  • Report:  #1479259

Complaint Review: Mike Gallant from Tropical concepts landscaping and epoxy stone flooring systems - Princeville Hawaii

Reported By:
Kim - Princeville, United States

Mike Gallant from Tropical concepts landscaping and epoxy stone flooring systems
4179 Kamalani Ln Princeville Princeville, 96722 Hawaii, United States
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My husband and I just bought a second property in Hawaii some irrigation work needed to be done we meet Mike Gallant thru our agent we meet that day him and another company to come give us a quote. I really wanted to go with the other company that seems to be far more professional but my husband decided to give Mike Gallant the job has he claimed to be able to do A better job then “ theses youngs kids “ and for a better price he mentionned to my husband and told him how he could really use the money at that time and will do a GREAT JOB... 

Two job were performed

He told us that he will do the job in 3 days he asked me to pay him in advance I made a check of 1600 plus another of 1000 and 240 in cash

At first he asked me CASH only I said no sorry I don’t pay cash he told me that he was trying to not show income because of Fema And something else I beleive it was child support but I told him this has nothing to do with me so I gave him checks ( I already did not liked what I heard but was thinking this is none of my business so I just stayed out of it ) 

He told us that he needs to get parts before to start the job so he ask another 1500 to my husband my husband asked which parts and when he told him which ones my husband went online on Amazon and they were there for 1/3 of the price! My husband said don’t worry I am gonna take care of that as Amazon ships it to my door he did not even told him how come he tripled the price but I said to my husband this is a lot of red flags I don’t like it... 

he later on did the same thing with the trench tool rental from home depot which we only find out way after by being more curious when we went to home depot for other things 

The first day he went on property to work we saw him afterwards he had a huge black eye we asked what happened and he said nothing I hurt myself with my car door we said ok feel better. The very same day we received a call from a police officer letting us know they were a fight on our property and this was between mike gallant and one of his employee ( that he did not paid who got mad ) and drove thru our gate which broke it and cost us over 1000 to repair 

we told him why did he lied to us and this should never ever happened again! And he has to reimburse for the gate ( of course he said yes and never did ) He was apologetic so we figured we give him a pass 

I went inside my property and my bathroom was filty someone used it and made a mess block the toilette and I am gonna pass the details... I was furious and asked him who broke into our property and his response was sorry I told my employee not to he promised to clean it and went on missing for almost a week no way to reach him cell phone off 

we live in hawaii and it rain so the trench that was open was filled with water and mud and started to close it was a mess all over with dirt and water 

when we finnaly were able to reach him he had several excuses/lies to explain why he was gone and promise to come to do the job 

he actullaly did this for several mores weeks promissing to come and never did and when he did came one time he stayed for two hours was very agitated and told me I am gonna go grab lunch I will be back and never came back turn off his cell phone

I contacted my agent to tell him all about it and he applogies and told me he went thru the same thing with him he doesnt know what is going on with him lately but its really bad business that he is running the way he is doing it and that things said goes in one ear to the other so in other words no hope or regrets from this man 

my husband who is a very good man accepted to give him a last chance but this once again was a total waste 

we had witness that assisted to the whole thing

we have emails from him and text showing everything I am saying 

we have the checks that were paid to him ( as he claimed we never been a client of his to BBB lol I even have another 4000 that was paid to him for another job that he has done prior this one above and he even messed up there and increase his princing last minute when we had no choice but to add more money to it ) and this was paid tru escrow so he had no choice but to do the job and finish it before to get paid this is the only reason why we did not got burned on that first job! But on the second one with me paying full price before job done he had a lof of fun with it! 

and I have pictures of mess of the job botched and undone 

At this point I was sooo turned off by the whole thing I said this is it I am taking him to court 

he never showed up the court granted me the jugement I was able to levy his bank account and they were 2 dollars on it I was not surprised as he asked everything in cash and if a check he cashed it out right away 

he sold his car and poeple that we know claimed that he is homeless now he is pushing a cart but still is burning people he went to a irrigation store where he used to buy staff when he was “ normal “ and he burned the old lady for close to 1000 never paid her back 

she said he is done in Kauai

he still have his disguting fake tools in my garage that makes me want to vomit when I see them and needs to come pick them with but even that he doesnt do as he is sooo far out. 

He also lied to us saying he is LICENSED AND BOUNDED which is NOT TRUE I have emails from him claiming this to justify his price! 

I had to wait and fight for my invoices I had to drive and meet him at his house because he will hide and not want give it to them so be AWARE people he has the samming thing down to a science! 

All you will get for your money is 

headaches - lies - drama - more cost 

I have to hire 2 more companies to finish the job which cost me another 3000 + they felt very sorry when they saw the place and for the only two time he came he place valve on complete wrong direction and put cable of same color when you are supposed to put two different colors and the cables where not even the one to put for this kind of job so they had to redue the whole thing and they even asked me if he really was an irrigation guy!! 

I am a very good judge of character and just by his look weird agitated body behavior I could tell that something was off but I was not the one to judge or made a decision that day since my husband ask me to let him pick him as of today we still regret to put our trust in someone sooo Horrible

There is nothing I can do to get justice for me because he has no funds but what I can do it’s to stop him from burning more good people outhere since he is very good at it and using his children as a tool to make you want give him the job as “ he could really use the money “ but it’s not even for his children! I will not be surprise that he has an addiction of some sort and this also give us more compassion to a point where we saw it was all about scamming and no regrets then we draw the line! 

I have all documentations as I had to build a case so if he has the audacity to lie to you I am willing to share ALL OF IT! 

This is a high manipulator profil you must be careful. 



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