  • Report:  #149488

Complaint Review: Michael A. Marroquin - San Diego California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Michael A. Marroquin
9494 Carroll Canyon Rd #83 San Diego, 92126 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Mr. Marroquin my ex husband lost custody of the children in Dec of 2004. In Jan of 2005 he was given the opportunity to try and get some form of visitation until now he hasn't done a thing to try and see the children.

He is now currently with another woman with 3 children of her own. Go figure. As of now he owes the children over $12,000.00. He has made no interest in trying to pay. He is sporting 2 vehicles, 1 of them being a new decked out expedition that he just purchased knowing he had a financial responsibility pending for his children.

There is a court order stating he has to pay $1325.00 for child support and $556.00 for child care. If i'm lucky i'll get 200 - 400 dollars a month total. The kids won't be able to play sports this year, or have birthday parties, or decent clothes on their back. Even a trip to Hometown Buffet is a problem now.

I know this may sound like nothing but when I have to raise a total of 6 kids on just my income yes it upsets me to see him playing dad to 3 other kids and his new gal which incidently is in jail and guess who paid for her attorney fees. Yes Dead Beat Dad He works for Sony Electronics.


San Diego, California

13 Updates & Rebuttals

Theresa Azhocar

Chula Vista,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 15, 2014

Wow Norma, you reacted.  Let me see, where do I began.  First of all you are right, I do not know everything that is going on and there are two sides to every story.  Second of all in reality what is between you and Michael is really none of my bussiness.  Third of all, your right, I listened to my cousion and aunt and beleived everything they said.  Sometimes when it is your family and you love them so much you over look any defects, it's called blind spots.  Although, I am women enough to admit when I am wrong, I am wrong but when I am right and honest and do not have to lie, I will lay down for what I beleive in and go dying in what I beleive in.  If I owe someone an apology I am women enough to give that person an apology because they are intitled to one.  But if I do not owe someone an apology, I will never apologize because I am no longer sick and do not have to say I am sorry to someone I did nothing to.  It takes two people to tangle and for every action, there is a reaction.  My action that I wrote gave me your reaction and your intitled to it.  So, I apologize for everything I said to you because I do not know the whole story and there are two sides of the story and do not care to know the whole story because I am not a part of Michael's life or Yolanda's life and that is between you guys. 

Do I beleive everything you said in your rebuttle?  There is a lot of truth in a lot of what you said.  Am I going to abuse you by calling you a liar, to brush things underneathe the carpet.  Why would I abuse you like that and call you crazy.  Many times in people and life it is easier to say someone is a liar and say oh, she's crazy.  It is easier for people to do that than to deal with the truth because some people can not handle the truth.  That is a sickness that I no longer interact with.  So I won't abuse you and call you a liar and play that sick vicious game.  Do I beleive my mother told you what you stated in your rebuttle she told you? of course I do, I beleive it one hundred percent.   I am not going to brush it underneathe the carpet and say, Oh Theresa never said that. 

Your right I was molested as a child by Jorge and it was kept a secret for years, a secret that dammaged me for a long time and caused great pain to my mother.  I had to deal with it and let it go.  I could not hold on to it for the rest of my life.  That secret tore me up.  To know that he had molested me and I had to look at him continuely coming to family gatherings, shaking my fathers hand and my father not knowing what happened for it was a secret and on top of that watch him become a police officer and drive a police car.  That was a lot to swollow as a young child.  In life we are supose to protect our children, not know they got molested and continue allowing the molester around.  So, there is no doubt that I belive what you stated in your rebuttle that my mother told you.  As for my sister talking about me and Jorge talking about me, that is okay.  I always felt sorry for Jorge anyways because of something that happen to him when he was a little boy.  It is not worth talking about.  I know Jorge's deepest secret and his deepest secret is not about when he was a child and if I was such a cruel b***h, I would shatter his world, but I am just not there anymore.  So, they can talk about me all they want and it does not bother me. 

As for Michael I know things that could of prevented him from getting custody of the girls and never said anything. I loved my aunt so much that I went against my daughter for something Michael had done.  All of that for my aunt to cut my throat, behind her little sister throwing a tantrum.  I have nothing for them people and they are nothing to me.   So, if he talks about me that is okay too.  You see I have no secrets and my life is an open book and how sad that they have to carry such deep ones.  I can not say I thank you for letting me know the way Jorge and Michael talked about me, but nothing suprises me at all when it comes to my family.  I have not had any kind of a relationship with Yolanda for years and am sure we will both dye not talking.  If Jorge is smart, he would keep my name out of his mouth because I know what he wishes I did not know and it isn't a secret from him being a little boy.  I do not bother any of them, I do not call them, I do not ask about them and I mind my own bussiness.  The only thing I care about is my grandmother and seeing her for I work full time and have a second job, so my time is very limited.  That is all I care about.  I am not out to cause any problems for anyone but if people want to cause problems for me, I will give them problems that will be problems for the rest of their lives.  There life is there life and my life is my life and we all need to leave it that way.   Mental and emotional abuse is the worst abuse one can suffer.  Physical abuse is very dammaging also.  Mental and emotional abuse are the hardest scars to heal and I am not that little girl anymore that you can just call me a liar and brush it under neathe the carpet. 

So let's all leave the past behind us and go forward with out lives.  Take care of yourself and have a wonderful day and may you and Michael find peace one day, not for your kids but for yourselves and your kids will benefit from it.  Beleive it or not, I have peace with Carltios's father and if me and him can go through everything we went through and we can forgive eachother then there is hope for everyone else.  People live in hate because they choose to.  You guys have four beautiful children togather and one day none of the pety things will be important and the only thing that will be important is your children's lives.  Take care and I hope things work out for you.  Like I said,  I have nothing to do with any of them and I have moved on with my life.  The only one I care to see is my grandmother because I love her and I know her years are limited.  Take care of yourself and you have beautiful daughters and have done a beautiful job in raising them.  You can call me anytime, peace.  Theresa  619-882-4645 Take care.

PS Now that I think about it, you aren't a person my family would like, they do not like anyone that tells the truth or has a voice.  It's called, let's just put a bandage on it, everything will be okay, sweep it underneathe the carpet.  It is a vicious cycle and I am just greatful that I am not a part of it any longer and I do not have to sweep anything underneathe the carpet.  As long as they do not play with my life, mental or emotional state of mind and I see my grandmother then everything is good.  Take care,

Norma Hernandez-Mares

United States of America
The Ahzocars Are a Joke

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 02, 2009

WOW Roxy that is hilarious, oh i see you are going by the name of Theresa now. Why is it because of your mom died and you feel guilty that you killed her. Yes isn't that what sister and brothers said.Your poor mother working as hard as she did to pay your debt to Ronis when all you were to Ronis was a joke. You thought because you had a fling with him he was going to help you girl please. lmao. Yes I wrote what I wrote but its all true. Funny how you seemed to forget about what Michaels Dad Jorge M did to you the same thing Michael your cousin did to my dtr. Remember Roxy there are two sides to every story or is that not the case with yours. From what Michael told me and your two older dtrs told me as well you had your dad "Joker" hire two goons to kill Carlos but didn't go to well and you were sent to jail. Don't play the battered woman act. An old friend of mine remembers you very well when you lived in that duplex in Chula Vista and you were selling drugs left and right while your kids were in the house and to top it off weren't you on welfare. Man you sure think that I don't know crap about you. Hey didn't Joe marry your arch enemy but its ok you got her sloppy seconds. You went crazy when you found out about it in jail. Hey i'm sure your compadre would love to know that you snitched on him when he crossed the border. Heeeeeello Ronis represented many people my friend knows and your daughter Antoinette confirmed the story to me after Michael told me. Man how did it feel to lose custody of all 4 of your children when you were in jail. Your mom had to raise them. She had to put a second on her house. Wow you must of forgot about that conversation you had with me on the phone wanting me to help get people to say they would hire you if you got out of jail. Please you a victim never. Your own sister spent all those yrs talking crap about you.  Your dad dies and for what to help you when you had been in trouble your entire life. Its no wonder Jorge made that comment to Mike that he wasn't one bit surprised that you ended up in jail. So did you save all those pennies Jorge put on your night stand. When i wrote those comments that was yrs ago you idiot and I could care less now if you notice all the rebuttals are people that don't know me so do you really think I care what they say or think. I realized it after I wrote it but what the heck it makes me laugh and to be honest made me look at things differently on how we judge people. You would know that one. I'm sure everyone judged you. but Roxy you were inocent werent you doesn't make sense how could you get arrested if you didn't do anything to Carlos. Hmmmmm that doesn't make sense. You think Carlos got lucky? Hey Maybe Mike got lucky. Hmmmmm well only you and I both know who we are and I could care less what you think about me. Only I know who I am. I know more about you than you think. Yeah you think you know me because of what Mike says but please you yourself were talking trash about Mike saying how irresponsible he is and how he always mooches off of his mom. Please Mike was thrashing you for yrs. Hey why don't you ask him about all the inappropriate things he used to say to Andrea and Antoinette. Please old hag who are you to talk look at your life. Joe at one point was trying to convince Mike to become a correctional officer so he could sell weed to the inmates. Man I'm sure Joe would remember that conversation oh wait he cant because he died. You probably killed him like you killed your mom. Your mom was probably the only decent thing that happened in that family. Your own mother warned me about Jorge and to keep my eyes open about what Mike may do she clearly remembered what Jorge did to you yet you want to defend Mike please get off your welfare life and finally do good for once. Stop acting like a victim you need to be responsible for your actions. As to me paying child support he didn't have all four and never did he have them more than 6 mths at a time. And he still owes child support. Please you think that Mike has been responsible please he still spends his life borrowing money from Yolanda and George. I left your family alone my beef has been with Mike as he has done tons of s**t to me and my kids. You need to stop with this bullshit. I find it funny you calling me a control freak please i could care less about Mike. I have a good man you could think what you want or what Mike tells you. I live a good life. We have never sold or dealt with drugs. We have never dealt with public assitance or have we got involved with the type of crimes you have. We own our home we work for a living. The funny thing is how concerned you guys are about me. Why would you care if i'm married or not. Again its what poor Mike or Yolanda tells you. Yolanda is so concerned about me yet she forgets about her control freak husband who kicked George out of the house at the age of 18 and treated Mike like s**t oh but your family is perfect and i am the crazy one. yes yes you believe what you want leave us alone. Keep threatning me or harrasing my family and I will make a point to tell the authorities about this i'm sure you would hate to go back to jail or maybe not i'm sure you would love to see your old gal. Please your family is a joke. People that live in glass houses should throw stones and yes it may seem that I am doing the same but enough is enough grow up get a life so what everytime Mike or Yolanda call you to complain you become their b***h run with it. Again stop harrasing me or my family. Have a great life say hi to your mom and to Joe. I'm sure their are alot of people who would love to know more about your life. Enjoy the rest of your years with your kids and grandkids. At least your mom took care of them because we all know you didn't. See ya Roxy

Theresa Azhocar

San Diego,
It all sounds like a lie after reading what Theresa Azhocar said


Sat, September 05, 2009

After reading everyones rebuttal, I think there is alot more to this story than the mother of the children seem to tell.  Norma sounds like the typical women who would create so many problems and then claim to be the victim or the Battered Women.... I think we need to start a group for Battered husbands, what does a man do when a women uses the kids as a weapon, to hurt him with what he loves the most?  What does a man do, these children have no choices and no rights.  Norma sounds alot like the batter here and puts real battered women to shame.  Let me make a mess of everything and then claim the Battered Women here and victim, the only victim is her kids.  She's such a dysfunctional person with so much garbage I don't even think a man would say it's cheeper to keep her.  Get rid of her and save your life, I would trust her as far as I can throw her.  The reality is, the main victim is the kids.....

Theresa Azhocar

San Diego,


Fri, September 04, 2009

This is to rebuttle what Norma Marroquin wrote about Michael Marroquin.  How can a father be a father to his children when a sick b***h (you Norma) doesn't give her kids the gift God gave them, the right to love both parents as they please.  Norma is a sick control freek.  While she was married to Michael A. Marroquin, she should of been ashamed of the pig she was.  Michael cleaned house, worked and came home from work to bath the kids and feed the kids.  I would of been embarrassed to bring anyone to my apartment.  Everyone of her kids fathers hasn't been given the chance to be a father to his children because Norma is all about control.  Yes, Mike, let her have control becaue to have control is to loose Control.  Norma, weren't your children up with there father Michael A. Marroquin, in Gilroy, CA going to school up there and living with him, because you called him and told him that CPS was on your a*s for hitting the kids.  Yes, they were up there with him going to school and happy, until he got a girlfriend and that pissed your off and you snached them back, like little dummies, you act like if they have no feelings, yes, your a really good mother.  Your a sick b***h who really needs help, don't know what you went through as a child but you really need help.  I am sure with your new husband or boyfriend because he never married you, you probably already have problems trying to control his relationship with his children, you cause problems everywhere you go and your just a very sick girl.  Until you get help for yourself you will continue to have problems after problems, after problems.  How sad that your children have to pity you and always feel sorry for you.  By the way, did you pay Michael Child support when he had the children with him, living in Gilroy...... Your Sick, your old man right now is no kind of a man, you'll burn him out, no p***y is worth giving up there children and he'll never give them up for you, he already knows how you are.... Tell the truth b***h, tell the whole truth when you try and tell a story, half of truth is no truth at all.  Stop lieing and causing so many problems for people and get help for yourself, you might find out that you might have a tiny bit of good in you after all....... When you have problems with so many people, it takes a hell of a women to really get help and say, maybe I am the problem.... Hello, is anyone home.... Get Help and Get real b***h.... Your one filthy one, physically, Mentally and emotionally........Chow, yes, Chow like Chow for dogs... Food for thought..... Get help and learn to love yourself and maybe then you be able to love others instead of causing problems everywhere you go.... Chow, no more time or energy for you b***h....


San Diego,
I second that, Jason

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

I find it extremely hard to believe that any parent with custodial rights would have such a difficult time getting action from the courts regarding owed child support, especially here in CA from an "employed" ex-spouse. Usually, the local DA, as well as court will bend over backwards to pursue anyone who owes back child support especially a male, employed or not. Unfortunately, if your a parent who's denied visitation by you ex they couldn't care less and the complete burden of getting action from any DA or court is totally yours alone. IMO: the orginal post here appears to be more motivated by revenge and not out of interest of the children. Anyway, Good luck to the children!


San Diego,

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2005

Couldn't any of these women see that there was something wrong with their husbands before going out and having so many children. At least you should have started reading the signs that he was a bitof a loser after the first or second child. 6 kids??? what the hell were you thinking??? A man typically does not go from wonderrful supportive hubby of 6 to deadbeat in the blink of an eye. Couldn't you see it prior to 6 children? Yes, I am aware I am being mean and calloussed, but I do hope other women out there with questionable husbands read this and learn. 4 kids....6 kids....what the hell is wrong with your brains??


C City,

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 28, 2005

Everyone who has trouble collecting support should give these guys a chance. My mother went years w/o child support because the courts couldn't get the job done! She contacted supportkids.com and within a short time, they had it all set up and a garnishment on my father's wages. They keep about 20% of each check for fees, but as my mom will tell you, 80% was better than the 0% she was getting! Good Luck! There are alternatives to the poor service of the courts!


Rhode Island,
Hate to tell you this but.............

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, July 28, 2005

You can't depend on childsupport payments to help support your kids. I know he is SUPPOSED to pay but if he is determined to avoid paying he will find a way. It is a fact of life that single mothers have to come to grips with. I only tell you this out of experience. I also have 4 children ages 14,12,10 and9(I am also getting ready to adopt 2 out of foster care, so I will have 6 total) My ex took off to avoid his childsupport payments of $320 weekly over 6 yrs ago. He owes over $100,000 at this point. I get no help from Child Support Enforcemnet (the governmental agency that is supposed to help you collect) I have been to two lawyers and have been told the same thing. "get on with your life, you'll never see a dime" The problem is, 75% of all child support orders go uncollected. There are so many men not paying child support that there are not enough governmental resources to chase them all down. They will concentrate on the ones they know they can make pay. The others just fall by the wayside. I was told this by a lawyer that used to work in Childsupport Enforcement. I managed (am still managing) and you will to. Be resourceful and find a way to support the kids on your own. This way if you get the child support, Great!, if not you don't have to worry about the kids going without.


Is he self employed?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 27, 2005

The problem with many of these deadbeat men, is many are self employed. With that said, it is impossible to garnish wages or prove what they make. If he is W2'd you should be able to get his wages garnished. If he is self employment you might get CSE to put a levy on his bank accounts. Also call the AG's office they might be able to issue a warrant for his arrest.


El Cajon,
You need a wage assignment order

#11Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 20, 2005

If you don't already have one, you should get a wage assignment order. Those are usually automatic in California divorce cases. If you don't have an attorney, contact the San Diego County Bar Association for a referral. They have a "modest means" program for low income households and you might also find an attorney willing to work on a contingent fee basis.


El Cajon,
You need a wage assignment order

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 20, 2005

If you don't already have one, you should get a wage assignment order. Those are usually automatic in California divorce cases. If you don't have an attorney, contact the San Diego County Bar Association for a referral. They have a "modest means" program for low income households and you might also find an attorney willing to work on a contingent fee basis.


El Cajon,
You need a wage assignment order

#13Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 20, 2005

If you don't already have one, you should get a wage assignment order. Those are usually automatic in California divorce cases. If you don't have an attorney, contact the San Diego County Bar Association for a referral. They have a "modest means" program for low income households and you might also find an attorney willing to work on a contingent fee basis.


La Canada,
So you know

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 13, 2005

So you know where he works why can't you go to the judge and get an levi on his wages?

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