  • Report:  #22180

Complaint Review: MFH ENTERPRISES-dba-Hilberts Body Works - New Orleans Louisiana

Reported By:
- marrero, la,

MFH ENTERPRISES-dba-Hilberts Body Works
3101 Tulane Ave New Orleans, 70119 Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was once employed at this autobody repair shop and the type of fraud that he commits is insurance fraud, tax fraud, consumer fraud, mail fraud.First let me state that I seen all this first hand as a former employee and know this to true.

First off the wrecks are purchased at 10% from certain tow truck drivers. Then if you use an out of state insurer and an adjustor is assigned this gives the owner Milton "Chip" Hilbert time to add more damage to your auto in the shop. Then the process of used parts may be placed on your auto work billed to your insurance companies are overstated and probably never done.

Specializing in luxury auto repairs these are the cars of his choice-insurance checks are forged with your name and your leinholder so you have no idea what the cost of your repair really was until your insurance policy goes sky high. The trick is for you not to know. The second thing he will do is if you have a nice luxury car or a senior citizen you can bet that your auto while in the shop is being used by him or his employees for personal use and many have been wrecked again-think not-Think again.

Drugs and affairs with women staff members run rapid. He pays employees under the table and writes business checks for all his person goodies and of course therapy bills. He pays himself a small salary while skimming thousands of dollars from business funds.About three years ago had a IRS audit and passed as two seperate books are kept.Sadly while de-frauding the government and mailing out fraudulent claims he is always living a parnoid existence-always feels a car is being sent secretly from the police as he knows what cars he can get away with fraud based on a owner profile.Every owner is checked out throughly.

Many office mangers leave his employment or other employees with threats of legal possibilities if they tell his secrets if you tell he will start accusing many of theft-every manager including his own daughter he has accused of stealing from his buisness after many employees and the same story from him you would think that someone would stand up to him and know he is crying wolf and tell their story.

He promises people that he is well connected and they will suffer.(Maybe he pays the legal system,as many suffer in silence if they speak) He will threathen their family memebers ( small children are his mode of operation),hire someone to break into your home-you name it. If someone is brave and tips off authorities he lays low playing the poor pitiful business man that someone took advantage of. Now once serving as a abritraior for New Orleans BETTER BUSINESS Bureau had consumers pay him back in favors for ruling a judgement in their favor.

He will steal your car if you are black and poor with legal unpaid storage charges a scam that is a long process.The timing is everything for him and who you are insured with-this place reeks of dirty business practices and fraud that is very well hidden. Please do not bring your auto there you will continue to enable, temp, and hurt this states auto insurance policies-anyone who reads this and has or knows of someone whom has brought their auto there beware it is probably half together. Th esame adjustors come day in and day out and friendships are formed they are overworked and tend to let the supplements go without verification of what is done.

He fears that constant officials are looking into him as if his secrets do go out so he knows cops and will run a police check on cars and owners. He repirs poltians auto's free ,cops public officials,judges anyone he can a favor out of for free.

If you are looking for a job and have a colorful past he loves to hire people whom have trouble with the law so later you will be his escape goat.He will start involving you in his criminal activity and when you learn that you have committed a crime he tells you -hey your the one that did it you tell I say I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT IT-YOU WILL DO THE TIME.AFTER HE TRAINS YOU ON A PROCESS TO DO THIS.

Let this be a warning to all of you. Beware of this place.He is dishonest , a theif, he will do anything possible illegal and the sad thing is he has gotten away with for many years has more stashed away at the sake of those of us whom had the regrets of being in a wreck-after all you cannot even go to the BBB-what are they going to do?Check with the state of La to see if others have complained against him.Sooner or later this man ill be caught -he is only becoming wiser as he gets away with his and gets better at hinding it.


New Orleans, Louisiana

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Hilberts Auto Body MFH Enterprises

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

15 Updates & Rebuttals


keep them coming ..sins of the past comes through the family line

#2Author of original report

Sat, July 03, 2004

Again, Thank you to many as I have posted before through my ads in The local newspaper and here many stories have came to light please there a couple of names that I am do not know your compelte story -please go to the times picayune and look back at least six months (nola) and look at the personal ads as I have ran sereval ads and recieced many former employees and associates come forward-even serval agencies so -all consumer suggestions -justice takes time when you hide your crimes as well as he has. He thinks by taking me to court everyone will go away-as I was one of the many office mangers whom he accused and this one he accused the wrong one.A (Chip Friend) Roger is out getting drunk with a loved one of Chips talking about this case so loud a private I-could take notes-haha even finds more-shouldn't this beloved family member be home where they are needed? One sad sins of the past comes through the family line, greed is a power sin of the most seven sins-all of which he lived them-So my advise is Thank you to consumer suggestions, thanks again for ad callers, past and even former employees as his day is coming with me in court where all of you have my word, every agency, every type of law enforcement will be readily listening to my witnesses. Chip-I know you have read and keep up with these posting - I believe you misinformed a cousin of yours that you had me in jail for theft and this is a case about your books in the office not kept up-you see a liar can't even tell the truth to his family. Posters thank you-as soon he will be in court to face one family and this family thanks to so many are ready to fight-I only have a prayer as any Christian does and want to post this I personally have no animosity towards you despite what you did to my carefreee children and my personal property-I pray every night that God will release you from your own hell so you will not to replay it in hell and here in the next six months. From three long time friends and associates and the very first poster-May God have mercy on you-and consumers know it is all coming into place-thank you to the poster that faxed this to all agencies that was a blessing.


such a poem just for you

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

Some of the auto are reds some are blue-but my ,my what a criminal are you-once you are caught you try to start silly lawsuits to save your head but this .tells us know aren't you still carrying the blues? Why because so many know about you......Lets see from Mario-to Meline.Mason to Marin, to efrin to Claiviere, to curry to Kerry, stevens to carlos, james to cochrane, Hurst to Lewis, Hamilton to Dwyer,Johnson to Phan and lets not forget Hilbert to Cousin Hilberts oh such a list -Brumfield to Durrand-Jones to Brumfield, Molnar to tran, Wink to Porche porche to boats Aetna to Travelors -Travelors to State Farm to Progressive to Allstate- Mud Bug water Fowling, -Benny to Jenny -Weaver to Lester to Patterson shall we continue with Maria to Date to Dawn to the spanish lady all before your other office managers that were accused of stealing to the CPA firm suing you know for misrepresenting your books to them and of course none payment to advertise on Court tv would be just your watching shows on the clever criminals and how they either got away with there crimes or to sweat that they got caught-what a life you must live paying an old man whom has past his time to follow and bully and set up a dead old man named Wilson whom in the past did your cash runs.Complainer's go to city hall and for a small fee read the countless lawsuits he wins and puts innocent people through go back to 85 and read the State Farm case or the ramriez case and judge for yourselves -whne caught who will be left to sue -shall we go back to the fake company called dents n details and start a new a life of crime was the porche red and the boat blue when all blew away-does such a criminal sleep well at nite or does he live with ghost forever from his past or does your shrink Eugina ease your manic mind- Do the children you scare make you feel more like a man and the homes broken into a trophy is just for you? To all whom have been a victim ,employee, former friend, used customers -make a call to any proper authority and make your voice heard writing on this site only protects our first amendment but what really makes a difference is quit writing and start talking-call your local state representative , your da or the state ploice -then all of us will not be looked upon as disgruntal employees-lets make a difference for the lifes he hurts, the auto's he ruined the poor he stole from and the fraud'he has committed-this will make'all the'difference in world---Please lets come together and either picket go to city hall-thank you-pat



#4Consumer Comment

Wed, June 30, 2004

AFTER READING ALL THESE I have called every hotline and the IRS hotline for fraud , the consumer data base for insurance fraud,New Orleans Metro Crime commision, and the commissioner of insurance n New Oleans. I ave contacted the NICB along with the State Atty. Generals office and I gave this web site and faxed some of these reports-after reading these gross reports someone had to do something and appartently no ome has so those whom has complained maybe someone will do something-I am thinking of contacting the FBI -after reading years of theses reports he is still is in business-Some agengy better start being accountable for his actions. I believe he knows of these reports and probably is lying clean like the last poster wrote buy his past business practices are uncalled for. I pulled up this report because my cousin in Miss. filed bankruptcy and he took his car into this shop and he kept the car for along time and would not release his lexus after the customer was not satisfied with the work and charged more storage fees than the repairs-he refused to reair the car to is satisfaction-my cousin refused to pay until the car was repaired properly and Hilberts refused to release it with out Charles paying outragous storage fees-with what Hilbert was charging he could not pay both his car note and extra charges. He sends a lawyer all the way to Mississppii to put mre salt in his wounds to challenge his unpaid storage fees that tells you what type of business man he is and tried to keep the lexus. My cousin and was a postal worker-and harrassed so much from this man left the state and he was still haunted by this criminal-when this happen our family thought perhaps this was a one time occurance but appartently not. Then though another employee that works at a local dealer ship @ ford named Allen asked I not give his last name claimed to worked there and gave me stories about this owners ties to drugs, wanting to put a hit on his cousin, just the craziest of stories to horrendous to write. May your time come-sir if you are reading this-if for anyone for Charles-remember him don't ya?-


New Orleans,
Where or what is the local polticians doing?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 27, 2004

Everyone who lives in New Orleans or EVEN the state of La. hears that the local mayor, state atty. is supposely cleaning up local corpution in city hall and crime-it seems from these reports has anyone reported this company crimes to the metro crime commissioner,the atty. general office,the Irs-how come the BBB is or is not allowing that he was or was not an abbatratior-or what about the DA's office for ecominal crimes-if writers have why is he stillin business-or why have the state police or commissioner of Insurance allowing this business to continue to stay in business-Naturally with allthese allegations this owner is playing by the rules some one has had read these postings they have been writing for years. I was unsure this business even existed I went to the written address as to see if it even was there as I picked up this report as I was in a wreck where I was going to get just my bumper repainted and his painter recommended I come by the shop he works at so I pulled at the name on the web and never did I expect what I read. Perhaps if there was one report then well maybe one unhappy customer,but reading this stuff worries me as a consumer and being a paying customer to La. high rates for insurance -why is the state, the city allowing this seemingly criminal stay in business-the state needs to call in every employee since he opened his doors and interview them and do something .


Hilberts -are you still at it?

#6Author of original report

Thu, May 27, 2004

I wrote a couple of years ago and was surprised to read all the other postings-it does not surprise me that there is so much to write -it has been since 1998 I took the worse job of my life as to see others have too. By doing my first posting has allowed so many other disclosures it has been many years away from working there that I have wondered how could I have been the only one to see and or witness what he was doing? Yes readers I have read all postings and though I am not shocked I know other readers must be. I have been threathened by him -but I go to bed and sleep easily as I go to chruch as well and pray that he can faces his wrongs and make them right for himself as well as for all those consumers he de-frauded and innocent people he continues to hurt. For all those others at which to have claims or allegations through your complaints I thank you as you have allowed me the peace I am not alone in what I witnessed and enlightened me as others of what he and his business is capable of and what they did. I thank those whom has posted hat has allowed me to speak with them personally as well. If he can not help himself or the justice system cannot-then we together have made a small difference as we all know millions have read this-Again, Thank You-Dawn



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 24, 2004

WOW-It seems alot can be said about a man who has made his life on defrauding not only the federal government and has been in therapy all his life-what noone has reported is the boats(very expensive boats) he had recieved insurance money on that he seen to it just sank or was blown up-due to faulty wiring that he himself set up purposely-gotta a couple of big checks 10 years ago with your buddy Bruce who was it that paid aetna before they sold out to travelors-he also collected insurance money the suppose missing porche that claimed was stolen-he knows where that went-made big bucks on just those three. Then he claims a neck and back injury that he stated to employees was the easiest scam ever. While living an extravant life style homes from Elvis ct to covington bets me how he lives off just being a small business man-so he spends much of hidden money on lawsuits and insurance claims and of course sueing people with the knowledge of his sins. We all have read about the insurance fraud in his business-but did we know when caught by state farm in the early 80,s his response was he had to do it to make a living because of restrictons insurance companies put on the business-but being a con artist his whole life found other ways by padding the supplements and only using the overworked adjusters. With a family member whom is lawyer one may wonder why he doesn't use them - his friends bankers,offshore men and lawyers all are as crocked as him. If you bring your auto there for pait and repairs think again-check out all paperwork and my bet advise is take it to another company to re-check the quailty of his work and please ensure what he billed the insurance company was done.The man is so petty and pitiful he evens takes a weird and sick pleasure in taking your change, umbrella's, clothes what ever you leave in your auto as some token like a sick serial killer-sends it off after he calls a bounty to Godwill for a tax right off -how weird is that? all sins of the father goes down the family line -doesn't it. last of all



#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 30, 2002

After reading all these complaints I truly could not believe all of what I read then I realized they were coming from NEW ORLEANS the city of scams and corpution!!!! However complain to the IRS or anyone that this man Chip has accused of stealing sue back get all of his records I beileve the IRS can go back to 10 years and invite the IRS to look at the books. Secondly, while giving legal depostions invite the State Police to listen if he is a good scam artist and hides his crimes well many seem to know what is going on so what can they do ignore all of theses stories. Thirdly, write to the commissioner of Insurance all over the US is fraud hotlines -report him simply go online and type insurance or tax fraud and a million results shall follow. For the man whom lost his finger it is never to late. For the many that have suuffered from his threats start a joint lawsuit. Last of all dont remain shy or be a stepping stool-FIGHT BACK IT SEEMS THIS MAN HAS TOO MUCH TO LOSE---


All of this is true-I worked there....

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 18, 2002

Believe it or not all of this is true that has been written over the years what I don't understand is why he is still in business. It seems very unbelieveable that so many are reporting him and he is still in business. Consumers and adjustors from insurance companies needs to steer away from this auto repair chop shop and go to another as there are so many honest shops out there doing business. With the cooked books to the fraud who wants to chance their auto's being placed in this shop? I say to you that it a crying shame that this shop can continue to exploit so many consumers and get away with it. Not only that those that try to expose his activity over the years he has them in the court system with who ever he can buy and claims they steal and other untrue allegations. Not only does he cheat the consumer and defraud insurance company he defrauds the IRS and most important he ensures Louisana Insurance rates stay sky high. If you are a police man he has all auto's profiled so he knows if the auto brought in is a set up. His system seem to be foul proof. Secondly, heis a drug abuser and alocholic as well as a wife cheater. Now, I am not making this up he has dumped toxic waste and he has lied about his income and has billed under Dents and Detials and skims cash off the top of the business at Hilberts. He has done so much I do believe he is the master of fraud. He has hurt many and it seems the judiual system allows him to continue.



#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 08, 2002

I worked here and was lucky enough to leave-while employed there I have knowledge of the toxic dumpings and the skimming of cash and not claiming what he and his daughter was truly making to the IRS-I also worked there when Efrin lost his finger and Chip and Daye had been paying workers comp on us -he when (Chip) in a court of law with Daye and said he did not own the company that he was just an employee of it that he worked for Daye and where in the state or The BBB does it ever states he does not own his company? Poor Efrin was stuck with many medical bills-I know that he accused Tom , Maria, Glenn ,Jenifer, Daye and Dawn and of Course Robert all of stealing from him because they all left-and they left knowing his secrets-notice he even accused his OWN daughter whom now is an attorney-but that is okay as they TYOGETHER DEFRAUDED THE GOVERNMENT ENOGH TO BUILD HER A COZY HOME AND cHIP AND rANDY HAS ALL THAT LAND IN COVINGHTON GETTING READY TO BUILD WHAT cHIP REFERERED TO AS A Compound!!! I witnessed used parts and customers cars being used by employees and re-wrecked and I watched him forged insurance checks with leinholders names and bill supplements foe parts or work not used or done as he knows all adjustors assigned to him are overworked and rarely check-One would think State Farm would though after all they caught him in the past using used or what is referred to as saved parts and won-for awhile Progressive and Travelors removed his shop from their perferred vendors list- Most importantly folks your wreck is being bought at 10% so he can not afford to loose that so rest assured that used parts are placed on or before the adjustors comes out more damage is placed to make up for his lost-I witness tow truck drivers come in and get 10% of checks written to wives names -etc that do not work for him--- Then he pays car notes to whom he owes moneys too as which is wriiten off on his general ledger as legit and is not so two ways the IRS looses-he thought he was so cool when he placed an audit with the IRS and they could not find or did not know he had two sets of books-one set reads checks written out to something completely different thaa what the cpa or the IRS sees-he pays his every needs-while claiming a small income - the sad part is just about every auto brought in has been bought, or used parts placed on them-unless he can not check out the status of your wreck-the how, where it happen details etc -or if you drive what he feels may be a police under cover car-so just do yourselfs a big favor do not go there.


new orleans,
Chip Hilbert defines evil and fraud!

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 05, 2002

I too worked for this man and also witnessed him defraud many and steal cars.how does he explain his cooked books-even his CPA don't know of the scams-we all were paid under the table-I witnessed used parts placed on cars and customers cars where used by himself and staff and always rewrecked. It is terrifying that if an employee catches him threathens begins and he even makes up lies to get employees arrested so they will keep his secrets safe and naturally drop charges-The IRS knows he has two sets of books as many of us called the hotline- his check writing system says one thing and the carbons the CPA gets says another-he does dump toxic waste in the local lakes and deserted lands-what keeps me wondering is so many of us knows these stuff yet he is still in business how come - maybe a good criminal can keep moving forward and not get caught-evrything i seen others wote -people they are not exaggerating - do not bring your car there and maybe someone will do something one day. They say his partner in crime is now a lawyer-what would this lady think if she knew he was telling evryone she once stole from him and will she ever be able to explain the many checks they wrote out of company funds for thousands of dollars?


new orleans,
Chip Hilbert defines evil and fraud!

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 05, 2002

I too worked for this man and also witnessed him defraud many and steal cars.how does he explain his cooked books-even his CPA don't know of the scams-we all were paid under the table-I witnessed used parts placed on cars and customers cars where used by himself and staff and always rewrecked. It is terrifying that if an employee catches him threathens begins and he even makes up lies to get employees arrested so they will keep his secrets safe and naturally drop charges-The IRS knows he has two sets of books as many of us called the hotline- his check writing system says one thing and the carbons the CPA gets says another-he does dump toxic waste in the local lakes and deserted lands-what keeps me wondering is so many of us knows these stuff yet he is still in business how come - maybe a good criminal can keep moving forward and not get caught-evrything i seen others wote -people they are not exaggerating - do not bring your car there and maybe someone will do something one day. They say his partner in crime is now a lawyer-what would this lady think if she knew he was telling evryone she once stole from him and will she ever be able to explain the many checks they wrote out of company funds for thousands of dollars?


new orleans,
Chip Hilbert defines evil and fraud!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 05, 2002

I too worked for this man and also witnessed him defraud many and steal cars.how does he explain his cooked books-even his CPA don't know of the scams-we all were paid under the table-I witnessed used parts placed on cars and customers cars where used by himself and staff and always rewrecked. It is terrifying that if an employee catches him threathens begins and he even makes up lies to get employees arrested so they will keep his secrets safe and naturally drop charges-The IRS knows he has two sets of books as many of us called the hotline- his check writing system says one thing and the carbons the CPA gets says another-he does dump toxic waste in the local lakes and deserted lands-what keeps me wondering is so many of us knows these stuff yet he is still in business how come - maybe a good criminal can keep moving forward and not get caught-evrything i seen others wote -people they are not exaggerating - do not bring your car there and maybe someone will do something one day. They say his partner in crime is now a lawyer-what would this lady think if she knew he was telling evryone she once stole from him and will she ever be able to explain the many checks they wrote out of company funds for thousands of dollars?


new orleans,
Chip Hilbert defines evil and fraud!

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 05, 2002

I too worked for this man and also witnessed him defraud many and steal cars.how does he explain his cooked books-even his CPA don't know of the scams-we all were paid under the table-I witnessed used parts placed on cars and customers cars where used by himself and staff and always rewrecked. It is terrifying that if an employee catches him threathens begins and he even makes up lies to get employees arrested so they will keep his secrets safe and naturally drop charges-The IRS knows he has two sets of books as many of us called the hotline- his check writing system says one thing and the carbons the CPA gets says another-he does dump toxic waste in the local lakes and deserted lands-what keeps me wondering is so many of us knows these stuff yet he is still in business how come - maybe a good criminal can keep moving forward and not get caught-evrything i seen others wote -people they are not exaggerating - do not bring your car there and maybe someone will do something one day. They say his partner in crime is now a lawyer-what would this lady think if she knew he was telling evryone she once stole from him and will she ever be able to explain the many checks they wrote out of company funds for thousands of dollars?


Hilberts Bodyworks owner threathens, defrauds, hurts innocent folks -He needs to be stopped.

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 27, 2002

It is not surprising to read all of this stuff about all the criminal acts -Milton "Chip" Hilbert has done through his business and the ones whom have feel victim to his schemes. Everything -I mean everything people are reporting is not even half truths -this seems to be only a small gambit of his crimes - Once State Farm caught him saving parts and sued him and his company and State Farm -WON-yet they still allow auto's to go there. It is true also about his dirty dealings in the BBB yet I don't think the BBB has a clue. What is surprising that one employee even lost a finger and he claimed that he did not own his own business in a court of law but the BBB CLEARLY HAS HIM AS THE OWNER. He does give out drugs frrely and pay car notes out of his business to people he owes money too and he pays many under the table and gets upset if the employee wants to go on the straight arrow. He has accused four employees of theft among other crimes if they find out his dirty dealings and want to leave. He has dumpewd toxic waste in Miss with the help of an x-emp[loyee named -james-Now James isn't this true?He treated his x-wife terribly she divorced him and he re-marries and he cheats on her. Ask any former manager that has left how much of the profits he spends on himself so he claim his business struggles-how many times he comes in drunk or if he even accused his own family members of theft-and what about money laundering attempts the list can go on and on and ya know what he is still working on New orleans and the surrounding areas auto's -don't think if your auto was there that the auto was repaired on the up and up-besides that they are profiled and if one of his be-friended to truck drivers did not bring it in then you are lucky .......Why does and how does he do it? People are afriad to speak out.He has a new partner in crime these days and don't think Mr. your time will not come from him ---after all he is a walking time bomb.


Chip Hilbert is the biggest Scam artist to hit New Orleans

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 11, 2002

i worked there back in '97 and it was so obviuos he was doing this and if we questioned what we saw he would threathen us and let me tell you everything I have read from other posters is not even a mild exagration-anyone who needs their auto repaired do not go here-what is even wilder is many of us tipped adjustors and they said they where too busy to care-figure that out! Chip will steal, scam, threathen, bully, de-fraud and even if he is questioned or a whistleblowers get someone to half listen he plays the small and broke business man with so many problems that every takes advantage of but the joke is everyone in La as we all pay for his crime if we have an auto policy.

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