smart asses,and think nothing can touch them ,maybe they r right.

gets better fri day afternooncops needed to ask me questions about a case,wanted to know if i knew this girl jessica wich i had noooooo idea what the hell they were talking about.i met a great man and im in love and ive been with him and daughter and moved from mesa.starting over.

well during this they ran my name and saw i had a warrant ..uhuh that tresspassing charge come back to haunt me .i forgot to go to court ,i was messed up ,i didnt even leave my home,i was nervous and scared,he was gonna be there..

i gotarressted and hell started,hey im noangel ok ,far from it ,but when i feel im being vilated or disrespected or made fun of im gonna voice my opinion and let you know exactly how i feel. i guess they didnt like that too much.even the girl i was locked up with in holding cell was there for no reason mistaken identiy,she was white woman ,they said she was crystala soto a latin woman ,they were wrong there too.

well when i voiced my opinion loudly and wanted my phone call and to be booked .they dodnt like that ,i sat back down and then we heard them cming ,i said o here we go ,door open and 3 officers came in a black male officer(charles johnson)the worst one of all and 2 white woman officers.i stood up before they ask me and put my hands behind my back i knew they werew gonna put me in a room alonei didnt resist. i let them handcuff and they lead me out the door while doing this i still let them know what i think and when i get out im gonna sue there sorry asses,we got around corner one off.

open a door which led to a green small padded room,he kept pulling my arms up high on my back felt like my arms were gonna break ,i said hey ur hurting me ,why you doing that im not resting arrest so i tried to push my arms back down a bit ,i mean its a reflex ,when you feel like they r being torn apart youe gonna try to stop thre pain,they all 3 of them bum rushed me into that room hard against the wall one woman on each side and the male in middle hard i lost my breath then they started swinging me around i was screAMING what the hell you doing im not resisting arrest tell me what you want me to do and ill do it you dont need to do this,they didnt care,they all were jumping on me.

i kept screaming im not resisting why are you doing this,they told me to sit down and i was trying to its difcult the way all three wer holding me i was on one knee and she had a knee in my back had a fist full of hair,and he kicked my leg out from behind me ,i said you didnt have to d that i was trying to sit down.then i ketos creaming you r f***ing nuts ,if you aks me to do soemthing i will do it.

she pushed her knee deeper in my back and movedhand from hair to neck i yelled stop it ,i have a bad back ,imntoresisting....they all lyed me down flat on my and shackled my feet to a wall and my hands up on a metal pipe.i was hung like a hammock. then left n closed the door...i was furios i was yelling ,you had no right and so on ...they had me like that for 5-6 hrs,without letting me make a phone call,or book me anything ,i even hearda cop say whats the max we can keep her in there...me hearing this said ,i dont give a s**t if you keep me in here for 2 days wheni get out you all are screwed.they started laughing and makn jokes all night .

finally i guess the max was uop and i got out ,it was very late in am ,idont know amny people and there was noone i could contact,and you cant call cell phones from there phones.so waited to see judge at 7am..saw him ,he set bond at 500 and i went back in room ,they had phone off so i ask to uyrn on and they did like 15-20 minlater ,thena cop came in and got me out and isaid whats goin on ,he was putting cuffs onme and taken me to madison jail.i started crying omg ,why you didnt give me chance to call soemone to bail me out.. i was in shock again!!

there were 3 other girls in court ,why didnt they wait for them and take us all toghether ,instaed they put me in van full of male convicts and i was the only woman.i was crying n crying.the convicts were nice to me .they were talking to me saying dont cry and dont talk or yell like you were doing all night in madison ,they will use the stun gun on you ,just keep calm they say it will be ok ...

by the time i got to madison i was a zombie,i felt like i wanted to dissolve ,to disaoppear.i didnt get out till like 7 pm sat night.i was sore,hungry,dirty,confused,and very very angry.

i tell everyone they cant get way with this ,i have to do soemthing..they say no ,you wont win..are they right ?they will get wawy with this wont they ?theres nothing i can do?there must be soemthing.they should be punished.they forget why they became cops...they lost the feeling they had when they became cops.they dont car,they dont listen.they lost it ,they never should have become cops.is it so hard to listen,when we have questions?or answer us with a smile?i dont know what to do ,now i have to go to court oct 9th and i dotn know what they r gonna do next. well i ask for ur help whith this,or is there nothing that can be done? well thanxs anyways for letting me tell this.dont know if you will put it out ,if you dont cAn you direct me to the right place to complain about this?thnks so much


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Mesa P.D. and their sort are in the revenue extortion business.... that's what they do.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 11, 2003

Mesa P.D. does MUCH better with things which involve increasing their overpaid and bloated staff, and developing revenue. What they really are and do is more akin to tax collection or mafia extortion than actual police work or law enforcement. Your story is one of thousands, most of them suppressed by the worms in the Arizona media. The whole "system"--essentially a fake factory--doesn't deal in crime and punishment, it has to do with gutless cops and worm judges arranging more jobs for the great web of parasites who suck the city dry. Probation officers, the entire bullshit apparatus of the local judges (each one scuzzier and more corrupt and revolting and the last, to whom "fairness" and "honesty" and "ethics" are words not even in the lexicon), an entire "makework" network of bogus fronts and malicious lies... There are questions you will never hear asked in public in Mesa, and which have been studiously avoided for over a century: (1. Why are there so many mysterious officer-involved shootings in town this size, and WHY are none of them the actual dangerous situations one anticipates in big cities? (2. Why are people CONSTANTLY suggesting that Mesa P.D. fakes evidence in virtually all cases, even when it does not seem necessary? (3. Why is one religious minority essentially immune to prosecution or even serious investigation on charges as serious as murder and kidnapping? (4. Why, in a town where public services (and it is necessary here to specifically exempt the fire department and library services, which are SUPERB) basically SUCK are traffic and J.P. courts among the most profitable in the world and the most biased and corrupt, the latter to the point of obvious crackpot insanity? (5. Most important, when will some of the most dangerous criminals in this country--a high percentage of Mesa's police officers and the entire city manager's office--be subjected to the same kind of cold-blooded justice they seem to delight in dispensing to others? You need to know: Mesa government has made a living by being the lowest order of filth. If you live there and think this does not affect you, well, you need to be better advised. I left 12 years ago, and despite living within a mile of the city border, NEVER go there. I saw too much injustice, and when my husband got caught up in their bogus "justice mill", we left, forever. The faked charges against him basically arose because he challenged a fraudulent local business, which has since disappeared, but it took us years and many thousands of dollars to find that out, to a certainty. You can expect madness and suppression in Mesa. If you are even THINKING about justice, you live in a dream world.

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