  • Report:  #25283

Complaint Review: Michael Scott Gustafson aka Cornerstone Cremations or Precision Trade Group - Treasure Island Florida

Reported By:
- Angier, North Carolina,

Michael Scott Gustafson aka Cornerstone Cremations or Precision Trade Group
108th avenue Treasure Island, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Oh yes, another self centered irresponsible DEAD BEAT DAD!

Forgot his son's birthday on July 7th and never sent a card or any kind of gift!

Has arrearments from the first year + we were seperated pre-divorce that he owes... and has not paid child support since April of 2001!

He has sent two or three payments via PayPal on the internet for a hundred here or two hundred there.

BUT by our divorce decree he is suppose to pay $142.18 each week AND provide health insurance (which he never has) AND pay 1/2 of medical and dental expenses (which he never has). The children have over $3,000+ (just off the top of my head!) of medical expenses AND I have spent my own money monthly to provide health insurance for them.

He keeps giving me one excuse after another. He won't get a real job but keeps trying to start his own businesses. One excuse is he has to get his businesses started. Recently he spent a month in MICHIGAN tending to his sick mother (hey, I was sympathetic, but still no child support after he keeps promising!!!).


I have a court order for support but Florida Child Support Services close the case after Mike quit his job (and started working under the table for a company called Eye In The Sky out of Tampa Florida).

He has all kinds of business loans, car loans, cell phone, school loans etc but will not make his kids a priority!

Up until this summer I have let him have visitation when ever he pleases as long as it does not disturb the kids school schedule. BUT NOT ANY MORE!

As per our divorce he still has not taken the court ordered "Anger Management" classes or the "Children of Divorce" class!!!!

HE CAN TAKE MY a*s BACK TO COURT AND SPEND HIS MONEY ON ATTORNEY'S FEES before I ever let him see these kids again!!!!!!!!!

When I stopped getting support from the Clerk of the Court and had to CALL HIM and ask what was going on, and he said he 'lost' his job... I was sympathetic. I gave him an entire summer to get on his feet. BUT NOW A year + has gone by!

Additional address is 3700 37th Ave

Suite D

Pinellas Park, FL 33781



Angier, North Carolina

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