  • Report:  #3225

Complaint Review: Mitsubishi Motor Co - Nationwide

Reported By:

Mitsubishi Motor Co
Nationwide, U.S.A.
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the 1994 Mitsubishi montero SR engine has as innate defect...the butterfly valves on the plenum are supported by plastic bushings. Due to the inferior strength of the plastic, the butterfly assembly comes loose, and eventually self destructs. Due to the critical location of the butterfly assembly,parts fall directly into the engine. To make matters worse, is dealing with Mitsubishi!!! To repair this damage caused by this engineering blunder, is nearly impossible. To find a replacement engine IS impossible. Mitsubishi does not offer an assembled replacement engine. What they do offer is an engine that is sold piece by piece(therefore making you pay premium prices for each individual componet.) The end result, a $8,000 bill. Mitsubishi is aware on this problem, they no longer make this type of engine.They have little or NO concern for Montero owners. They took our money and ran a long time ago. Phone calls to the co have been futile. Customer Service is neither helpful, or friendly, if fact quite rude. If you own a Montero, I would suggest have the plenum replaced !!!

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