  • Report:  #1059459

Complaint Review: Mission Weimaraner Rescue - Rancho Palos Verdes California

Reported By:
15220 Via Barranca - 92570, California,

Mission Weimaraner Rescue
6120 Armaga Springs Road Rancho Palos Verdes, California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

This NON-PROFIT "rescue" was founded in February 2013 by Jant Taylor. She may believe that what she does is for the good of the dogs but she lies and deceives people to get the dogs she turns around and SELLS.

I was a foster home for her and helped her in countless ways until I fostered a litter of 2 puppies for her. They both had to be euthanized for distemper but the road to euthanasia was bitter and cruel. Janet abandoned the adoptive parent of one of the little girls and refused to give her adoption fees back as well as her Vet bills. A contract guaranteeing the puppies were not exposed to distemper and were guaranteed to be healthy had been presented and signed. They are now in litigation.  The other adoptive parent had to accept a male puppy in lieu of a female that he wanted and also is fighting for his vet bills.

As a volunteer she had me lying to people on Craigs list who were trying to rehome their dogs and puppies. She purchased litters of puppies at half price or less after flagging ads so much and so furiously that the pet owners had no choice but too cooperate with her as the ony one left to deal with. I went along with the lies fully believing what we were doing was for the good of the dogs. She even went so far as to pose as an adopter and drive to peoples homes with her personal Weimaraners in her vehicle so the sellers could MEET the dogs that would be sister and brother to their animal.

Janet is working under a 501C3 belonging to someone else that has been revoked. She is using this document to obtain discounts with veterinarians and to pull dogs from shelters. She simply has no morals.






5 Updates & Rebuttals


Mission Weimaraner Rescue

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2016

   I am completely surprised to read this compliant. I rescued my Weimaraner from Janet at MWR and in the years since, become a bit involved in her rescue efforts. My experiences are completely contrary to this rip off report. My home was well screened prior to the rescue. The dog was exactly as described (and now my best buddy ever!) My experiences fostering have been all above board: time of fostering exactly as agreed upon, veterinary hospital did not charge me for any treatment as there was already an agreement with Janet. Donations gone directly to where promised. Non-profit status was confirmed when we rescued, for my donation write-off. This woman works tirelessly to help animals in need, and has centered her life around these dogs. I feel I have to defend such a champion of dogs against this baseless accusation.

Animal Reporter

Manhattan Beach,
Need proof of 501c3  status

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 19, 2013

If this organization is really a 501(c)(3) non-profit, they should readily supply their EIN.  It's a matter of public record.  We did a search in the IRS database and on GuideStar and there is no listing for Mission Weimaraner Rescue.  So in our opinion, the original report has merit. 



#4Author of original report

Mon, June 17, 2013

 "The other adoptive parent had to accept a male puppy in lieu of a female that he wanted and also is fighting for his vet bills."

I want to CLARIFY the above sentence in my original complaint. To be fair, the second adoptive parent of one of the pups was not FORCED to take a male 

puppy. I did not mean to imply that. 

He did originally apply to adopt a female. When he had to return her to the Rescue because she was seizuring the very next day after he got her home, 

Janet did offer to get him another puppy. The only available option at the time was a male puppy. He agreed to accept a male even though originally he 

wanted a female. Had a female also been available, I am sure he would have taken her instead. I only meant he wasn't given that choice. He loves this 

dog and is very happy with him. 

He is now asking for reimbursement for his Veterinarian bills.

15220 Via Barranca


#5Author of original report

Mon, June 17, 2013

The very fact that Janet Taylor is badmouthing me and CLAIMING I stole dogs tells alot about her. I do not have to explain myself about the dogs I obtained,however, I will say that Janet went to owners on Craigs List claiming she was going to PERSONALLY adopt this dog, then handed her off to me the same day to foster. Yes, I fell in love so offered to adopt the dog. She wanted $350 one week after getting her for FREE from CL AND lying to the advertising owner to get her. I offered $200 which she wouldn't take so, I told her I would contact the original owner to let them know she got her dog under false pretenses and was now trying to SELL her through Rescue. Yes, there are two sides to every story. I do not deny I obtained  dogs through her but this is what led me to understand her deceptive practices.

I do not deny that Janet has a good heart with the dogs she gets. My complaint is HOW she gets them and the lies she tells. If she is legally 501C3 why can she not produce the paperwork when asked by multiple individuals. She simply blocks you from her Facebook comments.The paperwork she produced to my Veterinarian when the puppy I fostered was dying belonged to someone else and was revoked. Calls to the IRS proved that this particular 501C3 did not belong to her and was not valid. Can she produce proof of a current document? I will eat my words if she can. 

I do not dispute the fact that she places dogs in wonderful homes. I have never doubted that.. She is claiming a defense to something I never accused her of. All I am saying is that she is not to be trusted. She says the rescue pays money to get the dogs healthy and adoptable, true, but this is done through her FUNDRAISING. Now is that done legally with a valid 501C3? Unsure.

Regardless, on the table right now is a poor woman who put her trust in Janet to present her with a healthy puppy. By Janet's own admission the puppy had to have had the distemper when she obtained her by lying to the Los Angeles breeder.  The only Vet Bill she paid for was the actual euthanasia. There is a $450  adoption fee and hundreds of dollars in Vet bills that were incurred by this woman. Not to mention the trauma and anguish of having a little puppy screaming with seizures and immobility of the legs and other symptoms of the distemper, only to be abandoned by the owner of the very RESCUE she trusted. I know all of this for a fact as Janet dumped the other puppy on me going through the same exact symptoms, then had ME euthanize her because she "couldn't bring her into her home" with distemper. I was appalled and STILL cry and have nightmares.

Yes, Court shows are interested in the case. My hopes are that it DOES go televised nationally so her rescue can be exposed for what it is. Would be much better, though, and restore my faith, if Janet were to simply do what was right and pay the poor woman her adoption fee and her veterinary bills. Would really show character I think. None of this would have come to light had she done this in the first place. Nobody is harrassing her. Bitter??? You bet I am. I lived through a horrible experience with 2 tiny lives while Janet turned her back. Unstable?? Well, maybe, but I don't think so. I just speak up for what is right and just. There may be someone else in this who is unstable though. We'll let the judge decide.

Oh, and evryone now has my phone number so free to call me and I can tell you much more. For her to put my home address and information on a public site also tells alot about her character. Her phone number being on the form of the complaint was REQUIRED and is also public record anyway through her rescue. Shame on her.




Rancho Palos Verdes,
Deb is a Liar and a thief

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 17, 2013

This report was written by a woman who used to foster for Mission Weim Rescue  Of the handful of dogs she fostered, she STOLE 3 female Weimaraners (Maggie, Zooey and Tilly), she did not pay the adootion fees and claimed that she was "unable to give them up" . She now has twice as many dogs on her property than she is legally able to. In addition she stole property belonging to the rescue, refusing to return x-pens that were shipped to her when she was caring for puppies.

Her allegations that my rescue is not legitimate are 100% untrue. We are a legitimate 501c3. All dogs that we have rescued have been placed into homechecked, approved, WONDERFUL homes, and they are all living in condtions that are immensely better than they came from. Most of these dogs had previously been living outside and/or left alone for very long hours and in most cases were not spayed/neutered. They have all been altered and are happy, healthy and will have wonderful lives because of the intervention of rescue. In addition, Deb regularly sent ME listings of dogs on Craigslist, begging us to help them, some of which we chose to help, and she actually contacted the families and drove to pick the dogs up herself. One of these dogs required surgery to remove multiple tumors, the rescue paid over $1,000 in vet bills to get him healthy and ready for adoption.

There IS pending litigation, a woman who filed a small claims action against me, and the allegations are so ridiculous that the pending case has attracted the attention of both the Judge Judy show and the Judge Mathis show. The producer I have spoken with is very eager to put this case on his show, and I have agreed to proceed with going on televsion with this case, although it appears as though the woman who filed the action is afraid to go on TV, most likely knowing that her allegations are unfounded and absurd. In addition, I offered to refund this womans adoption fee, she refused to accept it, AND I paid some of the veterinary bills.  So there is more than one side to this story and I would LOVE to be able to tell my side on national television.

Mission Weimaraner Rescue has helped many dogs with extreme medical needs, including a puppy rescued from a backyard breeder who needed immediate surgery to repair a severe heart murmer. He is now 7 months old and thriving, but would have died without this surgery. We also recently took in a 10 year old female from the So Central LA shelter who was covered in tumors. She has had surgery and is now cancer free, and she will be available for adoption next week. There are countless other dogs we have helped, and all dogs are spayed/neutered, as our MISSION is to try to eliminate backyard breeding of Weimaraners in the So Cal area.

I am sorry to have ever become involved with this bitter, unstable woman. She is harassing me and the rescue I have worked so hard to establish. WE do good work. She does nothing but cause problems.


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